We want to extend our sincerest gratitude to all of you for your prayers and support for our trip to the Philippines and Thailand!
While in the Philippines, Jonathan, Neil and I were blessed to teach and minister to about 900 people over a 2-day conference. Many who attended were church leaders in Manila and the surrounding areas.
We were interviewed by Benji and JV on their weekly radio show "Heartline" on 702 DZAS, Manila, which we have included in this journal. Jonathan was also interviewed by the Philippine's largest online newspaper. [Read Now]. The reporter
commented that she was impressed with the kindness of Christians towards the growing, suffering AIDS community that is beginning to gain attention in the Philippines. We believe she left us impacted by the ministry of Jesus in a whole new way.
We also had a very poignant time with another community of believers, focusing on the spirit of poverty as it relates to ministering to the poorest of the poor. There was significant breakthrough as they renounced the spirit of death.
The following is an email we received from our hosts Benji and Hazel Cruz after our return:
Thank you Jonathan, Neil and Debbie.
Your presence has lifted us to higher skies :) It's been a week since we had Bakit Ako Nahihiya? [conference title] and I continue to receive feedback on how the 2-day conference impacted the participants. Here are some excerpts:
"It's so freeing to speak out the things I have felt ashamed of! I felt freedom!"
"It's so amazing how people would freely shout the hurting words spoken against them to hundreds of strangers!
"One woman beside me wept and wailed after she heard someone say she grew up being told, 'Ang taba mo!' (You're so fat!)"
"I can't even look at the list of the shameful things said against me but now all I see is the Cross on top of that list"
"To hear of pastors admitting sins of adultery and sexual addiction is quite sobering and moving! All the testimonies give a face to all the teachings I heard."
Jonathan and I continued on to Thailand to meet with Living Waters leader, Sue Hunt to encourage her, her team, and the Thai believers in Ubon. Sue had translated our book, Breaking Free... into Thai. Everyone responded well to the teaching on shame ad self-hatred. According to Sue, some are now considering leading their own groups. Sue Hunt writes:
"We are so grateful to you both for coming to Ubon, it is God's gift to us through you both.
Today a Thai girl called me from the south of Thailand, she ordered 5 Breaking Free books, news is spreading fast!!!
So grateful to you both in Jesus,
God bless you,
Sue and brothers and sisters in Ubon"
[See Video Interview above]
We Are Standing in Prayer for Additional Monthly Supporters
As it stands right now, Embracing Life Ministries does not take in enough monthly pledge money to sustain it's basic expenses each month. We continue to rely on the generosity of the occasional one time donations from other supporters (for which we are so grateful). However, this causes a gap in funds for many months of the year. Many of you have been personally impacted by the ministry of ELM or know someone who has. Won't you please consider a monthly pledge to us of any amount? Many times people think we are asking for large monthly donations, but our average pledge is $75/mo. So, if we can increase the number of people who give monthly by 50, this will improve our situation greatly. Start Your Pledge Today |
January, 2016 Donations: $1,496
Monthly Expenses: $5,426
January Ending Balance:
February, 2016 Donations: $2,024
Monthly Expenses: $5,210
February Ending Balance:
"Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke? Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter - when you see the naked, to clothe him, and not turn away from your own flesh and blood? Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear;... Isaiah 58: 6-8a
We here at ELM want to help you come to the place in your healing where you begin to give away what the Lord has given you. The, as the Lord states in this scripture, "your healing will quickly appear".
We hope you will consider sharing this email with friends and loved ones whom you think would benefit from the ministry of Embracing Life. This is a good way to introduce the material and we would appreciate your passing it along. Thanks!
His Grace & Peace to you,
 Jonathan Hunter Director, Embracing Life Ministries
Volunteer/Intern Search
Embracing Life Ministries wants to reach even more people with its transforming message. If you are social media savvy, want to change culture and lives with your posts and tweets...we need YOU! Familiar and experienced with all/most of the following: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Meercat, Snapchat, Google, Google+, Reddit, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) , Slideshare and social media channels/platforms. Bring your passion and gifting to help others embrace life in Christ. 4-8 hours a week for starters - from any location.
Breaking Free from the Bondage of Shame
CLICK HERE to enjoy photos of our recent trip to the Philippines and Thailand.
National Online News Interview in the Philippines
"The statistics show that an alarming rate of young people are getting..." Read More..
Jonathan, Neil and Debbie were interviewed on
702 DZAS AM by Benji Cruz
and Jayvee Dychioco.
APRIL 13 - MAY 25
7pm - 9pm
More Glory! God's Healing Voice for Shame and Self-hatred is an open group and meets for 7 weeks. It is optimal to attend all 7 meetings but join us whenever you can, you will be blessed and healed!
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Video: Jonathan's Near-Death Experience