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Kickstarter Launches an Assault on Google Translate
We're used to the hype. Usually the message is, Now you don't need an interpreter or translator.
But this announcement from Kickstarter is different. It claims they're going to make Google Translate obsolete.
Really? How is their software different from Google Translate? Good question. Kickstarter makes bold claims for its CLIK device and the earbuds that will perform real-time translation in 37 languages. The hype is on. For example, CLIK is supposed to be great for corporate meetings, of course. But also medical and military translation. Hmm...
In reality, there are competitors with their own earbud translation software--and of course, no evidence that any of these programs are truly safe and accurate.
The devil is in the details.
Drama in Ghana Erupts During a High-Stakes Murder Trial
The prosecutor is trying to get rid of the interpreter.
The stakes in this murder trial in Ghana are high because the alleged murderer is the brother of the suspended Chairman of the New Patriotic Party (one of the two dominant parties in Ghana).
The murder victim, who died from an acid attack, told his wife before he died the name of his murderer. It shocked the country. The wife was just on the witness stand.
Now the prosecutor wants a new Hausa interpreter for her. The defense claims that the prosecution is trying to tamper with the interpreter. What is the truth here?
Therapists today often need interpreters. Yet their experiences are not always positive.
Enter Mothertongue, a UK nonprofit that runs a mental health interpreting service and has extensive experiences with refugees. They offer a free training video to show how mental health professionals can work effectively with interpreters.
October 14, 2016
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Picture of books
Dictionary of Language Testing. Studies in Language Testing 7  
Alan Davies, Annie Brown, Cathie Elder, Kathryn Hill, Tom Lumley, Tim McNamara 
Cambridge University Press, 1999, 2002

Ever wonder just what a language proficiency rater is? What about inter vs. intra-rater reliability? ACTFL and ILR? And what does fluency mean for language testing? 
Then this book is for you. It's a gem--solid, clear, easy to read. And yes, it's a dictionary, but really it's like a mini-encyclopedia of language testing. The book defines almost all the key terms and in doing so opens a window into the mysterious world of language testing.
Alas, the book's age shows a bit: for example, the European language testing scale CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference) is not included. But overall this book is still a valuable resource.
InterpretAmerica Has Bold, Exciting Plans
First, the next InterpretAmerica summit in 2017 isn't just the usual (important) national meeting to bring together stakeholders in all the interpreting specializations.
This time, it's a call to action.
Mark your calendars. On June 15-16, 2017, in Washington DC, InterpretAmerica will bring together labor, management and technology in the language industry.. And maybe--just maybe--they'll cut through that constellation of controversies over declining pay, high shortages of good interpreters, sky-rocketing demand and all that stress, hype and fear.
Plan for a hot debate and some honest talk.
But that's not all. On September 28-30, go to Mexico City for Lenguas 2017. It's a dramatically cool collaboration between InterpretAmerica and the Italia Morayta Foundation. The goal? To create an international forum for interpreters and translators focused on best practices, current market conditions and training.

Take a Quick National Survey on Hospital Staff Interpreters

The study behind the survey comes from Yale School of Medicine. We need this research. If you are (or know) a hospital staff interpreter, please support it.
Yale is conducting this national survey to explore potential variations in hospital criteria for hiring and supervising full-time staff medical interpreters for spoken languages. Teaching hospitals with over 300 beds that have a language services department are eligible to participate.
This multiple-choice online survey takes approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. You get an anonymous summary of your hospital responses in comparison with other hospitals that participate once the study is completed.
The Magic Tee-Shirt--It Speaks Any Language
This tee-shirt is too cute for words. Perhaps because it has... no words.
Instead, the tee-shirt has nearly 40 icons that you can simply point to when you need help such as transportation (a bus), getting to the airport (a plane) or a restaurant (a dinnerplate, fork and knife).
The tee-shirt is just one product from Iconspeak, a company founded by two Swiss men after they were riding motorbikes through Vietnam and one bike broke down. That experience led to the tee-shirt.

(By the way, what is the heart for? Asking someone out??)
TCII Off and Running
Our fall training season has gotten off to a fast start: The Community Interpreter® International is underway, and it's a packed house!  (Our apologies to those we had to turn away -- but the spring session is closer than it seems.) 

Meanwhile, check out a few of our 'action shots' from Day 1. 
It Breaks My Heart: Learn How to Interpret for Trauma
It takes special skills and strategies to interpret for trauma survivors.  Enter our brand new program, It Breaks My Heart, coming November 10 and 11 to Columbia, Maryland.

Based on the exciting Breaking Silence program developed by CCC for Ayuda and the DC Office of Victim Services, this two-day training is led by master trainer Marjory Bancroft. Register by October 27th to reserve your spot at this advanced workshop.    
Become an Interpreter Trainer at our next TOT

Looking for a ready-made program to train medical or community interpreters? Sign up for the premier program in the field!
Join trainers from around the country November 14-19, 2016 in Columbia, Maryland for the next Training of Trainers for The Community Interpreter® International. You can teach the Medical Edition (with its own textbook) or the general edition (for medical, educational and social services interpreters).
Get licensed. Join our growing network of 224 trainers in 34 US states, DC, Guam and 6 other countries!  
Our step-by-step trainer's guide, web-based training resources and textbooks are the most up-to-date and comprehensive books available, while still allowing you to adapt the program to meet your needs. 

Go online to sign up by October 31st
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Marjory A. Bancroft

Marjory A. Bancroft
Director & Founder
Cross-Cultural Communications, LLC
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