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Canada Faces Decision About Nazi Interpreter
Helmut Oberlander was an interpreter for a Nazi death squad. He is now a Canadian citizen. The question is whether his citizenship can be stripped. After all, this death squad was responsible for killing about two million people.
One legal concern is whether Oberlander was forced to be an interpreter. His citizenship has been revoked and then restored in lower courts, going back to 1995, because of that question (whether he interpreted under duress or not). No final decision has been reached. Just yesterday a Federal Court of Appeals overturned a lower court order saying he couldn't be stripped of citizenship.
Finland Turns to Video Interpreters
Public services in Finland need Somali, Arabic, Russian and Kurdish interpreters. Too many. Demand for interpreters in Finland has tripled in some areas.
The answer to this problem? Remote interpreters. Through video and telephone interpreters, public services can meet the growing demand. In the Helsinki area alone, one company provides 70,000 hours of interpreting a year.
Address: Cross-Cultural Communications 10015 Old Columbia Road Suite B-215 Columbia, MD 21046
Phone: 410.312.5599
Email: Click here |
Cynthia Maulson, Terminology Workbook for Medical Interpreters: A Language-Neutral Reference Tool, 2015, iUniverse.
This book is unusual. Instead of listing medical terms with a translation, it groups terms by category (e.g., pain, abbreviations, medications) and leaves a blank space for the interpreter to write the translation of that term in his or her working languages.
While the focus is on U.S. healthcare, this approach might be useful for interpreters in other countries also,
Ohio Hosts Court and Medical Interpreting Conferences
Community and Court Interpreters of Ohio (CCIO) holds separate conferences for its legal and medical interpreters. The court interpreters conference is tomorrow, but the CCIO medical interpreters conference will be held on June 25, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Ohio State University.
The conference will focus on mental health interpreting, language access, national certification, cultural competence/reducing implicit bias and more!
Gorillas Compose Happy Songs--and Hum While Eating!
How did language evolve? Researchers have a new clue, and it's intriguing.
The New Scientist reports that gorillas studied in the Republic of Congo have a quiet contented hum while they eat (the gorilla version of purring?). But it isn't the same song from meal to meal. It's as if they are making up their own "I'm happy I'm eating" songs.
At the Toronto Zoo a caretaker notes, "And if it's their favorite food, they sing louder." She says you can tell which gorilla is humming because each one has its own voice and its own songs.
A TOT in Sunny Santa Maria
Katharine Allen and I thank the Santa Maria-Bonita school district for inviting us to Santa Maria, California in February. Sunshine all week. Date palms. Incredible flowers everywhere. Weather in the mid-seventies... We are also having such fun with the group! This is a session of the six-day Training of Trainers for The Community Interpreter®, and the group is amazing. They include a number of indigenous interpreter trainers, community advocates and educational, medical and social services interpreters.
Do we really have to go home on Saturday?
Let's Start Spring with The Community Interpreter®!
Spring is around the corner and it's time to sign up for the top certificate program in the U.S. for community interpreters. Whether you want to become a professional interpreter for medical, educational or social services interpreting -- or all three -- The Community Interpreter® will get you there!
Dates: April 8, 9, 15, 16 and 23 (2 Fridays, 3 Saturdays) Time: 8:30am-5:30pm Location: Columbia, Maryland Cost: $650 (+$70 language proficiency test) Registration and payment deadline: Friday, March 25
Join us today!
Interpreters, Do You Need CEUs?
As community interpreting becomes an increasingly professionalized field, continuing education (CE) credits are needed to maintain certifications.We're happy to report that several of our programs now carry CE credits.
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Marjory A. Bancroft
Marjory A. Bancroft, Director
Cross-Cultural Communications, LLC
10015 Old Columbia Road, Suite B-215
Columbia, MD 21046
Phone: 410.312.5599, Fax: 410.750.0332
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