Climate Mitigation and Adaptation News
December 2, 2015
A biweekly newsletter of the Climate Readiness Collaborative
Just two weeks after the horrific terrorist attacks of November 13, Fran�ois Hollande, President of France, welcomed over 150 heads of state to the 21st Conference of the Parties in Paris to agree on a global deal to limit climate change. "What greater rejection for those who would tear down our world than marshalling our best efforts to save it?" said President Barack Obama. With so far 183 out of 195 countries submitting pledges to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, this does appear to be our best effort yet. In the opening plenary, leader after leader took the podium to affirm the urgency of climate mitigation and adaptation. "In the face of adversity, in the face of threats of many kinds, Paris must be where the world unites as one," said Christiana Figueres, the head of the UNFCCC. "Paris must be where we show that we are capable in solidarity with one another ... to collectively commit ourselves for the common good to global safety and for enduring wellbeing for all."
Why a climate deal is the best hope for peace |
It makes little sense to allow the Paris attacks to minimize our already inadequate climate commitments. Rather, this tragedy should inspire the opposite reaction: an urgent push to lower emissions as rapidly and deeply as possible, including strong support for developing countries to leapfrog to renewable energy, creating much-needed jobs and economic opportunities in the process. Bold climate transition is our only hope of preventing a future in which large areas of the Middle East will, by the end of the century, "experience temperature levels that are intolerable to humans." (New Yorker)
The state of the planet - in graphics |
The world is already 0.75�C warmer than it was before the Industrial Revolution. The Economist lays out several simple graphics to help illustrate how our climate has changed in the run up to the critically important COP21 in Paris. (The Economist)
A short guide to the climate negotiations in Paris |
Who's going? What's at stake? What must be decided at the negotiating table? (Guardian)
Major countries and businesses pledge $20 billion for green energy research |
The US and 19 other countries have pledged to double funds for clean energy research to a total of$20 billion over five years, increasing the prospects for successful agreement at COP21. The countries include the UK, Canada, China, Brazil, India, and South Africa. Tech and business leaders, including Bill Gates, George Soros, Meg Whitman and Mark Zuckerberg, Germany's Hasso Plattner, India's Ratan Tata and China's Jack Ma, will also pledge to take on additional investment risks to bring environmental technologies coming out of scientific research to the marketplace. (Guardian)
How global cities might look with sea-level rise
With 4�C of climate change, sea-level rise may swallow up many of our most iconic cities and landmarks around the world. Here, images compare how London, Shanghai, New York City, Rio, and Mumbai might fare under business as usual and a sharp transition to clean energy (2�C of warming). (Climate Central; see more of their research on sea-level rise)
Why sociologists should play a bigger role in climate policy
Radiative forcing and atmospheric modeling are the domain of physical science, but sociologists believe that they can make important contributions to climate policy through their expertise on social movements, large-scale institutional processes at the level of world systems and corporations, and cultural behaviors and belief systems that drive individual actions. (Inside Climate News)
Wealthy nations agree to slash exports subsidies for coal-fired plants
After a concerted push from the United States, OECD member nations agreed to eliminate export credits for the least efficient coal plants, marking a major negotiating success for the Obama administration in the run-up to U.N. climate talks. OECD countries play a major role in bringing coal plants online worldwide, and the new rules would cut off public financing for up to 85 percent of plants currently in the pipeline. Export credits would continue to be provided for coal plants using ultra supercritical technology as well as less-efficient plants in the poorest countries, including India, the Philippines, and most of Africa. (Washington Post)
California housing development move from golf courses to urban farms
Developers who have been offering golf courses and swimming pools say that customers are now looking for neighborhoods with urban farms. One of the newest examples is the Cannery in Davis, which offers a 7.5-acre farm alongside homes ranging from $400,000 to $1 million, 10 miles of bike paths, and plenty of open space. The farm, which will be run by the Center for Land-Based Learning, helped to make the project more attractive to city officials, and aims to become a self-sustaining business over time. (KQED)
Building for resilience makes (good business) sense
Photo: Steinkamp Photography
Building for resilience follows emerging best practices in land use, design, and construction to protect buildings - and their inhabitants - from climate risks. The Urban Land Institute report, Returns on Resilience: The Business Case offers ten case studies of projects that have adopted this approach successfully around the U.S. As the examples show, projects built and maintained with resilience in mind enjoy greater marketing, sales, and leasing success. They also benefit from better financing options, more competitive insurance rates, greater long-term savings on maintenance, and higher overall value compared to more vulnerable properties. (Planetizen)
Let's Talk Climate: Messages to Motivate Americans |
This new report from ecoAmerica delivers market-tested messages on climate solutions designed to engage Americans across political and demographic groups. The project employs qualitative and quantitative research methods to test specific words, phrases, and narratives that link climate change to mainstream American values and concerns. The report also includes tips for application, what to avoid, and specific language tailored for people in communities, health, faith, higher education, and business. (Webinar, Report)
Environmental Justice Small Grants and Funding Opportunities |
The California Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Justice Small Grants are available to help eligible non-profit community groups / organizations and federally recognized Tribal governments address environmental justice issues in areas disproportionately affected by environmental pollution and hazards. Applications due January 22, 2016. (CalEPA)
EPA: Environmental Justice Collaborative Problem-Solving Grants |
This program encourages local, community-based organizations to address environmental or public health concerns within their community and to collaborate with other stakeholders to achieve effective solutions. Cooperative agreements will be awarded to local community-based organizations. One award will be made per EPA region in amounts up to $120,000 for a two-year project. Proposals are due by February 12, 2016. (Learn more)
Year of Public Service and Government Leadership for Scientists |
Applications for the 2017 Call of the CCST Science & Technology Policy Fellowship opens on Tuesday, December 1st. CCST plays a unique role in Sacramento: connecting the Executive Branch and the State Legislature with clearly communicated science from a trusted, impartial network of scientists and engineers. Unique to CCST is the Science & Technology Policy Fellowship program, which enlists scientists and engineers for a year of public service and government leadership training working as staff in the California State Legislature. (Link)
Call for Clean Air Champions! |
Breathe California of Sacramento-Emigrant Trails is looking for candidates for their 40th Anniversary Clean Air Awards. The nominations period is now live with a deadline of January 31st. Visit www.sacbreathe.org and complete the online form to submit a nomination. Honors will be awarded in three subcategories: sustainability, leadership and innovative strategy.
Position Available: Sustainability Coordinator, Contra Costa County |
The Sustainability Coordinator is a management position assigned to the merit-system classification of Principal Planner-Level A in the Department of Conservation and Development (DCD). Under general direction, the Sustainability Coordinator plans, organizes and coordinates the implementation of the County's Sustainability Activities including its Climate Action Plan, energy efficiency programs, and other sustainability efforts and initiatives. (Learn More)
Webinar: SB 350 and AB 802: Impacts and Implications for Local Governments
Thursday, December 3, 12:30-1:30pm
Join the Statewide Energy Efficiency Collaborative for a webinar on SB 350 and AB 802 (energy efficiency), featuring CEC Commissioner Andrew McAllister and Commissioner David Hochschild. Participants will have the opportunity to learn about how these laws fit in with the State's overall energy goals and how they will impact local government. (Register)
Governing: California Leadership Forum
Tuesday, December 8, 2015, Sheraton Grand Hotel, Sacramento
Governing's annual California Leadership Forum is a premier gathering for state and local officials to network with peers, learn from experts, and be inspired. The dynamic program will provide innovative leadership development and management techniques, new technology solutions, strategic skills, and more. Civic innovators, change agents, and thought leaders will share their ideas and vision for California's future. Topics include future-ready financing, resilient communities, job creation, infrastructure financing, and more. (Register)
Climate Change Compact of Yolo County
Friday, December 11, 9-11am
2nd Floor Conference Room, UC Davis Conference Center
UC Davis Professor Emeritus Andrew Frank and Catherine J. DeMauro will discuss how plug-in hybrid electric vehicles can help transition society seamlessly and profitably from fossil fuels to 100% renewable energy. Sid England, Assistant Vice Chancellor of Environmental Stewardship and Sustainability will trace UC Davis' efforts on sustainability, energy efficiency, and development of renewable energy.
Cleaner Air Partnership Quarterly Luncheon
Friday, December 11, 11.30am-1.30pm
CAP luncheons are an opportunity to gather with representatives from local government, business, health, and environmental communities to hear about important air quality topics affecting our region. Brendan Twohig will provide a high level overview of Cap-and-Trade appropriations. Bill Magavern, from the Coalition for Clean Air, will discuss SB 32 and SB 350, budgets, and other key bills. We'll also look ahead with some informed speculation on hot issues and themes for 2016, including a highlight of important California Air Resources Board activities (e.g., Cap-and-Trade Auction Proceeds Second Investment Plan; Scoping Plan Update to reflect the 2030 Target; and the Sustainable Freight Action Plan). (Register)
Second Annual California Multi-Agency Update on Vehicle-Grid Integration Research
Monday, December 14, 9am
California Energy Commission, 1516 Ninth St., Sacramento
The CEC will conduct a public workshop with CAISO, the CPUC, and other organizations to review the progress of research called for in the California Vehicle-Grid Integration Roadmap as part of the Governor's Zero-Emission Vehicle Action Plan. The workshop will provide updates on the progress of technical vehicle-grid integration research, the current progress of diverse vehicle-grid integration research and demonstration projects, provide fleet operator input on grid services and electric vehicle adoption, and solicit stakeholder feedback. (Link)
Webinar: Launch of Smart Growth America's (Re)Building Downtown
December 14, 10-11am
(Re)Building Downtown: A Guidebook for Revitalization is a new guide designed to be used by communities of all sizes to bring people and businesses back to downtown. Reinvesting in downtown can expand economic opportunity, create a culture of engagement among residents, and make your city stand out within the region. It is also an opportunity to improve how your community achieves the triple-bottom line goals of equity, economy, and environment. (Register)
Registration for New Partners for Smart Growth is now open!
February 11-13, 2016, Portland, Oregon
The 15th Annual New Partners for Smart Growth Conference will focus on practical tools and innovative strategies for creating great communities, and will include more than 80 plenaries, breakouts, focused trainings, experiential learning opportunities, and implementation workshops. Climate change-related topics include regional collaboration (featuring the CRC and ARCCA), green infrastructure, integration with hazard mitigation planning, community solar, and more. Early-bird rates are available through December 4th. ( Register)
The Business of Local Energy Symposium
March 4, 2016, San Jose, CA
The Center for Climate Protection, the Local Government Commission and the Local Government Sustainable Energy Coalition is organizing an all-day symposium to accelerate California's shift to a clean energy economy, driven by local government and business. The Symposium provides a forum to exchange ideas about Community Choice Energy programs, and to learn about current energy policy, regulations, markets, and technology. Help accelerate the wave of local renewables sweeping California. Please join us on March 4, 2016 in San Jose for the Business of Local Energy Symposium. ( RSVP)
About the Capital Region Climate Readiness Collaborative
The Capital Region Climate Readiness Collaborative is a membership based collaborative network designed to promote greater climate change resilience planning coordination in the six-county Sacramento Region. The purpose of this collaborative network is to create a forum where leaders from government, academia, environmental and community groups, the business community, and labor can come together to exchange information, identify vulnerabilities and data gaps, leverage resources, and advance comprehensive solutions in an effort to create stronger, sustainable, and economically viable communities in the Sacramento Region. If you are interested in learning more about the Climate Readiness Collaborative, joining the Collaborative, or being added to the list serve, visit: www.climatereadiness.info/