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UnRefined on the Web

Tip the scale in your favor by staying informed!
Monthly articles and resources designed to help simplify which food and lifestyle choices build health.  Add some WHY behind your plan to "eat healthy".
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My Probiotic Picks
Probiotic Pearls Advantage
 Probiotic Synergy
 Probiotic Synergy Powder
 HMF Neuro Capsules
Mega Probiotic Chewable

Note:  These are pharmaceutical grade supplements. I make them available to my clients and readers through my website.  Simply register with Emerson through this link and they ship directly to you. 
    Is Soy a Healthy Alternative?  

Dairy doesn't work for you so your latte' is soy.  But is that a long-term healthy choice?  Two factors to consider:
1. Soy is one of the top genetically modified crops
2. It offers the potential to alter estrogen levels.
It's on my avoid list, but here are some facts to help you make an informed choice.    READ MORE

Are Your Symptoms in Your Gut?
Brain fog, allergies, chronic IBS?  You could be some probiotics away from a
Coli Bacteria"cure". 
Gut flora, the bacterial environment in your gut,  largely controls how healthy or not healthy you are.  We spend a great deal of our time killing off the good guys with our preoccupation that antibiotics are the save all.  In reality, they are the kill all that could be dishing up your symptoms.  If you consume non-organic animal products, you get a dose of antibiotics  in every bite, sip and swallow.  READ MORE

Soak Your Nuts
Soak Your Nuts
Got your attention didn't I.  In all seriousness,  soaked or sprouted nuts are a must to prevent mineral deficiencies that lead to long-term adverse symptoms.   READ MORE

The Weightloss Fat
The Weight Loss Fat 
Gone low fat to lose weight?  Now you're eating fewer calories, you're hungry more often, and the pounds won't budge.  Could this simple food help you stay healthy AND 
lose weight?   READ MORE

 Ready to make some changes but confused  on how to even begin? 

Done with the diets and fad foods? 
Just need some reliable information from a trusted source?  That is why I wrote a book.  Actually more of a guide, most of us don't have time for a small novel and just seek some facts.  It is for all my friends, co-workers, and even strangers who said, "could you write that down for me?"   

My guide is brief, to the point, full of charts and bullets, not chapter upon chapter.  It will offer you guidance on where to make  the changes that really matter.  Preview and order your copy.
  Get UnRefined