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An International Disgrace: UK Will Kick Out Afghan Interpreters
They provided interpreting, at the risk of their lives. They fled the Taliban. They made it safely to UK soil.
Now two Afghan interpreters--and potentially three more--will be given the boot from the UK and sent back to face possible death in Afghanistan.
UK Home Secretary Theresa May fought that battle in court and won. Yes. She fought to deport these interpreters.
Read the news story--if you can stomach it.
Toddlers Have Their Day in Court 
Immigrant toddlers who are being deported from the U.S. have a new claim to fame. Apparently, they can be taught to represent themselves in deportation proceedings.
So should they even be entitled to, or offered, attorneys? (Forget interpreters.) Let's save our tax dollars! A longtime immigration judge and senior Justice Department official claims in a deposition (and repeats TWICE) that children as young as three and four can stand up in immigration court to defend themselves.
The official, Jack H. Weil says, "I've taught immigration law literally to 3-year-olds and 4-year-olds... It takes a lot of time. It takes a lot of patience. They get it. It's not the most efficient, but it can be done."
Um. Really?
Judges around the world and here in the U.S. ridicule that claim.
March 18, 2016
Cross-Cultural Communications
10015 Old Columbia Road
Suite B-215
Columbia, MD 21046

Phone: 410.312.5599

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Picture of books
Dialogues for Medical Interpreting Practice: Pediatric Scenarios 
(Pediatric Specialty Packs for Spanish < > English, Somali < > English and Hmong < > English).  
Connecting Cultures 

These practice packs each contain four real-world pediatric role-play 
scenarios including roles for patient, receptionist, nurse, physician and interpreter in both written and audio formats. As a result, each pack includes  4 complete scenarios as follows:  
  • 8 written dialogues
  • 8 MP3 audio files
  • A user guide with tips and strategies
It's lovely to see these resources available in Somali and Hmong!
Colorado Translators Association (CTA) Hosts 6th Annual Conference
From April 22 through 24, 2016, the CTA 2016 Conference will be held at the scenic NCAR Mesa Labs in Boulder, Colorado. It features renowned in and out-of-state speakers in translation and interpreting. Registration is open. The conference also includes a sitting of the ATA Certification Exam and a Career Fair. This event qualifies for a total of 12 ATA CE credits, 6 CCHI CE credits, and 3 IMEA CEUs.  
Birds Show Syntax in Their Song
Syntax is about word order and meaning. Change the order, and you change the meaning. "You come here," does not mean, "Here you come."
We thought for a long time that only humans had certain types of grammatical rules related to syntax. In fact, birds seem to have such rules. Some birds won't even respond to certain calls unless the notes come out in the right order.
Birdsong has beauty. Birdsong has meaning. And humans are starting to decode it. It's a great story.
CCC Floats on a Boat with CHIA
It was so much fun being on the Queen Mary for a conference! (We heard everywhere about the ghosts but didn't actually see one. Oh, well.)
Michelle and I had a great time with interpreters. Our CCC table was besieged. We made many new friends, sold a lot of books and heard such nice compliments about the materials that our ears turned red.
I was lucky enough to attend Cindy Roat's afternoon TOT for trainers wanting to teach interpreting for cancer genetics with the most amazing group of trainers. It was a fabulous time for all, and a great specialty program needed in schools and clinics, not only hospitals.
Plus, what a terrific dinner we had on the boat with our California licensed trainers.
And the drums! The dancing! CHIA knows how to host a fun conference filled with substance and new directions. We highly recommend it! 
Cindy Roat Gets the CHIA President's Award
After giving the CHIA keynote, Cindy got a surprise: the CHIA President's award. She was humbled, she said, and nearly tearful. It seemed to mean a lot to her.
Those of us who love Cindy (isn't THAT a huge fan club) are thrilled for her. Warmest congratulations, Cindy!

Deadline Approaches for The Community Interpreter®

Do you want to be a professional interpreter? It's time to sign up for the April session of The Community Interpreter®. The registration deadline is March 25. Don't delay.
Columbia, Maryland, is the home and birthplace of this national and international program. It's the only national 40-hour certificate program for medical, educational and social services interpreting. It has the only international textbook in the field.
Dates are April 8, 9, 15, 16 and 23, 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Address and payment details are in the training calendar. For general information about the program, see the flier.
Three Raffle Winners Snag a CCC Textbook or DVD
Delaware Valley Translators Association (DVTA) hosted a luncheon last weekend in Radnor, Pennsylvania (that our staff couldn't attend as we were in California, Brazil or elsewhere!). But we donated a copy of The Community Interpreter®: An International Textbook and here is the winner, Dr. Dan, together with the DVTA Event Chair, Carlota Dalziel.
For the CHIA conference last week, the raffle winner of our textbook was Jeffrey Miller of UCLA Health. We don't have a pic but we met him in person at our table and had a good chat with him.
Finally, CCC held its own raffle for our video-training DVD, Medical Interpreting: A Guide to Ethics. And the winner is... Rosa Maria Castañeda, an assistant professor of Spanish at Fort Hays State University.
P.S. to Rosa: Michelle did NOT pick your name. She had a lovely time with you at the drum ceremony but promises you did not win the DVD from favoritism!   
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Marjory A. Bancroft

Marjory A. Bancroft, Director
Cross-Cultural Communications, LLC
10015 Old Columbia Road, Suite B-215
Columbia, MD 21046
Phone: 410.312.5599, Fax: 410.750.0332

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