May 28, 2015

News from Global Authorities 
Today's top headlines from around the world. 
The Competition and Markets Authority now has the power to make written recommendations to ministers on how legislative plans could impact on competition in UK markets.
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Economic Insights
Comments to the U.S. Sentencing Commission Concerning Antitrust Fines
Robert H. Lande (University of Baltimore) & Albert Foer (American Antitrust Institute)
This Comment was submitted to the US Sentencing Commission on behalf of the American Antitrust Institute. It makes three important points, all of which concern the US Sentencing Commission's Antitrust Guidelines' cartel overcharge presumption.
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Antitrust Buzz 
Fay Zhou, Xi Liao & Christoph Barth
Enforcement activity at the intersection of antitrust and intellectual property ("IP") rights is one of the hot topics these days and heavily debated among practitioners and industry participants in the US and EU.
In Case You Missed It
The Best of Yesterday's News


Courtroom Rulings

Milan court bans UberPop app across Italy

Mergers and Acquisitions

Samsung to consolidate in mega merger

Mergers and Acquisitions

Reynolds-Lorillard tobacco merger cleared by FTC 

Mergers Rejections

General Motors rejects Fiat Chryslers merger proposal

From The Archives
Bruce Lyons
I focus in this paper on institutional change and decision making in the new CMA. There are also other important changes to U.K. competition law, including the removal of "dishonesty" as a requirement for the criminal offense in cartels-it will be replaced by appropriate publication of detailed arrangements as a defense.
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