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A Cultural Divide: Trainers in UK Must "Prevent" Terrorism
It began with a trainer's question in a LinkedIn forum. The question: Does anyone have any interesting and fun ways to embed 'Fundamental British Values' in lessons?
Huh? But then the discussion began. For the question was rooted in law.
That's right. UK counter-terrorism laws require educators and trainers "in the exercise of their functions to have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism."
Um. Okay. And just how do teachers and trainers do that? Legal guidance on that topic relates to embedding "British Values" into courses in order to counter extremism, which is defined as vocal or active opposition to these very British values.
What are those "British values"? They include:
  • Democracy
  • The rule of law
  • Individual liberty & mutual respect
  • Tolerance of different faiths and beliefs
Wow. Not even in the United States are educators and trainers legally required to prevent terrorism this way. (And we sure hope the UK government doesn't see these as uniquely "British" values...)
U.S. Army Debuts Portable Translators 
It's easy to make fun of most programs or devices for "instant translation." They don't work well.
But when the U.S. Army puts its money into something, we need to step back and seriously ask, "How good is it?" The biggest contracts in the world for translation and interpreting are funded by U.S. defense.
A new article about the army's latest technology for use in Africa sounds fine--as long the portable devices for nine languages is being used for aid and assistance. The question is whether it would be safe for use in any military operation, a question the article does not address.
Fortunately, since these are prototypes, the researchers are still gathering feedback. Whew. Safety first.
This week, Intersect introduces a new feature--a weekly resource. That resource could be about interpreting, translation, culture, language or language access.
This week's resource is "Discover Interpreting," a website for ASL (American Sign Language) interpreters and others. It highlights professional interpreting as a career. You can also:
  • Search for one of the 130 ASL-English Interpreting and ASL/Deaf Studies Programs near you (go to the bottom of the webpage).
  • Discover careers in interpreting, including trilingual (ASL-Spanish-English) interpreting.
  • Explore valuable resources on the bottom of the page
July 29, 2016
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Picture of books
Is That a Fish in Your Ear? Translation and the Meaning of Everything 
David Bellos 
Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2011 

What's not to love about a book with this title? But the work itself has substance too. This book weaves together translation, history and anthropology. Bellos also dares to suggest that translations can rival the source works. And if they don't, he points out that translations still beat language barriers by a landslide.
A great summer read, especially if you don't love "beach reads" but do adore language.
Oregon Workshop Preps Medical Interpreters for Certification
Here is a workshop for Spanish interpreters who hold a certificate for a 60-hour medical interpreter training program and want to prep for the CCHI certification exam.
The next dates are August 13, 2016 in East Portland and August 20 in Hillsboro. Other sessions are scheduled in September and October. They are conducted by Helen Eby, a veteran trainer who is very active in ATA and Oregon and respected in the field.

Culture and Language: How One Doctor Connects
It's a simple story, but a moving one. A doctor and patient learn that they come from the same country--and the patient had just migrated from the doctor's ancestral village. So a bond is born--and with it, a story.
Read how one doctor solved a medical mystery through the power of human connection.
What a Summer!
Today, as we close out the last day of our summer session of The Community Interpreter® International, we have great news to celebrate.
Many thanks to Andrew, our Office Administrator, who this week was busy getting the licenses of new trainers executed. And so CCC now has...
Wonderful! And still more are being signed up--stay tuned.
In addition, last year our books from Culture & Language Press sold in 39 U.S. states and 13 countries. With a new one coming out that isn't even published--and already has pre-orders from several countries!
The Medical Interpreter Textbook Comes Out Next Week
Yes, Monday, August 1st marks an exciting day for CCC: the formal publication of our latest book, The Medical Interpreter: A Foundation Textbook for Medical Interpreting.
Full color and beautifully designed, this textbook is practical. Easy to read. And fun to study. It teaches how to interpret effectively in healthcare, with a focus on professionalism and skill. The book is brought to you by the same expert author team who gave you The Community Interpreter®: An International Textbook.
Did we mention it's not too late to take advantage of our 20% discount pre-order special?
So take a look, check out the book. And if you are a licensed trainer for CCC, we're extending the window to order your desk copy of this amazing book for as little as $25.  Contact us for details!
Watch a Video of a Recent TOT Graduate
This super-short video (less than two minutes long) shows Cecilia Portal speaking about what she learned during our July session of the Training of Trainers for The Community Interpreter® International.

Cecilia runs an amazing nonprofit in New Mexico called Valley Community Interpreters/Intérpretes Comunitarios del Valle. She's so thoughtful and articulate! We wish her the best in the amazing work she does. (And as a bonus, here's a very cool article about her work in Albuquerque!)  
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Marjory A. Bancroft

Marjory A. Bancroft
Director & Founder
Cross-Cultural Communications, LLC
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