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NourishMe is a food market that carries  eggs,  produce and tasty, healthy, raw milk - all Idaho and all organic.


Zen Matcha Tea!




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"The single greatest lesson the garden teaches is that our relationship to the planet need not be zero-sum, and that as long as the sun still shines and people still can plan and plant, think and do, we can, if we bother to try, find ways to provide for ourselves without diminishing the world."
-Michael Pollan


Brands We Carry

Bach Flower Remedies







Dr. Braggs

Dr. Bronner's

Dr. Schen's




Herb Pharm



Idaho's Bounty

Jay Robb 


Julie Foods


Kroeger Herbs

Garden of Life

Green Pastures 

Irwin Naturals



Natures Way


Natural Balance

Nature's Life

Nature's Plus

Natures Way


New Chapter

Nordic Naturals




Organic India 



Peter Thompson



100% Pure

Pure Essence

Renew Life 


Simply Organic

Source Naturals



Source Naturals



Trace Minerals

Ultimate Super Foods 




Vibrant Health

Veggie Magma



Zen Matcha Tea   




























Join an open Meditation from 5:30-6:30 p.m. Wednesdays at Bitterroot Square, 208 Spruce St, at the corner of Spruce and Second. in Ketchum. For information Diane Crist  
(208) 720-6652.















applesWaterwheel Gardens' mini Farmer's Market rolls into NourishMe once a week. Usually on Tuesdays, weather dependent. Check by adding yourself to Waterwheel's email list at twigs3700@hotmail.com.

Trucking in from Emmett, Idaho, farmer Kurtis Williams brings a wide variety of luscious fresh fruit and vegetables, canned produce and other yummy goods.  










idahos bounty Idaho's Bounty is in the store every Wednesday at 4 p.m. for member order pick-ups. NourishMe receives its own order of fresh, local farm eggs and dairy, greens and other goodies at the same time.    



MARCH 2014  



Let's Talk About...     


Keeping yourself healthy in a world of toxins 



As we approach spring, cleansing and recharging our bodies is on our minds. While many of us are aware of the why of cleansing, we may not be as clear as to why and what we are targeting, and how to move it out of our bodies. 


The human race is facing toxic overload the likes of which homo-sapiens have never before had to combat. Our world has become polluted with a variety of toxins including pharmaceuticals, GMOs, pesticides, contrails, processed foods, too much sugar, gluten and vaccines. Even cosmetics and household cleaning products contain thousands of chemicals that can be dangerous.

It's critical to understand what may be lurking and the safest ways to mobilize and remove these unseen toxins.

Toxic overload is a serious health concern. Our goal in cleansing is to effectively bind these toxins and heavy metals in our blood stream, organs and fat and eliminate them.


If you are a vegan or have been eating fat-free you may be in for a big surprise. 


As a prequel to our spring cleanse in April, we want to focus on foods and supplements that can help slow the deteriorating effect these toxins have on our health and well-being, and get them out of our system.  


Here are some of the items that should be used for detoxing:

Antioxidants:  Vitamin C, E, CoQ10, selenium, melatonin, astaxanthin (Krill) and fermented cod liver oil.

Adaptagens for organ support: ginseng, ashwaghanda, turmeric. 


Binders:  calcium, bentonite clay, pectin, Alpha-Lipoic Acid, seaweed, aloe, fermented foods.

Foods:  Whey, probiotics, spirulina, chlorella, miso, seaweed, mushrooms, salt, wasabi, gelatin, coconut oil, bone broth, minerals, asparagus, berries, crucifers.


You can also create a more alkaline state in your body by eating organic fruits and vegetables to support multiple channels of detoxification in the body. This cleans the liver, the bowels, the skin and the blood. 


Before cleansing you should eliminate alcohol, coffee, cigarettes, refined sugars and trans fats, which are all obstacles to your healing process.

Another deterrent to good health is stress. While 'stress hormones" can help us be competitive in large amounts they create toxins and slow down detoxification enzymes in the liver. Practicing meditation, qigong, tai-chi and yoga one hour a day are simple and effective ways to relieve stress by resetting your physical and mental health.


The Weston A. Price Foundation, Wood River Valley chapter, will meet at NourishMe
 9 a.m. Friday, March 28 to discuss detoxification. Everyone is welcome. 




Certified Nutritional Therapist Julie Johns will teach a class on making bone broth and sauerkraut, 12-1 p.m. Thursday, March 13 at the Sustainability Center 721-3114,  308 S River St.  in Hailey. To sign up call 721-3114.


 Value of Nutrition

-How nutrition affects our moods, hormones, sleep and energy.

Hands on Cooking

-Fermentation and bone broth

-Food preparation, and benefits of nutrients/systems involved.


There will be easy recipes, food samples, and handouts.  The cost is $15. To sign up call 928-7604 or email jjnourishme@gmail.com  









Julie on the Radio 


Julie Johnson hosts a radio show on the Wood River Valley's only community radio station, KDPI 89.3 FM. Her weekly show, Our Health Culture, can be heard live on 89.3 FM or streamed live at KDPIFM, 10-11 a.m. Thursdays.

The show delves into health and nutrition, local farming and sustainability, why people pursue healthier lifestyles, and how we work energetically in those pursuits.   


March 6   Carrie Thomas Scott, Hakomi Therapist and Flourish Foundation. 

March 13  Don Shepler, chef at Galena Lodge 

March 20  Rodeny Blount, healer
March 27 
Vernoica Rheinhart, Wellness therapist and acupuncturist discussing detoxification.


Check the KDPI twitter account @kdpiradio or Facebook for updates.  


March recipe

When you're detoxing you want healthy nutritious meals  with good fats and organic greens. Virgin coconut oil is largely comprised of medium-chain fatty acids, which are sent directly to the liver for energy rather than storage. This type of fat is ideal for a cleanse, since it can provide the energy needed at a time when less food is being consumed. This recipe also calls for Tilapia, which is raised sustainably right here in the Snake River of Idaho. You can get it through Idaho's Bounty.

Click here for the recipe for: Thai fish and veg curry.


   Store News 


                                           Julie Johnson, a certified Nutrition  Therapy Practitioner (NTP), and professional member of Price onal Foundation, offers Nutrition consultations at NourishMe.  Inquire at the store, email jjnourishme@gmail.com or call (208) 928-7604.  



Suggested reading material:

In the best selling book, The Four Agreements, author don Miguel Ruiz gives four principles to practice in order to create love and happiness in your life. Adopting and committing to these agreements is simple. Actually living and keeping these Four Agreements can  be one of the most challenging  things  you'll ever do. It can also be one of the most life changing things you will ever do.

 The quest for a toxic-free life involves freedom from fear, illusions, and the fear based beliefs in the mind. In essence it means to win the war over the beliefs in the mind. Spiritual traditions around the world have their own names for this state of awareness including nirvana and heaven. This may be simply described as living your life with unconditional love, gratitude, and respect, for your self, and for others.


"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food
Julie Johnson / 151 Main St. N. / Ketchum, Idaho 83333 / (208) 928-7604