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Software Could Someday Correct Your Pronunciation
Ever had a doctor that you couldn't understand due to an accent?
Or an interpreter? Not to worry. Serious software is developing that can help us detect our errors of pronunciation when we speak another language.
The goal is to improve language learning, in any language. This software, instead of focusing on a particular language, is self-learning. It looks for patterns of mispronunciation.
If this sounds like magic, check out the research. One day, it could help us all.
How Would You Interpret, "Nooooooooooo!"?
Tell me it ain't so.
Here is a darker side of software. We keep hearing that interpreters and translators will lose their jobs due to technology. Now a new earpiece proves it. And I quote: "At last, someone has invented a small, easy-to-use device that removes all language barriers."
Furthermore: "The simple earpiece does all of the translating for you. It even translates what you say into the other person's language. As a result, two people can seamlessly enjoy a conversation without speaking the same language--seriously though, how cool is that?!" Well, yes. It would be cool--if it were not a fantasy.
Until then, interpreters and translators, rest easy: you still have a job.
July 22, 2016
Cross-Cultural Communications
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Picture of books
Breaking Silence: Interpreting for Victim Services 
Training Manual, Workbook, and Glossary  
Marjory A. Bancroft, MA, Katharine Allen, MA, Carola Green and Lois Feuerle, PhD, JD  
Ayuda, 2016

Yes, I am one of the authors. But these three books are FREE.
This downloadable training manual, workbook of role plays and exercises and glossary can be used for self study or training interpreters who work with victims of violent crime. The books have a special focus on domestic violence and sexual assault.
This public service is offered thanks to funding from the Washington, DC Office of Victim Services and the hard work of the language access program of Ayuda. Ayuda is a DC nonprofit that provides legal and social services to immigrants and refugees.
The press release from Ayuda gives an overview of the materials. Two years in the making, they are rich documents created with valuable input from a large number of victim service nonprofits, government agencies, interpreters and others within the DC Victims Assistance Network.

Sign a Petition for the Safety of Interpreters
Red T, a non-profit organization for the protection of translators and interpreters in high-risk settings, is reaching out across the globe. The goal is to have the United Nations issue a Resolution for the Protection of Civilian Translators/Interpreters in Conflict Situations.
The petition comes from a Coalition of the International Association of Conference Interpreters (AIIC), the International Federation of Translators (FIT), the International Association of Professional Translators and Interpreters (IAPTI), Critical Link International (CLI), the World Association of Sign Language Interpreters (WASLI) and Red T). This petition seeks protected-person status for interpreters in conflict situations, similar to UN Resolution 1738 granted to journalists.
Sign it, if you choose, and please pass it along!

Elia Exchange Survey Closes July 24
A survey of language professionals and language service owners is being conducted by Elia Exchange. It's a ten-minute survey.
What is Elia? The European Language Industry Association. But it's not limited to Europe. What is ELIA Exchange? Here is the answer in their own words:
The Elia Exchange (EE) initiative is Elia's response to the increased awareness that graduates from translation programs are, from the employer's point of view, not equipped with the skills necessary to become part of a productive team without significant training provided by the employer. The initiative seeks to create a multi-faceted approach to improve this situation by facilitating cooperative partnerships between the industry and academia.
UK Will Pay Up to 80 Million Pounds for Language Assistance
It's a juicy contract, if you can get it. The UK National Health Service has sent out a request for proposals (RFP) for a two-year contract worth 20-80 million pounds for interpreting and translation in healthcare.
And that's peanuts. Similar RFPs went out from the UK for commercial services up to 250 million pounds. And for language assistance in the court systems, up to 160 million.
Now for some details about this new RFP:
  • It has 5 categories: Face to Face (spoken language); British Sign Language (BSL); Telephone Interpreting; and Document Translation.
  • The number of required languages is 155, and vendors must cover 90% of them.
  • Face to face spoken interpreting specifies one-hour unit prices whereas signed language interpreting specifies two-hour unit prices. Hmmm....
  • Interpreters must be vaccinated for Rubella, Varicella, Hepatitis B, Tuberculosis.
  • For telephone interpreting, the RFP instructs vendors to include a plan to ensure that interpreters will be interpreting from a "private and quiet location, using a telephone line that has adequate sound quality and volume."
Whew! Is It Summer Yet?
So we recently wrapped up our third Training of Trainers for The Community Interpreter® International in five weeks--a new record. (In Minnesota, Mississippi and Maryland.)
Oh, and in between we had other trainings, went to Edinburgh for Critical Link International, brought a new textbook to publication, and this week helped to launch the three free books that we created on interpreting for victim services.
So can we just relax and enjoy summer now?
Well, no. Next week we have our summer session of The Community Interpreter® International,and don't even ask talk to our staff about relaxing. Between book orders and licensing agreements, they say they're "hopping."
In fact, we already have more than 175 licensed trainers in 31 (about to be 33) U.S. states, DC, Guam and six other countries--but we are in the process right now of getting more than 50 more trainers on board.
Which makes us the leading international program for community or medical interpreting. Color us proud.
It's Coming, It's Coming--the Most Amazing Textbook for MEDICAL Interpreting

It's your last week to sneak in a pre-order for the most beautiful, comprehensive, readable and substantive textbook in the field for medical interpreting. Oh, and did we mention it's in full color? Gorgeous!
August 1 marks the official publication date of The Medical Interpreter: A Foundation Textbook. Pre-order now and take advantage of our one-time special offer: a $20 discount if you order before August 1 by entering promo code TMI20 during check out.
Take advantage. And check out the book.
P.S. If you are a licensed trainer, great news! You can order a desk copy of this amazing book for as little as $25 through July 29th! See details in our July 20th issue of TCI On The Move or read the summary here.
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Marjory A. Bancroft

Marjory A. Bancroft
Director & Founder
Cross-Cultural Communications, LLC
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