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News From Your Friends At Compass
May, 2013

Dear Friends of Compass:
We just returned from out Spring Israel Trip with an extension Smyrna group LR to the 7 Churches in Revelation. It was just awesome! If you've never been to Israel, consider joining us in October for the Biblelands Israel + Cruise. It'll take your Christian walk to the next spiritual level!


And it's not too late to join us in Arizona for: 

*** June 20-23, 2013 *** (Thursday-Sunday)

Grand Canyon Tour and  

Raft Trip Down the Colorado River!
Join us for a great getaway weekend 
Grd can  

learning how the Grand Canyon PROVES creation, not evolution!! 


You'll learn awesome scientific facts about Noah's flood, creation and science!

Great for students and adults. BTW- you can fly into and out
of Phoenix, rent an inexpensive car for the weekend and drive to Flagstaff (about 2 hours). This usually saves about $300 per person in airfare.  Get the details! 


*** This October! *** 

Israel, Biblelands Cruise and Italy! 

Mariner ship above

Choose any or all...the cruise starts at $2,995 per person base price, which includes airfare from NYC! See your Bible come alive like never before... Get the details  and join us!! 


I got a bit tired of all the pussy-footing that's going around in our country and wrote the blog below that is sure to get me audited!  




Bill Perkins  

Gal 5:1

Jews Want to Pray on  
The Temple Mount!



Arab hands up Dome of Rock One of the key latter-day Bible prophecies is that, according to Dan 9:24-27, there will come a day when the Jews will go back to sacrificing on the Temple Mount on Mt. Moriah.  


This ancient Daniel prophecy tells us that the Anti-Christ will stop sacrifices at the mid-point of the seven year Tribulation, therefore sometime prior to that they must begin sacrificing. 


To begin sacrifices, it is assumed the Jews must rebuild their Jewish Temple. To rebuild the Temple they must know where on Mt. Moriah to rebuild.  


The Dome of the Rock is assumed by many to be built

on the spot of the Jewish Temple and therefore be standing in the way of any new Jewish Temple construction.


Others believe there is room to build the Jewish Temple to the north of the Dome of the Rock. (Right of the Dome in the picture below.) 


Temple Mt from above
Temple Mount in Jerusalem
The Two Witnesses, Rev 11, show up just after the Rapture and show the Jews where to rebuild. The Bible says they even allow for other Gentile (non-Jewish)


buildings in the area, so the Dome may not be a problem where it's presently located. As you can see from the photo to the left, there is plenty of room on the Temple Mount to build a Jewish Temple so the Jews can again begin sacrificing.


When we travel to Israel and visit the Temple Mount,

Soldiers on Temple Mt
Israeli Soldiers on Temple Mt.
we see Israeli soldiers in full uniform stationed all over the area. Israel captured the Temple Mt in 1967 and since then has been controlled by Israel.

Israel allows the Muslims to administer the worship on the Temple Mount. And the Muslims don't allow non-Muslims to pray on the Temple Mount.


David originally purchased the area and put the Tabernacle there until the first Jewish Temple was built by Solomon. The Temple was destroyed by Babylon and after 70 years of captivity in Babylon, the Jews returned to Jerusalem and rebuilt the Temple. It was destroyed again in 70 AD and never rebuilt.  


If we're getting close to Rapture, then we would expect to see interest by the Jews in rebuilding their Temple. Israel news And this is exactly what we see today.


An article in the Jewish newspaper ISRAEL TODAY laments the problems associated with Jews not being able to pray on the only spot God allows for sacrifices. They make the case it's the holiest spot on the earth for Jews and they should be allowed to pray there.


This is huge! 


At the moment, the closest Jews can get to their holy

Wailing Dome
Wailing Wall and Plaza below the Dome of the Rock

site is the Wailing Wall. They "wail" because they can't sacrifice.  

And the Bible says their "wail" will continue to grow louder until they are allowed to rebuild their Temple and go back to sacrifices.  


All this is just more proof the end of the Church Age is near. :-)


When Obama  
Bows To Jesus

Obama bows to saudi prince
Obama bows before Saudi
King in 2009.

Much was written about Mr. Obama bowing to the Saudi King only weeks after becoming U.S. President.

But Obama will bow again in the future to the true King, the Lord Jesus Christ... before or after he dies... whether he likes it or not. Whether he wants to or not.

"... to Me every knee will bow, every tongue will swear  
allegiance. Is 45:23 

Rom 14:11

Judgment Day
There are three future judgments for humans and it will depend on your earthly status when you die as to which judgment you'll be assigned. The Bible says Jesus will be the Righteous Judge of the good, bad and the ugly (John 5:22).

After judgment, each human will go one of two places-- either to be with God in His inexpressibly glorious
heaven or to be with Satan in the horribly painful, inexhaustible and eternal fires of hell.

Paul tells us heaven is better than anything we can imagine (1Cor 2:9). Better than ANYTHING we can imagine!! What a statement! I can think of a lot of A+ situations and it's better than whatever I can think up? That's incredible!

Paul ultimately got a glimpse of heaven (2Cor 12:2-4) and it was so mind-blowing he was at a loss for words to explain what he saw and heard.

Below is a short outline of the three human judgments in which everyone, including our esteemed President, must be judged.

1) Judgement of Believers judgement day
Believers, those who trust Jesus' shed blood at Calvary to pay for their sin, have a special judgment at what Paul calls the Judgment Seat of Christ or Bema Seat (2Cor 5:10).

When we visit Ancient Corinth in Greece, the Bema Seat, to which Paul referred, is still standing. The verdict from the Bema Seat was final and without appeal.

Believers have already been judged for salvation due to Jesus' payment on the cross (John 5:24). So we'll only be judged for potential rewards.

Since our earthly works done in the flesh are worth less than used menstrual cloths (according to the literal translation of Isaiah 64:6) there won't be much worthwhile to judge!

But for those times we allowed Jesus to work through us, we will be richly rewarded (Phil 4:13)

"Therefore do not go on passing judgment before the time, but wait until the Lord comes who will both bring to light the things hidden in the darkness and disclose the motives of men's hearts; and then each man's praise will come to him from God. 1Cor 4:5

There are five specific rewards or crowns mentioned  in scripture that we as Believers can receive at the Believer's Judgment:

> Witnessing -
Those who have shared with others what Jesus has done in their life. 1Thes 2:19,20

>Mature Believers -
Those who were zealous for Jesus and His written Word.  1Cor 9:24-27

>Pastors -
Those who answered God's call to shepherd their God-given flock. 1Pet 5:2-4

>Bible Prophecy Enthusiasts -
Those watching the signs for Jesus' Coming. 
2Tim 4:5-8

>Perseverance -
Those who stand boldly for Jesus under undo hardship or martyrdom. James 1:12

There could be more....considering Jesus looks at our heart, not our actions, and knows every thought we think. There's no telling what all will be considered. But if we do receive a crown, we'll place it at Christ's feet.

Most importantly, even if everything we do burns up, we are still saved (1Cor 3:15). That's a wonderful way to live, knowing we've ALREADY WON! We can't even mess it up. Yea! So Judgment will be a great and wonderful day for Believers.

2) Judgment of the Survivors Jesus judgement
    of the Tribulation
This judgement is for everyone who survives the seven years of Tribulation that follows the Rapture. It's for both Jews and Gentiles.

Some people have referred to this as the "Judgment of the Nations." But the text is clear that they are individuals who are judged and sent to hell or into the Millennium. The Greek word used for "nations" in Matthew 25:32 could easily be translated "Gentiles" as it was 99 other places in the New Testament.

"But when the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him, then He will sit on His glorious throne. And all the nations will be gathered before Him; and He will separate them from one another, as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats; and He will put the sheep on His right, and the goats on the left. Then the King will say to those on His right, 'Come, you who are blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. Then He will also say to those on His left, 'Depart from Me, accursed ones, into the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels;" Matt 25:31

3) The Great White Throne Judgement white throne judgment
That leaves one more human judgement--the judgment for those who die without belief in Christ, the Savior. It won't be pretty. Each is judged according to their works and each is cast into hell.

No "works" will stand God's righteous test and there are no excuses. There are no compromises. There won't be a liberal ACLU attorney to complain that their diapers were pinned too tightly as a baby.

"And I saw a great white throne and Him who sat upon it, from whose presence earth and heaven fled away, and no place was found for them. And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and books were opened; and another book was opened, which is the book of life; and the dead were judged from the things which were written in the books, according to their deeds. And the sea gave up the dead which were in it, and death and Hades gave up the dead which were in them; and they were judged, every one of them according to their deeds. And death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire.
                                                                Rev 20:11-14

Which brings us back to our current national leadership. Each and every one will one day be judged by Jesus Christ. It is an inescapable fact.

"But the present heavens and earth by His word are  
being reserved for fire, kept for the day of judgment  
and destruction of ungodly men." 2Pet 3:7 
A heart-felt warning...
Mr. Obama
, your ego won't save you on Judgment Obama Day. Nor will your teleprompters. If you haven't bent your knees and bowed your heart to Jesus Christ the Creator God of this universe before you die, you will be thrown into the Lake of Fire where you'll burn FOREVER.
"...and will cast them into the furnace of fire; in that place there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth." Matt. 13:42

Mrs. Clinton, your buddies won't save you on Clinton Judgment Day. If you haven't trusted the shed blood of Jesus, and His resurrection, you will join the ranks of hell. But you won't know who's there because it will be dark... and very hot... FOREVER.
"And cast out the worthless slave into the outer  
darkness; in that place there shall be weeping and  
gnashing of teeth." Matt. 25:30

Kermit Gosnell, the thousands earthly abortive Gosnel murders you preformed are legendary and nothing will save you on Judgment Day unless you repent of the evil in which you were born. You must seek the only One who can save you, or you'll also wind up in the painfully horrific eternal fires of hell... without appeal...and WITHOUT END. 

" ... 'Bind him hand and foot, and cast him into the
outer darkness; in that place there shall be weeping
and gnashing of teeth.'" Matt. 22:13

George Soros, your money won't save you on soros pic Judgment Day. Unless you give up money [Satan] being your god, and seek after the only thing that will truly satisfy you, you'll split the gates of hell wide open into an everlasting hopelessness that you could never imagine.
"There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth there when you see Abraham and Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets in the kingdom of God, but yourselves being cast out." Luke 13:28

Tiger Woods, your pride won't save you on Judgment Woods Day. Neither will a long putt. Unless you confess Jesus as your Lord and Savior you'll find out first-hand Buddha won't save you from hell's unquenchable flames.

"and will cast them into the furnace of fire; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth."  Mat 13:50 

Of course, you don't have to be famous to burn in hell. Queers All unsaved homosexuals, abortionists, god-less liberals and prideful god-haters, who have made themselves god by worshiping the creature rather than the creator--if you don't turn from your Biblically defined wicked ways and instead trust Jesus as your LORD and Savior--you will painfully and FOREVER regret it.

"...and shall cut him in pieces and assign him a place with the hypocrites; weeping shall be there and the gnashing of teeth."     Matt. 24:51

In the Church Age, the time in which we live, we all are born without the Spirit of the Living God in us. We are born sinners, separated from God... all born "ungodly."

Every human is born headed for the same assigned red demon fate--the fires of hell. To escape this sentence, one must recognize that sin separates us from God. One must Believe that through Jesus' shed blood they can be saved.

Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, shall inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and in the Spirit of our God." 1Cor. 6:9-11

Jesus offers the same promise of heaven to every person on earth, small or great, rich or poor. That's why we call it the Gospel or Good News.

"Jesus said to him, 'I am the way, the truth and the life,  
no one comes to the Father, but through Me." John 14:6

Mr. Obama, to be saved you must be born again, born both of the flesh and again of the Spirit who will come permanently into your life when you trust Jesus' death, burial and resurrection (John 3:1-8). With His Spirit in you comes eternal life in heaven. Without His Spirit in you comes the horrors of hell. There are no exceptions!
We've said many times, the only thing that really matters in this life is who goes to heaven and who goes to hell. This life is just a vapor. It's only a minute long compared to eternity. Yet, there are those who either deny that fact, or unwilling to deal with that fact. But the fact remains. And most men seek short-term riches instead of long-term security.

"For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world,
and forfeit his soul?  Mark 8:36

Scripture is true regardless of what your name is. Scripture is true whether you agree with it or not. Scripture is true whether you know about it or not. Scripture is the measuring stick for all judgment, whether you like it or not.

And scripture says you, Mr. Obama, and all your cohorts WILL in the future bow to the righteous God Jesus. Just like everyone else.

"so that at the name of Jesus EVERY KNEE WILL BOW, of those who are in heaven and on earth and under the earth," Phil 2:10

Rd to Damascus
Paul on Road to Damascus today
At the time of Jesus there was also a major leader who had all the privileges offered those of elite status. His name was Paul.

But on the Road to Damascus, Paul saw the Light. He decided it was better to give up what he could not keep in order to gain what he could not lose.

We can only pray that you too, Mr. Obama, will see the light.

And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who wishes take the water of life without cost. Rev 22:17

Feel free to forward this to any of those mentioned above.  :-)


STM 2011 Den crowd

Steeling the Mind

Conference DVDs

February, 2013

Download and Watch now
have DVDs shipped to you!

NB Gendron
Mike Gendron- TX

"Just Before Rapture"
Bible Prophecies
Excellent! Mike walks through all the prophecies pertaining to what the world will be like just before the Holy Spirit departs!
NB Van Noy
Paul Van Noy- ID

Why Mid- & Post-Trib Rapture Can't Happen

Paul nails the door shut walking through 21 concrete stand-up-and-yell Biblical reasons a pre-trib Rapture has to happen!
Ed Hindson- VA

What's Wrong With America?

Lessons from the Book of Judges
Ed, one of America's greatest Bible expositors today, walks through a time when Israel's problems paralleled our problems today--and what they did to turn their country around.
NB Miller

Russ Miller- AZ

The Fight Against Leftist Educators

This was 45 minutes of sobering facts about what is going on in public schools today. Pass this one around to friends and family--it's far worse than you think!

NB Loeffler

John Loeffler- ID
Buying Time as America Crashes
John outlines the latest in cascading events in the ever-tightening noose on American Christians.
NB Loudon

Gina Loudon- CA

Confessions of a Female Talk Show Host
Gina stole the hearts of everyone with her passion for the fight defending true conservative values in a hostile liberal environment.

NB Kincaid

Cliff Kincade- TN

Soros, Obama and the UN Plan to Rule the World
This was a bit scary. Cliff's research was quite an eye-opener as he showed the ever-quickening pace of the relentless march toward a new world order.

Tom Cloud- GA

The Future of Gold, Silver and the Dollar
Whether by design or stupidity, our dollar continues to lose value. Tom shows a fascinating graphical history of the Biblical money, gold, and where this all is headed. Be a good steward!


Order these awesome DVDs today to

Watch NOW!  $4.95 ea. 

or have them

Shipped to you! $9.95 ea. 

or call 800-977-2177
Mon-Thurs 9-4, Fri 9-12

STM Sign-no people

Coming up this year at Compass

Mark your calendar!






Creation and the Grand Canyon!

Grand Canyon Tour and Raft Trip

 June 20-June 23, 2013 / Thursday through Sunday 


Click Here for details!  


Great for students AND adults (The raft trip is tame!) 




Israel + Bible Cruise + Italy 

October 2013


Click here for more information.  


Tour Israel  

7 days: Jerusalem, Galilee, Dead Sea




Set sail on the
Biblelands Cruise

7 days: Rome, Athens, Corinth, Ephesus, Sicily

with optional   



Venice, Florence, Tuscany and Pisa!   


Choose one, some or all of the above!






Steeling Prophecy Conference  


Denver, Colorado


October 5, 2013


Mark your calendar!!!!!!!!! 

Sign up for our FREE daily Bible Study.....

Good Morning Lord! is a provocative one-minute email Bible study that's a
great way to start the day.

Warning, this Bible study is VERY conservative. So if you can't take the scriptural heat, it's easy to unsubscribe! :-)


Mark your calendar!
STM 2011 Den crowd

Join us for Steeling the Mind

Prophecy Conference
Denver, Colorado
October 5th
Mike Gendron, TX
Who is Mystery Spiritual Babylon?

Paul Van Noy, ID
"Characteristics of the Church Age"

Sharham Hadian, WA
"The True Goal of Islam and Shari'ah Law in the U.S."

Andy Woods, TX
"A Mind-bending Walk Through Revelation 12"

David Hocking, CA
"Why Jesus is Pre-millenial"

JB Hixson, TX
The Last Days According to Daniel 2

Plus more!

Wow! There is so much going on every day it's almost impossible to keep up with all the Biblical fulfillment!

And we're bringing in the top Bible prophecy teachers from around the nation to Denver for a steel-on-steel day. What an exciting time to be alive and be used by God!

So plan to attend live or watch it at home on TV! (All sessions will be between 9 AM and 6 PM PT)

 For tickets or simulcast (watching in your home) information, CLICK HERE
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distribute great
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and coworkers!

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any of our 250 titles
at any time!

Plus, any and all of your
DVD purchases
are only
$5 each
for Pointes!

Get Some Steel!

gendron banner

Steeling the Mind
Bible Conference
Newport Beach, California


Great Speakers /
Tough Topics!!

It was a great day of Steel on Steel! With all that's going on in the world it's time to armor up for service with Biblical Truth! Order today to have these new titles shipped to you or download now and watch!

Mike Gendron- TX
"Just Before Rapture"
Bible Prophecies

Excellent! Mike walks through all the prophecies pertaining to what the world will be like just before the Holy Spirit departs!

Paul Van Noy- ID
Why Mid- & Post-Trib
Rapture Can't Happen

Paul nails the door shut walking through 21 concrete stand-up-and-yell Biblical reasons a pre-trib Rapture has to happen!

Ed Hindson- VA
What's Wrong With America? Lessons from the Book of Judges
Ed, one of America's greatest Bible expositors today, walks through a time when Israel's problems paralleled our problems today--and what they did to turn their country around.

Russ Miller- AZ
The Fight Against
Leftist Educators

This was 45 minutes of sobering facts about what is going on in public schools today. Pass this one around to friends and family--it's far worse than you think!

John Loeffler- ID
Buying Time as
America Crashes

John outlines the latest in cascading events in the ever-tightening noose on American Christians.

Gina Loudon- CA
Confessions of a Female
Talk Show Host

Gina stole the hearts of everyone with her passion for the fight defending true conservative values in a hostile liberal environment.

Cliff Kincade- TN
Soros, Obama and the
UN Plan to Rule the World

This was a bit scary. Cliff's research was quite an eye-opener as he showed the ever-quickening pace of the relentless march toward a new world order.

Tom Cloud- GA
The Future of Gold, Silver
and the Dollar

Whether by design or stupidity, our dollar continues to lose value. Tom shows a fascinating graphical history of the Biblical money, gold, and where this all is headed. Be a good steward!

We can ship you DVDs or you can download and watch now.


Biblelands Cruise 

Mariner ship above

October 2013

7 Day Pauline Cruise
Rome, Ephesus, Athens,
Corinth, Crete and Sicily on
Royal Caribbean's
Navigator of the Seas

and / or

7 Days in Israel
Jerusalem, Galilee, Jordan
River, Dead Sea and more!

and / or

5 Days in Italy
Florence, Pisa, Venice
and Tuscany

All wrapped into one trip!

  BLC 13 Map
Compass Travel Logo
Book flights for less and help Compass too!

Click here for details!

Easy to use, great prices and instant bookings!


Awesome Armor!WOW
Over 250 incredible Bible teaching presentations recorded live at Steeling the Mind Bible Conferences (including all the awesome Power Point visuals!). Now only $9.95 per title-- shipped to you! Or, only $4.95 to download and watch now! Cool!

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Mark your calendar!!
Grd can
  Make plans to join us this June!

Creation and the
Grand Canyon!

June 20 - June 23, 2013

WOW! Join us for an awesome tour of Grand Canyon and raft trip down the Colorado River!

The Grand Canyon is America's most recognized landmark. But was it carved out over millions of years or in a few days?

Learning creation facts has never been this much fun!

We'll spend two fullRuss Teaching- Grd Can days looking at the scientific facts that will embolden
your faith! And the scenery alone will fill up your camera memory sticks!

Join us with host Creationist Russ Miller as he shows why creation is the only scientific explanation that makes sense for this wonder of the world.

Great for students
and adults alike!

Click here for details!

Russ teaching
Russ Miller at Grand Canyon teaching Compass group in 2012

 Click Here To

Thanks so much!

We exist because of your support!

Keep us in your prayers!! Thanks!

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distribute great
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to your friends, family
and coworkers!

As a Pointe, you can
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any of our 250 titles
at any time!

Plus, any and all of your
DVD purchases
are only
$5 each
for Pointes!

Pointes make Compass run!
We love Pointes!
Click here to learn more!

 Click Here To
Thanks so much!!

Please put us on your prayer list!

Read Past Issues of Compass eNews 


If you are new to eNews, you can browse through our previous eNews articles:


Click Here to read the
past articles below


April, 2013

Beware of a  

Constitutional Convention


March, 2013

The Two Witnesses 


February, 2013 

The Bottomless Pit


January, 2013

The Designed Decline  

Of Public Schools


December, 2012

The Coming World Tax 


November, 2012

Birth Control & Cancer Link  


October #2, 2012

The Coming One World Leader


October #1, 2012 

World without God


September, 2012 

How can we see light from 

distant stars if the earth is 

only 6000 years old?


August, 2012 

Bill Gates and  

Intelligent Design   


July #2, 2012

Was God at the  

Movie Theater? 


July #1, 2012

Moving Toward the

 Mark of the Beast 


June, 2012

Obama or Romney?

Big Bang and the Bible!  


May, 2012

Agenda 21 & George Soros


April, 2012

Was Jesus Crucified on Friday? 


March, 2012

When Rapture Happens 


February, 2012 

America's Head Demon 


January #2, 2012   

Will Germany and Syria Sleep Together? / Is Repentance Necessary for Salvation?


January #1, 2012    

Blacks in America   


December, 2011 

Why "Asking Jesus Into Your Heart" Won't Save You! 


November #2, 2011  

The Evil End of World Debt  


November #1, 2011    

Iran--What the Bible Says


October, 2011  

Earth--Just Before  

the Rapture 


September #2, 2011  

The Palestine Myth


September #1, 2011
America's God?

August #2, 2011
A Peek Behind the
Name of God

August #1, 2011
The Dwindling Dollar / Mormons

July 2011
Should We Confess Sins
For Forgiveness After Salvation?

June 2011
Tornados, Hurricanes, Tsunamis... From God?

May 2011
Christians and
Birth Control

April 2011
Is Rapture In

March 2011
    The United States
     in Bible Prophecy

    February 2011
    The Egyptian Riots -
What's next?

    January 2011
    Get Ready To Witness!

    December 2010
    "Santa's Claws"

    November 2010
    Petra: Prepared by God?

    October #2 2010
    The Worldwide Muslim Agenda

    October 2010
    Inflation or Deflation?

    September 2010
    Mount Moriah - God's Special Place On Earth!

    August 2010
    The Declining Dollar Dilemma

    July 2010
    Israel-A Burdening Stone for the World

    June 2010
    Obama is Not the Antichrist

Click Here for past articles

Biblelands Cruise

Mariner ship above

October 2013

7 Day Pauline Cruise
Rome, Ephesus, Athens,
Corinth, Crete and Sicily on
Royal Caribbean's
Navigator of the Seas

and / or

7 Days in Israel
Jerusalem, Galilee, Jordan
River, Dead Sea and more!

and / or

5 Days in Italy
Florence, Pisa, Venice
and Tuscany

All wrapped into one trip!

  BLC 13 Map
Mark your calendar!!
Grd can
  Make plans to join us this June!

Creation and the
Grand Canyon!

June 20 - June 23, 2013


WOW! Join us for an awesome tour of Grand Canyon and raft trip down the Colorado River!

The Grand Canyon is America's most recognized landmark. But was it carved out over millions of years or in a few days?

Learning creation facts has never been this much fun!

We'll spend two fullRuss Teaching- Grd Can days looking at the scientific facts that will embolden
your faith! And the scenery alone will fill up your camera memory sticks!

Join us with host Creationist Russ Miller as he shows why creation is the only scientific explanation that makes sense for this wonder of the world.

Great for students
and adults alike!

Click here for details!

Russ teaching
Russ Miller at Grand Canyon teaching Compass group in 2012

Join Our Mailing List

Find us on Facebook

LIKE US on Facebook!

Biblelands Cruise 

Mariner ship above

October 2013

7 Day Pauline Cruise
Rome, Ephesus, Athens,
Corinth, Crete and Sicily on
Royal Caribbean's
Navigator of the Seas

and / or

7 Days in Israel
Jerusalem, Galilee, Jordan
River, Dead Sea and more!

and / or

5 Days in Italy
Florence, Pisa, Venice
and Tuscany

All wrapped into one trip!

  BLC 13 Map

Thanks so
much for
praying for Compass!!!


  SPECIAL May Download Offer 
       "All About Heaven"

                            Dave Reagan                         


What will heaven be like? What will we do? Will our pets be there? Will we wear clothes? What age will our bodies be? (Why try to live to be 100 if we're going to look like that forever!) How can we be happy in heaven if a loved one is in hell? Dave addresses all of this and more in this exhaustive outline of our future heavenly home.  


  Enter the coupon code/discount code "1234" when you check out to receive this download for FREE!




 This free video presentation is brought to you by Compass Pointes!  

Offer Expires:
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We hope you've enjoyed this May issue of Compass eNews! We would love to hear your thoughts. Just reply to this email.


Bill Perkins


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