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News From Your Friends At Compass
January,  2015
In this issue:
  * Back to the Tower of Babel.
  * Beheadings and the Bible.
  * Movie- Exodus: Gods and Kings

Dear Friends of Compass-
A TON of people took us up on our Christmas special offer to download any two dvds from our website for free. In case you missed it, the offer is good through January 31. Lot's of great titles from which to choose!

Just click the link to our digital store below, choose any category like Bible prophecy or apologetics, and then choose your two free titles to download and watch.

When you "check out" of our online store, simply use the discount / coupon code EN14 and your two downloads will be free. This gift to you will be available through January 31.

We are grieved by the deaths of innocent people in France last week. But it is sure odd that if Muslim terrorists kill people in France, the world unites against the Add a description Muslims. But if Muslim terrorists kill people in Israel, the world unites against Israel.

Obviously there is a hugely discriminatory bias there. Yet Israel has learned how to deal with the Muslims and the world needs to adapt the same methods Israel uses in dealing with those barbarians. Or pay the price. See article below.

We hope you can join us for our Steeling the Mind Bible Conference, February 28th in Peoria. Great speakers and tough topics to STEEL YOUR MIND. If you can't get to Peoria, you can now also watch it on your smart phone or tablet. Just sign up for the simulcast and we'll send you instructions. See link in the ad to the right --->


Bill Perkins 

Back to the Tower of Babel

God mixed the languages at the Tower of Babel because He said that if He didn't, nothing would be impossible for mankind. Obviously, God knew it would only slow mankind down, not make it impossible to reach the heavens. 
(Gen 11:6-9)

Fast-forward a few thousand years later and here we are again, uniting in one language, the language of the Internet. And, to repeat the phrase, the sky's the limit.

The above wrist computer is just an idea. A very GOOD idea. But there is no truly working prototype that we could find. However, this is the same imagination that fueled the Tower of Babel. And with the Internet as mankind's common language, nothing is impossible. Even a world where everyone is tied together as one.

Rev. 13:16-17 "And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead,
and he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark...."

See more here:


"Exodus: Gods and Kings"

                One more thought we just had to add.....

Last month we passed along a scathing movie review by Randall Price on Ridley Scott's version of the movie "Exodus: Gods and Kings." Here's one final thought on that horrible movie.

When you're dealing with the Word of God, you're dealing with God Himself.

John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

John 1:14 And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us,

Therefore it's quite blasphemous to change the Word of God, to say things that are in direct opposition to God's Holy Word. And that's what this movie does. It rips apart God's Word, making a mockery of scripture. Woe be to the person who does that!

Rev. 22:18 I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues which are written in this book;

Rev. 22:19 and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his part from the tree of life and from the holy city, which are written in this book.

Therefore we concluded it's difficult to imagine ANY set of circumstances in which a Believer could justify paying to see this movie!   
Beheadings And The Bible

The recent cold-hearted murders by Muslims in Paris finally exposed to the world what we're actually dealing with in respect to Islamic ideals and goals. Their goal is simple, they fully expect and work toward the world becoming 100% Islamic under Shari'ah Law.

You can laugh at Islam's world domination agenda if you want, but this clash of values will continue worldwide until either the Muslims are in full control, or they are defeated. Yes, defeated. They will defeat us or we will defeat them. And if we don't begin to think in those terms, we will lose.

Over 100 Syrians, dozens of Lebanese soldiers, 10 Kurds,  two American journalists, three American and British aid workers, were beheaded by the Islamic State in just the past year. These are not war kills, but rather mostly innocent humans who were murdered as a sort of appeasement to Allah.

Europe is in a mess
There are some 50 million Muslims living legally or illegally in Europe today, steadfastly refusing to assimilate into the local culture. The liberal European governments, until recently, left the Muslims to themselves. But inaction is not what is needed. By not addressing the true problem from the beginning, the Muslim population in Europe has now grown to be pretty much unmanageable.

Consider Belgium-
This is the fourth year in a row that the number one baby name is "Mohammad." 40% of the school children are Muslim. And, surprise surprise, the Muslims won't assimilate into the Belgian culture, instead remaining segregated and using their own schools and Shari'ah courts.

Now Even Japan
Wanting to equally offend the world, the Muslims have now announced they have two Japanese men in custody and are demanding some $100 million or they will be beheaded.

What's Really Happening
As the Church Age draws closer to its exciting conclusion for Believers, God is setting the stage for the Tribulation events to begin. We can see in the Bible that all but one country (Russia) who comes against Israel in the Tribulation is Islamic.

And it's fascinating to read that in the Tribulation, a large number of those who die standing on their belief in Jesus are actually beheaded.

An uncountable number of deaths in the Tribulation are due to faith in Jesus (Rev. 7:9-14), and it's most interesting that "beheading" is the only death specifically described.

So what we're seeing take place in the world today is simply a prelude to the satanic wars of the Tribulation when beheadings will be quite common for the uncountable millions who follow Jesus. So much so that those of us in heaven will be crying out, "How much longer?" Rev 6:9-11

Setting the Stage
While the West has been for decades buying Satan's lie by actively declining God's blessing of children (via birth control, abortion and other non-God-centered priorities), the Muslim
Steady Muslim growth in France since 1985
population is multiplying at four to five times the rate of natives in the countries in which they've immigrated. The FACT is, it's  only a matter of time before they can just VOTE themselves into control of governments.

But they're not just waiting to have enough babies to get their way, they now have enough population currently in place in Europe to began brazenly exerting their power. France and Belgium are just the first to see the Muslims' true intents.

Look at History
In the 1st Century AD, it seems as though Satan saw the need to blunt the early church's explosive growth so he used Mohammad and Islam as his tool.

Since 600AD, Islam grew east and west. With the exception of the Crusader Period for a brief time around 1100 AD, the Muslims basically spread unchecked. And by the 1500s, they reached so far as to control all of Spain, Portugal and Greece!

Christianity is spread through sharing the good news of a loving God Who sent His Son as Savior, paying for our sins and promising eternal life to all who simply "Believed."

But in Islam there is no promise of salvation. The Muslim believes that when he or she dies, they stand before Allah to have their life's deeds judged, hoping he allows them into Paradise. The lone exception is through martyrdom where the martyr not only is promised heaven with 72 virgins, he could also bring with him 72 members of his family. Sick.

This is not a sick joke. This is quite appealing to the typical martyr who is a Muslim male between the age of 18 and 35, has no assets, no job and no future. The promise of going to heaven
(referred to as "Paradise" by Islam) as a hero to his family is expertly fanned by Satan's minions.

The Messenger of Allah said: "I have been commanded to
fight against the people till they testify that there is no god but Allah, that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah." Muslim 1:33

And with over 100 verses in the Koran that say to murder the Jews and/or Christians, it's easy to push those Satanically blinded youth into doing what to us is unthinkable.

America's First War was against... guess who?
So Islam has spread through the fear of an unloving, unforgiving god who requires strict obedience to the Koran. Those who didn't convert had the choice of paying "tribute" or bribes, or were killed by beheading. Imagine going on one of their mission trips! "Worship Allah or we kill you!" We shake our heads at the tactics but it's been hugely successful for 1400 years!
1805- Muslims of North Africa promising safe passage of our ships if the U.S. would stop the carnage (pain).

Most Americans think our first war was in 1812 against Britain. But that's not true. After our war for independence from 1776 - 1784, our first war was actually against the Muslims!

When we began as a nation in the late 1700s, along with the rest of the civilized world we paid tribute (bribes) to the Muslims of North Africa, to not attack our merchant ships in the Mediterranean Sea. Only when Thomas Jefferson was elected President in 1801 did we cease paying these bribes.

Interestingly, Jefferson didn't just stop paying bribes. After reading what was in the Koran, he also sent a fleet of
Thomas Jefferson
 American ships to bomb the smithereens out of the North African coastal harbors of Tunis, Algiers and Tripoli. Only after repeated pummeling by the Americans did they agree to allow our ships safe passage.

Which brings up a major point. You can't fairly negotiate with a Muslim. The Bible says Arabs are born irrational (Gen 16:12). You may think you're negotiating, but they simply lie about their intentions, and they love to fight...which is irrational. If you don't knock them in the head, they won't get it.
Israel (red) has had to learn to
deal with Muslims who only understand pain and consequence.

Israel, surrounded by their Muslim enemies, has found this out the hard way.
The Muslims have broken every treaty they've ever signed with Israel. 100%!

The only thing Muslims truly understand is pain and consequence. Muslims only wave the white flag if the pain is so great they think they will lose the battle. But surrender is only to delay until they attack again later.

Israel exists today because they inflict enormous pain in response to all acts of Muslim terrorism. And they certainly don't trust the Muslims for their safety. Imagine if the Muslims had a nuclear long before they would use it on Israel? And the West? Two seconds.

Muslims Are To "Behead" Foes
But why in the world do Muslims behead their enemies? That seems to us quite archaic. But there is a simple answer. The Koran, their bible, calls for beheading their enemies.
"So when you meet those who disbelieve, strike their necks until you have inflicted slaughter upon them..." Surah 47:4

"I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve, so strike them upon the necks...." Surah 8:12

So they behead because Allah says to behead. You have to keep reminding yourself that Allah is just Satan in disguise for this to make any sense. We have to call a spade a spade. 

Beheadings in the Tribulation

The Bible also tells us where all this will culminate. After the Church Age ends, the Bible specifically mentions "beheadings" as a major way Believers die in the future 7 Year Tribulation.

That's amazing since we're starting to actually see the Muslims beheading people pretty much weekly around the world. And they're the only ones doing that barbaric act. So, if we're close to the end of the Church Age, we can easily project who the bad guys are in the Tribulation that follows.

It'll be Satan, using the Muslims, against God's Israel. Thankfully we know who wins. And thankfully we'll not be here to personally experience the shear horror of all those heads rolling.

And until the Rapture, what we MUST DO is be wise and aware as God allows all these things to come together for His purposes. And be willingly used by Him to witness His True Agape Love as He opens doors of opportunity.

And certainly do pray for our country's protection because it's no longer hoping our kids and grand-kids will have the same lifestyle we've had, it's now our kids' and grandkids' freedom that's at stake!

Our mostly Christian founders fought for these privileges: 

   > Freedom of religion.
   > Freedom of speech.
   > Freedom of assembly.
   > Freedom of the press.
   > Freedom of addressing grievances.

None of these are allowed under Islam!

One of our topics at our Steeling the Mind Bible Conference in Peoria, Feb 28, is "Beheadings and the
Shahram Hadian
Bible" by Shahram Hadian. He was a Muslim before getting saved and fleeing to America. His presentation is a must-see for every American, Christian or non-Christian! An "eye-opener" as we say.

You can watch this presentation, and any of the other conference speakers on your home TV, laptop, tablet or smart phone. Sign up today and invite friends over for a session or two of great Steel-On-Steel Bible teaching by some of the top Bible teachers in the nation! Click here for more conference info.





Wow, what a land-of-the-Bible trip!!!
We are just finishing up securing our reservations for our Biblelands Cruise for this coming October and it's one amazing jaunt through the Holyland!

Imagine 14 cruise days, 18 days total, visiting five countries aboard one of the top ships in the world!
This could be you at the
Wailing Wall, Jerusalem

Many of you have already told us that you're on-board for this trip. And if so, Celebrity Cruises has offered us a special limited incentive of up to $1700 in credits for any couple who books on our cruise prior to February 26, 2015. (Celebrity extended this promo from January 2)

So if you send us your Biblelands Cruise reservation deposit by check or credit card by Thursday, February 26, you can choose for free any two of the following:

>  FREE Beverage Package for two, valued at $98 per day! That's a $1370 credit for any liquids sold on the ship. This one's a no-brainer--especially if you're applying 1Tim 5:23 while you travel!  :-)

> FREE Gratuities for two, value of up to $360 per stateroom.

> On-board CREDIT of $300
per cabin on your shipboard account. Use it anywhere on the ship.

This is an amazing cruise where you'll see your Bible come alive, so register early and receive a great savings.
Click here to get the brochure and registration, fill it out and send it to us by fax or email. You can also take a picture of your filled-out registration page and text it to 208-660-3333.

Call with questions-

Everyone has a stateroom with a balcony on the October 2015 Compass Biblelands Cruise!
Newly confirmed- September 19
Mark your calendar!

Parker Bible Church

Coming up this year at Compass

Mark your calendar!




Steeling the Mind
Bible Conference
Peoria, Illinois

February 28, 2015

Great speakers/tough topics!

Join us!

Invest a day, reap rewards for a lifetime!

 Click here for details!


"Creation at the Grand Canyon"

Learn scores of scientific proofs that the Grand Canyon in Arizona is chock full of scientific evidences for a global flood! Includes raft trip (float)

June 18-21, 2015

It's a great, succinct, getaway weekend!

Join us in June! But register early, the last
three years have sold out!

 Click here for details!


September 19, 2015

Parker Bible Church
(Watch for details!)


Biblelands Cruise 2015
October 2015

Your Hosts:
Josh McDowell
Mike Gendron
Dan Pinkerton
Bill Perkins

 Click here for details!
Join over 20,000 people!
Sign up for our FREE daily Bible Study.....

Good Morning Lord!
is a provocative one-minute daily email Bible study that's a great way to start the day.

Warning: This Bible study is VERY conservative. So if you can't take the scriptural heat, it's easy to unsubscribe! :-)


STM Sign-no people

Peoria, Illinois!! 
Saturday,  February  28, 2015

Join us in the Midwest &

Great Speakers /
Tough Topics

Mike Gendron,
Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries
"False Prophets in  
the Last Days"
Andy Woods, TX
College of Biblical Studies
"The Coming Collision:  
Pulpits vs. Government!" 
J.B. Hixson, IL 
Not by Works Ministries 
"Christians and  
Civil Disobedience" 
Tom Cloud, GA 
Christian Finances 
"Money Matters!"

Shahram Hadian, WA  
Truth In Love Ministry 
"Beheadings and the Bible" 

Russ Miller, AZ 
Creation Ministries 
"Proving the  
Bible's Accuracy" 


Plus more great Bible topics  

all day long!!! 


Or contact Compass-





If you can't make it to Peoria, plan to kick back and watch it live on:  


Your home TV,  

Your smart phone,  

Your tablet,  

At your church  

(on the big screen!)  


Click here for details. 


Watch the Entire Bible in 30 minutes!
Great overview of Genesis through Revelation!

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just click and watch) 



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 October 2015

Join us for the big one!

18 Days
5 countries
1 incredible ship

Fly into and out of Italy visiting 5 countries--using the cruise ship as your floating hotel!










With the awesome option to add Florence, Pisa and Venice! Pinch me!
Click here for details!

BTW- If you're planning on traveling with us, you can receive up to $1700 in ship-board credits if you get us your deposit by
February 26th!

Call for details!!

Click here for the Biblelands Cruise brochure!

Awesome Armor!
Over 300 incredible Bible teaching presentations recorded live at Steeling the Mind Bible Conferences (including all the awesome Power Point visuals!). Now only $9.95 per title shipped to you! Or only $4.95 to download and watch now! Cool!

 Click Here To

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Keep us in your prayers!! Thanks!

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Read Past Issues of Compass eNews 


If you are new to eNews, you can browse through our previous eNews articles:


Click Here to read the
past articles below


December 2014 

All About Angels 


November, 2014

Why The World Will Envy Israel  


October, 2014

Home of the Brave? 


September, 2014

Worship Allah or Die  


August, 2014

Tribulation: Evangelism  

on Steroids 


July, 2014

Israel and the Mystery


June, 2014  

America's Birthrate Nightmare


May, 2014 

Earthquakes and Volcanoes  

in Bible Prophecy


April, 2014

Heaven Is For Real movie

God Is Not Dead movie 

Jesus' Five Wounds 

Homosexual Equality Push 


March, 2014 

Jesus (is not) Calling movie 

Son of God movie

Noah movie 


February, 2014

Blood Moon Madness 


January, 2014

When Will Jesus Return?


December, 2013 

The Lousy List


 November, 2013

Killing O'Reilly


October #2, 2013 

The Government's Secret  

Takeover of the Internet  


October #1, 2013 

America's Lost Moorings


September, 2013

Signs of Jesus' Soon Return 


August, 2013

Kitchen Killers 


July, 2013

Don't Do What Jesus Says!  

Book Review: Harbinger

(not good!)


June, 2013

The Gaying of America


May, 2013  

When Obama Bows to Jesus


April, 2013

Beware of a  

Constitutional Convention! 


March, 2013

The Two Witnesses 


February, 2013 

The Bottomless Pit


January, 2013

The Designed Decline  

of Public Schools


December, 2012

The Coming World Tax 


November, 2012

Birth Control & Cancer Link  


October #2, 2012

The Coming One World Leader


October #1, 2012 

World without God


September, 2012 

How can we see light from 

distant stars if the earth is 

only 6000 years old?


August, 2012 

Bill Gates and  

Intelligent Design   


July #2, 2012

Was God at the  

Movie Theater? 


July #1, 2012

Moving Toward the

 Mark of the Beast 


June, 2012

Obama or Romney?

Big Bang and the Bible!  


May, 2012

Agenda 21 & George Soros


April, 2012

Was Jesus Crucified on Friday? 


March, 2012

When Rapture Happens 


February, 2012 

America's Head Demon 


January #2, 2012   

Will Germany and Syria Sleep Together? / Is Repentance Necessary for Salvation?


January #1, 2012    

Blacks in America   


December, 2011 

Why "Asking Jesus Into Your Heart" Won't Save You! 


November #2, 2011  

The Evil End of World Debt  


November #1, 2011    

Iran--What the Bible Says


October, 2011  

Earth--Just Before  

the Rapture 


September #2, 2011  

The Palestine Myth


September #1, 2011

America's God?

August #2, 2011
A Peek Behind the

Name of God

August #1, 2011
The Dwindling Dollar / Mormons

July 2011
Should We Confess Sins
For Forgiveness After Salvation?

June 2011
Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Tsunamis... From God?

May 2011
Christians and
Birth Control

April 2011
Is Rapture In

March 2011
    The United States
     in Bible Prophecy

    February 2011
    The Egyptian Riots -
What's next?

    January 2011
    Get Ready To Witness!

    December 2010
    "Santa's Claws"

    November 2010
    Petra: Prepared by God?

    October #2 2010
    The Worldwide Muslim Agenda

    September 2010
    Mount Moriah - God's Special Place On Earth!

    August 2010
    The Declining Dollar Dilemma

    July 2010
    Israel--A Burdening Stone for the World

    June 2010
    Obama is Not the Antichrist

Click Here for past articles

  Creation and the
   Grand Canyon!

            June 18-21, 2015

Join us for a great, getaway weekend, Thursday to Sunday, that works for all ages.

Whether you're young or old, this is a great, succinct tour of the Grand Canyon from a Biblical perspective.

You'll learn scientific evidences of how the canyon supports both the Biblical account of God's Creation and Noah's worldwide flood!
You'll view the canyon from the south rim on the top and from the bottom while on a 17-mile raft trip down the Colorado River.

June 18-21, 2015

18 Thursday-Arrive Phoenix 
19 Friday-Grand Canyon tour 
20 Saturday-Colorado River Raft Trip 
21 Sunday- Depart Phoenix

The great all-inclusive price includes three hotel nights, entrance fees, bus, guide, meals and raft trip beginning and ending in Phoenix, Arizona.

Get the brochure with all the details! Click here!

Russ teaching  
STM Sign-no people

Peoria, Illinois!! 
Saturday,  February  28, 2015

Join us in the mid-west &

Great Speakers /
Tough Topics

Mike Gendron,
Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries
"False Prophets in  
the Last Days"
Andy Woods, TX
College of Biblical Studies
"The Coming Collision:  
Pulpits vs. Government!" 
J.B. Hixson, IL 
Not by Works Ministries 
"Christians and  
Civil Disobedience" 
Tom Cloud, GA 
Christian Finances 
"Money Matters!"

Shahram Hadian, WA  
Truth In Love Ministry 
"Beheadings and the Bible" 

Russ Miller, AZ 
Creation Ministries 
"Proving the  
Bible's Accuracy" 


Plus more great Bible topics  

all day long!!! 

Click here for details!


Or contact Compass-




If you can't make it to Peoria, plan to kick back and watch it live on your home TV or at your church on the big screen! click here for details. 


Download the Steeling presentation- 
"How to Buy
Gold & Silver"
The Bible says to diversify your investments- spread them over 7 or 8 areas. With the uncomfortable prospect of a financial reset coming due to the ridiculous debt associated with our currency, some people consider precious metals as one area of diversity.

In the history of the world, all paper currencies (fiat) that were not tied to a metal have become worthless. The dollar is no different. One day we'll wake up with a new currency, and those with lots of cash will take a haircut. Those with hard assets will fare much better.


This video is made available to you by the incredible generosity of Compass Pointes! Pray about becoming one! Thanks!

Offer Expires:

We hope you've enjoyed this issue of Compass eNews! We would love to hear your thoughts. Just reply to this email. I enjoy personally reading every comment sent to Compass ... positive and/or negative!  :-)


Bill Perkins

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