Conservation Update
March 13 - 26, 2014 
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Top News

Wayne Stanely, Associate Supervisor, Passes Away
Parke County Associate Supervisor Wayne Stanely passed on March 14, 2014. He was a lifelong farmer, army veteran, and active member of his community. His obituary may be read here.

2014 IASWCD Board of Directors

We were able to finish all Region Director elections at the March trainings. Following are the 2014 IASWCD Region Directors and the Assistant Region Directors, and download the associated map. As Supervisors, these are your liaisons to the IASWCD Board of Directors. Please call or email them with any questions, issues to be brought before the Board, or for more information about what the IASWCD is doing. A big thank you to all of these Supervisors for stepping up and providing leadership to your state association.

  • N-NE Region: Director is Tom Crowe from Allen County SWCD and Assistant Director is Steve Provines from DeKalb County SWCD
  • S-NE Region: Director is Troy Hattery from Miami County SWCD and Assistant Director is Bobby Hettmansperger from Wabash County SWCD
  • N-SE Region: Director is Mike Schwab from Franklin County SWCD and Assistant Director is Roger Wenning from Decatur County SWCD
  • S-SE Region: Director is Brad Ponsler from Jennings County SWCD and Assistant Director is Pat Larr from Scott County SWCD
  • N-NW Region: Director is Kim Peterson from Lake County SWCD and Assistant Director is Jim Martin from Jasper County SWCD
  • S-NW Region: Director is Paula Baldwin from Marion County SWCD and Assistant Director is vacant
  • N-SW Region: Director is Les Zimmerman from Vermillion County SWCD and Assistant Director is Kerry Ames from Putnam County SWCD
  • S-SW Region: Director is Jim Droege from Posey County SWCD and Assistant Director is Jeff Bailey from Warrick County SWCD 
IASWCD Seeks Assistant Director

The Indiana Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts, a 501(c)(3), seeks an Assistant Director to conduct day-to-day operations in communications, outreach, program assistance, and office management. The IASWCD works closely with 92 soil and water conservation districts (SWCDs) to develop and maintain an effective and reliable delivery system that meets local conservation needs. Our mission is to enable the conservation of the natural resources of Indiana.  This position will be housed in the IASWCD office at 225 S. East St., Suite 740, Indianapolis, Indiana.  Review the job description here and please visit our website at for more information about the Association. Resumes should be submitted by April 21; anticipated start date is early June.

River Friendly Farmer Application Now
River Friendly Farmer logoAvailable
Does a River Friendly Farmer live in your District? Nominate them for this annual award! Find the award application here. Since 1999, key conservation and agricultural organizations have sponsored the River Friendly Farmer (RFF) Program. The statewide initiative recognizes farmers, who through good production management practices helps keep Indiana's rivers, lakes and streams clean. Annually, each county Soil and Water Conservation District may nominate up to two farmers who do an outstanding job of protecting their rivers, lakes and streams through their every day conservation management practices on the farm. Watershed organizations also may nominate farmers for the award by submitting an application to a county SWCD. All applications are due by June 13, 2014. 

CCSI Farmer Dan DeSutter Featured in Corn & Soybean Digest
"No piece of steel could ever do what that annual ryegrass had just accomplished between cash crops, which was to pierce a series of macropores through compacted layers 4 feet deep," Dan DeSutter said for this article, titled "Healthier soil can reduce nitrogen costs, offer drought tolerance." It was written by Elise Brown of the Conservation Technology Information Center and published by Corn & Soybean Digest in late January. It features CCSI farmer DeSutter, who farms near Attica, Indiana. For more soil health news, visit CCSI's website!
Farmer Dan DeSutter

Keep updated with CCSI events on Facebook and Twitter, or sign up to join our mailing list!

Conservation News

Farm Bill Guidance from NRCS 
More resources and information about the new Farm Bill and how it affects conservation programs was sent to Indiana Conservation Partners recently. The IASWCD produced a news release regarding the changes which may be shared with local news outlets and through other channels. Also, make sure to check out the factsheet comparing the 2008 and 2014 Farm Bills. 

NRCS Improves On-Line Soil Survey Data for Growing Customer Base

USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) recently announced the availability of updated soil data for each of the 3,265 soil survey areas mapped across the nation over the last 118 years. This is the first major update of both software and data since WSS came online in 2005. Web Soil Survey is available free at Once you locate your site on a map and outline the area of interest, you can click on the soil map tab and view the various soils. Not only do builders and developers use this tool, but also teachers, foresters, public officials, engineers, realtors, and many others.


Vilsack Announces Increased Opportunity for Producers as part of New Farm Bill

The Farm Bill expands lending opportunities for thousands of farmers and ranchers to begin and continue operations, including greater flexibility in determining eligibility, raising loan limits, and emphasizing beginning and socially disadvantaged producers. A fact sheet outlining modifications to the U.S. Department of Agriculture's (USDA) Farm Service Agency (FSA) Farm Loan Programs is available here


Contact Us


 Upcoming Events

Look! These and many, many more events are listed on our statewide events calendar.

April 2:
- Bartholomew County Cover Crop Field Day
- Economic and Ecological Benefits of Agricultural Conservation Systems

April 2 - 4
Cover Crop and Soil Dig Tour of NW Indiana

April 5
Kosciusko Co. Cover Crop Workshop

April 6
Washington Co. Forestry Field Day

April 8
Orange County Soil Health Field Day

April 9 - 10
Brandt Farm Field Day: Sustainable Carbon Management

April 12
Forestry - Wildlife Field Day, Henry Co.

CCSI Events

July 8  

Field Day at Don Villwock's farm in Knox County 


Other News
New Facebook Page for Jackson County SWCD

Jack Gillespie, Jackson SWCD supervisor, invites all Indiana conservationists to "like" the Districts' new Facebook page. He writes, "Feel free to post information about our district on this site. Ask others on your email list to like and share this page so we can use it to help improve communications about conserving resources in Jackson County."  


Do you have a Facebook page or Twitter account? Let the IASWCD know! Email

New Resources Available at NACD Urban and Community Conservation Web Pages

The NACD Urban and Community Resource Policy Group is pleased to announce they have updated their section of the NACD website to reflect current services and resources.  In addition to the topic areas that contain district showcases, resources, funding sources and more, these pages now provide information on the RPG's more recent activities.

  • NACD Urban and Community Conservation Network on Facebook
  • NACD monthly Urban and Community Conservation Webinars 
  • Backyard Conservation: Lawns and the Environment outreach tools for districts and how to access them. 
GrantStation & Current Funding Opportunities
View the latest GrantStation on the IASWCD website. Several other current grants are also posted there.  
Job Board
IASWCD Seeks Assistant Director
Read the full job description here. Applications due April 21.

Putnam Co. SWCD Seeks Conservation Technician
Individual will assist with both field and administrative work for a well-rounded experience. The ideal candidate will be a team player that has serious interest in Natural Resources or Agriculture with college experience. Accepting resumes until April 11. Mail resume to Putnam Co. SWCD, 1007 Mill Pond Lane, Ste. C, Greencastle, IN 46135 or email EOE

Oak Park Conservancy District Seeks Stormwater Superintendant Read the full job description here.