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e-News From CompassMay,  2016
Dear Friends:
Should We Trust Every Word of the Bible?
The Bible is either true, all of it, or it's useless if some of it's false. If some of it's false, how would you know what was true and what was false? If some of it was not literal, how would you decide what to believe?

For Bible skeptics, one of the most hard-to-believe stories in the Bible is the story of Noah and the worldwide flood. The story has been pooh-poohed for decades. A man and his three sons spend over 100 years and their entire family ark door fortune to build a huge ship to survive a worldwide flood. 

The ship is large enough to hold a male and female of every kind of animal on the planet, plus food and water for over a year.

The story gets even wilder when you realize it had never rained on the earth. In the early days a mist watered the planet every morning (Gen 2:6). So why worry about a flood? Why worry about something that never has happened before?

Scripture says Noah warned the people of earth of God's impending judgment the entire time the Ark was being built, but no one listened. There were probably plenty of scoffers who thought God would never do such a thing.

Bummer for them! When God shut the door of the Ark, it was too late to be saved from God's wrath. Massive waters from below and above burst forth, annihilating the planet with a worldwide flood.

It happened exactly like the Bible says, and the earth today still shows the scars of that horrific event.
Answers in Genesis, a non-profit ministry based in Northern Kentucky, has set out to prove the accuracy of that worldwide flood by building an exact replica of Noah's Ark. It's height, length and breadth are being built to Biblical dimensions.

On the inside of the Ark there was so much room, even after making space for one of every kind of animal on the planet, that AIG is  developing over 150 interactive displays in bays showing the scientific accuracy of the Biblical account of the flood.

The rebuilt Ark has the potential to have one HUGE impact on Christians and non-Christians alike! After touring through the Ark, even skeptics will have to rethink their accusations. Few people will leave that Ark without having a new-found respect for God and His inerrant Word.

Satan obviously hates this project. The obstacles this group of dedicated people have encountered have been non-stop. But by God's grace the Ark will be open to the public this July.

Compass has been defending the accuracy of the Bible for 22 years so it was a no-brainer to have a Steeling the Mind Bible Conference there this September 23-25. 

You'll not only be taught great Biblical truths to complement your local church's teaching, but you'll also receive an entrance ticket for both the Ark AND the Creation Museum for two days.  

Steeling Noah's Ark 
Construction Continues!
Join Us!!  September 23-25, 2016  
The Rebuilt Noah's Ark is expected to be finished this July.

Join us for a great Steeling the Mind Conference at the rebuilt Noah's Ark (built to Biblical dimensions!), with great speakers and tough topics!

We're doing this conference differently in order for everyone to have plenty of time to visit the rebuilt Ark and AIGs $22 million Creation Museum.

All Steeling presentations will be at night leaving the days open to visit the over 150 interactive exhibits inside the Ark
. You need a LOT of time to see all this!! It's sort of like going to Disneyland.

This is the hottest ticket in town! 
Your conference ticket is good for
visiting the Ark and
AIG's Creation Museum!

Regular Ark Ticket
One Day Pass

Regular Creation Museum Ticket
One Day Pass

Regular Combo Ticket- Ark and Museum  
One Day Pass

Regular Steeling Ticket
(no Ark or Museum)
Steeling Conference Ticket, Ark and Museum 
TWO Day Pass
$69 (Through May 31)

That's right, your Steeling Conference registration is also good for admission to both the rebuilt Ark and AIG's phenomenal Creation Museum--for two days!! Save $100 per person!!!!

This is the most economical weekend to visit the Ark! Attend the awesome Bible conference at night and see the Ark and Museum during the day!

So join us for a great conference weekend! Click here for details! It's a great Bible conference and you'll see the proof of the accuracy of the Word of God! 
PLUS...Save some bucks by ordering your
Steeling Noah's Ark conference tickets by May 31 and
save $10 per ticket!! And the brochure and/or website has about 25 hotels who have discounted rooms of every shape and size.
Make plans today!

Join us on our "Cruise of a lifetime!"
This is the big one. 18 total days (14 days on the top ship in the Mediterranean!) visiting scores of Biblical sites in 5 countries. 
Hosted by Woodrow Kroll, who is referred to as "America's Radio Pastor" because he taught tens of millions of listeners daily on the rock-solid "Back to the Bible" radio show for over 20 years.

Woodrow's also authored over 50 books! So you'll be traversing the Biblical sites around the Mediterranean as you're taught by one of America's top Bible expositors!

And to top it off, everyone has a stateroom with a balcony. WOW!
Click here for details of how you can join us and SEE your Bible come alive in living color!!  

In the spring of 2017, April/May, we'll be celebrating the 500-year anniversary of the Protestant Reformation with a 14-day trip including a Viking River Cruise to Wittenberg, Germany.

Wittenberg is where the Protestants first began their protest when Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to his church's front door. Up until then, if you were a Christian, you were a Catholic.

This amazing all-inclusive trip includes three nights in London plus tours, two nights in Prague plus tour and two nights in Berlin plus tour. Not to mention all off-ship tours on the 6-day Viking River Cruise! And knock-your-socks-off Bible studies along the way led by author and Bible teacher Andy Woods! Register today! Click here for more details.

There has never been a better time to be alive! There's more going on prophesied in the Bible over 2000 years ago than we can keep up with! And we have a front row seat!

Use us, Lord!


Living In  
The Time  
Of God's Judgment

"There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven."   Eccl. 3:1

In the not-too-distant future the world will change suddenly and dramatically.

At the end of each of God's specific time periods on earth, referred to as "dispensations," God judges the earth for failure to obey God's commands. There's a penalty to pay and no one on earth gets out of God's judgment.

Examples of God's worldwide judgment in the first three dispensations-

1) In the first Dispensation of Innocence, God's command was very simple for Adam and Eve: "Don't eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil."

But they disobeyed, ate the fruit, and the result was that death entered the earth. God judged the earth by allowing every human to be infected with sin, separating them from a righteous God.

2) In the second Dispensation of Conscience,
God's command was to be moral, which included the command to marry one man to one woman. That command was broken and a devastating worldwide flood wiped out everyone but those on Noah's Ark.

3) In the third Dispensation of Government,
God said fill the earth. But instead of following God's command, the people of earth stayed in one place and built the Tower of Babel. So God judged the earth by mixing the languages.

Each time a dispensation ended, the whole earth was affected. The people alive at the time of those dispensation-ending judgments were affected whether they knew about God's commands or not. God never changed, but He changed how He dealt with humans on the earth.

The Flood of Noah was God's worldwide judgment.
I can't imagine what it would have been like to be alive at the time of Noah when God shut the door of the Ark and the waters burst forth from below and flooded the earth.

The people of that day were going about their daily lives, ignoring God's warnings and had no clue what was dead ahead.

One minute things were normal. The next minute the
foundations of the world were shaken. People certainly weren't standing around watching the water rise, wondering what to do. Rather, in an instant, the earth was moving under their feet, buildings were collapsing, the wind was howling and people were screaming.

The amount of water that came out of the ground all around the earth would have sent scores of tsunamis hundreds of feet high that traveled hundreds of miles inland, all while the earth shook mightily.

But this was not an earthquake like we think of today, where only one area is decimated. The whole earth shook as it was quickly covered with water.

It is estimated that the earth could have been flooded from the waters below in eight hours.Click here to watch a remarkable 90-second video showing how this could have happened. The video is titled "When God Shut The Door On Noah's Ark."

Watching that video you realize that not only did that Ark have to be able to float with two of all the earth's animals, it also had to withstand the initial impact of the floodwaters smashing against the side of the Ark.
People are laughing today just 
like they laughed at Noah

No doubt there were some who stayed alive a few seconds and remembered Noah's preaching and warnings of God's impending judgment.

Like the thief on the cross, I'm sure there were some people who, at the last second, believed what Noah said as they sank below the turbulent judgment waters. But the end of the Church Age, when suddenly the Believers disappear, there is no possibility of last second salvation. It's just over.

But the main point is this--all dispensations end with God's judgment for all who are not saved through the Door. One minute things were normal, the next minute God's judgment came without warning for those who did not enter God's Door of salvation via His Messiah.

The next dispensational change, the end of the Church Age in which we currently live, will be "just like" the time of Noah's Flood. Not "similar to", "comparable to" or "much the same as." No, it will be "JUST LIKE" the days before Noah enters into the Ark and God closes the door.

So the Bible gives us a good idea of what the time will be like. The Bible says specifically that the time before the flood was quite normal. People were not expecting God's judgment. They thought things would continue on unabated. It's the same today-

2Pet. 3:3 Know this first of all, that in the last days mockers will come with their mocking, following after their own lusts,  
2Pet. 3:4 and saying, "Where is the promise of His coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all continues just as it was from the beginning of creation."  
2Pet. 3:5 For when they maintain this, it escapes their notice that by the word of God the heavens existed long ago and the earth was formed out of water and by water,  
2Pet. 3:6 through which the world at that time was destroyed,
 being flooded with water. 
People today have no clue. They will be eating, drinking, planting, harvesting, social events and construction....until God shuts the door. Luke 17:27, Mat 24:37.

Most people today go about their daily lives unconcerned about God's rules. By and large, the earth is unconcerned about God, much less about God's commands and fully ignorant of the coming world judgment. Pretty much the world is giving God the middle-finger.

But just as God shut the door of Noah's Ark and then it was too late to miss the judgment, God will also shut the Door (Jesus) with the Rapture and things will change in a split-second.

God's Wrath Is Coming Again
That incredible God-ordained event brings the world into a global state of shock as the Lord removes those who are in the Body of Christ. By God's grace, Believers are whisked to heaven and therefore saved FROM the wrath of God.
"Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from the wrath of God through Him." Ro. 5:9

"...and to wait for His Son from heaven, whom He raised from the dead, that is Jesus, who rescues us from the wrath to come." 1 Thes. 1:10

"For God has not destined us for wrath, but for obtaining salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ," 1 Thes. 5:9

Israel Will Again Be God's Focus
Immediately after the Rapture, God will bring Israel back into the prophetic spotlight--big-time front and center. Just like the world revolved around Israel in the Old Testament, it will again revolve around Israel in the next dispensation referred to as "Tribulation."

The Bible says that at that time Israel will have become the envy of the world. They will be so rich and prosperous that right after the Rapture happens, a group of nations will invade to capture her riches.

We are just now seeing the beginning of Israel becoming a wealthy nation.
In 2015 she discovered oil in Northern Israel's Golan Heights. The massive oil discovery is predicted to be one of the largest oil reservoirs in the world, 10 times larger than a typical oil discovery.

This is in addition to all the gas fields discovered in and around Israel. As they say in Texas, "Where there's gas, there's oil." So expect to hear more oil discoveries in the future in Israel.

The Bible also states that Israel will have abundant gold and silver.

" capture spoil and to seize plunder, to turn your hand against the waste places which are now inhabited, and against the people who are gathered from the nations, who have acquired cattle and goods, who live at the center of the world. Sheba and Dedan and the merchants of Tarshish with all its villages will say to you, 'Have you come to capture spoil? Have you assembled your company to seize plunder, to carry away silver and gold, to take away cattle and goods, to capture great spoil?'"' Ezek 38:12,13

It's unclear if Israel will discover silver and gold in the ground or if nations just give them so much gold and silver for their oil. (Fiat/paper money will likely soon be replaced with a currency tied to gold and/or silver, so this could be quite prophetic!)

Regardless of how she acquires her riches, Israel post-Rapture will be sitting on so much oil, gold and silver that the Bible calls the amount "great."

The Hebrew word translated "great" is "gadol" and can be translated "exceedingly" or "extremely." And its root word "gadal" denotes the idea of recent riches, "became great" or "became wealthy."

Israel didn't start out rich, she is BECOMING rich, right in front of our eyes. And the richer she becomes the more the world will be envious.

God's Reason For Ezekiel 38/39
The MOST fascinating wording in the description of Ezekiel 38/39 invasion of Israel, which takes place shortly after the Rapture, is WHY God says He orchestrates all those events. The reasons are:

1) To bring Israel back into the WORLD limelight as God's special people and

2) To reintroduce the world to Jehovah God with whom to be reckoned.

Check out these quite-pointed statements about the WHOLE WORLD watching what God will be doing:

"...and you will come up against My people Israel like a cloud to cover the land. It shall come about in the last days that I will bring you against My land, so that the nations may know Me when I am sanctified through you before their eyes, O Gog." Ezek. 38:16
"The fish of the sea, the birds of the heavens, the beasts of the field, all the creeping things that creep on the earth, and
all the men who are on the face of the earth will shake at My presence; Ezek. 38:20

"I will magnify Myself, sanctify Myself, and make Myself
known in the sight of many nations; and they will know that I am the LORD."' Ezek. 38:23
"And I will send fire upon Magog and those who inhabit the coastlands in safety; and they will know that I am the LORD." Ezek. 39:6

"My holy name I will make known in the midst of My people Israel; and I will not let My holy name be profaned anymore. And the nations will know that I am the LORD, the Holy One in Israel." Ezek. 39:7

"And I will set My glory among the nations; and all the nations will see My judgment which I have executed and My hand which I have laid on them." Ezek. 39:21

"When I bring them back from the peoples and gather them from the lands of their enemies, then I shall be sanctified through them in the sight of the many nations." Ezek. 39:27
Therefore, in no uncertain terms, the Creator God makes Himself known to the world. And the world will know that He is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (no Ishmael). Liberals and evolutionists will go out of vogue immediately.
Of course Satan will also be quite active during this time, trying to steal God's thunder. :-) 
In summary
It doesn't seem far-fetched to believe that between now and the year 2040, the Church Age Dispensation will conclude with our exhilarating exit. Maybe sooner than later. And most people left behind on earth will be Biblically clueless as to what happened. 

"For this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false," 2Thes. 2:11

We don't know what the big lie will be. But whatever it is, people's eternal destiny will be at stake.

Then the next time period on God's calendar will begin, seven years long referred to as "The Time of Jacob's Trouble" or "The Tribulation." God will immediately reveal Himself both to Israel and the world as the Creator God of the universe. And literally, all hell breaks loose.

Those seven years get pretty messy, but thankfully those trusting the shed blood of Jesus to atone for their sins will miss it! PTL!


8 Great  
NEW Bible Studies  
Steeling the Mind Spokane!
Recorded live with all the visuals and
now available to steel your mind
with Biblical truth! 

Packed-out in the Ballroom at the Davenport Hotel in Spokane

For 22 years we've been holding Steeling Conferences around the nation, providing great Biblical armor to complement your local church. And this was one of the best ever! Incredible information to pass around to friends, family and coworkers.

Download now: $4.95 each
Shipped to you: $9.95 each or
all 8 DVDs for $49.95!
Or purchase on a nifty little Compass Flash drive. 

CLICK HERE to download and watch now
CLICK HERE to order DVDs to be mailed to you
CLICK HERE to order a 16 GB Compass Flash drive loaded up with Steeling titles and ready to go.
Call 800-977-2177

See titles, speakers and descriptions below....

One Second After The Rapture!
Andy Woods-
College of Biblical Studies, TX

One minute, everything is normal. Then, without warning, an earth-shattering BOOM that forever changes the world! What will it be like immediately following our exhilarating exit? Andy takes us on a worldwide tour.

The Implications of Living in "The Days of Noah"
Russ Miller-
Creation Ministries, AZ

The Bible says that the time just before Rapture will be "just like" the time before the worldwide flood. We know a lot about the world just before God shut the door, so what are the implications for us today? Fascinating!

Islam and God's Judgment in the Last Days
Shahram Hadian-
Truth in Love Ministries, WA

Shahram, raised a Muslim in Iran before coming to America with his parents and getting saved, explains what's going on around the world from a Biblical perspective. And it's shocking!

1:30 PM - Masters of Deceit

Curtis Bowers-
Documentary Film Maker, ID 

Curtis, former Idaho legislator, opened a lot of eyes with his award-winning and #1 best-selling video "Agenda--Grinding America Down." Now he's exposing the purposeful, premeditated, treasonous attacks on our freedom. Hold on to your seat for this one!

The U.S. Constitution--How Long Will It Last?
Andy Woods-
College of Biblical Studies, TX

Satan's been hard at work trying to destroy our Biblically oriented constitution. So far it's stood the test of time, but will it continue to hold together until the Rapture? Andy looks at its past changes and future changes coming!

The Muslim Takeover of America--
Are We Concerned Yet? 

Shahram Hadian-
Truth in Love Ministries, WA

Islamic Law violates all five freedoms listed in the 1st Amendment: Religion, Speech, Assembly, Press and Addressing Grievances. Do you see a problem here? Shahram explains this no-win situation and what to expect if we continue down this path.

Money Matters
Tom Cloud-
Precious Metals Consultant, GA

Are we at the end of the bear market in precious metals? What is happening worldwide... of which few Americans are aware? Tom has some surprising answers with this phenomenal precious metals update!

Healing America From Racial Hate
Jesse Lee Peterson-
BOND Ministries, CA

What is the real reason blacks riot in the streets? Jesse says it's a modern-day emotional slavery from race hustlers pushing welfare, food stamps and subsidized housing, shackling blacks worse than any 17th century slave trade ever could. Jesse recently turned Hannity and Fox News upside down with his honest, straight-forward and Biblically rooted remarks! 
Order these great Bible studies today!

Click here for DVDs shipped to you.

Click here to download and watch now.

New! Compass Flash Drive
Loaded with all eight Steeling Conference presentations so you can plug and play. 
CLICK HERE to order the 16 GB Compass Flash Drive all loaded up and ready to go, mailed to you. A great deal, as little as $1.52 per title! Wow!

Or you can purchase any 10 downloads, you choose the titles, for $19.95, just $2.00 each! Click here for details! 
Coming up this year at Compass
Mark Your  
Grand Canyon Tour and Raft Trip 
(more of a float!)
     *** SOLD OUT!!!*** 
              Learn scientific evidences proving the canyon
                was carved in days, not millions of years!

June 23-26, 2016

Sign up early next year!

Steeling Noah's Ark 
Join us for a great conference plus tour the
incredible Noah's Ark, full-size,
with animals--live or models!

September 23-25, 2016


Biblelands Cruise 2016 

The trip of a lifetime!

Your Hosts: 
Woodrow and Linda Kroll 
Gino and Mary Geraci
Shea and MeLissa Houdmann 
Bill and Susie Perkins 
 Click here for details! 


Steeling the Mind Spokane 
SATURDAY, February 25,

At the Davenport Historic Hotel

Mark your calendar! 

Join us as we celebrate the 500-year 
anniversary of Martin Luther nailing 
95 reasons he was leaving the Catholic Church!

Reformation River Cruise 
Hosted by Andy Woods and Bill Perkins
April 20 - May 3, 2017

London, Prague, Berlin and a Viking River Cruise
 Click Here for a brochure with all the details!

Or call 800-977-2177 to have the eight-page
paper brochure mailed to you. 

Join over 20,000 people!
Sign up for our FREE daily Bible Study.....

Good Morning Lord!
is a provocative one-minute daily email Bible study that's a great way to start the day.

Warning: This Bible study is VERY conservative. So if you can't take the scriptural heat, it's easy to unsubscribe! :-)


 .                      Buying or Selling
Real Estate
in Washington State, Idaho and Arizona?

Praise the Lord!!!
Jaimie Lee, a realtor here in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, and a great friend of Compass, has graciously offered, again, to split her commissions with Compass in 2016 for any Compass contact who uses her for a sale or purchase of real estate. Wow! This worked out wonderfully last year! :-)

She is licensed in Idaho, Arizona and Washington. So if you are considering selling or buying real estate, we would greatly appreciate it if you would pray about using Jaimie as she's one incredible Real Estate Agent!!!

Her phone number is 

Her email is


Reformation River Cruise

London, Prague, Berlin
April 20-May 3,

Join us on a
Viking River Cruise
as we celebrate the
500-year anniversary
of the Protestant Reformation!

What a Bible trip! Includes:
  * 14 total days
  * RT airfare from NYC
  * 6 days on River Cruise
  * 8 off-ship tours
  * 3 nights in London
  * Flight - London to Prague
  * 2 nights in Prague
  * 2 nights in Berlin
  * Complimentary wifi
  * All transfers
Plus awesome Bible studies!

Click here for the brochure!

Or call 800-977-2177  
for a brochure to
be mailed to you! 

Viking sells out fast so register early! This is a great trip down the elegant Elbe River with great Bible studies taught by Andy Woods. Not to mention visiting London, Prague and Berlin!!

Click here for more info!
Compass Top 50
Awesome Steeling Titles

$1.58 each--Whoa!

Order this nifty little 16 GB Compass Flash Drive and get Compass Top 50 titles for only $79... that's only $1.58 each!

Join us for the
cruise of a lifetime!

Two incredible weeks on Celebrity's Silhouette

18 days total!

With teachers:
Woodrow Kroll
Gino Geraci
Shea Houdmann
Bill Perkins

Oct 20 - Nov 10, 2016  
Jerusalem (2)
Galilee (1)

with the option to include:

for a detailed  
Capernaum sign This is THE BEST Holyland cruise available at any price! 
left pointed
Register by May 30 for Celebrity stateroom credit incentives! 
Call for details!
Is it the Biggest Steeling Conference in history?

Join us in Cincinnati
for the inaugural
Noah's Ark
A landmark Bible
conference at the
Northern Kentucky 
Convention Center

Includes admission to
NOAH'S ARK for two days! 

September 23-25, 2016

Construction will be
completed in July, 2016!

About this conference:
Construction continues on the largest wooden structure in the world by Answers in Genesis.

It's almost two football fields long, 60 feet high and the entire project will cost over 88 million dollars.  
The Ark will include live animals or full-size models of every kind of animal on the planet, Noah's and his sons' apartments, and food and water storage to keep all alive for over a year!

Conference Schedule:

Travel Day to Cincinnati / Northern Kentucky area. The Cincinnati Airport is located in Northern Kentucky. 

Friday Night at the Northern Kentucky Convention Center
7:00 PM - Ed Hindson
Liberty University 
7 Signs That The
Rapture's Very Close!

8:00 PM - Ken Ham
Answers in Genesis
The Critical Importance of Taking the Book of Genesis Literally!

All Day Saturday 
Tour the full-scale model of Noah's Ark including viewing live animals (or full-size models of animals--one of every species), water storage, food storage, Noah's family's apartments, waste disposal, Noah's Library and more! Plus view all the extra space left over/unused inside the Ark!

Tour AIG's incredible Creation Museum. 
Tour through the 22-million-dollar building and Biblically accurate exhibits--including a planetarium, Special Effects Theater, Garden of Eden exhibit and world-class Biblical artifacts collection

Saturday Night 
6:00 PM - Reception & Banquet
Meet the speakers and those responsible for Noah's Ark!

7:30 PM - Gina Loudon
Fox News Contributor
The "Behind The Camera"  
Fight For Conservatives

8:30 PM - Ken Ham
Answers in Genesis 
The Garden of Eden--
Death After Sin

Sunday Morning 
9:00 AM Russ Miller
Creation Ministries 
What Happened To
The Dinosaurs?

9:30 AM Ed Hindson
The Believers' Exciting Future!

All Day Sunday 
Your Steeling ticket will be good for two days of viewing both the Ark and Museum!

This is going to be HUGE!  

So mark your calendar and plan to join us!
We've secured great rates for hotel rooms near the Ark and the Steeling conference. Call and book yours today as the best/ closest will go first! 
Can you imagine touring a full-size model of Noah's Ark for two days...and attending an awesome Steeling conference to boot? Just incredible!

Make plans to join us!

Click here for info!

Gina Loudon
is speaking at
Steeling Noah's Ark Conference 
In September!  
Pray about supporting us by becoming a Compass
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any of our 300 titles
at any time-24/7!

Plus, any and all of your
DVD purchases
are only
$5 each
for Pointes!

And all Steeling
live simulcasts are

 Pointes make Compass run! We love Pointes! Click here to learn more!


Watch the Entire Bible in 30 minutes!
Great overview of Genesis through Revelation!

Send the link to your friends and family!

Brought to you by Compass Pointes

 Click Here



 (Not a download,  

just click and watch) 



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Awesome Armor!
Over 300 incredible Bible teaching presentations recorded live at Steeling the Mind Bible Conferences (including all the awesome Power Point visuals!). Now only $9.95 per title shipped to you! Or only $4.95 to download and watch now! Cool!

 Click Here To

Thanks so much!

We exist because of your support!

Keep us in your prayers!! Thanks!

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CLICK HERE to LIKE US on Facebook!

Click Here to read the
past articles below

April, 2016
When Was Nicodemus Born Again?

March, 2016
The Last of the Last Days

February, 2016
The "Pre-Wrath" Deception

January, 2016
When The Fire First Fell

December 2015
Christmas: More To The Story
November 2015
Why Muslims Want to Kill Us
October 2015
Russia's Humiliating Defeat
September 2015
America RR1 
August 2015
God's Patience
In The Last Days 
July 2015
Rapture & Iran 
June 2015
Bye Bye Banks 
May 2015
When Christians Die
April 2015
Israel: From Gideon to Netanyahu  
March 2015
The Devil's Crockpot 
February 2015 #2 
What Porn Does To Your Brain 
February 2015
Jordan's Spunky Kings 
January 2015
Beheadings and the Bible 
December 2014 
All About Angels 
November, 2014
Why The World Will Envy Israel  
October, 2014
Home of the Brave? 
September, 2014
Worship Allah or Die  
August, 2014
Tribulation: Evangelism  
on Steroids 
July, 2014
Israel and the Mystery
June, 2014  
America's Birthrate Nightmare
May, 2014 
Earthquakes and Volcanoes  
in Bible Prophecy
April, 2014
Heaven Is For Real movie
God Is Not Dead movie 
Jesus' Five Wounds 
Homosexual Equality Push 
March, 2014 
Jesus (is not) Calling movie 
Son of God movie
Noah movie 
February, 2014
Blood Moon Madness 
January, 2014
When Will Jesus Return?
December, 2013 
The Lousy List
 November, 2013
Killing O'Reilly
October #1, 2013 
America's Lost Moorings
September, 2013
Signs of Jesus' Soon Return 
August, 2013
Kitchen Killers 
July, 2013
Don't Do What Jesus Says!  
Book Review: Harbinger
(not good!)
June, 2013
The Gaying of America
May, 2013  
When Obama Bows to Jesus
April, 2013
Beware of a  
Constitutional Convention! 
March, 2013
The Two Witnesses 
February, 2013 
The Bottomless Pit
January, 2013
The Designed Decline  
of Public Schools
December, 2012
The Coming World Tax 
November, 2012
Birth Control & Cancer Link  
October #2, 2012
The Coming One World Leader

October #1, 2012 
World Without God

September, 2012 
How can we see light from 
distant stars if the earth is 
only 6000 years old?

August, 2012 
Bill Gates and  
Intelligent Design   

July #2, 2012
Was God at the  
Movie Theater? 
July #1, 2012
Moving Toward the
 Mark of the Beast 
June, 2012
Obama or Romney?
Big Bang and the Bible!  
May, 2012
Agenda 21 & George Soros
April, 2012
Was Jesus Crucified on Friday? 
March, 2012
When Rapture Happens 
February, 2012 
America's Head Demon 
January #2, 2012   
Will Germany and Syria Sleep Together? / Is Repentance Necessary for Salvation?
January #1, 2012    
Blacks in America   
December, 2011 
Why "Asking Jesus Into Your Heart" Won't Save You! 

November #2, 2011  
The Evil End of World Debt  

November #1, 2011    
Iran--What the Bible Says
October, 2011  
Earth--Just Before  
the Rapture 
September #2, 2011  
The Palestine Myth

September #1, 2011

America's God?

August #2, 2011
A Peek Behind the

Name of God

August #1, 2011
The Dwindling Dollar / Mormons

July 2011
Should We Confess Sins
For Forgiveness After Salvation?

June 2011
Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Tsunamis... From God?

May 2011
Christians and
Birth Control

April 2011
Is Rapture In

March 2011
    The United States
     in Bible Prophecy

    February 2011
    The Egyptian Riots -
What's next?

    January 2011
    Get Ready To Witness!

    December 2010
    "Santa's Claws"

    November 2010
    Petra: Prepared by God?

    October #2 2010
    The Worldwide Muslim Agenda

    September 2010
    Mount Moriah - God's Special Place On Earth!

    August 2010
    The Declining Dollar Dilemma

    July 2010
    Israel--A Burdening Stone for the World

    June 2010
    Obama is Not the Antichrist

Click Here for past articles

It's the Biggest Steeling Conference in history!

Join us in the Cincinnati
area for the inaugural
Noah's Ark
A landmark Bible conference at the
Northern Kentucky
Convention Center

Includes admission to
NOAH'S ARK for two days! 

September 23-25, 2016

Construction will be completed in July, 2016!

About this conference:
Construction has begun on the largest wooden structure in the world by Answers in Genesis.

It's almost two football fields long, 60 feet high and the entire project will cost some 88 million dollars. And over $80 million has already been raised!! 
The Ark will include live animals (or full-size models) of every kind of land-breathing animal on the planet, Noah's and his sons' apartments, food and water storage to keep all alive for over a year!

Conference Schedule:

Travel Day to Cincinnati / Northern Kentucky area. The Cincinnati Airport is located in Northern Kentucky. 

Friday Night at the Northern Kentucky Convention Center
7:00 PM - Ed Hindson
8:00 PM - Ken Ham

All Day Saturday 
Tour the full-scale model of Noah's Ark including viewing live (or full-size models of animals--one of every species), water storage, food storage, Noah's family's apartments, waste disposal, Noah's Library and more! Plus view all the extra space left over/unused inside the Ark!

Tour AIG's incredible Creation Museum. 
Tour through the 22-million-dollar building and Biblically accurate exhibits--including a planetarium, Special Effects Theater, Garden of Eden exhibit and world-class Biblical artifacts collection

Saturday Night 
6:00 PM Reception & Banquet
7:30 PM Gina Loudon
8:30 PM Ken Ham

Sunday Morning 
9:00 AM Russ Miller
9:30 AM Ed Hindson

All Day Sunday 
Your Steeling ticket will be good for two days of viewing both the Ark and Museum!

This is going to be HUGE!  

So mark your calendar and plan to join us!
We've secured great rates for hotel rooms near the Ark and the Steeling conference. Call and book yours today as the best/ closest will go first! 
Can you imagine touring a full-size model of Noah's Ark for two days...and attending an awesome Steeling conference to boot?

Make plans to join us!

Click here for info!

Meet Fox's
Gina Loudon
Steeling Noah's Ark Conference 
In September! 

Gina has two PhDs, homeschools her five kids and is a prolific author! 


Check out this    
Free Resource

Seven Years Of Hell

I first presented this titled, "When The Jews Come Back To God." But somehow the "Seven Years..." title managed to stick. The Tribulation is sooo interesting!  

This video is made available to you by the incredible generosity of Compass Pointes! Pray about becoming one! Thanks!

Offer Expires:

We hope you've enjoyed this issue of Compass eNews! We would love to hear your thoughts. Just reply to this email. I enjoy personally reading every comment sent to Compass ... positive and/or negative!  :-)


Bill Perkins

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