NEWS from CCSI / For Release on Wednesday, May 1, 2013
For more information, contact:
DeeDee Sigler, communications manager, 317-692-7374, ext. 303
CCSI Contacts:  
Hans Kok, Coordinator
Dan Towery, Assistant Coordinator 
Barry Fisher, NRCS State Soil Health Specialist 
Lisa Holscher, Soil Health Program Manager 

CCSI Partners:
Indiana Initiative Puts Soil Conservation Practices to the Test

Indianapolis -- Indiana's Conservation Cropping Systems Initiative for Soil Health and Productivity project is expanding to test conservation practices on typical soils across the state, mentor conservation-oriented farmers and inspire greater adoption of conservation systems by Indiana producers.  

CCSI Hubs and Farmer Sites
The CCSI map shows the four regional hubs and 12 farmer sites. 

Four regional hubs - at the Purdue University Diagnostic Center, Northeastern Purdue Agriculture Center/Wabash Farm, Southeast Purdue Agriculture Center and a farm at Vincennes University managed by the Dubois County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD)- will host the ambitious demonstration and study plots for this three-year project. 


Scientists will measure the impacts of a variety of conservation systems on soil health, nutrient cycling, soil water availability and plant growth. Practices in the study include long-term continuous no-till/strip-till, cover crops, precision technology, and several nutrient and pest management practices.


Rodney Rulon, Hamilton County farmer
Rodney Rulon, Hamilton County, is one of 12 Indiana farmers who will host demonstration sites on farms around the state.

In conjunction with the regional hubs, 12 farmers will host demonstration sites on their farms, comparing their current conservation systems with programs that introduce new practices. The impacts of the new practices on soil health and an array of other variables will be measured and documented, and comparisons made with fields on the same or nearby farms. 


The farmers will also serve as mentors to producers interested in adopting new conservation tactics.


"We see great value in working with farmers to conduct trials in real time, in real conditions and on their own farms across the state," said Mike Dunn, director of production and environment for the Indiana Corn Marketing Council and Indiana Soybean Alliance. "The corn and soybean check-off programs support this project to help farmers collect localized data that can help them make informed decisions when implementing conservation practices in their fields." 


Each regional hub represents soil types, climate and topography common to its area. The hubs will provide opportunities for hands-on learning, one-on-one communication and long-term evaluation of the adoption of soil health systems. They also put these demonstration plots within easy reach of nearly every farmer in the state.


Organizers aim to demonstrate the role of conservation practices in productive, profitable, sustainable systems.


"The overall goal of this project is to advance the implementation of conservation cropping systems across the state," noted Jennifer Boyle Warner, executive director of the Indiana Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts. "What makes the project unique is that it's a public-private partnership. Combining the strengths of different sectors will ensure broader success."


The Conservation Cropping Systems Initiative for Soil Health and Productivity project is funded by a USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Conservation Innovation Grant. Partners in the project include the Indiana State Department of AgricultureIndiana Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts, the Conservation Technology Information Center (CTIC), Purdue University, Wabash County SWCD, Dubois County SWCD, Vincennes University- Jasper Campus, Indiana Soybean Alliance, and the Indiana Corn Marketing Council.


soil health workshop
Eileen Kladivko, Purdue University Department of Agronomy, talks to farmers at one of the many CCSI soil health field days.

A series of soil health workshops held this spring through the program drew more than 150 producers.  Additional programs at the regional hubs will be scheduled later this year and announced on the CCSI website and
Facebook page.


For more information, visit, the CCSI Facebook page, and the CCSI Twitter feed, or contact DeeDee SiglerInformation on soil health from the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service can be found online


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