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So Who Is SOS International?
In case you missed the news, last July SOS International won the largest civilian contract for interpreting in the U.S.: a cool $80 million to deliver interpreting in 300+ language in immigration courts.
But--well, who ARE they?
Check out their website. The main page doesn't say they do interpreting. Or translation. But they are a big defense contractor, so if you need linguists in Iraq or Afghanistan they have that covered.
Defense linguists--no offense--are just not court interpreters. (Or few are). The SOSI press release touts interpreting, but when the main page says nothing about T & I, the credibility gap is big.
We'll just have to see what happens. If you hear news, let us know!

Indigenous Interpreters Grab the News
Speaking an indigenous language shouldn't mean getting inferior health care.
Unfortunately, it often does. Too often. A news brief from California with a moving video shares stories from indigenous interpreters, healthcare providers--and patients.
Let's hope the situation changes as more indigenous interpreters get trained in medical interpreting!

October 2, 2015
Cross-Cultural Communications
10015 Old Columbia Road
Suite B-215
Columbia, MD 21046

Phone: 410.312.5599

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Glosario jurídico bilingüe general inglés-español
Amel Mokdad

This resource is free: a 27-page English-Spanish legal glossary generously shared by its author. While we can't vouch for its accuracy, it is clear, easy to use and a very kind gift from the author to Spanish-English court interpreters, especially in the U.S. Many thanks, Amel!

Eight-year-old Harpith spelt his 'favourite word', floccinaucinihilipilification, during an appearance on Channel 10's The Project.

His sister, Harpita, nodded along as her brother impressed the audience with his immense spelling skill. 

Comedian Pete Helliar, who co-hosts the show alongside Carrie Bickmore and Waleed Aly, joked the tongue-twister is a staple of his vocabulary.

Keep Up with Fall Interpreting Conferences!
It must be fall: look what lies ahead this weekend alone:
October 3:  Carolina Association of Translators & Interpreters celebrates its 30th anniversary in a "Three-City Celebration"!  Cary and Charlotte, North Carolina and Greenville, South Carolina.
Also on October 3:  Michigan Translators/Interpreters Network (MiTIN) hosts its regional conference.

On October 4, the Northwest Translators and Interpreters Society (NOTIS) hosts Technologies and Techniques: Finding Success Now and in the Future.

And more coming... Stay tuned!

He's Just Too Cute for Words! 
This is a test! What does floccinaucinihilipilification mean?
Stumped? Well, just to make your cheeks flush, an eight-year-old boy can spell it!  Yes: all 29 letters. During an interview about a national spelling bee. Televised. In Australia.
So what does the word mean? The word means estimating something as worthless. I learned it in sixth grade, when it was the longest word in English--until a few months later, out came supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. (Which for the record I spelled correctly--without checking first!)
Check out the video. It's truly cute!

Sign Up for The Language of Justice--And Find Work in DC
Our three-day training on legal interpreting on October 26-28 in Maryland isn't only a great introduction to the field.
Yes: The Language of Justice prepares you well to perform legal interpreting in community settings. It also comes with a wonderful training manual authored by top-notch specialists.
But there's more. Ayuda's Community Legal Interpreter Bank in Washington, DC is looking for graduates of this program. Qualified legal interpreters who want contractual work in more than 30 legal service nonprofits around the District should contact Ayuda directly.  You can look at their website and the following special webpage

Or we can put you in contact with Ayuda after you graduate from the program, which is a requirement to interpret for this nonprofit interpreter service.

The Deadline Is Coming!
Sign up for The Community Interpreter®, held October 16, 17, 23, 24 and 31 in Columbia, Maryland. The deadline is zooming up today: October 2.
This is the star foundation program anywhere in the country for medical, educational and social services interpreting. It is hosted by the organization that created it: a 40-hour certificate that holds national recognition.
Come and see what all the buzz is about--and as part of your registration, get the best textbook in the world for community interpreting!

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Marjory A. Bancroft

Marjory A. Bancroft, Director
Cross-Cultural Communications, LLC
10015 Old Columbia Road, Suite B-215
Columbia, MD 21046
Phone: 410.312.5599, Fax: 410.750.0332

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