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News From Your Friends At Compass
July, 2014

In this eNews:
    > Israel and Gaza
    > Financial Earthquake Ahead?
    > The Bible's Big Mystery
    > More Early Rocks cartoons
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Dear Friends of Compass-

Steeling the Mind Bible Conference is set for September 20.  

God has allowed us another great line-up of top
speakers and tough topics. Make plans to join us to learn more about your Bible and what it says about the days in which we live.

This conference brings together a special group of Believers who meet for a day to study their Bibles! See the info and speakers in the right side column.

Also, we still have a couple of staterooms available on our October  Biblelands Cruise. We'll be flying into and out of Italy spending two weeks visiting every major Biblical site in the Mediterranean... it'll make your Bible come alive as never before! Get the details!
A camel ride on the Mount of Olives overlooking the
Old City of Jerusalem is always a hit.

Trevi Fountain in Rome is an incredible non-Biblical
site we always love visiting.

This is definitely the trip of a lifetime--18 total days porting in four countries! Pray about joining us! Scroll down for more details in the right sidebar ---> 

Keep Israel in your prayers. I wonder how long we would let Mexico fire rockets at the citizens of San Diego? Not long! Yet thousands of rockets have been
Rockets being fired from Gaza
fired by the terrorists-- not at military targets, but at the Israeli citizens, homes and businesses.

Israel's restraint has been amazing. They have available in their weapon's arsenal huge bombs, including nuclear, that they could use if they chose to.

But Israel chooses to try to hold down the civilian casualties as much as possible. They value life. They
Warning leaflets falling like snow on Gaza
even drop leaflets in Gaza before they bomb an area to warn the local population to evacuate.

If the terrorists in Gaza had nuclear weapons they would fire them immediately at the Israeli civilians. That's why it's important that Iran, or any other Muslim dominated country, not have nuclear weapons.

I believe the following verse happens right after the Rapture, soon after God's Restraining Holy Spirit is removed:

"In that day I will make the clans of Judah like a firepot among pieces of wood and a flaming torch among sheaves, so they will consume on the right hand and on the left all the surrounding peoples, while the inhabitants of Jerusalem again dwell on their own sites in Jerusalem. Zech. 12:6

After the Rapture, Israel will repel an invasion from Russia, Iran and a few others (Ezek 38/39) and then say they've had enough restraining. They'll change from defense to offense and systemically take out all their enemies around them, one after another, until the world begs them to stop.

Unfortunately, Israel will be duped by the false peace offer and sign a truce for seven years, marking the beginning of the Tribulation (Daniel 9:27).

As for the current conflict going on in Gaza, it won't be long until the terrorists agree to a peace (wave the white flag). Things will then get back to what is normal for Israel--a prime target of Satan because they're chosen by God as His special people.

Above, the red square in the map on the left shows where the current conflict is taking place. The green dots show where we visit on our tours, primarily Jerusalem and Galilee, not near Gaza.

It's also worth pointing out that while the media shows Israel to look like a war zone, the truth is there are over 100,000 tourists in Israel TODAY, seeing the amazing Biblical sites and loving every minute. Only if they turn on their TVs at night do they see or hear anything about the conflict in Gaza.


Bill Perkins

   "It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery."  Gal 5:1  
Don't be surprised by the

A wise counselor of mine once told
me that it was not as important
what they're saying in the news,
as it is what they're NOT saying.

We Christians are all standing around in disbelief as one crisis after another unfolds in our government. There are so many that majorly impact Christians that we can't even keep up with all of them!

Poor Richard Nixon got canned for just trying to cover up his lying about his connection to a crime. Any one of the Obama Administration's lies is far worse than Nixon's.

  So I'm wondering what they're really up to? What is it that they're NOT telling us? What's so potentially disastrous that they're having to  pummel us with crisis after crisis to keep our eyes off the real problem? What else is really going on? 

If they ARE trying to keep us off the mark, I think I may know what it is. Follow the dollar. We're printing new ones at reckless abandon. So what? Most are bored to tears/heard the wolf cries before.

But the reality is, there are at least three financial areas that are downright scary... any one of which could take this nation down... almost overnight.

1) A stock market crash.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average is 3,000 points higher than the last major correction, and at that time, the economy was in good shape. If the market tumbles, we have no wiggle-room to absorb the shock.

But a massive correction will come sooner or later because the rise in prices does not reflect our true economic picture. Some believe it could easily fall 50% in six months or less.

2) The U.S. Debt
The debt is continuing to grow exponentially, and we're now borrowing 4.5 billion dollars a day to pay our
U. S. Debt 1970-Present
bills. But no one is talking about it any more. It's off the news. Heard anyone complaining lately about the debt ceiling or total national debt? I haven't. Not a word in a long time. Yet it's continuing to get worse by the day!

And at every opportunity, we seem to find ways to spend even more money, yet NO ONE is talking about cutting the deficit. Do you think we can borrow our way out of debt? Is borrowing making our situation better or worse? Of course it's making it worse. Way worse.

What's even more interesting is that even though we've doubled the debt in the last 6 years, we're enjoying the lowest interest rates in the history of the country. How is that possible? Only by artificial manipulation. Imagine the rush for the exits when that cat gets out of the bag.

3) The Derivatives Bubble
We have over one quadrillion dollars of derivatives in action (quadrillion comes after trillion). 50% more financial exposure than the entire stock market.

Wondering what the heck a derivative is and/or why it matters? A derivative is a legal contract that gives you the option to purchase anything of value at a certain price in the future.

Banks love derivatives. They're like an unregulated casino where banks are making huge profits. And it's an addictive problem. In a nutshell, our banking exposure via derivatives is twice as large as what caused our last financial disaster in 2008.

Look at these banks and how much they have in derivatives contracts (actually just "bets").

Bank of New York Mellon   $1.375 Trillion
State Street Financial         $1.390 Trillion
Morgan Stanley                  $1.722 Trillion
Wells Fargo                        $3.332 Trillion
HSBC                                 $4.321 Trillion
  (Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corp)
Goldman Sachs                 $44.192 Trillion
Bank of America                $50.135 Trillion
Citibank                              $52.102 Trillion
JP Morgan Chase              $70.151 Trillion

Both the U.S. debt and the derivatives market cannot stand even a modest move in interest rates. If the interest rate were allowed to float without artificial restraints, the financial world would collapse.

Do realize that if there is a problem, the lenders have control. And guess who owns 2/3s of America's national debt? Foreigners. Foreigners would decide what happens to the U.S. in the event of a default. We're not even able to appeal. In a sense, they have already won the war, we just don't admit it yet.

"The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower becomes the lender's slave." Prov. 22:7

So we know the economy is smoke and mirrors. Something big is going on behind the scenes. It could be the introduction of a world currency. Or it could be, according to the most pessimistic, the designed financial implosion of the United States in order to do away with the constitution and bring it into a world government.

I just don't believe that all this is going on by accident. Even Fox News #2 owner, next to Rupert Murdoch, is an Arab billionaire--Prince Alwaleed bin Talal. Do you think he has zero input? Hardly.

Recently we've seen that if you're an outspoken conservative or want to exercise your "God-given rights," you're a target of our government. And the U.S. Department of Justice is so corrupt they won't even investigate the charges made by Congress!

But hey, never forget that God's in control. Nothing is happening that is surprising Him or catching Him off-guard. His agenda will prevail.

On September 20th we have a speaker at our Steeling the Mind Bible Conference in Denver who will address that very issue. It's titled "How to Know God's Will When The World Is Crashing Around You." Should be awesome! Make plans to join us! Details HERE.

And one last thought. Since the the Bible says that the coming world government will be instituted in the future 7 Years of Tribulation, the Rapture of the church, which has to come first, could be getting awfully close! :-)


Just saying....

"...the mystery which has been hidden from the past ages and generations." Col. 1:26

"the mystery which for ages has been hidden" Eph 3:9

The word mystery in the Greek is "mysterion," and it means "truth undiscoverable except by divine revelation." We have the divine Holy Spirit living in us so we should be able to understand deep truths.

The Bible mentions several mysteries in the New Testament Epistles, such as:

The Mystery of the Rapture. 1 Cor. 15:51

The Mystery of God coming in the flesh. Col 2:2,3,9

The Mystery of Israel's unbelief. Ro 11:25

The Mystery of the Antichrist.
2 Thes 2:6-10

The Mystery of Gentile inclusion in God's promises. Eph. 3:3-6

But the mystery of all mysteries is the mystery of the Church Age.

"...the mystery which has been hidden from the past ages and generations." Col. 1:26

"the mystery which for ages has been hidden" Eph 3:9

To best understand the Church Age "mystery," we need to start with God's foundational purpose for sacrifices. Mankind is born sinful and separated from God because the penalty for sin is death.

"For the wages (penalty) of sin is death" Ro. 6:23

Therefore, in the Old Testament God provided a way to
Levitical Priest at God's Altar
temporarily cover man's sin via an animal blood sacrifice so that He could fellowship with man. Blood is the key. Our life depends on our blood.

"For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you on the altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood by reason of the life that makes atonement." Lev. 17:11

"For as for the life of all flesh, its blood is identified with its life. Therefore I said to the sons of Israel, 'You are not to eat the blood of any flesh, for the life of all flesh is its blood;" Lev. 17:14

"And according to the Law, one may almost say, all things are cleansed with blood, and without shedding of blood there is no forgiveness." Heb. 9:22

Blood is an amazing thing. We can't live without it. Each human has about five gallons of constantly circulating blood. It's composed of red blood cells for carrying oxygen to the tissues, white blood cells for fighting infections and platelets that cause the blood to clot.

God even commanded Noah to not eat blood.

"Every moving thing that is alive shall be food for you; I give all to you, as I gave the green plant. Only you shall not eat flesh with its life, that is, its blood." Gen. 9:3-4

So the first thing Noah did when his family walked off the ark after the flood was to make a blood sacrifice to cover their sins (Gen.8:20). This necessity of shedding blood to atone for man's sin (Lev. 17:11) was later incorporated in the Levitical law (Lev. 16).

So for over 1500 years God's Law demanded, and the Israelites furnished, blood sacrifices.Then, as prophesied, the Lord God came in the flesh and shed His blood on the cross as a permanent sacrifice (Eph. 1:7), ending the necessity of sacrifices for sin.

Saul (Paul) of Tarsus was chosen to explain this "Good News" to the world... that a great "mystery" had been revealed... that Jehovah God no longer demanded blood sacrifices because all sin had been "paid in full" by Jesus on the cross (Col. 2:13-14) and now God the Spirit was able to come to earth to permanently indwell Born-again Believers (2Cor. 1:22).

God's Spirit coming to the earth ushered in a completely new time period we call the Church Age. The Church Age is a new time period with a distinct purpose and destiny. The Church Age will end when God's Spirit departs at the Rapture.

This was a complete surprise to the Jews living at the time of Christ. They were correctly reading all the verses in the Bible about the Lord sending a Messiah to conquer their enemies and rule the earth from a throne in Jerusalem.

But they totally missed the fact He first had to come, shed His blood, die and be resurrected as payment for their sins. They obviously skipped over Isaiah 53.
Jew at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem.

And because Believers' sins were paid on the cross making them sanctified, God could now send His Holy Spirit to indwell Believers even while they still lived in their sinful earthly containers. That was quite a shocker for the Jews.

Even today, if you want to mix it up with a Rabbinical Jew at the Wailing Wall, tell one you have God living in your heart. It makes them fighting mad because they fully understand man's sinfulness.

They know they need a Messiah. They just don't think He's come yet. One of the jokes among the guides in Israel is that when the Messiah comes, the first question they'll ask is whether or not He's been here before.

The problem of course is that God has blinded the eyes and hardened the hearts of the Jewish race from receiving understanding about the mystery.

        John 12:40 "HE HAS BLINDED THEIR EYES, AND

      Rom. 11:25 "For I do not want you, brethren, to be  
      uninformed of this mystery, lest you be wise in your own
      estimation, that a partial hardening has happened to
until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in;"

When God says He's blinded the Jewish race, it was an understatement. We have non-Christian Jewish guides in Israel who lead us all over the holyland pointing out where the miracles of Jesus took place. They quote chapter and verse using the New Testament as a resource.

But even though they say the words, they can't make the connection. One time a guide said, "This is where I think Jesus rose from the dead." So I asked him if he thought Jesus was the Messiah, and he said "no."

I continued, "Do you think Jesus ever lied?" "No, never." the guide responded. I said, "Well, Jesus claimed to be God. Do you think He is God?" He said, "No."

Smiling I said, "Then you think Jesus is a liar." "No, no, no." the guide protested. "Then you think Jesus is God?" "No, no, no!" Round and round we went.

Being content to use this kind of circular reasoning is possible only because the Jews are blinded by God from understanding the truth. Otherwise they are a very, very intelligent race.

So the "mystery" remains unsolved with the Jew, but is made known to the Gentile. Just as God predicted!

Hos. 2:23  "And I will sow her for Myself in the land. I will also have compassion on her who had not obtained compassion, and I will say to those who were not My people, 'You are My people!' And they will say, 'Thou art my God!'"  
Amazing! So when you're talking to a Jew, always be respectful because even though he IS chosen by God, he is also blinded by God, until the Rapture!

And it's only by the grace of God that we're given spiritual wisdom and knowledge!

Col. 2:2,3  "...attaining to all the wealth that comes from the full assurance of understanding, resulting in a true knowledge of God's mystery, that is,Christ Himself, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

Thank you Lord for the things we don't deserve!!

Coming up this year at Compass

Mark your calendar!




Steeling the Mind
Bible Conference
Denver, Colorado

September 20, 2014

Great speakers/tough topics!

Join us!

Invest a day, reap rewards for a lifetime!

Click here for details!


2014 Biblelands Cruise!
October 2-19

Few things in this life affect a Believer more
than a trip to the Holyland!

Click here for details!


Creation at the Grand Canyon

June 18-21, 2015

Join us next June!

Plan for a great getaway weekend and learn scores of scientific proofs that Grand Canyon in Arizona is chock full of scientific evidences for a global flood!

Watch for details!!
Join over 20,000 people!
Sign up for our FREE daily Bible Study.....

Good Morning Lord!
is a provocative one-minute daily email Bible study that's a great way to start the day.

Warning: This Bible study is VERY conservative. So if you can't take the scriptural heat, it's easy to unsubscribe! :-)


Compass Cartoons :-) 

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If so, send me an email, I would love to hear what you think! Just reply to this eNews.

STM Sign-no people
Denver, Colorado 
 September 20, 2014

It's time to

Great Speakers/
Tough Topics

Satan in Bible Prophecy
Mike Gendron
Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries


Christian Persecution in a Post-Christian America Andy Woods  
College of Biblical Studies

Illuminating the New World Order
J.B. Hixson
Not by Works Ministries

Dinosaurs and the Bible Frank Sherwin
Institute for Creation Research California

Another Jesus Calling  
Warren Smith

10 Truths About Rapture
Andy Woods 
College of Biblical Studies

How to Know God's Will
(When the world is crashing!) 
Kirk Youngblood
Pastor, Author

Steeling Speakers' Banquet 
Jews in Bible Prophecy 
(Special Video Keynote Message)
Dave Reagan 
Lamb and Lion Ministries


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October, 2014

5 Countries, 16 days--
it's the cruise of a lifetime!

Click here!

This is the best one yet!

We only have only a couple of staterooms left!


All the top Bible sites in
the Mediterranean on
one awesome cruise!

Jerusalem (2)
                Pompeii (Just added)

And FOUR days-at-sea

With the option to add:

Teachers on board:
Frank Peretti
Mike Gendron
Bill Perkins

WOW!!! WOW!!!

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Watch the Entire Bible in 30 minutes!

Great overview of Genesis through Revelation

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October, 2014

5 Countries, 16 days, top ship!
Click here!

This is the best one yet!

Everyone has a balcony!


All the top Bible sites in
the Mediterranean on
one awesome cruise!

Jerusalem (2)

And FOUR days-at-sea
on one incredible ship!

With the option to add:

Teachers on board:
Frank Peretti
Mike Gendron
Bill Perkins

WOW!!! WOW!!!

Read Past Issues of Compass eNews 


If you are new to eNews, you can browse through our previous eNews articles:


Click Here to read the
past articles below


June, 2014  

America's Birthrate Nightmare


May, 2014 

Earthquakes and Volcanoes  

in Bible Prophecy


April, 2014

Heaven Is For Real movie

God Is Not Dead movie 

Jesus' Five Wounds 

Homosexual Equality Push 


March, 2014 

Jesus (is not) Calling movie 

Son of God movie

Noah movie 


February, 2014

Blood Moon Madness 


January, 2014

When Will Jesus Return?


December, 2013 

The Lousy List


 November, 2013

Killing O'Reilly


October #2, 2013

The Government's Secret Takeover   

of the Internet 


October #1, 2013 

America's Lost Moorings


September, 2013

Signs of Jesus' Soon Return 


August, 2013

Kitchen Killers 


July, 2013

Don't Do What Jesus Says! + 

Book Review: Harbinger - not good! 


June, 2013

The Gaying of America


May, 2013  

When Obama Bows to Jesus


April, 2013

Beware of a  

Constitutional Convention


March, 2013

The Two Witnesses 


February, 2013 

The Bottomless Pit


January, 2013

The Designed Decline  

of Public Schools


December, 2012

The Coming World Tax 


November, 2012

Birth Control & Cancer Link  


October #2, 2012

The Coming One World Leader


October #1, 2012 

World without God


September, 2012 

How can we see light from 

distant stars if the earth is 

only 6000 years old?


August, 2012 

Bill Gates and  

Intelligent Design   


July #2, 2012

Was God at the  

Movie Theater? 


July #1, 2012

Moving Toward the

 Mark of the Beast 


June, 2012

Obama or Romney?

Big Bang and the Bible!  


May, 2012

Agenda 21 & George Soros


April, 2012

Was Jesus Crucified on Friday? 


March, 2012

When Rapture Happens 


February, 2012 

America's Head Demon 


January #2, 2012   

Will Germany and Syria Sleep Together? / Is Repentance Necessary for Salvation?


January #1, 2012    

Blacks in America   


December, 2011 

Why "Asking Jesus Into Your Heart" Won't Save You! 


November #2, 2011  

The Evil End of World Debt  


November #1, 2011    

Iran--What the Bible Says


October, 2011  

Earth--Just Before  

the Rapture 


September #2, 2011  

The Palestine Myth


September #1, 2011
America's God?

August #2, 2011
A Peek Behind the
Name of God

August #1, 2011
The Dwindling Dollar / Mormons

July 2011
Should We Confess Sins
For Forgiveness After Salvation?

June 2011
Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Tsunamis... From God?

May 2011
Christians and
Birth Control

April 2011
Is Rapture In

March 2011
    The United States
     in Bible Prophecy

    February 2011
    The Egyptian Riots -
What's next?

    January 2011
    Get Ready To Witness!

    December 2010
    "Santa's Claws"

    November 2010
    Petra: Prepared by God?

    October #2 2010
    The Worldwide Muslim Agenda

    October 2010
    Inflation or Deflation?

    September 2010
    Mount Moriah - God's Special Place On Earth!

    August 2010
    The Declining Dollar Dilemma

    July 2010
    Israel--A Burdening Stone for the World

    June 2010
    Obama is Not the Antichrist

Click Here for past articles

STM Sign-no people
Denver, Colorado 
 September 20, 2014

It's time to

Great Speakers/
Tough Topics

Satan in Bible Prophecy
Mike Gendron
Proclaiming the Gospel Ministries


Christian Persecution in a Post-Christian America Andy Woods  
College of Biblical Studies

Illuminating the New World Order
J.B. Hixson
Not by Works Ministries

Dinosaurs and the Bible Frank Sherwin
Institute for Creation Research Texas

Another Jesus Calling  
Warren Smith

10 Truths About Rapture
Andy Woods 
College of Biblical Studies

How to Know God's Will
(When the world is crashing!) 
Kirk Youngblood
Pastor, Author

Steeling Speaker's Banquet 
Jews in Bible Prophecy 
(Special Video Keynote Message)
Dave Reagan 
Lamb and Lion Ministries


Or contact Compass-




Plan to watch it live on your home TV or Church, click here for details. 


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Bill Perkins

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