Newsletter 2013-2 November 14, 2013

Second Rohlf Medal Awarded
The F. James Rohlf medal was established by family and friends to honor achievements in the field of geometric morphometrics, a new class of statistical and graphical methods for the analysis of form. The second medal was
awarded recently to Prof. Paul O'Higgins of the University of York and he presented a Provost's Lecture to the University on 24 October. Professor O'Higgins' principal interests concern the links between skeletal morphological variation, phylogeny, function and ontogeny. His earliest work concerned the post natal growth of the skull and spine in mice and apes.   More here.

E&E to Participate in Genomics Cluster Hire

Stony Brook University announced last Spring a second round of cluster hires, decided through a campus-wide competition. A recent decision will bring three positions to Stony Brook in the general field of genomics, one awarded to Ecology and Evolution, and two more awarded to the School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, and two others awarded to Computer Science and the School of Medicine. A general advertisement will soon be circulated, with a concentration of plant genomics for the E&E position. 

Ross Nehm
Ross Nehm Co-PI on NSF Education Grant with Six Universities

Stony Brook University is one of six recipients of a $5 million grant from the Transforming Undergraduate Education in STEM program at the National Science Foundation (NSF) to develop tools that will change the way STEM students are assessed. The five-year grant, which will help catalyze the national movement to better test and evaluate the knowledge, abilities, performance and competence of STEM students, is one of the largest science education grants ever awarded. Ross Nehm recently joined the E&E Faculty as a specialist in STEM education and a special interest in evolution. He is also part of the new University effort in training science educators. Learn More

A Time for Giving
Alumni we hope you remember how important an early financial boost was in your graduate research. Generations of E&E graduate students got a start from grant funds, especially from a series of research funds that honor the founders of our Department. Can you help our current students, who are as excellent as you were and still have pressing needs to get that crucial startup that will get them that crucial set of supplies, travel to far flung but important field sites, and so many other needs? Your successors are still doing well in getting grants, Dissertation Improvement grants, etc., but we still are ever needy of funds to boost their starting careers. So......please give this season! It is tax deductible, uplifting, and will remind you of your own past days of research beginnings. This of course is also directed to our current E&E community. Please give generously!

Give to the Lawrence Slobodkin Fund for Ecological Research. Donate Now at this Link
Give to the George Williams Fund for Student Research. Donate Now
Give to Ecology and Evolution Award for Student Excellence. Donate Now

How much? Suggested donations. Full professors: >= $200, Associate Professors: >= $100, Assistant Professors and Postdocs: >= $50 Please get used to giving annually. We need your help. Thanks so much!!

Doug Futuyma receiving honorary degree in Mongolia
Recent Honors

Three E&E graduate students, Emily Herestof, Ben Weinstein, and Laurel Yohe  were awarded National Science Foundation predoctoral fellowships. Walt Eanes and Lev Ginzburg were named AAAS Fellows recently. Liliana Davalos and Jeff Levinton were named National Academies Education Fellows in the Life Sciences. Jessica Gurevitch was named a Fellow of the Ecological Society of America. Heather Lynch was awarded an N.S.F. 5-year Career Development Award. Doug Futuyma received an Honorary Doctoral degree from the National University of Mongolia in May, when he visited the University in appreciation of the translation of his textbook (Evolution) into Mongolian. He also received the Joseph Leidy medal from the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia. Past winners include E.O. Wilson and Dan Janzen.

Contacts: Chair Walt Eanes [email protected], Graduate Program Director Resit Ak�akaya [email protected] or
the Newsletter Editor, Jeff Levinton [email protected]


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