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PeopleGIS is proud to announce yet another revolution in online mapping services: MapManager.  Released in  

concert with our MapsOnline V4.0, MapManager enables our clients to manage their own MapsOnline sites at no additional cost.


This is a big deal.  While our competition charges extra fees for additional mapping layers or additional mapping sites, PeopleGIS is enabling our clients to do whatever 

they want, whenever they want.  We want you to do as much with your GIS as you need to.


MapManager allows our clients to:

  • Add as many layers as you want
  • Create as many MapsOnline sites as you want
  • Manage passwords to your private sites
  • Re-arrange layers
  • Create new layers
  • Create new thematic presentations of layers
  • Update layers
  • Create and manage tilesets
  • More!

And all of this with only a browser! You do not need to purchase any desktop software!  Everything is web-based!  This allows your web-based GIS to grow as much as you need it to when you need it to. 


And of course, MapManager is integrated with PeopleForms, 

our online data management tools.  Our clients can create web form for capturing storm water outfalls, go out in the field to collect the data with their GPS, and have the data  automatically show up in their Storm Water MapsOnline site!  We have over a dozen towns doing just that already!



"With the development of the MapManager tools it gave us the ability to create a completely customized MapsOnline site by ourselves.  This is a task that before would take us hours of time with outside consulting and now we can spend minutes creating the site.  Saving the town time and money."


- Kevin Kirmelewicz, GIS Coordinator

Town of Weston



"MapManager allows me to quickly and easily modify our MapsOnline sites, or create a new site from scratch.  It has quickly become an invaluable tool for making the Town's Internet mapping applications."


- Matt Barrett, GIS Coordinator

Town of Concord



Imagine every department having their own mapping layers and their own mapping site...with their own passwords!


Imagine creating mapping sites in support of special projects!


Imagine unlimited mapping layers, unlimited mapping sites, unlimited users, and unlimited potential....We have communities with over a dozen MapsOnline sites and growing!  Our 70 communities have built over 300 MapsOnline sites! 


We are proud to provide so much value for such a great price....that has always been and continues to be our approach at PeopleGIS.  




Kevin Flanders



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Our News Releases are intended to inform our client communities about what others are doing with SimpliCITY software.  Most of the applications profiled in our news releases can be copied from the PeopleForms Form Library for free!  The idea is to enable all of our communities to do more with our software.