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Language Is Beautiful
Language is culture, language is love... And an American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter proves the beauty of language in a stunning way by signing Adele's single hit, Hello.
Sometimes interpreters in training, when they learn they are supposed to convey the meaning, tone, intent and spirit of a message, will ask, "You mean--we have to be actors?" The short answer is yes. But ASL interpreter Molly Lou Bartholomew offers an exquisite range of sensitivity.
Moving... Beautiful... And a tribute to interpreters everywhere.

Bilinguals Are Twice As Likely to Recover After Strokes
We have heard about many, many benefits of being bilingual. Every few months, researchers seem to uncover something new.
But recovery after stroke? Yes. Researchers in Scotland and India published their findings in the medical journal Stroke. They wrote about how and why bilingual individuals recover cognitive function at more than twice the rate of monolinguals.
One of the authors, Dr. Thomas Bak of the University of Edinburgh, suggests that "People with more mental activities have more interconnected brains, which are able to deal better with potential damage. Language is just one of many ways of boosting the cognitive reserve."

A Live Science article has other fascinating details. 
December 11, 2015
Cross-Cultural Communications
10015 Old Columbia Road
Suite B-215
Columbia, MD 21046

Phone: 410.312.5599

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Cultural Competence in Health Care
Wen-Shing Tseng and Jon Streltzer
Springer, 2008
Here is a book from two authors at the University of Hawaii who seek to balance theory and clinical application. The book focuses on basic principles of cultural competence in everyday clinical settings. It also emphasizes the need for culturally relevant medical care of patients of diverse backgrounds.
Core areas examined in the book include:
  • Concepts of illness and illness behaviors.
  • Assessment, interviews, and symptom presentation.
  • Hospitalization, medication, family involvement, consent issues.
  • Highly charged medical areas, e.g., pain management, transfusions, reproductive issues, organ donation.
  • Frequently stigmatized conditions such as AIDS, STDs, cancer, and psychiatric disorders.
  • Care by non-medical professionals, including social workers, physical therapists, and nutritionists.
European Union Holds Criminal Justice Symposium
Interested in videoconferencing in legal settings? It's a hot topic.
Congratulations to the European Union for hosting an international symposium on this topic in Paris on January 21-22, 2016. Note that much of Europe makes a distinction between videoconference interpreting (VCI) and remote interpreting (RI). The symposium website explains the difference.

Modern Language Association Meets in January
On January 7-19, 2016, the MLA Annual Convention will be held in Austin, Texas. This year the convention focuses on Literature and Its Publics: Past, Present, and Future.
Deaf Model Wins "America's Next Top Model"
All right. This isn't research or world-shattering news. But it's cultural and it's Very Cool.
Fans of Deaf culture may be proud to hear that a Deaf model from our very own Washington, DC, the chiseled Nyle DiMarco, has just won "American's Next Top Model" competition. Rightly so, judging from photographs and interviews. (Those eyes!)
Plus, he grew up here in Maryland, so we get to be officially proud. He's working with developers of a new ASL App to teach American Sign Language. And here's a quote from his MTV interview:
I hope my win helped shatter misconceptions about Deaf people. I hope my win will make people realize that we're as normal as can be. I also hope my win will inspire Deaf people to do whatever they want to do in life! The possibilities are endless.

The Spring/Summer Training Calendar Rolls Out!
You've asked us for dates and details. Here it is so that you can make your plans! Whether it's The Community Interpreter®, our Training of Trainers, our special new note-taking workshop with national leader Katharine Allen or the two-day simultaneous workshop, take a look before the holidays eat you up alive!

Inquiry: Arabic Mental Health Resources
We had a question about whether we knew any resources in Arabic on mental health for the community worker or mental health interpreting. If you have suggestions, please contact us.

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Marjory A. Bancroft

Marjory A. Bancroft, Director
Cross-Cultural Communications, LLC
10015 Old Columbia Road, Suite B-215
Columbia, MD 21046
Phone: 410.312.5599, Fax: 410.750.0332

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