Climate Mitigation and Adaptation News
March 9, 2016
A biweekly newsletter of the Climate Readiness Collaborative
Thank you to everyone who attended our Quarterly Meeting on flood risk last week - just in time for a major atmospheric river to roll through and bring some much-needed rainfall as well as snow accumulation to northern California. We hope you enjoyed the event and would greatly appreciate it if you could take a few minutes to provide feedback.
We would also like to take this opportunity to welcome our newest member, AECOM, to the Climate Readiness Collaborative.
The Call for Session Proposals is open for the 2nd California Adaptation Forum, to be held September 7-8, 2016 in Long Beach, CA. Forum organizers are looking for dynamic and engaging session proposals that help to galvanize commitment and catalyze action among adaptation leaders throughout California. Submit your proposal here.
Major U.S. cities commit to green municipal fleets |
Sacramento, San Diego, Atlanta, and five other cities launched the Energy Secure Cities Coalition, dedicated to phasing out petroleum-fueled vehicles in favor of those using alternative fuels. The coalition's goal is to expand to at least 25 cities that will replace 50,000 conventional vehicles from the road. ( Link)
Managing reservoirs to balance water storage and flood prevention |
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Photo: Lauren Sommer - KQED Science
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Early this February, Folsom Lake reached a critical threshold: 60 percent full, which is the maximum reservoir level allowed in winter to maintain sufficient capacity for flood protection during major storms. As a result, Folsom and other California reservoirs have been releasing water downstream, despite California's drought conditions. More precise weather forecasting can allow reservoirs to remain fuller while providing three to five days of advance warning for the excess water to be released. This dynamic flood-management system is currently being pioneered at Lake Mendocino and the Sonoma County Water Agency, but the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is considering adopting it at Folsom as well. ( KQED)
Decline of pollinators threaten global food supply |
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Photo: Adrees Latif/Reuters
Without an international effort, increasing numbers of pollinators will face extinction, jeopardizing fruits, vegetables, and some nuts that account for 35% of global agricultural production worth $577 billion. Pollinators include not only 20,000 species of wild bees, but also butterflies, other insects, bats, and birds, including hummingbirds. Many species are under threat from a complex combination of aggressive agriculture; the loss of wildflowers; pesticides, parasites, and pathogens; and climate change, which will alter the territories of plants and pollinators and the timing of flowering. ( NY Times)
More than half a million could die as climate change alters diets |
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Photo: Alamy
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Climate impacts on agriculture may lead to an additional 500,000 premature deaths globally by 2050 by making diets less healthy. Fruit and vegetable supply, which are vital in curbing heart disease, strokes, and diet-based cancers, could decrease by 4 percent, making climate change worse for public health than expected. Reductions in obesity in wealth countries will avoid diet-related deaths, but reduction in total food supply will lead to increased deaths from hunger, especially in India and China. ( Guardian)
Boosting soil moisture can help increase crop yield in face of climate change
By scaling up simple, existing water management tools such as drip irrigation and mulching, farmers across the globe could increase crop production by 41 percent and cut down the water-related yield gap by 62 percent. The large-scale modeling shows that even big business and industrialized agriculture, not just smallholder farmers, will benefit, with some of the highest potential in the western US. Practices like organic or plastic mulching, conservation tillage, and building micro-basins can help to prevent runoff, increase soil water infiltration, and reduce evaporative water loss from soil. ( Link)
How will Native Americans in the Southwest adapt to climate change?
|  | Photo: Michael Weber/imageBroker/Corbis |
Around the world, indigenous populations are among the most vulnerable to climate change, andthat holds true for the U.S. as well. Native Americans in the Southwest face unique adaptation challenges due to a complex system of land ownership and lack of water access. However, Native Americans can also provide a rich source of traditional knowledge. In California, the Forest Service is working with tribal members to reinstitute traditional burning practices for better fire and land management. Scientists are working with native communities to draw on their knowledge and develop adaptation strategies for the future. ( Smithsonian)
Natural Resources Agency Releases Plan to Guide the State's Climate Change Adaptation |
Following the Governor's executive order last year establishing the most ambitious greenhouse gas reduction target in North America, the Natural Resources Agency today released a final plan for how California will prepare for the extreme effects of climate change, including increasingly extreme weather and sea level rise. The final "Safeguarding California: Implementation Action Plans" report is available at www.resources.ca.gov/climate/safeguarding/
The Business Case for Sustainable Corporate Adaptation |
Responsible corporate adaptation encompasses adaptation strategies, actions and partnerships that at the same time create shared resilience benefits for the communities and ecosystems in which businesses operate. This new publication from Caring for Climate shows that when companies take action to support and empower the communities they depend on, they also reap the benefits. ( 427)
From Agreement to Action: Mobilizing supplies toward a climate resilient world |
CDP collected information from over 4,000 global suppliers to highlight levels of supplier activity to address climate change and to identify opportunities for suppliers and purchasers to take additional action to reduce risks and build climate resilience. While over 70% of suppliers recognized their climate risks, only about half are implementing any climate risk management strategies. Even fewer suppliers are measuring and managing their water-related risks, even though this can be one of the most critical climate risks. ( CDP)
Assess Vulnerability of California's Transportation Fuel Sector |
This opportunity will fund research that provide an initial assessment of the vulnerability of California's transportation fuel sector to current and projected extreme weather events, in close collaboration with petroleum sector stakeholders, to identify resilience options, implementation strategies, and priorities for further investigation. Deadline: March 18, 3pm. ( More information)
Cap and Trade: Affordable Housing and Sustainability Program (AHSC) |
The AHSC Program will fund projects that will achieve GHG emissions reductions and benefit disadvantaged communities by supporting compact, infill growth patterns, encouraging active transportation and transit usage, and protecting agricultural land from sprawl development. Concept proposals are due by March 16, at 5pm. ( SGC)
Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Wetland Mitigation Banking Program |
Wetland mitigation banking is a market-based approach that involves restoring, creating, or enhancing wetlands in one place to compensate for unavoidable impacts to wetlands at another location. The NRCS will provide awards of up to $1 million each to help partners develop, operate, and manage wetlands mitigation banks. NRCS is prioritizing funding to locations with a significant amount of wetland compliance requests, including the California Vernal Pool Region. Deadline: March 28, 5pm EST. ( Grants.gov)
Transit and Intercity Rail Capital Program Grants |
The California State Transportation Agency is now accepting applications for Transit and Intercity Rail Capital Program Grants for projects that make important investments in California's transportation system or modernize and integrate the state's transit and rail systems to increase ridership and reduce GHG emissions. Applications are due April 5. ( CalSTA)
Drought Resiliency Project Grants |
States, tribes, irrigation districts, water districts, and other organizations with water or power delivery authority are invited to leverage their money and resources by cost sharing with the Bureau of Reclamation on Drought Resiliency projects that will increase the reliability of water supply; improve water management; implement systems to facilitate the voluntary sale, transfer, or exchange of water; and provide benefits for fish, wildlife, and the environment to mitigate impacts caused by drought. Applications are due April 11, 2016. ( Grants.gov)
Cap and Trade: Sustainable Agricultural Lands Conservation Program (SALCP) |
The SALCP is accepting applications for $40 million in grants to fund the purchase of agricultural conservation easements development of agricultural land strategy plans, and other mechanisms that result in GHG reductions and a more resilient agricultural sector. Deadline: May 2. ( Department of Conservation)
FEMA: Pre-Disaster Mitigation and Flood Mitigation Assistance Grants |
The Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) program provides funds for hazard mitigation planning and the implementation of mitigation projects for the purpose of reducing overall risk to the population and structures, while at the same time also reducing reliance on federal funding from actual disaster declarations. The Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) program provides funds so that measures can be taken to reduce or eliminate risk of flood damage to buildings insured under the National Flood Insurance Program. Deadline: June 15. ( Link)
Webinar: How to engage people of faith on climate Thursday, March 10, 8am |
Last year there was a surge in action on climate change from faith groups - and with more than 8 in 10 people worldwide identifying with a faith, we need to keep that momentum going. This new guide, produced in partnership with international interfaith group GreenFaith, is based on pioneering international social research. It not only presents language that works with each of the world's five main faith groups (Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism) but also language that works across faiths - and language that doesn't. ( COIN)
UC Davis and Nature Conservancy: Natural Climate Solutions Symposium
Thursday, March 10, 8am-5pm
Elks Tower, 921 11th St. #210, Sacramento
Presented by The Nature Conservancy and the UC Davis Policy Institute for Energy, Environment, and the Economy, this symposium will engage in a discussion with government officials, scientists, and other experts regarding how California's natural and working lands may be managed and conserved to optimize climate and other public benefits in support of the state's goal to reduce GHG emissions and foster a more resilient California. Speakers include Fran Pavely and Mary Nichols. ( Register)
Webinar: New Data Tools for Supporting Analysis of Equitable Development and Environmental Justice
Friday, March 11, 10-11.30am PST
Analytical tools can give communities rich and accessible information for supporting local goals for environmental protection and equitable development. This webinar will cover two of these tools: EPA's EJSCREEN, an environmental justice screening and mapping tool; and the National Equity Atlas, a comprehensive data resource to track, measure, and make the case for inclusive growth. The webinar will discuss how these tools have been used in real-world scenarios to advance equity in local and regional development practices. ( Register - use "EPA" for Division/Chapter if you are not an APA member)
California Arbor Week and National Arbor Day
The Sacramento Tree Foundation and partners are hosting various events to celebrate California Arbor Week and National Arbor Day. Join California Arbor Week tree plantings and other celebrations at Roseville (March 11), Plumas Lake (March 12), Davis (March 12), Woodland (March 19), and more. ( Link)
Webinar: Climate change adaptation & wastewater infrastructure challenges
Wednesday, March 16, 10am PST
This webinar will address the considerations and challenges of water and wastewater utilities and infrastructure resilience in various coastal regions. A panel of subject experts and state and local governments will share their perspectives and experiences. ( AWRA)
Placer County Business Resiliency Workshop #1
Thursday, March 17, 7.30-11am
270 Technology Way, Rocklin
Some 25-40 percent of small businesses never reopen after a major disaster, and 57 percent of businesses have no disaster recovery plan. Don't let your business be a statistic! Invest in its future on Thursday, March 17, and disaster-proof your business. ( Register)
Growing Investments in California's Urban Forests Workshop
Thursday, March 17, 8am-noon
West Sacramento Community Center, 1075 West Capitol Ave., West Sacramento
The California Urban Forestry Council is highlighting successful outcomes in programs and projects funded through CalFire's Urban and Community Forestry program. Staff from the Sacramento Tree Foundation, City of Roseville, City of West Sacramento, and Tree Davis will deliver regional presentations on successful partnerships, management plans, planting projects, mapping, and more. CalFire will also provide a funding update. ( Register)
California Infrastructure Symposium
Friday, March 18
Sheraton Grand Sacramento
An event for engineers, public agencies, and contractors on major infrastructure projects and legislative initiatives. Tracks include flood control, infrastructure resilience, intercity and commuter rail, with a focus on Sacramento-specific topics. ( Register)
Webinar: State Climate Policy in 2016: What It Means for the Sierra
Monday, March 21, 11am-noon PDT
Join this Sierra CAMP webinar to better understand the 2016 state policy landscape around climate change and how it could affect the Sierra. Led by Sierra Business Council's Government Affairs Director, Kerri Timmer, this webinar will touch on cap-and-trade funding, Proposition 1, climate adaptation, energy, forestry and more. ( Register)
Webinar: Importance of Traditional Ecological Knowledge in Adaptation Planning
Wednesday, March 23, 10-11am PDT
Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) is knowledge and experiences passed on by indigenous and local peoples over many years through personal local connections to the changing environment. This National Adaptation Forum webinar will focus on the importance and role of TEK in adaptation planning at the local, regional, and national level. ( Register)
2016 POCACITO in Germany Application Application Due - March 27 |
Ecologic Institute invites you to apply to take a trip to Germany as part of the upcoming 2016 POCACITO in Germany program to explore first hand how German cities are transitioning to become post-carbon cities. Participants from city and regional authorities, city planners and civil society actors will have the unique opportunity to directly engage with their German professional counterparts and build a US-German network to promote sustainable city energy transition through international exchange. The program will take place from 18-24 June 2016. Submit your application by March 27, 2016. (More Information)
California Adaptation Forum - Call for Session Proposals Open Proposal Deadline: April 3 |
The Local Government Commission, in partnership with the State of California, is conducing a formal Call for Session Proposals for the 2nd California Adaptation Forum to be held September 7-8, 2016 in Long Beach, CA. Forum organizers are looking for dynamic and engaging session proposals that help to galvanize commitment and catalyze action among adaptation leaders throughout California.
The two-day event will be the premier convening for a multi-disciplinary group of 1,000+ decision-makers, leaders and advocates to discuss, debate and consider how we can most effectively respond to the impacts of climate change. Submit a proposal today! |
Water and Fire: Impacts of Climate Change April 10-11 |
On April 10-11, The Institute on Science for Global Policy (ISGP) and Sacramento State are hosting a conference on campus - Water and Fire: Impacts of Climate Change. We are bringing together recognized experts and community members from the spectrum of scientific and policy views, and facilitating debates and caucus sessions to build consensus around actionable next steps that will help our state adapt to climate change. The conference is free - please register at www.waterandfire2016.com; call 520-343-8181 to be mailed a registration; or contact us at waterandfire2016info@gmail.com. |
About the Capital Region Climate Readiness Collaborative
The Capital Region Climate Readiness Collaborative is a membership based collaborative network designed to promote greater climate change resilience planning coordination in the six-county Sacramento Region. The purpose of this collaborative network is to create a forum where leaders from government, academia, environmental and community groups, the business community, and labor can come together to exchange information, identify vulnerabilities and data gaps, leverage resources, and advance comprehensive solutions in an effort to create stronger, sustainable, and economically viable communities in the Sacramento Region. If you are interested in learning more about the Climate Readiness Collaborative, joining the Collaborative, or being added to the list serve, visit: www.climatereadiness.info/