GM's Message 9.18.15

I hope our newsletter finds you well. We had an awesome time at the EmpowerLA Awards and Neighborhood Council Volunteer Recognition Event last Friday night. HUGE thanks to the Congress of Neighborhoods Planning Committee, particularly our Commissioner Lydia Grant, for the planning and flawless execution of a wonderful evening celebrating all things Neighborhood Councils in a standing room only event. In addition to the great Neighborhood Councils who won the Board of Neighborhood Commissioners' EmpowerLA Awards (more info below), I was happy to launch our own Neighborhood Council Spirit Awards, which honors individual Neighborhood Council leaders whose amazing work resonates beyond their own Council to positively affect many other Neighborhood Councils. Please read more about our inaugural winners below. The Congress of Neighborhoods is next Saturday, Sept. 26th, so please register now. We want to make sure we have enough materials and food throughout the day.

On Saturday, I had a great working session at the Elections Town Hall where we locked down online voting time frames and election challenge remedies. Look for an updated Elections Manual coming your way next week. After finishing the town hall in Hollywood, I raced (within the speed limits of course!) over to Canoga Park Neighborhood Council's 10th Anniversary All America City event. President Corinne Ho was the perfect host to a wonderful celebration that brought community members of all ethnic backgrounds out in beautiful traditional outfits. Former Councilmember Dennis Zine joined in on the festivities, which packed the room. There were wonderful performances, including one with Canoga Park Neighborhood Council board member Saaliha Khan where she asked an imagined Gandhi about how communities live in peace together. The response? A reference to EmpowerLA's Empower Yourself tagline. Great fun!

We had some more fun this week with another group of international visitors from Germany, who wanted to learn techniques for including immigrants into communities more effectively. Many thanks to Neighborhood Empowerment Advocate Melvin Canas for leading that discussion. We also welcomed Josh Weinberg, the Neighborhood Administrator, from the City of Fort Collins, Colorado. Josh spent most of the week with us, attending Neighborhood Council meetings, and talking with staff because the City of Fort Collins wants to develop a more robust civic engagement system. He was very impressed with the work of the Neighborhood Councils and EmpowerLA and will be taking back many recommendations to Colorado. Next week, we'll be meeting with international visitors from Korea!

Speaking of cool meetings, I met with Bureau of Sanitation Director Enrique Zaldivar this week to discuss opportunities for Sanitation to have ongoing dialogues with Neighborhood Councils. Enrique reached out a few months ago about hosting an educational seminar on their Hyperion Treatment Plant, which is one of the American Public Works Association's Top Ten Public Works Projects of the Twentieth Century. We also spoke of how to ensure the Neighborhood Council Public Works Liaisons can have influence on Sanitation's work, particularly on the Clean Streets Initiative. A lot of neat things are on the horizon, so make sure you get your liaisons appointed ASAP.

I was happy to stop by the South Los Angeles Alliance of Neighborhood Councils last night because two of our new Neighborhood Council Spirit Award winners, Ted Thomas of Park Mesa Heights Community Council and Lonella "Joy" Enix from Empowerment Congress Southwest, were there to receive their certificate and special, made with love, EmpowerLA Challenge Coin for their work on the SLAANC. If you've got that Neighborhood Council Spirit, look out! I may be stopping by your Neighborhood Council meeting to honor you for it.

As always, thanks for all that you do to Empower LA! Have a wonderful weekend!


Grayce Liu,
General Manager
Department of Neighborhood Empowerment (aka) EmpowerLA

Empower Yourself,
Empower Your Community, EmpowerLA

Mayor's Message
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                   >>> read more
Deputy City Attorney Carmen Hawkins Honored by the Board of Public Works
Neighborhood Council Advice Division (NCAD) Deputy City Attorney Carmen Hawkins was honored today by the Board of Public Works for her service to the community above and beyond her job at the City Attorney's Office. Led by Commissioner Mike Davis and flanked by City Attorney Mike Feuer and Special City Attorney Capri Maddox, Carmen was presented with Certificates of Recognition .. 
On September 16, 2015, the City Council approved the report from Rules, Elections, Intergovernmental Relations, and Neighborhoods Committee for Council File Nos. 15-0389 and 15-0524. In this report are recommendations for updates to the Council File Management system. The Department of Neighborhood Empowerment worked with the Office of the City Clerk to make it easier to...
Hiring Our Heroes: Job Fair for Veterans
Join us Tuesday, October 6, 2015 for a job fair and employment workshop for veterans, active duty military members, guard and reserve members, and military spouses at the American Legion Post No. 43.
This event will be a one-of-a-kind... 
The Bel Air Beverly Crest Neighborhood Council has made Emergency Communications a top priority.  The Council's Public Safety/Disaster Preparedness Committee has partnered with the Los Angeles Fire Department's Auxiliary Communications Service...
Mayor's Executive Directive on Vision Zero Takes Aim at Pedestrian Casualties
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The Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council Arts, Recreation and Cultural Committee invites you to their Sunset at San Ysidro Cross Hike on September 20, starting at 6:00pm. We will meet at Woodward Avenue and Glenties Lane at 6:00pm. The hike will be half a mile, with an intermittently steep grade...
National Voter Registration Day!
National Voter Registration Day is here! Be ready to vote for the next election by updating your information or registering as a new voter. Registering is easy to do and can be done online! Register now by... 
A FIFTH speaker was recently added to the Speakers Series at the October 3, 2015, Valley Disaster Preparedness Fair. In addition to LAFD Paramedic/Captain Stacy Gerlich, Dr. Kate Hutton, Dr. Jill Barnes, and Mr. Tim Kneeland, MySafe:LA...
West LA Community Safety & Preparedness Fair
Make a Plan, Build a Kit, Be Informed!
Join the West LA Sawtelle Neighborhood Council and your West LA neighbors on September 27 for a preparedness fair at the Farmers' Market. The event will feature giveaways and...
On Friday, September 11th, 2015 at Los Angeles City Hall, EmpowerLA recognized the tireless work and commitment of twenty-one individuals to the Neighborhood Council System...
Rowena Avenue Forum Reveals Significant Common Ground
In 2012, Ashley Sandau was walking across Rowena Avenue and was hit and killed by a motorist. Then-Los Angeles City Councilmember Tom LaBonge spearheaded efforts to make Rowena safer. The city Transportation... 
At City Hall on Friday, September 11th 2015, the Board of Neighborhood Commissioners recognized eight Neighborhood Councils from the North Valley, the South Valley, Central, East, West, and the Harbor Region of Los Angeles. South Los Angeles will be recognized and awarded by the Commissioners at the 2015 Neighborhood Council Congress 
Cash for College
Having served over 238,000 students and families over the past fourteen years, L.A. Cash for College is recognized as the primary source of college information for local students who want to attend college and pursue high-wage careers. 

Empower Yourself. Empower Your Community. Empower LA.

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Department of Neighborhood Empowerment
200 North Spring Street, Suite 2005
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Tel - (213) 978-1551
Fax - (213) 978-1751