City of Los Angeles, Dept. of Neighborhood Empowerment
September 9, 2014
President's Letter:

As President of the Board of Neighborhood Commissioners, I wanted to introduce you to your new Board and how we are seeking to partner with you--the leaders of the Neighborhood Council system.


The Commission comprises 7 members appointed by the Mayor, representing Neighborhood Councils in their geographic area of the City, who provide oversight and set policy for the neighborhood council system.


We are volunteers, just like you, working as part of the City of Los Angeles family to improve our city. You can read our plan for 2014 here. You can track our policy priorities here, which include: a) partnering with the City Council to establish regional grievance panels; b) providing neighborhood councils with tools to address conflicts before they require outside involvement; c) improvements to the Community Impact Statement; d) a new NC posting policy; e) leadership training; f) website and social media management; g) and much more to come!


We cannot do this work alone--we need your help and input. We invite you to attend our regular public meetings the 1st Tuesday and 3rd Monday of each monthSign up for notification of our upcoming meetings by clicking 'BONC Agendas'. If you cannot make the meeting, you can also listen to it by calling CityPhone at 213-621-CITY, or if you want to share a comment with the Commission, you can call us at (213) 978-1551 or Email Us.


Finally, we hold Commission meetings in a different neighborhood every month--if you would like to host us, please email me at Below are details about your Commissioner--each one is dedicated to helping you to make our system stronger and more vibrant so we can better serve our stakeholders in this great City. I encourage you to invite them to your next  regularly scheduled Neighborhood Council meeting.


Karen Mack


Board of Neighborhood Commissioners 


Empower Yourself.   Empower Your Community.  Empower LA


Karen Mack - Central Los Angeles - Board President  

Karen is founder and Executive Director of LA Commons, an organization dedicated to promoting Los Angeles' diverse neighborhoods through locally based, interactive, artistic and cultural programming. 


LA Commons has implemented community art projects, tours and classes in communities throughout LA and in partnership with organizations such as the Central American Resource Center, the South Asian Network, Thai Community Development Center and UCLA. >>> read more here 



Len Shaffer - South Valley - Vice President 


Since becoming a resident of the San Fernando Valley in 1971 Leonard Shaffer has volunteered in many capacities. His participation in neighborhood organizations began in 1972 when he first joined the Tarzana Property Owners Association and he has continued to be an active member of the Board of Directors. 


He became interested in the idea of neighborhood councils after attending a series of conferences sponsored by the USC Public Participation Project prior to the passage of the 1999 Charter.

>>> read more here 



Victor Medina - Harbor - Commissioner


For over six years, Victor Medina has contributed to the Gang Alternatives Program's (GAP) vision, "To prevent young people from joining gangs." Victor is currently in the Public & Governmental Affairs Department as Community Outreach Coordinator for GAP. His responsibilities include coordinating the company's community outreach and stakeholder management activities, with a focus on maintaining essential relationships with various community leaders and businesses. >>> read more here



Lydia Grant - North Valley - Commissioner


Lydia Grant is a Board Member on the Sunland-Tujunga Neighborhood Council and has been active on land use and educational issues citywide, countywide, and even statewide as a Board Member for Parent Revolution which advocates for expansion of the Parent Trigger laws across the country.


Lydia has fought for safety issues at local schools and has worked to organize communities and to empower them with information and training on how to advocate on behalf of their children and their schools. >>> read more here 



Eli Lipmen - West Los Angeles - Commissioner


Eli is the past President of the Palms Neighborhood Council and previously served as its Secretary. While on the board, he oversaw a neighborhood clean up and outreach program, a mural and beautification project, and the re-development of Woodbine Park in Palms.


"My experience serving on the Palms Neighborhood Council has been so empowering," said Eli, "and as a Commissioner, I want to improve engagement and effectiveness for neighborhood councils throughout the City." >>> read more here



Olivia Rubio - East Los Angeles - Commissioner 


My fellow Angelinos, it is with deep humility that I wish to express my gratitude to our Mayor and his staff for the nomination to serve you in the capacity of Commissioner for the Board of Neighborhood Councils.


It is not long ago that I decided that the best way to serve my community was joining the neighborhood councils. 

>>> read more here 



Joy Atkinson - South Los Angeles - Commissioner


Joy Atkinson is a private consultant specializing in developing and implementing community outreach programs.  She served as a consultant for California Speaker Karen Bass, specializing in outreach to the African American press, the community at large, and with The Speaker's Clergy Alliance. >>> read more here