Conservation Update
June 4 - June 17, 2015 
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Funding Opportunities

CCSI Speakers Bureau Offers Funding for Field Day and Workshop Speakers

The new CCSI Speakers Bureau was recently created to help find quality presenters and provide a pool of funding for districts and partners to help offset speaker costs associated with workshop and field days where soil health is a primary topic. 

The Speakers Bureau can be used to help subsidize speaker fees and travel costs, allowing event organizers to bring in experts to give presentations and demonstrations. For complete information about the Speakers Bureau guidelines and event criteria, please review the policy and guidelines document.

For more information, please contact Ashley Hammac at or (765) 496-0503 (office) or (251) 259-7614 (cell) BEFORE final selection of your event speakers for whom you wish to request reimbursement, in order to make sure funds are still available.

Great Lakes Protection Fund

The Great Lakes Protection Fund is ready to support a new set of project teams looking to create ecological improvements at a regional scale. They welcome the chance to discuss your ideas and explore how you can work together to make the Great Lakes healthier.

The cutoff date for preproposals is August 3, 2015 to be eligible for a funding decision at the December 2015 meeting of the Board of Directors.

Below are themes they are currently exploring. Please review them  for ideas but they should not necessarily limit what you consider proposing. They are interested in your innovative ideas even if they don't fit neatly into one of these categories.

  • Prototypes of Insurance, Assurance & Financial Products for the Ecosystem
  • Performance-Based Green Infrastructure Competition
  • Smarter Water - Healthier Lakes
To find out more about this call for preproposals, please visit the  Projects Wanted page.

They welcome your ideas, questions, suggestions, solutions, and not-yet-fully-formed enquiries. You can contact them at 847-425-8150 or by email at

Poster Contest Winners Announced


The 7th grade level winning poster.


Indiana Soil and Water Conservation District employees gathered in Indianapolis for the annual state poster contest judging. Many posters from around the state were judged on conservation message, visual effectiveness, originality and universal appeal. Posters must have been judged on the county level to participate in the state contest and must have been the first place winning poster in one of the five grade levels in their county.


Winners in the five levels in the 2015 contest were: grades K-1, Ethan Short, Franklin County; grades 2-3, Haven Wilson, Clinton County; grades 4-6, Dimitrios Nikolaras, Lake County; grades 7-9, Jamie Kuiken, Lake County and grades 10-12, Jamie Molden, Lake County. The Soil and Water Conservation poster committee would like to congratulate the winners and thank the students that participated. The state winning posters will be judged in their respective level at the national contest, with the national winning posters being displayed at the National Association of Conservation Districts annual meeting in Reno, Nevada in 2016.


It is an accomplishment for a student's poster to win first place at any level. We encourage everyone to support their local poster contest and submit entries next year. To find your local SWCD for details of their poster contest consult the local SWCD directory. For state and national information visit the National Association of Conservation Districts website or contact Ann Ice, Gibson County SWCD at 812-385-5033 extension 110 or


The state poster contest committee consists of: Nancy Brown, Elkart County; Julie Duttlinger, Lake County; Ann Ice, Gibson County and Carrie Parmenter, Posey County.

State Fair News

Reserve Your Spot to Volunteer at Pathway to Water Quality Today!


Don't miss out on your once a year chance to participate in one of the most popular exhibits at the Indiana State Fair and share your conservation work with a huge statewide audience - Pathway to Water Quality.


The 2015 Indiana State Fair is August 7 - 23 and there are daily opportunities to be involved at the exhibit. Pathway to Water Quality showcases conservation practices in each of our showcased areas: home, ag/forestry, soils, pasture / grazing, education and greeter areas.

If you are new to Pathway, there is a brochure map, and a  short video that will help acquaint you with the exhibit. Contact DeeDee Sigler, PWQ coordinator, with questions at



State Fair's "Farmers of the Year" Include a CCSI Farmer & River-Friendly Farmer 


The 2015 Indiana State Fair is showcasing Hoosier agriculture through the Year of the Farmer presented by Dow AgroSciences, and has selected 17 farmers to honor and highlight on each day of the Fair.

The farmers selected represent various facets of agriculture in the state, and two outstanding conservation farmers were among those chosen: Maggie Goeglein Hanna (Marion Co.) who won a 2015 River-Friendly Farmer award, and Mike Shuter (Madison Co.) who collaborates with CCSI as one of our 12 hub farmers.


Rajan Gajaria, Vice President, Latin America and North America, Dow AgroSciences, said,  "There is amazing variety in Indiana agriculture, which gives fairgoers a unique opportunity to learn more about the farmers who feed us all." Congratulations to all of the selected farmers!

Contact Us


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These are just a few of the upcoming events around the state. You can find many more on the Conservation Calendar and the Soil Health Events Calendar.

July 7 - Pond Clinic
Now Accepting Annual Awards Applications

The guidelines and applications for the Annual Awards are now available on the IASWCD website. These include:

  • District Showcase
  • Conservation Farmer of the Year
  • Supervisor of the Year
  • Friend of Conservation
District Showcase applications are due July 30 and the other three awards have a deadline of September 4. Please contact with any questions about the application process.
NRCS & ISDA Hold Info Meetings for CRP

NRCS is working with ISDA to hold a series of informational meetings about the new Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) funding opportunity available in Indiana.  Indiana is expected to receive $943,113 to fund projects in Fiscal Year 2016. 


Partner pre-proposals are due July 8th.  Full proposals are due by November 10th.  To assist interested groups, NRCS and ISDA will hold informational meetings throughout the state beginning next week.  The workshops will review the requirements of the proposals and allow time to ask questions about project ideas.  Meetings will be held in the following locations:


Northwest:  June 19, Tippecanoe County Library, 9:30-11:30

Northeast:  June 19, Noble County Library, 2:30-4:30

Southeast:  June 23, Jennings County Library, 9-11

Southwest:  June 23, Sugar Ridge Fish and Wildlife, 2-4

Purdue Awards

The Purdue College of Agriculture and the Purdue Agricultural Alumni Association invite you to submit nominations for their 2016 awards programs. They have two major awards that encompass all of our disciplines: the College's Distinguished Agricultural Alumni (DAA) and the Ag Alumni Association's Certificate of Distinction (CD). 


All nomination materials and award descriptions, as well as lists of past winners, can be accessed at the Purdue Ag Alumni website.

Support IASWCD

Do you frequently make purchases on You can help support conservation in Indiana by selected IASWCD as a recipient of AmazonSmile contributions when you shop on Amazon will donate a portion of their profits to IASWCD at no additional cost to you. It's a simple way to support conservation in your day to day life!
Job Openings

Please email job descriptions, instructions for applying, and a deadline in a single PDF file to to be included.

District Manager - Brown County SWCD 

District Treasurer/Coordinator - Wayne County SWCD

District Coordinator - Dearborn County SWCD