December 6 - 19, 2012
Conference hotel registration deadline is December 21! Reserve here.
Executive Director's Report


Managing for Soil Health at the Local Level

There will be two sessions for this event in early February: One in both northern and southern Indiana. SWCD supervisors and staff, along with other ICP employees, are invited to join with our NRCS District Conservationists to develop a "road map" for a central focus on advancing soil health within the Indiana Conservation Partnership Field Office and Regional Hubs. View the flyer for more information. 

A Reminder to Share Your District's Accomplishments Online; Only 17 Received So Far

The Indiana Conservation Partnership Outreach and Education Committee has a new web-based program for Districts to upload your 2011 District success stories and photos to the ICP Accomplishments website


To date, only 17 Districts have submitted success stories. This is a very important opportunity that each Soil and Water Conservation District has to show your legislators and local county officials how you work to make conservation programs successful at the local level. The success stories will be accompanied data showing state and federal funding levels, and by funding for specific programs by county, showing how your District has leveraged dollars to make a bigger impact on soil and water conservation. 


The SharePoint tutorial (PDF) will walk you through how to submit the story and photo. If you have any questions, contact Deb Fairhurst or DeeDee Sigler. Please submit your information as soon as possible.


EQIP Funds Available

The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) has announced over $26 million available to help Indiana farmers implement conservation practices. The funds are available through the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) for practices such as nutrient management, reduced tillage, cover crops, rotational grazing systems and others. Applicants must meet EQIP eligibility criteria. Applicants can sign up at their local NRCS service center.


Last Conservation Update Until January 16

This will be our last Conservation Update until after the Annual Conference of Soil and Water Conservation Districts January 7-9. Look for additional news releases coming about conference. In the meantime, have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

The Power of Conservation: Today's Actions, Tomorrow's Rewards


The IASWCD is excited to feature two additional companies who are sponsors of the 70th Annual Conference of Indiana SWCDs. Please thank them by showing your support for their products and services! You will find all of our 2013 conference sponsors featured on our conference website.  


Silver Sponsor: Cover Crop Solutions

Cover Crop Solutions, a new silver sponsor this year, is a seed company that stands for something new in agriculture, a fresh approach to cover cropping and how they can make a positive contribution to the farm's bottom line. "Good things happen when we work in harmony with nature. For us, we believe soil is meant to be covered, and the practical results of that belief are what we're all about." Cover Crop Solutions can show you how cover crops are proven to reduce input costs without compromising high yields, and why they produce and supply "cover crops that pay." Visit their website at


Bronze Sponsor: Beacon Credit Union

Beacon Credit UnionThe IASWCD is pleased to have Beacon Credit Union back this year as a Bronze Sponsor. Beacon "Guides the Way" by being the preferred provider for a lifetime of financial products for all. The mission of Beacon Credit Union is to provide fair and competitive financial products and services responsive to the needs of all member-owners. Beacon is online at 

Featured Conference Sessions and Events


Legislative Breakfast

The annual Legislative Breakfast gives Conference participants and their legislators the opportunity to share a meal and bring to their attention issues of critical importance to Soil and Water Conservation Districts. Legislative Talking Points have been developed to help you prepare important discussion items to talk over with your legislators.


Technical and Conservation Implementation Sessions

This year's technical (T) and conservation implementation (CI) sessions are designed to give participants the opportunity to learn how to advance conservation in their communities through direct, on-the-ground work.

  • Cover Crop Profitability (CI)
  • The Urban Connection (T)
  • Ag 101 (CI)
  • An Update on Herbicide Resistant Weeds in Indiana and the Midwest (T)
  • No-Till Mythbusters (CI)
  • From Generating to Applying (T)
Get In Touch

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Upcoming Events

January 7-9: IASWCD Annual Conference
Dec. 20: NACD Webinar, NPDES Phase II Program

Jan. 9-12: National No-Till Conference


Why attend conference? Check out the Conference Promo Video


Dec. 21: Hotel reservation deadline


Dec. 30:

Annual Business Meeting Delegate form due.


View this year's proposed Resolutions, No. 1 and No. 2


Conference Brochure & Agenda


Upcoming Deadlines




Feb. 7

NFWF Five Star and Urban Waters Restoration Grant: 

Providing modest financial assistance to diverse local partnerships for wetland, forest, riparian and coastal habitat restoration with a particular focus on urban waters and watersheds. 


Dec. 31: 

The USDA Technical Assistance Training Grant program supports the provision of technical assistance or training to identify and evaluate solutions to water problems.


View more grant opportunities here


In Brief


WRP Easement Enrollment: Providing Clear Title 

The NRCS has produced

this document regarding title issues that may need to be addressed by the landowner for WRP and other "reserve" programs.


Job Opening: Shelby County Resource Specialist

The Shelby County Soil and Water Conservation District is seeking a qualified person to fill our Resource Specialist position.  View the job description here. All resumes need to be submitted by January 11.  


No Printed Conference Presentations

The IASWCD will not provide copies of speakers' PowerPoint presentations at Conference this year. However they will, as always, be available for viewing online after Conference. 


Draining Mgmt. Training & TSP Certification to be Held Next Jan. & Feb. 

The Agricultural Drainage Management Coalition (ADMC) will host Drainage Water Management Training & Technical Service Provider Certification Workshops January 22-23, 2013 in Indianapolis and February 14-15, 2013 in Moorhead, Minnesota. There are still spots available. Upon completion of this course you will be certified as a TSP technician and listed on both the NRCS and ADMC websites.


Conservation Day - Jan. 23

Conservation Day at the Statehouse will take place on January 23, 2013. Note changes for this event just announced: 

the Indiana Conservation Alliance just found out the State of the Judiciary, which most legislators will attend, is scheduled for the same time as Conservation Day luncheon. Instead of a luncheon, Conservation Day will consist of an afternoon reception in the Statehouse N. Atrium from 2:30 - 5 p.m. Check the website for more details.  


Two Chiefs' Partnership Award 2012 Nomination

The USDA Forest Service and NRCS have opened nominations for this year's Two Chief's Partnership Award. The awards recognize outstanding forestry and conservation employees or officials who have worked together to support conservation and forest stewardship. Submit nominations via email to Maya Solomon, or through the Joint Forestry Team website, by December 28.