
Heather Lynch
An influx of new faculty
New colleagues bring important new fields of study and invigorate our strengths. Stony Brook is in a period of expansion. This includes our initiative to hire an external department Chair (see below!), an interdepartmental program in Human Evolution, which has brought four faculty to us and the Anthropology Department, and more!.  More here on profiles of new faculty.

Beloved E&E Alumni, we seek advice in our external search for a Department Chair

For the first time in our history, Ecology and Evolution at Stony Brook is seeking a chair from outside Stony Brook University. As most of you know, this is a difficult endeavor and we need a maximum of input to succeed. Can you recommend good candidates to us? Including yourself, perhaps? We are very open to "out of the box" suggestions. Please send your ideas to Doug Futuyma, the Search Committee Chair.  Learn More - Here is the job advertisement

Bob Sokal at opening of Sokal Reading Room at Stony Brook, 2011
Losing Bob and Julie

This past year we lost two of our dearest. Bob Sokal passed away and then Julie followed him a few months later. We contemplated the many intellectual contributions Bob gave to us and the world, including helping to form our department. We remembered Bob in accounts of his academic career and at a one-day memorial at Stony Brook last November. Then, we lost Julie, and the same friends gathered to remember this person who was so important to Bob and family but also to the rest of us. More here.

Contacts: Chair Walt Eanes [email protected], Graduate Program Director Resit Ak�akaya [email protected] or
the Newsletter Editor, Jeff Levinton [email protected]


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