Riverside School Newsletter



                SPIRIT WEEK


Monday, June 9th
8:45am 80th Anniversary Celebration- Wear RED
9:00am  Audubon Dig - Gr. 3
11:00am  Riverside Rhythms
1:00pm  Sarah Bush visiting Gr 3

Tuesday, June 10th
9:00am  Bush Holly House - 3MO & 3K
9:00am  PTA Exec Board Meeting


Wednesday, June 11th
9:00am  Gr 3-5 Field Day
2:30pm Writing Celebration - 1S


Thursday, June 12th
THROWBACK THURSDAY- Dress from a different decade
Gr 3-5 Field Day - Rain Date
7:45am  Morning Program- Media
7:45am  Riverside Reporters Publishing Party - Cafe
8:30am Father's Day Celebration Breakfast - KD
1:30pm  Writing Celebration - KC
1:30pm  Poetry Presentation - 5M
2:00pm  Presentations - 5A & 5S
2:30pm Writing Celebration - 1G
3:15pm  Gr 5 Art Show


Friday June 13th
9:00am  Bush Holly House - 3H & 3MA
2:00pm  Spirit Week Assembly



Monday, June 16th 
Gr 5 visit to EMS
1:15pm Writing Celebration - KK
2:15pm  Flag Day Celebration


Tuesday, June 17th
10:00am  Ancient Greece Celebration - Gr. 3 ALP
11:00am Fiesta- Back Field - Gr. 2
1:30pm End of Year Celebration - Kickball Field - KF


Wednesday, June 18th
5th Grade Picnic
9:00am Class Play - 4CL
1:00pm 5th Grade Recognition Practice- EMS
1:00pm Class Play - 4M
1:30pm  End of Year Celebration - KD
2:30pm Writing Celebration - 3H


Thursday, June 19th
12:00pm Gr 4 Picnic- Back Field
1:15pm Writing Celebration- 1Mc
1:15pm Curriculum Share - 3MO
2:00pm Bubbles & Beach Balls 


Friday, June 20th
Report Cards Distributed
11:00pm Gr 5 Recognition Ceremony - EMS
11:30am End of Year Celebration - Gr. 3




From the Front Office 

Weekly Column by Mr. Weiss 
June 6, 2014 


Monday at 8:45 AM - Riverside's 80th Anniversary celebration 


This Monday at 8:45, Riverside School will be celebrating as a community our 80th anniversary. We will be placing a new time capsule in the front of the school to be opened in 20 years on our 100th anniversary. Parents, family, and community members are welcome to join us on the front lawn at 8:45 for the event.  This is also a Red Shirt Day. Everyone who was/is a member of the Riverside community past or present is welcome to attend. In case of rain, the event will be held in the gym (with A/C!). Attending are the following members of our school or town community, past or present: Dr. McKersie, Dr. Flanagan, 1st Selectmen Tesei, Representative Camillo, BOE Members Dayton and Erickson, and retired staff members Mrs. Kitson, Mrs. Phillips, and Mrs. Lindemeyer. A guest reception for our parents, guests, and staff members who are available will start at 9:30 in the cafe. 



Virtual Transitions


Starting today, parents of students entering grades 1-5 in the fall are invited to visit our school website for an updated overview of the upcoming grade. Teachers have developed presentations highlighting the unique aspect of each grade, 1-5 for you. The presentations can be viewed at: http://www.greenwich.k12.ct.us/page.cfm?p=10542 



Grade 5 Recognition Day


Parents of 5th graders, your child will be bringing home a letter today, regarding Friday, June 20th Recognition Day. Enclosed will be a ticket entitling you to 5 reserved seats at Eastern Middle School auditorium. If you need an extra seat, please contact another family as not all may use their 5 seat allotment.  We are all looking forward to this wonderful Riverside tradition and a beautiful, lasting memory. 





If you didn't get a chance to send in a ROPES/NORMS slip for your child (found at the back of the new NORMS booklet sent home), please send it in on Monday or Tuesday.  Thanks!



Kindness Counts Spirit Week Events


We encourage all students to participate in Kindness Counts/Spirit Week Monday-Friday. See the information below. On Friday we will have a fun all school assembly at 2 pm. Also please join the PTA and student volunteers at the Make-a-Wish Foundation Lemonade Stand and Bake Sale right after school on Friday.  



Riverside History Corner 

 Have you viewed the anniversary quilt at the entrance of the school created in 30 years ago at the 50th anniversary of the school (the same year our current time capsule was placed in the ground)? Come in to see the great design and panels, telling about life at Riverside in 1983. 


Interested in learning more about Riverside History? Three PTA newsletters celebrating our 50th, 60th, and 75th anniversaries with lots of fun facts from 1933-2008 can be found here:  


Kick off with the 80th Anniversary - Wear Riverside Red (Be Here -Everyone will be gathered together to celebrate the beginning of Spirit Week, and the 80th Anniversary) 
Pajama Day (Be Safe)

Wear Your Favorite Team Jersey Day (Let Go and Move On-Showing Good Sportsmanship)

Throw Back Thursday: Dress from a different decade. (Be Honest)

Wacky Hair/Hat Day:Student assembly (Care for Self and Others)


Save the Dates


Grade 5 Recognition Day will take place Friday, June 20th at 11am at Eastern Middle School. We are all looking forward to this wonderful Riverside tradition and a beautiful, lasting memory.  This will also be an early dismissal day (1:15) for all students. 

Flag Day will be Monday, June 16 at 2:15 pm - on the front lawn

Bubbles & Beach Balls event will be Thursday, June 19 at 2 pm on the back lawn

Parents are invited to join us! 




 If your child has medications in the Health Office it needs to be picked up  by the parent no latter then June 20th @ 1:15pm.


  If medication isn't picked up by then it will be disposed of.  


No medications can be stored in the Health Office over the summer.  



 All 5th Grade students and their families are most cordially invited to our 


5th Grade End-of-Year Art Show

 on June 12th from 3:15 to 4:15


  Please come enjoy the students' lovely art and hard work.  

We can't wait to celebrate a year of great talent with you!  

Refreshments served.  



    Riverside R 


Please review the Riverside School Family Handbook! 


The District Norms (Be Here, Be Safe, Be Honest, Care For Self and Others, Let Go and Move On) and expectations are explained in this booklet. Our goal is to foster a deeper understanding of the Norms and to collaborate as adults to be positive role models for our children.  Please review them with your child(ren). We encourage you to post the chart from the center of the booklet in a highly visible place at home to facilitate conversations around the Norms. 


We invite you to try one of the suggested home activities (or create your own) and complete the ROPES slip in this booklet. Return the ROPES slip to school as directed so they can be showcased in the front hallway.


School Supplies






Thank you to everyone who has participated in the Riverside School Supply Fundraiser.  We had a tremendous response.  

 If you are interested in helping deliver boxes to the classrooms on the Friday before school starts (August 22nd), please send an email to 
Susan Jaffe at  susanmenkhausjaffe@yahoo.com.  
Please no children under the age of 6.



Fitness Challenge Winners!!!


Fitness Challenge Winners!
Congratulations to all the participants in the 2014 Riverside School Fitness Challenge!  There was a wonderful turnout of very active children.  
The following Students were the top two winners for each grade: 
Fifth Grade: Javier Gil, Sophia Bastek
Fourth Grade: Agustina Rissola, Liam Mathews
Third Grade: Tomas Delgado, Charlie Dixon 
Second Grade: Jackie Ryckman, Rylan Alves 
First Grade: Jenna Pobjoy, Ross Servick 
Kindergarten: Nico Matoso, Jacoby Weiner  
PTA Lemonade Stand/Bake Sale for Connecticut Make-a-Wish
Please join us after school on Friday, June 13th for a glass of lemonade and some yummy treats and help support the Connecticut Chapter of
You want to help out??
Get baking- make cookies, brownies, pies, cake pops, rice krispie treats etc. Please bring your baked goods to school in the morning on the 13th - there will be someone at the front door to collect them from you. If you drop them off during the day, take them to the front office. Please have them "bake sale" ready and in disposable containers. 
Please label anything that has nuts.
 Bring your allowance- Do some extra chores around the house and earn extra money to buy some treats and support a great cause. And, make sure your parents bring their wallets too!


As your season winds down, are those cleats starting to feel a little small?  Give your old cleats a new lease on life by donating them in the box at the entry of the school.  Your cleats will  donated to kids in need.

Thank you!       
12th Annual Greenwich Kids Triathlon
Sunday, June 8th
Ages 6-16
Greenwich High School

We are happy to announce a brand new Elementary curriculum for the 2014 Summer School program as well as on-line registration.

Registration for the 2014 Summer School program will begin on April 4th.  
There will be on-site registration:
All registration brochures, registration meeting updates and links to the on-line registration website can be found on the GPS Summer School website.

Summer School will be held at the following schools:

Pre-Kindergarten - 5th Grade at Hamilton Avenue School from July 1- August 12

All Pre-Kindergarten students and Kindergarten - 5th Grade students from New Lebanon, Hamilton Avenue, Glenville School

Kindergarten - 5th Grade at Cos Cob School from July 1- August 12
All other elementary school students will attend summer school at Cos Cob School

6th Grade- 12th Grade at Central Middle School from July 1- August 5 
Comprehensive Secondary Special Education Program July 1-August 12

Community Calendar 

Don't forget to check the Community Calendar on the school website www.greenwichschools.org/rs

 Click here to go to the Community Calendar

If you have any questions or comments feel free to email us at riversideschoolpta@gmail.com.



Catherine Polkinghorne & Lois Kelly

Co-Presidents Riverside School PTA