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e-News From CompassMarch,  2016
Dear Friends:

We need one more female to room with a Compass employee taking her first Israel trip that departs April 5. Yes, leaving in about 10 days! It's a small group of 27, so this will be an awesome trip!

So if you have a passport, are female and want to go (not free!), we'll make it happen. Call or text me if you wish to go or have questions! Personal cell: 208-660-3333.

The Last of the Last Days
Our rousing Bible conference in Spokane got a lot of people's blood pumping about where we are on God's prophetic timeline. So I decided it would be a good follow-up to list out the main prophecies being fulfilled today. Always good to review! See the article and fascinating list below.

GRAND CANYON Tour and Raft Trip 
JUNE 23-25
      ****Sold Out!!**** 
Next year register early, it's a good one!!!  

Steeling Noah's Ark
September 23-25, 2016 
The Rebuilt Noah's Ark is expected to be finished this July.

This is the most amazing thing happening in the Christian church in our lifetime--Answers In Genesis is completely rebuilding Noah's Ark to Biblical dimensions!

Imagine walking the corridors of the largest wooden-framed structure in the world, almost two football fields long! And inside it will house one of every animal kind... either live or finely crafted full-size models. Plus it includes the apartments of Noah and his sons' families plus water and food to last a year. Absolutely mind-blowing! 
Yet, after putting in all the animals, food, water, etc., there's so much room left over that AIG is using the extra space for displays and interactive teaching stations that explain the myriads of scientific facts supporting a global flood occurring about 5000 years ago.

So it's a no-brainer that we're holding our next Steeling the Mind Bible Conference at the Northern Kentucky Convention Center...literally a few feet from Cincinnati, Ohio, September 23-25, 2016.

Best of all, your conference registration is also good for admission at both the rebuilt Ark and AIG's phenomenal Creation Museum--for two days!! Join us for a great conference weekend to hear great speakers and tour the 88 million dollar rebuilt Ark! Click here for details!
Join us on our "Cruise of a lifetime!"
This is the big one. 18 total days (14 days on the top ship in the Mediterranean) visiting scores of Biblical sites in 5 countries. To top it off, everyone has a balcony. Pinch me! Click here for details!

Panic In The Shadows 
Few people today believe John Kennedy was shot by a lone assassin. The truth about what really happened that day in Dallas has filtered out through the years and today most people believe it would be impossible for Lee Harvey Oswald to have acted alone. You can't hide the truth forever.

Time will tell us more about who is actually in control of our government too. It seems so unlikely that a person whose only skill is reading a teleprompter could get elected to the highest office in the land. The truth of who is really in control may be too scary for most of us to know.

But with the Internet still being wide open to connect the world (at least for now!), information moves faster. If the Internet had been in place in the sixties, the lie about how John Kennedy was murdered would have not lasted two weeks!

So with that thought in mind, we included at the bottom of this eNews an article recently written by a great Bible teacher, Daymond Duck. I've known Daymond through our Pre-trib meetings each year in Dallas, Texas. He's a prolific author and is as scripturally solid as they come.

Daymond is far from a conspiracy nut. So when normal mainstream people like Damond write about behind the behind-the-scenes power struggles going on in our government, you can't totally ignore it. The truth is leaking out about what is really going on in this country.

As Chuck Missler once said, "The difference between an optimist and a pessimist is that the pessimist has more information." LOL! Enjoy the eyeopening article.

Compass Reformation River Cruise
In the spring of 2017, April/May, we've planned an incredible 14 day trip including a Viking River Cruise to Wittenberg, Germany, where the Protestants first began with Martin Luther nailing 95 theses to his church's front door.

This amazing trip includes tours of London, Prague and Berlin, all tours off-ship tours plus tours in London, Prague and Berlin! Not to mention knock-your-socks-off Bible studies along the way led by Andy Woods!

We have 20 cabins reserved, five already taken, and Viking sells out fast! So get the brochure and pray about joining us!

Thank you, Lord, for the time in which we live! Use us!


The Last of
the Last Days

10 Unmistakable Signs That We're In The Last Days Of The Last Days

Today things are moving so fast it's helpful to just step back, take a breath and look at the numerous Bible prophecies being fulfilled all around us. Here are 10 big prophecies that should convince anyone with 2 brain cells that we're definitely living in the last of the last days!

1) Israel Back In Their Homeland 
"Say to them, 'Thus says the Lord GOD, "Behold, I will take the sons of Israel from among the nations where they have gone, and I will gather them from every side and bring them into their own land; Ezek. 37:21

Bible prophecies regarding the latter days begin and end with Israel. Until God regathered Israel back to their homeland, most latter-days prophecies could not begin. But return they did. In the late 1800s, after almost 2000 years of worldwide dispersion, the Jews began filtering back to their original God-given land.

In 1917, at the end of WW1, the Balfour Agreement gave the Jews a legal right of return. And on May 14, 1948, the United Nations declared Israel a sovereign nation.

2) Israel Is A World Problem

"It will come about in that day that I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples; all who lift it will be severely injured. And all the nations of the earth will be gathered against it. Zech. 12:3

The Bible not only promised Israel would return to their God-given land, but that this tiny nation would also become a burdensome stone to the world. Hardly a day goes by that Israel's not in the news. Israel has a population of about 8
You can barely see Israel (red) in the
middle of a Muslim dominated land.
million, the Arabs about 450 million.

Every American administration since Israel became a nation in 1948 has tried and failed to secure a lasting peace in the Middle East. The national news has a continuous dribble of problems regarding Israel and the Middle East, usually making Israel out to be the problem.

This ultimately ends with every nation on earth coming against Israel in the Tribulation Period. Toward the end of the seven-year Tribulation period, the Antichrist will bring together the world's armies to "kill the Jews." But their Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth, will return to earth and save them from annihilation.

3) Homosexual Perversion

"...and they called to Lot and said to him, "Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us that we may have relations (intercourse) with them." Gen 19:5

"For the coming of the Son of Man will be just like the days of Noah." Matt. 24:37

"It was the same as happened in the days of Lot: they were eating, they were drinking, they were buying, they were selling, they were planting, they were building; but on the day that Lot went out from Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. It will be just the same on the day that the Son of Man is revealed." Luke 17:28-30

The Bible says that the days before the Rapture will be "just like"  the days before God destroyed the earth with a global flood. And also just like the days before He destroyed Sodom and Gommorah. One of the distinguishing characteristics specifically mentioned was widespread homosexual sin. God will again judge homosexual sin in the future.

Always know that homosexual behavior IS sin. Homosexuals are not born that way, rather they CHOOSE to be. Much like a thief can't stop stealing without the transcending power of God, a homosexual can't repent/turn from his/her sin without the power of God. Murder, stealing, adultery, homosexuality, etc., ARE clearly defined as SIN by God's Word. God defines sin, not the government!

Today, homosexual rights are on the front-burner of the politically-correct push to bring the perversion out into the open as normal, incorrectly equating their demands with the push for black rights in the 60s.

But comparing homosexual rights to civil rights is not an apples-to-apples comparison because homosexual behavior is a choice and black skin color isn't. That fact seems to be lost in the rhetoric as God-given and constitutionally protected rights of Christians are tossed out the window while homosexual perversion is elevated to "normal" status.

4) Cashless Society

And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, and he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name. Rev. 13:16-17

A recent survey(1) said only 10% of Americans always carry cash. The worldwide movement toward electronic payments has been breathtaking. For most of those reading this article, if our bank unexpectedly froze our accounts, we'd be in deep trouble.

With banking now tied worldwide we're obviously not too far from one person literally being able to control the world. And that's where we're headed... to a point where one
person will have total control of all transactions on earth.

5) Russian / Iranian Coalition

"Son of man, set your face toward Gog of the land of Magog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him" Ezek 38:2

"I will turn you about and put hooks into your jaws, and I will bring you out, and all your army, horses and horsemen, all of them splendidly attired, a great company with buckler and shield, all of them wielding swords; Persia, Ethiopia and Put (Libya in some translations) with them, all of them with shield and helmet;" Ezek 38:4,5

"After many days you will be summoned; in the latter years you will come into the land that is restored from the sword, whose inhabitants have been gathered from many nations to the mountains of Israel which had been a continual waste; but its people were brought out from the nations, and they are living securely, all of them.  Ezek 38:8

Amazingly the Bible predicts that Gog/Rosh (Modern day Russia) will invade Israel from the north with Persia (Modern day Iran) as one of her principal allies. So it's not surprising that today Russia and Iran are becoming so militarily close.

Also keep in mind that the above prophecies, written 2700 years ago, pinpoint this time to be after Israel comes back into their land in the latter days.

6) Nuclear Weapons

And another, a red horse, went out; and to him who sat on it, it was granted to take peace from the earth, and that men would slay one another; and a great sword was given to him. Rev. 6:4

Now this will be the plague with which the LORD will strike all the peoples who have gone to war against Jerusalem; their flesh will rot while they stand on their feet, and their eyes will rot in their sockets, and their tongue will rot in their mouth. Zech. 14:12  

How would you have described a nuclear bomb 2,500 years ago? John and Zechariah had to do just that! All they knew was that it was huge and quite destructive! So destructive that flesh melted off their bodies before their bones hit the ground!

That sounds exactly like a neutron bomb that's designed to vaporize the people and leave the buildings intact.

7) Increase In Knowledge

"But as for you, Daniel, conceal these words and seal up the book until the end of time; many will go back and forth, and knowledge will increase." Dan.12:4

    "The chariots race madly in the streets,
    They rush wildly in the squares,
    Their appearance is like torches,
    They dash to and fro like lightning flashes." Nah. 2:4

The Internet has become the modern-day purveyor of information as you pretty much have access to anything and everything at your fingertips.

Ease of local or worldwide transportation by car, plane, train or ship is considered normal. Nahum 2:4 sounds like the prophet is looking down on a busy intersection at night.

8) Mockers denying Jesus' Second Coming

"Know this first of all, that in the last days mockers will come with their mocking, following after their own lusts, and saying, "Where
is the promise of His coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all continues just as it was from the beginning of creation." 2Pet 3:3,4

Denying the clear Biblical doctrines of the Lord first returning in the Rapture is a SIGN of the Rapture. The dispensational model for scripture interpretation is the only consistent way to know what God says to us in His written word.

Yet over 80% of the "Christian Church" in the world is A-millennial in their theology, which is a basic denial of the Rapture.

Notice this is not a verse talking about non-Christians, but because it mentions "fathers" and God's "creation," it's referring to Christians living in the last days!!

9) 144,000 Jewish Evangelists Identified

"And I heard the number of those who were sealed, one hundred and forty-four thousand sealed from every tribe of the sons of Israel:" Rev 7:4

"And they sang a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures and the elders; and no one could learn the song except the one hundred and forty-four thousand who had been purchased from the earth. These are the ones who have not
been defiled with women, for they have kept themselves chaste. These are the ones who follow the Lamb wherever He goes. These have been purchased from among men as first fruits to God and to the Lamb."  Rev. 14:3,4

This puzzling prophecy says God will choose 144,000 Jewish men and reveal Himself to them on Mount Zion in Jerusalem (different from Mount of Olives and Mount Moriah). Most interestingly, these men are virgins.

I wrote an article a few years ago identifying these men as the unmarried Rabbinical Jews between the ages of 18 and 30. Today they're estimated to number approximately 150,000, and their ranks are growing. (Click here to read the entire article.)

10) Israel's Deserts Blooming

"In the days to come Jacob will take root, Israel will blossom and sprout, and they will fill the whole world with fruit."  Isaiah 27:6

"The wilderness and the desert will be glad, and the Arabah (desert) will rejoice and blossom; Like the crocus it will blossom profusely." Is. 35:1,2

The Bible prophesies that the parched and desert land of Israel will bloom profusely. In the late 1800s, Mark Twain commented that there was hardly
Jordan River 1913
anything green in the land.

The Turks of Ottoman Empire who controlled the land for 400 years had heavily taxed trees on property. So most people cut down all their trees to avoid paying the tax!

Since the Jews began returning in earnest in the late 1800s, the Jewish National Fund has planted over 250 million trees throughout the country (which is roughly the size of Vermont).
Jordan River today

One of the most amazing things we see in Israel today on our Bible trips is the incredible and colorful blooming vegetation in the Jordan Valley and the Dead Sea--the lowest point on earth.

Israelis invented the drip system that enables as little as a cupful of water to
The drip system allows Israel to
export $65 million in dates each
year from trees grown around the
Dead Sea, the lowest point on earth.
bountifully nourish a whole tree for a day. Using this method in the desert has literally caused it to bloom in the last 50 years. They now export fresh fruit and vegetables via plane to Europe every day but Saturday (Shabot).

And the next big prophecy to be fulfilled:
Israel Discovering Great Riches

"Sheba and Dedan and the merchants of Tarshish with all its villages will say to you, 'Have you come to capture spoil? Have you assembled your company to seize plunder, to carry away silver and gold, to take away cattle and goods, to capture
great spoil?'"' Ezek 38:13

The Bible says there will be great riches discovered in the land. The riches are so great that sovereign nations band together to invade and take the riches. This is unfolding before our eyes!

Israel has discovered huge gas fields inland and off-shore her coasts. And as they say in Texas, "where there's gas, there's oil." So it's only a matter of time.

Over 500 oil wells have been drilled in Israel to no avail. But recently Israel struck oil, and it's a whopper. It's over 10 times the average size of oil wells in the world and will provide billions of gallons of oil a year, far exceeding the needs of Israel.

As more wells are tapped into this massive reserve, Israel will become a major oil supplier to Europe and North America. Do you think this will sit well with the Arabs? They already seethe at Israel's success in rebuilding a great nation in only 50 years. They're going to go bonkers!

And the prophecy also mentions gold and silver riches. As the Dead Sea dries up, could it expose more and more unseen riches?

Trust me, when Israel is able to supply oil at a lower price from a closer delivery point (the eastern edge of the Mediterranean Sea), the Muslims will go nuts.

And if Israel also discovers gold and silver, the Arabs will wet their collective pants. So Israel's discovering great riches is closely tied into prophecy #2 above, Israel being a burdening stone to the world!

BDS Anyone? 
Another point of contention worth mentioning between Israel and the world is the ridiculous attempt to pressure Israel through BDS, or Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions of Israel movement.  

This laughable campaign by brain-dead liberals fails to make sense when one realizes how many incredible products Israel contributes to the world. Who would want to give up their smart phone?

Thankfully, many states are now passing anti-BDS laws. Colorado has recently joined Florida,Tennessee, New York, Indiana and Pennsylvania in passing anti-BDS legislation. Another 30+ states are reportedly considering similar legislation.

BDS makes ludicrous claims!
The bottom line is that you have to be dumb as dirt to support BDS. If you're not up to speed on the stupidity of the BDS
movement, watch this short video called "BDS or the Bible?"

Click here to watch the short video.

Therefore, yes, I obviously believe we're living in the last of the last days. These 10 prophecies (there are of course a lot more!) prove the end of the current dispensation, the Church Age, is near. It will end with the Believers' exhilarating exit, shedding our present sinful containers.

To a trusting-the-blood Believer, seeing so much Bible prophecy coming together should be an exciting incentive to ask the Lord for His wisdom for being sensitive to the leading of His Spirit to reach our lost family, friends and co-workers with the Good News. And Good News it is!!!

Best yet, we recently held a slam-dunk Steeling the Mind Prophecy Conference in Spokane and you can watch every spine-tingling moment--so get the videos and pass them around!

See below for titles and ordering details, including having all eight titles sent to you on a 16 GB Compass Flash Drive for only $29.95. Pass THAT around!!



8 Great  
NEW Bible Studies  
Steeling the Mind Spokane!
Recorded live with all the visuals and now available to steel your mind! 

Packed-out in the Ballroom at the Davenport Hotel in Spokane

For 22 years we've been holding Steeling Conferences around the nation providing great Biblical armor to complement your local church. This was one of the best ever! Incredible information to pass around to friends, family and coworkers.

Download now: $4.95 each
Shipped to you: $9.95 each or
all 8 DVDs for $49.95!
Or purchase on a Compass Flash drive. 

CLICK HERE to download and watch now
CLICK HERE to order DVDs to be mailed to you
Click here to order a 16 GB Compass Flash drive loaded up with Steeling titles and ready to go.
Call 800-977-2177

See titles, speakers and descriptions below....

One Second After The Rapture!
Andy Woods-
College of Biblical Studies, TX

One minute, everything is normal. Then, without warning, an earth-shattering BOOM that forever changes the world! What will it be like immediately following our exhilarating exit? Andy takes us on a worldwide tour.

The Implications of Living in "The Days of Noah"
Russ Miller-
Creation Ministries, AZ

The Bible says that the time just before Rapture will be "just like" the time before the worldwide flood. We know a lot about the world just before God shut the door, so what are the implications for us today? Fascinating!

Islam and God's Judgment in the Last Days
Shahram Hadian-
Truth in Love Ministries, WA

Shahram, raised a Muslim in Iran before coming to America with his parents and getting saved, explains what's going on around the world from a Biblical perspective. And it's shocking!

1:30 PM - Masters of Deceit

Curtis Bowers-
Documentary Film Maker, ID 

Curtis, former Idaho legislator, opened a lot of eyes with his  award-winning and #1 best-selling video "Agenda--Grinding America Down." Now he's exposing the purposeful, premeditated, treasonous attacks on our freedom. Hold on to your seats for this one!

The U.S. Constitution-How Long Will It Last?
Andy Woods-
College of Biblical Studies, TX

Satan's been hard at work trying to destroy our Biblically oriented constitution. So far it's stood the test of time, but will it continue to hold together until the Rapture? Andy looks at its past changes and future changes coming!

The Muslim Takeover of America-
Are We Concerned Yet? 

Shahram Hadian-
Truth in Love Ministries, WA

Islamic Law violates all five freedoms listed in the 1st Amendment: Religion, Speech, Assembly, Press and Addressing Grievances. Do you see a problem here? Shahram explains this no-win situation and what to expect if we continue down this path.

4:30 PM - Money Matters
Tom Cloud-
Precious Metals Consultant, GA

Are we at the end of the bear market in precious metals? What is happening worldwide... of which few Americans are aware? Tom has some surprising answers with this phenomenal precious metals update!

7:30 PM - Healing America From Racial Hate
Jesse Lee Peterson-
BOND Ministries, CA

What is the real reason blacks riot in the streets? Jesse says it's a modern-day emotional slavery from race hustlers pushing welfare, food stamps and subsidized housing, shackling blacks worse than any 17th century slave trade ever could. Jesse recently turned Hannity and Fox News upside down with his honest, straight-forward and Biblically rooted remarks! 
Order these great Bible studies today!

Click here for DVDs shipped to you.

Click here to download and watch now.

Click here to order a nifty little 16 GB Compass Flash drive with the above 8 titles plus our top 50 videos of all time!

CLICK HERE to order the 16 GB Compass Flash Drive all loaded up and ready to go, mailed to you. A great deal, as little as $1.52 per title! Wow!

Or you can purchase any 10 downloads, you choose the titles, for $19.95, just $2.00 each! Click here for details! 
Panic in the Shadows
By Daymond Duck

Does the U.S. have a shadow government? Absolutely! People no longer question the existence of the CFR, the Bilderberg group and others or the influence that these shadowy groups have over the U.S. government.

Does this shadow government influence the policies of the Republican and Democrat parties? Absolutely!

They have secret meetings with candidates.
They have lobbyists, foundations and political action committees that give large campaign contributions to candidates that they can control (buy).

Is this shadow government influencing the current U.S. administration? Absolutely!

Many U.S. citizens don't think a relatively unknown Barack Obama could have become president of the U.S. without their help. He supports open borders, unhindered immigration, trade treaties, global governance, a global economic system, a surveillance society and more.

These are the same goals that the shadow government supports. They show up in presidential executive orders, treaties and agreements that the elite in the Republican and Democrat establishment push.

Is this shadow government trying to influence the campaign that is currently going on to select nominees to run for president of the U.S.? Absolutely!

It was recently reported that the Council on Foreign Relations doesn't usually support anyone, but this time around the CFR is supporting Hillary Clinton.

Is anyone seeking the nomination for president that this shadow government cannot control or cannot buy? Absolutely!

Donald Trump is self-funding his campaign and rejecting the contributions of the lobbyists, foundations and political action committees.

Ted Cruz has a strong Christian faith and some think he is too principled to be bought or controlled.

Why does the Republican establishment fear Donald Trump and dislike Ted Cruz? It is because the establishment elites are influenced by the panicked shadow government.

Donald Trump wants to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexican border; screen Muslim immigrants before they enter the U.S.; block passage of the TPP; disassemble many of Pres. Obama's Executive Orders; slash funding for the Dept. of Education and the EPA; repeal Obamacare and more.

Ted Cruz is against amnesty for illegal immigrants. He opposed the Gang of Eight immigration bill and added an amendment that removed the path to citizenship provision in the bill. He supported fast-track authority on the TPP, but later said it was a mistake.

Cruz supports returning federally confiscated land back to the states and has threatened to introduce a bill forbidding the U.S. government from owning more than 50% of the land in any one state. He opposes Agenda 21. He is a strong supporter of the Constitution and he is a Christian.

These are key programs in the shadow government's agenda and the thought of having a U.S. President that they cannot control has them freaking out. They are desperate for the Republican establishment to ruin the campaigns of Donald Trump and Ted Cruz.

So they call Donald Trump a phony, fraud, con-man, buffoon, clown, etc. And they say no one likes Ted Cruz, he has no friends in the Senate, he won't cooperate, etc.

How can the Republican establishment ruin the campaign of Donald Trump?
The shadow government wants the Republican establishment to encourage all of the current candidates to stay in the race as long as possible. They hope to divide up the votes so that no one gets enough delegate votes (1237) to be nominated.

The lack of a clear winner will create a brokered or a contested convention and let the Republican establishment (with the approval of the shadow government) decide who gets the nomination.

Incidentally, this RINO Republican establishment is the same group that removed the debt ceiling, fully funded Planned Parenthood, fast-tracked the TPP, let President Obama wreck the U.S. military and push through a treaty for Iran to get nuclear weapons, etc.

They brought out Mitt Romney like a hired-gun in their push for a brokered convention and they have decided to spend millions of dollars on advertising to try to make it happen.

Other well-known insiders strongly condemned Donald Trump when he thwarted their planned walk-out by skipping their establishment CPAC meeting to campaign in Kansas.
These power-hungry elites are making every effort to keep the people from deciding who will get the Republican nomination for president of the U.S.

They've decided that it's their right, not the people's right, to decide who gets the nomination.
Why is this important? Because the shadow government wants to establish a global government that can control every aspect of every person's life.

The new government will become the one-world government, the one-world religion, the global economic system and the surveillance society of the Antichrist that the book of Revelation talks about.
The Church won't be here. But it could be so close to the Rapture that every Christian knows people who will.

So who do you want for president? A person selected and controlled by the shadow government that got America in the mess that it is in, or a person that the shadow government hasn't selected and can't control?

What kind of person do you want to nominate judges for the U.S. Supreme Court when you know that they may make decisions that will impact the remainder of your life?

FYI: This writer is giving his opinion on what is going on and how it relates to Bible prophecy, not campaigning for Donald Trump or Ted Cruz.

This writer also believes the real power behind the struggle for control of America's government may not be flesh and blood, but spiritual principalities, powers, forces of darkness and spiritual wickedness in high places (Eph. 6:12).

Prophecy Plus Ministries
Daymond & Rachel Duck

Reprinted by permission. 
Coming up this year at Compass
Mark Your  

Bible Study Tour of Israel 
April 5-16, 2016 
Including an option to visit Petra, Jordan!

Join us as we fly directly into Israel and see God's  
Word come alive as never before!

Click here for details!  


Grand Canyon Tour and Raft Trip 
(more of a float!)
*** SOLD OUT!!!*** 
Learn scientific evidences proving the canyon
was carved in days, not millions of years. 

June 23-26, 2016

Click here for details


Steeling Noah's Ark 
Join us for a great conference plus tour the
incredible $88,000,000 Noah's Ark, full-size!

September 23-25, 2016

Click here for details  


Biblelands Cruise 2016 

The trip of a lifetime!

Your Hosts: 
Woodrow and Linda Kroll 
Gino and Mary Geraci
Shea and MeLissa Houdmann 
Bill and Susie Perkins 
 Click here for details! 


Steeling the Mind Spokane 
SATURDAY, February 25,
At the Davenport Historic Hotel

Mark your calendar! 

Reformation River Cruise 
April 20 - May 3, 2017
London, Prague, Berlin and a Viking River Cruise
Pinch me!

We have 20 cabins total, 5 taken, 15 left.

Join over 20,000 people!
Sign up for our FREE daily Bible Study.....

Good Morning Lord!
is a provocative one-minute daily email Bible study that's a great way to start the day.

Warning: This Bible study is VERY conservative. So if you can't take the scriptural heat, it's easy to unsubscribe! :-)


 .                      Buying or Selling
Real Estate
in Washington State, Idaho and Arizona?

Praise the Lord!!!
Jaimie Lee, a realtor here in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, and a great friend of Compass, has graciously offered, again, to split her commissions with Compass in 2016 for any Compass contact who uses her for a sale or purchase of real estate. Wow! This worked out wonderfully last year! :-)

She is licensed in Idaho, Arizona and Washington. So if you are considering selling or buying real estate, we would greatly appreciate it if you would pray about using Jaimie as she's one incredible Real Estate Agent!!!

Her phone number is 

Her email is


It's the Biggest Steeling Conference in history!

Join us in Cincinnati
for the inaugural
Noah's Ark
A landmark Bible conference at the
Northern Kentucky
Convention Center

Includes admission to
NOAH'S ARK for two days! 

September 23-25, 2016

Construction will be
completed in July, 2016!

About this conference:
Construction has begun on the largest wooden structure in the world by Answers in Genesis.

It's almost two football fields long, 60 feet high and will cost over 90 million dollars. And $80 million has already been raised!! 
The Ark will include live animals or full-size models of every land-breathing animal on the planet, Noah's and his sons' apartments, food and water storage to keep all alive for over a year!

Conference Schedule:

Travel Day to Cincinnati / Northern Kentucky area. The Cincinnati Airport is located in Northern Kentucky. 

Friday Night at the Northern Kentucky Convention Center
7:00 PM - Ed Hindson
8:00 PM - Ken Ham

All Day Saturday 
Tour the full-scale model of Noah's Ark including viewing live (or full-size models of animals--one of every species), water storage, food storage, Noah's family's apartments, waste disposal, Noah's Library and more! Plus view all the extra space left over/unused inside the Ark!

Tour AIG's incredible Creation Museum. 
Tour through the 22-million-dollar building and Biblically accurate exhibits--including a planetarium, Special Effects Theater, Garden of Eden exhibit and world-class Biblical artifacts collection

Saturday Night 
6:00 PM Reception & Banquet
7:30 PM Gina Loudon
8:30 PM Ken Ham

Sunday Morning 
9:00 AM Russ Miller
9:30 AM Ed Hindson

All Day Sunday 
Your Steeling ticket will be good for two days of viewing both the Ark and Museum!

This is going to be HUGE!  

So mark your calendar and plan to join us!
We've secured great rates for hotel rooms near the Ark and the Steeling conference. Call and book yours today as the best/ closest will go first! 
Can you imagine touring a full size model of Noah's Ark for two days...and attending an awesome Steeling conference to boot?

Make plans to join us!

Click here for info!

Gina Loudon
is speaking at
Steeling Noah's Ark Conference 
In September!  
Join us for the
cruise of a lifetime!

Two incredible weeks on Celebrity's Silhouette
With teachers:
Woodrow Kroll
Gino Geraci
Shea Houdmann
Bill Perkins

October 20 -  
November 10, 2016

Jerusalem (2)
Galilee (1)
with the option to include:

for a detailed  
Capernaum sign This is THE BEST Holyland cruise available at any price! 
left pointed
Register early for up to $2,000 in early-bird registration incentives! Call for details!

Reformation River Cruise

London, Prague, Berlin
April 20-May 3,

Join us on a Viking
River Cruise as we go
to the roots of the Protestant Reformation,
via Viking River Cruise!

What a Bible trip! Includes:
* 14 total days
* RT airfare from NYC
* 6 days on River Cruise
* 8 off-ship tours
* 3 nights in London
* Flight - London to Prague
* 2 nights in Prague
* 2 nights in Berlin
* Complimentary wifi
* All transfers
Plus awesome Bible studies!

Call 800-977-2177  
for a brochure--
email or postal mailed to you!
(Website under construction!) 

We have 20 staterooms reserved, about half the ship! But Viking sells out fast so register early! This is a great trip down the elegant Elbe River with Bible studies taught by Andy Woods. Not to mention visiting London, Prague and Berlin!!
Pray about supporting us by becoming a Compass
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any of our 300 titles
at any time-24/7!

Plus, any and all of your
DVD purchases
are only
$5 each
for Pointes!

And all Steeling
live simulcasts are

 Pointes make Compass run! We love Pointes! Click here to learn more!


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Great overview of Genesis through Revelation!

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Awesome Armor!
Over 300 incredible Bible teaching presentations recorded live at Steeling the Mind Bible Conferences (including all the awesome Power Point visuals!). Now only $9.95 per title shipped to you! Or only $4.95 to download and watch now! Cool!

 Click Here To

Thanks so much!

We exist because of your support!

Keep us in your prayers!! Thanks!

Up Close & Personal!
April 5-13, 2016

If you're female, have a passport and want to room with a Compass employee for this awesome trip, call us ASAP! We can make it happen!

Pray about joining us for 9 days as we criss-cross God's special place on earth visiting every major Biblical site from the Sea of Galilee in the north, through Jerusalem and down to Eilat in the south.

You even have the option of visiting Petra, Jordan, the most likely place God has prepared for the Jews to flee from the Anti-Christ in the Tribulation.

This will be an intimate, small-group, private tour... pray about joining us!

Click here for details!
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Click Here to read the
past articles below

February, 2016
The "Pre-Wrath" Deception

January, 2016
When The Fire First Fell

December 2015
Christmas: More To The Story
November 2015
Why Muslims Want to Kill Us
October 2015
Russia's Humiliating Defeat
September 2015
America RR1 
August 2015
God's Patience
In The Last Days 
July 2015
Rapture & Iran 
June 2015
Bye Bye Banks 
May 2015
When Christians Die
April 2015
Israel: From Gideon to Netanyahu  
March 2015
The Devil's Crockpot 
February 2015 #2 
What Porn Does To Your Brain 
February 2015
Jordan's Spunky Kings 
January 2015
Beheadings and the Bible 
December 2014 
All About Angels 
November, 2014
Why The World Will Envy Israel  
October, 2014
Home of the Brave? 
September, 2014
Worship Allah or Die  
August, 2014
Tribulation: Evangelism  
on Steroids 
July, 2014
Israel and the Mystery
June, 2014  
America's Birthrate Nightmare
May, 2014 
Earthquakes and Volcanoes  
in Bible Prophecy
April, 2014
Heaven Is For Real movie
God Is Not Dead movie 
Jesus' Five Wounds 
Homosexual Equality Push 
March, 2014 
Jesus (is not) Calling movie 
Son of God movie
Noah movie 
February, 2014
Blood Moon Madness 
January, 2014
When Will Jesus Return?
December, 2013 
The Lousy List
 November, 2013
Killing O'Reilly
October #1, 2013 
America's Lost Moorings
September, 2013
Signs of Jesus' Soon Return 
August, 2013
Kitchen Killers 
July, 2013
Don't Do What Jesus Says!  
Book Review: Harbinger
(not good!)
June, 2013
The Gaying of America
May, 2013  
When Obama Bows to Jesus
April, 2013
Beware of a  
Constitutional Convention! 
March, 2013
The Two Witnesses 
February, 2013 
The Bottomless Pit
January, 2013
The Designed Decline  
of Public Schools
December, 2012
The Coming World Tax 
November, 2012
Birth Control & Cancer Link  
October #2, 2012
The Coming One World Leader

October #1, 2012 
World Without God

September, 2012 
How can we see light from 
distant stars if the earth is 
only 6000 years old?

August, 2012 
Bill Gates and  
Intelligent Design   

July #2, 2012
Was God at the  
Movie Theater? 
July #1, 2012
Moving Toward the
 Mark of the Beast 
June, 2012
Obama or Romney?
Big Bang and the Bible!  
May, 2012
Agenda 21 & George Soros
April, 2012
Was Jesus Crucified on Friday? 
March, 2012
When Rapture Happens 
February, 2012 
America's Head Demon 
January #2, 2012   
Will Germany and Syria Sleep Together? / Is Repentance Necessary for Salvation?
January #1, 2012    
Blacks in America   
December, 2011 
Why "Asking Jesus Into Your Heart" Won't Save You! 

November #2, 2011  
The Evil End of World Debt  

November #1, 2011    
Iran--What the Bible Says
October, 2011  
Earth--Just Before  
the Rapture 
September #2, 2011  
The Palestine Myth

September #1, 2011

America's God?

August #2, 2011
A Peek Behind the

Name of God

August #1, 2011
The Dwindling Dollar / Mormons

July 2011
Should We Confess Sins
For Forgiveness After Salvation?

June 2011
Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Tsunamis... From God?

May 2011
Christians and
Birth Control

April 2011
Is Rapture In

March 2011
    The United States
     in Bible Prophecy

    February 2011
    The Egyptian Riots -
What's next?

    January 2011
    Get Ready To Witness!

    December 2010
    "Santa's Claws"

    November 2010
    Petra: Prepared by God?

    October #2 2010
    The Worldwide Muslim Agenda

    September 2010
    Mount Moriah - God's Special Place On Earth!

    August 2010
    The Declining Dollar Dilemma

    July 2010
    Israel--A Burdening Stone for the World

    June 2010
    Obama is Not the Antichrist

Click Here for past articles

Compass Top 50
Awesome Steeling Titles

$1.58 each--Whoa!

Order this nifty little 16 GB Compass Flash Drive and get Compass Top 50 titles for only $79... that's only $1.58 each!

It's the Biggest Steeling Conference in history!

Join us in the Cincinnati
area for the inaugural
Noah's Ark
A landmark Bible conference at the
Northern Kentucky
Convention Center

Includes admission to
NOAH'S ARK for two days! 

September 23-25, 2016

Construction will be completed in July, 2016!

About this conference:
Construction has begun on the largest wooden structure in the world by Answers in Genesis.

It's almost two football fields long, 60 feet high and will cost some 88 million dollars. And over $80 million has already been raised!! 
The Ark will include live animals or full-size models of every land-breathing animal on the planet, Noah's and his sons' apartments, food and water storage to keep all alive for over a year!

Conference Schedule:

Travel Day to Cincinnati / Northern Kentucky area. The Cincinnati Airport is located in Northern Kentucky. 

Friday Night at the Northern Kentucky Convention Center
7:00 PM - Ed Hindson
8:00 PM - Ken Ham

All Day Saturday 
Tour the full-scale model of Noah's Ark including viewing live (or full-size models of animals--one of every species), water storage, food storage, Noah's family's apartments, waste disposal, Noah's Library and more! Plus view all the extra space left over/unused inside the Ark!

Tour AIG's incredible Creation Museum. 
Tour through the 22-million-dollar building and Biblically accurate exhibits--including a planetarium, Special Effects Theater, Garden of Eden exhibit and world-class Biblical artifacts collection

Saturday Night 
6:00 PM Reception & Banquet
7:30 PM Gina Loudon
8:30 PM Ken Ham

Sunday Morning 
9:00 AM Russ Miller
9:30 AM Ed Hindson

All Day Sunday 
Your Steeling ticket will be good for two days of viewing both the Ark and Museum!

This is going to be HUGE!  

So mark your calendar and plan to join us!
We've secured great rates for hotel rooms near the Ark and the Steeling conference. Call and book yours today as the best/ closest will go first! 
Can you imagine touring a full size model of Noah's Ark for two days...and attending an awesome Steeling conference to boot?

Make plans to join us!

Click here for info!

Gina Loudon
is speaking at
Steeling Noah's Ark Conference 
In September! 

Gina has two PhDs, homeschools her five kids and is a prolific author! 
Join us for the
cruise of a lifetime!

Two incredible weeks on Celebrity's Silhouette
With teachers:
Woodrow Kroll
Gino Geraci
Shea Houdmann
Bill Perkins

October 20 -  
November 10, 2016

Jerusalem (2)
Galilee (1)
with the option to include:

for a detailed  
Capernaum sign This is THE BEST Holyland cruise available at any price! 
left pointed
Register early for up to $2,000 in early-bird registration incentives! Call for details!

Reformation River Cruise

London, Prague, Berlin
April 20-May 3,

Join us on a Viking
River Cruise as we go
to the roots of the Protestant Reformation,
via Viking River Cruise!

What a Bible trip! Includes:
* 14 total days
* RT airfare from NYC
* 6 days on River Cruise
* 8 off-ship tours
* 3 nights in London
* Flight - London to Prague
* 2 nights in Prague
* 2 nights in Berlin
* Complimentary wifi
* All transfers
Plus awesome Bible studies!

Call 800-977-2177  
for a brochure--
email or postal mailed to you!
(Website under construction!) 

We have 20 staterooms reserved, about half the ship! But Viking sells out fast so register early! This is a great trip down the elegant Elbe River with Bible studies taught by Andy Woods. Not to mention visiting London, Prague and Berlin!!
Compass Top 50
Awesome Steeling Titles

$1.58 each--Whoa!

Order this nifty little 16 GB Compass Flash Drive and get Compass Top 50 titles for only $79... that's only $1.58 each!


Check out these   
Free Resources

"Nailed to the Cross"  


This video is made available to you by the incredible generosity of Compass Pointes! Pray about becoming one! Thanks!

Offer Expires:

We hope you've enjoyed this issue of Compass eNews! We would love to hear your thoughts. Just reply to this email. I enjoy personally reading every comment sent to Compass ... positive and/or negative!  :-)


Bill Perkins

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