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Please Vote NOW for "The Interpreter"
It's not too late. It will cost you a minute.
And polls close TODAY at 5:00 p.m. EST.
A film called The Interpreter  is nominated along with 11 others for "Indiewire's Project of 2015." With enough votes, this film could earn a slot at the prestigious Tribeca Film Festival in New York.
This is the movie about interpreters in conflict zones. How many interpreters risk their lives to interpret? These ones do.
Please vote. It will take you less than a minute! And then send the link to family and friends and colleagues so they can vote too!

Read an Amazing Article on Cultural Competence Training 
Research articles don't usually make me emotional. They sure don't bring tears to my eyes.
This one did.
To offer a bit of background (and to over-simplify a bit) there are two basic schools of thought about how to train cultural competence: (1) Teach staff in healthcare and human services what certain groups (e.g., Hispanics or Arabs/Muslims) are like so that we can "serve them better"; or (2) Teach staff universally effective communication skills focused on uncovering what each culturally unique individual thinks of the health condition or problem that brought that person in.
Many of us know that option (1) actually teaches stereotypes and causes more problems than it solves. This article shows you that result in ways that can smack you between the eyes.
P.S. And if you'd like, read the informed opinion of my favorite "cultural competence guru" in the U.S.: Dr. Robert Like. His thoughts are always fascinating. Enjoy! 
January 15, 2016
Cross-Cultural Communications
10015 Old Columbia Road
Suite B-215
Columbia, MD 21046

Phone: 410.312.5599

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La interpretación en el ámbito de la medicina
Lucía Ruiz Rosendo
Comares, 2005 

For those of us fortunate enough to be able to read in Spanish, here is a book dedicated to interpreting for medical conferences and medical education, from a European perspective. The author is a professor at the
Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla in Spain.
Here is a book review of the work, also in Spanish. The fact that a whole book is dedicated to this subject speaks to the fact that Europe is the cradle of interpreting as a profession and still values the profession highly--or, at least, conference interpreting.
UK Hosts Conference on Mental Health and Cultural Diversity
June 22-24, 2016, in Leicester UK, a conference called "Mental Health and Cultural Diversity: Exploring transformative practice and service models" will be held.
The aim is to discuss and debate a range of appropriate and acceptable services for people from diverse cultural communities around the world. This conference is for medical, health and social service providers, service users, academics, policy makers, and voluntary organizations.
See the conference website for more information and check out the call for papers. 
A Training for Victim Services Interpreting in DC
The following opportunity is available only for interpreters in the DC area who have prior training and are willing to work as professional interpreters for a nonprofit Victim and Emergency Interpreter Services language bank.
Ayuda's Language Access Program is excited to offer Breaking Silence: Interpreting for Victim Services - a FREE, 4-day, 32-hour training for professional interpreters on how to work with victims of crime--sponsored by the DC Office of Victim Services. Please forward this message, along with the attachments, to interpreters who may be interested in this training opportunity and please copy when forwarding this message.
Ideal candidates will have already taken a 40-hour foundation course or training in the interpreting field (including, but not limited to, The Community Interpreter® or Bridging the Gap™). The Breaking Silence training, created by Cross Cultural Communications, will offer interpreters the chance to enrich their qualifications and knowledge. Please check out the additional information:
What: Breaking Silence: Interpreting for Victim Services
When: May 21, 2016 through May 24, 2016 (4 days)
Time: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (all 4 days)
Where: Washington, D.C.; exact location TBA
Who: The training will be performed by Marjory Bancroft and Katharine Allen.
Cost: This is a FREE training opportunity (2.8 CEUs will be available for American Sign Language interpreters and Certified Deaf interpreters).
Please read the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) document attached in the same document as the application. For questions, contact the Language Access Program at No phone calls please.  
Deadline for applications: 5 p.m. Friday, March 4, 2016.

All Right--It's January, Time to Be Silly!

There is no redeeming social value in this hilarious jpg. But for those of us who value being bilingual and get tired of the idea that it's just "politically correct" to be against prejudice and discrimination, well...
You'll love this image.
Next Week, Michelle Is Back!   
Yes, our beloved Managing Director comes back to us next week. I'm afraid she "abandoned" us for four weeks of adventures in--take a breath--Chile, Japan and South Korea.
Yes, we all survived without her. But for those of you who know Michelle, you can be sure we can't wait to have her back! (And many of you too, I'm sure!)
We also can't wait to hear her stories...
Ready to Leap Into the New Year?
If you're looking for training or continuing education, take a look at our spring-summer Training Calendar. Full of old and new goodies. Next fall we'll also have a new two-day training on interpreting for domestic violence and sexual assault, and more.
Stay tuned--and stay warm!

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For more information about The Community Interpreter®, please go to our website at:


Marjory A. Bancroft

Marjory A. Bancroft, Director
Cross-Cultural Communications, LLC
10015 Old Columbia Road, Suite B-215
Columbia, MD 21046
Phone: 410.312.5599, Fax: 410.750.0332

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