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Issue Date: September 14, 2015
"This too shall pass"
Why so jumpy, Monkey Mind?!
Join Erin Byron tomorrow, 5:30-6:45pm
 for a FREE Workshop!
Workshops & Events
13-week Psychology of
Meditation Program
September 22, 5:30
Don't Miss Your Chance to Skillfully Quiet Your Mind.

Click here for a video with Erin on what YOU can gain!

The joy of life is a variety; the tenderest love requires to be rekindled by intervals of absence.
~Samuel Johnson


Those of you who know me, know that I grow things. Gardening is one of my passions and it is outdoors that I find connection to Spirit Song! 

Spending time in Nature helps us to remember our true Self. Who we really are. Nature is a great teacher and I've learned some important life lessons here in my gardens... one especially comes to mind... There are certain times when observing how beautiful the meadows and flowers are, I have said to myself "If only it could stay this way forever and not change!" 

But, of course, change is inevitable and that glorious flower blooms and fades, the frost withers and blackens the verdant greenery - and I am reminded of a Yoga story. 

Long ago, in an ancient time, a king asked the wise men of his land to give him a gift that would make him happy whenever he was sad, and make him calm when he got too upset. He was gifted with a ring on his birthday by his wise ministers. The ring was engraved with the words "This too shall pass". Whenever the king felt bogged down by his problems or was experiencing happiness - he would look at his ring and be reminded that both of these situations were temporary, and would pass in due time.

The philosophy that everything is changing and nothing is permanent (except Spirit consciousness) - is one of the "Bhavas" or "attitudes" in Yoga that is beneficial for us to remember to cultivate as we experience each moment in our lives.

Let us plant the seeds of awareness and bloom in the gardens of our Soul!

PS - Meditation builds a bridge for soul connection. If you are ready to start a meditation practice or develop what you are already doing, check out the free workshop on Tuesday at 5:30 with Erin Byron
PPS - Also on Tuesday at 7pm Peter Arcari, Shamanic Sound Healer & Yoga/Meditation Teacher is hosting an Open Forum answering questions about your spiritual path. All welcome - bring your questions!
Open Forum Discussion with
Peter Arcari, Shamanic Sound Healer
Bring Your Questions About:

* Overcoming Attachments
* Which sounds/songs offer healing to a situation
* How to clear the energy after a painful exchange
* Using animal archetypes to reveal answers
...And other questions about energy awareness, etheric or sound healing, shamanism, creativity, and spiritual health.

Peter Arcari is a sound healer trained in 3 traditions, as well as a Certified Yoga/Meditation Teacher, Shamanic Practictioner, channeler, and Spiritual Healer.

Yoga Therapy for Stress and Anxiety:
Create a Personalized Holistic Plan
to Balance Your Life

I wished for this for 33 years,
my first published book is
in my hands!
Create a personalized path to healing with this step-by-step guide to holistic change. 

Yoga Therapy for Stress and Anxiety will help you understand what creates a stress-filled life so that you may choose a life of ease instead. 

Through yoga practice and the lesser-known lifestyle aspects of yoga, you will be able to face all situations from the calm perspective of the higher self. 

Holistic and practical, this guide offers you tools for repairing areas of imbalance along with methods for identifying and meeting your individual needs. 

Rather than isolating one technique as a cure, this book emphasizes the transformative power of a whole-lifestyle approach.

Available online now 
and at Welkin!
This Week's Featured Class

Thursdays @ 7:00-8:15 pm (starts Sept.10)

Saturdays @ 9:15-10:25 am

Explore the natural rhythms and power of your body with Nia - a creative, barefoot workout blending movements and energies from dance, martial arts and healing arts. Experience Nia's stretching, toning, and cardiovascular benefits while deepening your mind/body connection. 

Set to music, Nia is fitness with self-expression that is playful, easy to learn, and adaptive to individual needs and abilities. Step into your own joyful journey with Nia, and positively shape the way you feel, think and live.

Step into your own joyful journey with Nia, and positively shape the way you feel, look, think and live. 

Darlene, NIA Instructor

All prices include HST unless otherwise specified. 
Quick Links

Welkin YogaLife Institute
45 Dalkeith Drive, Unit 13,Brantford, N3P 1M1
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