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An International Award Is Out--for a Community Interpreter
It is no surprise to see an international award program for conference interpreters. Or translators. Or researchers.
But special kudos to the Italia Morayta Foundation in Mexico, who opened a call for submissions for awards in all four categories on July 1st. The deadline for nominations is August 30. Winners in all four categories will be announced January 23, 2017.
The prize for each winner: a diploma, a 20 peso gold Azteca coin and a print by a Mexican artist.
Italia Morayta was a pioneer of interpreting in Mexico, and these awards both honor and carry out his work. Our deepest thanks to the foundation for making community interpreting a category of this international distinction!
Good News from California
Forty percent of California residents speak another language at home. About one in five speaks English less than very well.
As a result, the Governor of California has just approved $3 million for a pilot program to measure the effectiveness of medical interpreting for patients in Medi-Cal: the state's health insurance program.
The bad news: the original bill was for $15 million... But it's still progress!
July 15, 2016
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Picture of books
Language: The Cultural Tool 
Daniel Everett 
Vintage, 2012 

The work of famous linguist Noam Chomsky made me drop out my PhD. He claimed that humans have a genetically-based universal grammar in our brains that operates as a "Language Acquisition Device." And this theory, with no research to back it up, dominated linguistics programs in North America.
Culture was being ignored.
Today, a growing body of scientific evidence is refuting the basic tenets of Chomskian linguistics. In this book, Everett argues that cultural needs shape grammar, so grammar will differ from culture to culture. There is no "universal grammar" in that sense.
The author corrals evidence from his own research and fields such anthropology, primatology, computer science, philosophy and psychology. The examples he gives come from many languages and cultures. They are clear, simple and easy to understand.
DVTA Offers a Lovely September Summit Program in Philly
The Delaware Valley Translators Association (DVTA) is hosting its inaugural East Coast Interpreters and Translators Summit on September 10, 2016 in Philadelphia.
Join them for a rich and exciting program. (Disclosure: I will be speaking there.)

Survey Is Out for Trilingual Interpreting
Council de Manos and Mano a Mano seek your thoughts about trilingual interpretation. Check out this video or simply take the survey!
Consider the Efficient Languages
Translators and interpreters know this well: some languages convey the same ideas in shorter segments than others.
The world's most efficient languages might be certain Indonesian dialects. For example, in Sumatra's Riau dialect "Ayam makan" means "The chicken is eating" or... "chickens are eating," "a chicken is eating," "the chicken will be eating," "the chicken has eaten," "someone is eating the chicken," and so on!
Check out many other examples from around the world in this story from The Atlantic.
The Medical Interpreter Pre-publication Launch!

It's almost here -- the first U.S. university-level textbook for medical interpreting. The Medical Interpreter: A Foundation Textbook for Medical Interpreting
can be used to train groups composed of newly arrived refugees, indigenous interpreters and/or interpreters who lack higher education. It includes U.S.-specific healthcare information such as: national ethics and standards, protocols, requirements and language access laws. Go ahead and have a look inside

For our licensed trainers, this textbook supports sessions of The Community Interpreter®: Medical Edition and helps interpreters prepare for national medical interpreter certification.  

This full-color publication (retail: $120) will officially go on sale August 1st. However, to celebrate the release of this ground-breaking work, we're offering $20 off pre-orders placed from now until July 31st*.
At checkout, use discount code: TMI20

Reserve your copy today!

*Please note, pre-order offer good through July 31st. Not valid with any other offer.
A Sneak Peak at our Fall Training Calendar

It's still summer but we're already looking toward the fall.

Check out our Fall 2016 training programs - including a NEW program, Breaking Silence: Interpreting for Victim Services. Registration for Breaking Silence will open in August.

Stay tuned for details!

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Marjory A. Bancroft

Marjory A. Bancroft
Director & Founder
Cross-Cultural Communications, LLC
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