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New Year, New You.  Here's to an UnRefined  Healthier you in 2014!

January 2014
Whether your mission is to lose weight or just get healthy, eating the right foods can be your fastest and most effective tool.  Exercise is great but good food and lifestyle balance are the other 90% of the healthy equation.  It is January, so a few articles on weight loss are expected by my audience.  Just remember excess weight is a symptom of imbalance.  While weight loss is an admirable goal, fixing what's causing the imbalance is the only way to sustain healthy weight.

Overcoming 4 Obstacles to Weight Loss

As we enter the New Year, millions of Americans will make the resolution to lose weight and become healthy. Unfortunately, many will struggle to meet their weight loss goals. There are numerous physiological factors that contribute to weight management, and many imbalances can significantly impair weight loss.  Overcome the  4 most common obstacles frequently overlooked when it comes to successful weight management.  Read More

23 Health Tips for a Cold Winter

Eating in season fruits and vegetables maintains your focus on naturally warming foods during the cold winter months.  These soothe the body and nourish your immune system.  Focus on cooked vegetables over raw combined with healthy spices.  Minimize the allergen aggravators including: Wheat, corn, processed dairy, and soy.  Read all 23


Take the Super Food Challenge

Want to see change and fast?  Adding super foods to your diet can catapult your progress toward health.  Give your body blasts of what it needs to support your crazy lifestyle with these amazing foods.  Your goal, add one each month for the next year.  Read More

Add This to Your Morning to Boost Health
Yes, it comes even before the coffee.  Want to feel better inside of week?  Add this simple natural detox to your morning routine and start reaping the benefits of a cleaner more energetic you. This is so easy and so beneficial - no excuses to blow this one off!  Read More 
Seeking More on Gluten?
If you are new to the land of gluten or simply seeking more knowledge on the topic, this is one of my favorite sources.  This series Dr. Tom O'Bryan brings a wealth of his own knowledge and host of experts to you FREE and on-line starting January 30 running to February 2.  If you are trying to figure out if this is your issue or how to manage and heal from years of gluten damage, this webinar series could provide you some great insights Review and Register here
Make an Informed Choice on Flu Shots
We recently had a flu roll through our house.  Each member effected differently and some of us escaping altogether.  My conversations outside the home inevitably resulted in the question, did you have flu shots.  Seriously?  Do we really all think its that simple?  Here is why I am in favor of creating a strong internal defense rather than trying induce anti-body production.  Read More

A Simplified Approach to Healthier Eating
Done with the diets and fad foods?  Just need some reliable information form a trusted source?  That is why I wrote a book.  Actually more of a guide, brief and to the point, full of charts and bullets.  It will offer you guidance on where to make the changes that really matter. Preview & Order

Sheila Landis
Certified Nutritional Therapist

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