March 29 - April 4, 2015

Welcome to First Presbyterian  Church of Evanston





Some of you are asking questions about the new marriage amendment that was adopted last week by the PCUSA and goes into effect June 21, 2015. What does this mean for our church? What will our congregation do in light of this new reality? These are legitimate, understandable questions to ask. Here are a few things to keep in mind:


First, according to amendment 14-F, the determination of what couple a pastor will marry, that determination has been and will continue to be with each pastor. The language states: Nothing herein shall compel a teaching elder to perform nor compel a session to authorize the use of church property for a marriage service that the teaching elder or the session believes is contrary to the teaching elder's or the session's discernment of the Holy Spirit and their understanding of the Word of God.


Second, this past Tuesday night, the Session of our church started a formal process of discernment. Through prayer, Scripture, and examining other pertinent resources, Session will consider ways for our church to address these very important matters. Session shares the unanimous conviction that this topic does not need to divide us. Together, we believe that the Bible is God's inspired word to us and bears witness to God's Son, Jesus Christ. Together, we believe in a God who is bigger than our differences and who is not threatened by this conversation.


Bob Reynolds, the Executive Presbyter for the Presbytery of Chicago, reminded everyone in his pastoral letter to seek the peace and unity of the church: While the amendment to the Directory for Worship changes the legal rule, the issues pertaining to homosexuality and same-gender marriage continue to be debated in the church. We ask all members of Chicago Presbytery and its congregations to respect the faithful witness of those with whom they differ, and to work and pray for the unity of the church. We again offer for your consideration a list of resources exploring a range of theological responses to same-gender marriage. The list is available at the POC website:


Finally, please pray for our families, our staff, and leaders. We must be careful that these matters do not pull us apart. Let us humbly seek the peace, unity, and purity of our church.


This Sunday, Palm Sunday, let us once again welcome our Lord Jesus into the Jerusalem of our common heart.


In Christ,

Pastor Ray Hylton


First Five
1. There will be no Adult Ed Classes Sunday, March 29 and April 5th.       
2.  Easter Floral Remembrance - Donate $10 for the purchase of floral plants placed in the Chancel in memory of loved ones. Forms are available at the front desk, and the deadline to order is this Sunday, March 29th.

3The Nominating Committee requests your input to identify members for officer candidates to our Deacon, Elder, and Trustee boards who can serve starting in 2016. Drop off Nomination Forms at the Reception desk or email with your suggested officer names.


4.  Senior Varsity- Thurs April 2. Gordon Stromberg will explain the meaning and artistry of our Old and New Testament windows in the Sanctuary. (Bring binoculars!). Registration at 10:30 am, presentation at 11, and lunch at noon (cost: $5). Please register by 3/30 at the front desk by calling (847) 864-1472. All are welcome, especially seniors. 

5.  Prayer 101. Why do we pray? Why am I afraid to pray? Why is prayer sometimes difficult? How do I pray with another person? You are invited to a half day introduction and interactive workshop covering these topics Saturday, April 18, 9:15-1:00pm. Register at the front desk by April 15.


Click Here for the March 29 Bulletin.  Click Here for the March 29 Announcements.

Save the Date & Announcements 


Holy Week Activities:

Sun., 3/2910:15a-Voyagers musical, Roy Hall;

Wed., 4/1, 7p - Prayer & Taiz� Gathering, Walker Chapel;

Th., 4/2, 7:30p - Maundy Thursday Service, Walker Chapel;

Fr., 4/3, 10:00a -Good Friday Family Workshop, Dining Rm; 7:30p - Good Friday Service, Sanctuary;

Sun., 4/5, 9a & 11:15a - Easter Services, Sanctuary.


If you made a pledge to help fund the PYGS summer service trip, please turn in checks to the front desk.


The last day for the Warming Center this season was March 23.


Memorial Service for Robert Freeman will be held in the Sanctuary on April 18 at 2 pm. Reception in Dining Room to follow.


One Great Hour of Sharing offering will be on, March 29. To learn more: Fish banks are available for children to save up money throughout Lent to give to the OGHS offering. Find banks and guides at the Children's Ministry table.


Pray for Our Mission Partner

 This week- Langham Partners, page 60-61 in the 52 Weeks of Prayer for Mission book. Please pray for leaders and volunteers in Pakistan that were affected by recent terrorist attacks.


Friends in Christ Announcement: We have a wonderful dog who is very interested in visiting shut-ins. Willie is owned and loved by Melissa Warden, and they are available for visits weekday evenings after 7:30 or on the weekends. Please contact Melissa at 847-809-1369 to arrange a visit.


All mom's: Come join us for Moms R us Easter Brunch on Thursday, April 2 in Rm 213 from 9:30-11:15 am. There will be no Mom's R Us bible study on Thursday, April 9th due to spring break. 


Any and all "working moms" at First Pres are invited to gather for prayer and fellowship on the second Sunday morning of each month. We will meet during the education time from 10:25-11:10 a.m. Meet other working moms and connect with each other through conversation and prayer. We will meet in Room 102, just across from the Sanctuary.

Communion Workshop teaching will take place in the 3rd & 4th grade Sunday School class on March 15 and March 22. Details at the Children's Ministry desk.

Family Good Friday Workshop on Friday, April 3. Families, children, and anyone from the congregation is invited to this time of fellowship, worship, and crafts, beginning at 10 a.m.


Book club will meet on Tuesday, April 14th in the parlor from 1:30-3:00. We are reading The Aviator's Wife, an acclaimed novelist, Melanie Benjamin, pulls back the curtain on the marriage of one of America's most extraordinary couoples: Charles Lindbergh and Anne Morrow Lindbergh.


Adult Ed Class, Historical Background of Christian Faith: April 12 to May 3 in Parlor by Rev. Dr. Bruce Rigdon, will explore how the Christian East, Roman Catholic West, and the Protestant communities understood and practiced their faith. How do these heritages help Christians today face today's huge challenges?    


Our next New Members Class led by Pastor Ray Hylton will be on three Wednesday evenings: May 6, May 13, and May 20 at 7 pm for all interested

in membership at First Pres Evanston. Childcare is available with reservation: Janice at 847-864-1472 or jdobschuetz


Chicagoland Pilgrimage #25 - April 30- May 3 at the DeKoven Center in Racine, WI.  Experience a weekend getting to know God and feeling His love like you never have before.  Arrive by 5:00 pm on Thurs, April 30 and stay through 3:30 on Sun, May 3.  Fee is $250 for the weekend inclusive of lodging, all meals and all activities.  For more info contact Laura Jones at   


Church Camp registration has begun! Grades 2-6 are invited to Phantom Ranch in Mukwonago, WI, June 14-19.  Scholarship available, please contact Kristin Mueller for info. Registration is online through the Children's Ministry.  


Vacation Bible School: Children from 3 yrs old through 5th grade are invited to a week of "camp" at

First Pres,July 27-31 from 9-11:30 each morning.

Registration information available soon.


The YWCA Evanston/North Shore is excited to invite you to join them again this year for the YWCA Stand Against Racism, which will take place on Friday, April 24, 2015 Last year over 50 schools, places of worship, businesses and organizations around the North Shore raised awareness that racism still exists in our community and that it can no longer be ignored or tolerated. To register go to  

Save the Date- Rebuilding Together, April 26. This year we will be working in several houses. More information to come. 


A Night out with Rev. Dr. Mitri Raheb in support of Dar al Kalima University of the Arts in Bethlehem: Coopers Hawk Winery and Restaurant, Arlington Heights. Friday May 15, 6:30-9:30 pm. Details to come. Contact Caryl Weinberg:

Opportunities to Serve

Clothes Closet: Gently-used, warm items needed: women's/men's winter coats, sweaters, jeans, slacks, belts, shoes & hats. Blankets, sleeping bags, towels, washcloths, shopping bags with handles and Bibles.


If our audio or visual systems interest you, skilled or not, join our team! Flexible volunteer schedule. Email to volunteer.


Be a role model for a homeless child! Volunteer at the New Life Shelter, five minutes from church. Contact Tom Alrich


Children's programs need volunteers! Seeking helpers in the Crib Room on Sunday on occasion. These volunteers experience the joy of interacting with babies, without changing diapers. Our Crib Room staff handles the mess! To serve, please contact Kristin Mueller (x507 or 

Friends in Christ needs volunteers. Would you like to join and help make meals, run errands, give a ride to someone in need? For more info

Please Please call Bonnie Kath at 847-491-9194.    

The Junior High Youth Group (NUBS) needs a consistent female leader on Weds nights, 6:45 - 8:45pm. Contact Jonathan Barney (x508) for more info. Qualifications: Eager to know the students, participate in Bible study and lead small group discussion.


The Youth Sunday School Team needs more High School teachers. Time: 10:15-11:05AM. Please contact Jonathan Barney (x508) for more info.


Are you a former FPCE deacon? Do you love to serve God's family? The deacons are seeking support for several ministries. Even volunteering once or twice would be a great help! Please contact Deacon Melissa ("Lisa") Bolsen at for specifics.   



Do you need a ride, a meal or someone to run an errand for you? A member of Friends in Christ is ready to help with your need. Please Please call Bonnie Kath at 847-491-9194.  


Do you know someone who is hurting, a friend or a neighbor?   You can help them have support through their difficult time. Pick up a Stephen Ministry brochure and use it to offer them the support of this one-on-one caring ministry.  If he/she is interested, contact Kathleen Lin (773 465-8323) or Marge Stromberg (773 275-9449) who will meet with them.  No one should walk alone.


In Cases of after hour emergencies - please call our Emergency Answering Service at 866-259-7088.  


The Counseling Center (TCC) provides professionally trained Christian counseling in our own facility. Contact TCC Director Charles Miyamoto 847-864-9133



Our Mission  

Sharing Christ,


Making Disciples,


Serving God's World,


By the Power


of the Holy Spirit.   


 Join our Mailing List  


This Sunday is Palm Sunday

        Summary notes from the March Session Meeting are available here. The summary of the Chicago Presbytery Meeting is available here.
Paper copies are also available in our literature racks.


GROWing Tip of the Week:

Volunteer with FPCE at any of these activities: OUR WORLD


How are you GROWing?

Tell us about it!

or FPCE Facebook page.








Star your Easter reading with some good books for Lent. These are all in the main collection. There are also many children's books for Easter, many of which you can find on display on the children's shelves.


Books that are in the hall showcase may also be checked out. Just ask one of the librarians.


Cole, Joan. A Lenten Journey With Jesus.   242.34 Col

Colson, Charales. Christ in Easter.   242.34 Col

Coskey, Evelyn. Easter Eggs for Everyone.   745 Cos

Courrege, Beverly. The Joy of Resurrection.   242 Cou

Fairweathaer, Eugene. The Meaning and Message of Lent.   232.95

Gross, Bobby. Living the Christian Year.   242.3 Gro  

Hogan, Julie. Guideposts Prayers for Easter.   242.34 Hog

McGrath, Alister. "I Believe": Exploring the Apostles Creed.   238.11 McG

Rosen, Ceil. Christ in the Passover.   296.432 Ros

Viets, Wallace. My God, Why? And Other Questions from the Passion.   252.62 Vie

Walker, Harold Blake. Heart of the Christian Year..   242.3 Wal


In addition to the above books, there are many more on Easter and the Passion on the shelf under the numbers 232.96 and 232.97. There are also some fiction books on the topic. These are listed below.



Douglas, Lloyd C. The Robe.   FIC Dou

Holmes, Margorie. The Messiah.   FIC Hol

Venter, Frans. Simone of Cyrene.   FIC Ven


You might also try His Glory Revealed, by John Hagee. 263.9 Hag

This is a book about several Jewish fasts and feasts listed in the Bible. The section on the Passover is divided into readings for 5 days: The Feast of Passover, Passover in the Time of Christ, Present-Day Passover, The Prophecy of Passover, and Passover Made Personal. Each section follows this pattern - Day 2 always explaining the festival or feast in New Testament Times, or The Time of Christ. Other fasts and feasts discussed are: The Feast of Unleavened Bread, The Feast of Firstfruits, The Feast of Pentacost, The Feast of Trumpets, The Day of Atonement, and The Feast of Tabernacles.





First Presbyterian Church of Evanston 
