
                                              News Update 
                                             April 18, 2016




DAK Americas is one of the largest integrated producers of PET resins in the world and the main producer of polyester staple fibers in the Americas. DAK Americas is headquartered in Charlotte, NC, and is wholly owned by Alfa S.A.B. de C.V. of Monterrey, Mexico.


It has been announced today that the Oerlikon Group is purchasing the staple fiber technology of Truetzschler Nonwovens and Man Made Fibers. Press releases from both companies are as follows:

Oerlikon Press Release 

Truetzschler Press Release

AKC Note: The Oerlikon release states they are purchasing the "entire staple fibers technology portfolio of Tr�tzschler Nonwovens & Man-Made Fibers.....This company is part of the German Truetzschler Group, which is a specialist in fiber preparation for the yarn spinning and nonwovens industries." "With the acquisition of the former Fleissner staple fibers technology portfolio and the intellectual property (IP) of Tr�tzschler Nonwovens & Man-Made Fibers GmbH, the (Oerlikon) Segment becomes the leading technology and equipment provider in the global staple fibers market." "Truetzschler Group is discontinuing its staple fiber business as it has decided to focus on its core business activities."

The Truetzschler release states "Business with spinning plants for carpet yarns (BCF) and industrial yarns (IDY) is not affected by this change. The company will concentrate on the strategic development of its two other businesses, i. e. nonwovens machinery and filament lines."

Our interpretation of these press releases is that Oerlikon is acquiring the technology, IP and patents covering polymerization to bale in the nonwovens process. This is complimentary to the existing products that the Neumag division of Oerlikon already offer to the nonwovens industry. We do not read into this that the staple yarn spinning machinery that Truetzschler offer in carding, blowroom and drawing is included in this announcement.  We believe the comments above apply only to the staple processes in the nonwoven segment prior to the opening of the bale.

Alasdair Carmichael

Carmichael International

PO Box 3444

Spartanburg, SC 29304

T: 864 583 6868

C: 864 542 4481
News Update is a service of Carmichael International designed to provide relevant up to date information on the textile markets. We aim to provide links to information and some commentary which is provided in good faith as to its accuracy. Carmichael International however disclaims any and all liability and responsibility for information supplied and any decisions that may be made on the information. 

Synthetic Yarn and Fiber Association

To promote the production, improvement and use
of synthetic yarns and fibers

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