Important Information About Neighborhood Council Elections.

Your Election News and Updates
Where Is My Username & PIN?

Did you register to vote online, but haven't yet received a username and password? Learn what the three possible explanations for this are and how to resolve them. 
When Is There a Recount of Ballots?

Recounts may happen either automatically or by request in a Neighborhood Council election. Learn when recounts take place; why they take place; and how recount requests are made.

This Week's Pop-Up Polls: May 25th - 31st
We've got more Pop-Up Polls this week in Wilmington; Palms; Del Rey; Empowerment Congress Southwest & Harbor Gateway North. Read more to know where and when to find them!

How To Run Facebook Ads

Facebook ads can boost your posts, promote your page, send people to your website, raise event attendance, and more. If your Neighborhood Council has a Facebook page, running ads during elections is a great outreach strategy. Learn how in this article.
What Happens In Case Of A Tie?

Learn what happens when there's a tie between two or more candidates running for the same board seat. 

Outreach Best Practices: Eagle Rock NC Election Outreach Ideas

Eagle Rock Neighborhood Council got a great turnout at their polls last weekend! Check out their fun election promo video and creative Election Day activity ideas for inspiration for making your own Election Day an event that draws your community closer together.

EmpowerLA | 200 North Spring Street, Suite 2005 Los Angeles, California 90012
 Phone: 818-293-VOTE (8683)  |  |