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Brexit Threatens Languages Like Gaelic
Brexit touches me personally.
When I was 17, I went alone, from Canada, to visit English relatives. One night in London my uncle, a doctor, took me to British Parliament without a word of explanation. There to my astonishment I witnessed a historic vote: the vote to join the European Union.
Yesterday, the UK voted to leave the EU. How does Brexit affect minority languages in the UK like Gaelic? It threatens them because EU efforts to protect such languages may be undermined. Some experts fear that these languages are too fragile to survive without government protection.
Do You Know the "Hottest" Issue for Language Services Today?
If you are a language company, you probably know the answer. If you are an interpreter or translator, probably not.
The hottest and most bedeviling issue these days for language services is... "worker misclassification." In other words, state departments of labor across the country are going after language service providers (LSPs) for paying interpreters and translators as contractors (freelancers) instead of paying them as employees with taxes deducted from their pay.
Those lawsuits are expensive. How does a state department of labor usually start such a lawsuit? Usually after a language company lets a contractor go--and that interpreter or translator files for unemployment.
Learn more from this Oregon article.
June 24, 2016
Cross-Cultural Communications
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Picture of books
The Linguistics of Sign Languages: An Introduction
Anne Baker, Beppie van den Boagaerde,
Roland Pfau and Trude Schermer
John Benjamins, 2016

Just out this spring! Here is the publisher's word:
How different are sign languages across the world? Are individual signs and signed sentences constructed in the same way across these languages? What are the rules for having a conversation in a sign language? How do children and adults learn a sign language? How are sign languages processed in the brain? These questions and many more are addressed in this introductory book on sign linguistics using examples from more than thirty different sign languages. Comparisons are also made with spoken languages.
This book can be used as a self-study book or as a text book for students of sign linguistics. Each chapter concludes with a summary, some test-yourself questions and assignments, as well as a list of recommended texts for further reading.
The book is accompanied by a website containing assignments, video clips and links to web resources.
Belgian University Offers 150-hour Legal Interpreting Certificate
The University of Mons sounds proud and delighted to be offering a program specialized in legal interpreting including a focus on court interpreting and interpreting for asylum seekers. At 150 hours for such a specialized certificate at this juncture in European history, it is indeed a program to be proud of. Certainly it meets an urgent need in Europe--and around the world.

NCIHC Adds to Its LLD Database of Resources
If you train interpreters for Languages of Limited Diffusion (LLDs), the National Council on Interpreting in Health Care (NCIHC) has just updated a valuable resource.
NCIHC has an initiative called Home for Trainers with a searchable database of materials for teaching interpreters in LLDs. If you've seen it before check back again to look at the newer additions. Even if you train Spanish interpreters, there are some terrific ideas here! I'm not aware of any similar resource, and it's urgently needed.
Don't forget to us the "zoom" function for a better viewing experience.

P.S. If you train indigenous interpreters in Triqui, check out University at Albany, SUNY's Copala Triqui -- English -- Spanish Dictionary. How quickly new resources are coming out these days!
Check out a Bevy of Tools for Translators
This treasure trove of "latest tools" for translators offers a rich list. But perhaps best of all is the quote that starts that list. It comes from a famous science fiction writer I read as a kid. Decades ago. 
The quote: "There will come a time when it isn't 'They're spying on me through my phone' anymore. Eventually, it will be 'My phone is spying on me'." -- Philip K. Dick
Deadline for Registration! Don't Miss the July TOT for
The Community Interpreter® International

The time has nearly arrived for the next session of the only national TOT for medical and community interpreting in the nation.
Offered from July 11-16 in Columbia, Maryland, this TOT offers you the ability to give a 40-hour certificate program with:
  • The best textbooks in the field. (And they are beautiful too.)
  • A superb trainer's guide.
  • Professionally designed (and gorgeous) PPT slide kits.
  • Step-by-step guidance that makes this training easy and fun to give!
  • Two eminently qualified master trainers, including the founder of the program.
  • Licensing for a dynamic one-day workshop on medical interpreting.
  • Much more!
Whether your goal is to teach medical interpreters or interpreters in medical, educational and/or social services, The Community Interpreter® International is the hottest show in town. The deadline for registration is this Monday, June 30thSave your spot now!  
Spots Remain for Summer TCII -- Get Ready to Go Pro!

Back by popular demand, we're offering an intensive (Mon.- Fri.) version of our nationally-recognized 40-hour foundation program this summer, July 25-29. The Community Interpreter® International is the only national training program for medical, educational and social services interpreting. It's also fun and inspiring. For interpreters in schools, from out of town, or who need a certificate soon, this week-long session fits the bill.

Leverage your language skills and become a professional interpreter today!
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Marjory A. Bancroft

Marjory A. Bancroft
Director & Founder
Cross-Cultural Communications, LLC
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