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Big News for Community Interpreters in Canada
Interpreter As of July 1st, 2015, Ontario now offers a formal credentialing program for community interpreters that includes certification. It is a multi-tiered system with specialization tracks that include medical and legal interpreting. (In Canada, legal interpreting is part of community interpreting.)

The news comes from the Ontario Council on Community Interpreting (OCCI) and the Association of Professional Language Interpreters (APLI). Check out the website for this program; information on the language and interpreting skills certification component; and the multi-tiered categories and requirements for accrediting community interpreters.


Many thanks to Lola Bendana and her newsletter article for this exciting news--and warmest congratulations to my native Canada!


Presidential Candidate, Jeb Bush--Court Interpreter?
We knew that Jeb Bush, former governor of Florida, is a hot contender for the job of next U.S. President. But who knew he was a Spanish court interpreter?

Well, not really. Here's what happened. Some time ago a judge in Florida hearing cases on the abuse and neglect of foster children had an agitated man in the courtroom who couldn't speak English. The tiny man seemed frantic. A stranger said, "I think he needs to be someplace. He needs someone to translate for him."  


The stranger was Jeb Bush. But he needed interpreter training because, as the Washington Post reported, he told the story in third person. Seems the upset man was a jockey, and because the proceedings were behind schedule he was frantic he'd miss his next race--and lose his job. Then he'd never get his daughter back.


The judge took action. And that, it seems, was the end of Jeb Bush's career as a court "interpreter." Quite a story


July 3, 2015
Cross-Cultural Communications
10015 Old Columbia Road
Suite B-215
Columbia, MD 21046

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I'm Not Hanging Noodles on Your Ears and Other Intriguing Idioms From Around the World.
Jag Bhalla
National Geographic, 2009.

It's fun. It's a bit silly. It's real. This cute collection of odd but telling idioms catalogues human creativity in language.  


So what does "I'm not hanging noodles on your ears" mean? Here in the U.S., nothing. In Moscow, it means, "Believe me. I'm serious."


The author makes the point that idioms like these offer us a window into the culture that spawns them. They capture or embody traditions, attitudes and perspectives. If you have a language lover in your life, here's a little gift to give them!


ISBN-13: 978-1426204586



Bulgaria Hosts 13th International Linguistics Olympiad (IOL)

What's not to love? July 20-24th it's coming again: the IOL is one of 12 International Science Olympiads for secondary school students. Each year, young linguists from in teams from around the world to test themselves against the world's toughest problem-puzzles in language and linguistics.

No prior knowledge of linguistics required! Want to see if you cut the mustard? Check out some of the IOL past problems.

This event sounds pretty darn cool!

A Quality Online Program Is Out for Health Promoters
Health Guide Think Cultural Health is a service and a great use of U.S. taxpayer dollars: coming out of the Office of Minority Health, it produces some of the highest-quality online training curricula in the areas of diversity, health and health equity.

Promoting Healthy Choices and Community Changes: An E-learning Program for Promotores de Salud is a free e-learning program offered online in Spanish and English. It aims to build the capacity of promotores de salud (health promoters, i.e. lay outreach specialists in community health) to promote individual- and community-level changes towards good health.


Health promoters are "culturally and linguistically competent messengers, advocates, and educators due to their intimate knowledge of their community's culture and needs." Check it out.


TCII Launches Live


Check the trailer video. Three years in the making--and it's here! The Community interpreter® International (TCII) is a curriculum, a textbook, a workbook and the most exciting entry-level training program in the world for community and medical interpreting.


July 6-10--starting this Monday--we launch the program. Then July 27-August 1 we launch the first Training of Trainers for TCII. This sessions is already full to bursting and approaching capacity fast.


Ride the wave. Become a trainer for the most exciting program ever for community interpreting!


And Don't Forget the Book--It's Amazing  


The word is out. The excitement builds. The video is fun.


On July 15, we make it all reality. Because on that date the TCII textbook will be available to the public: the first international textbook for community interpreting.


The Community Interpreter®: An International Textbook is the highest-quality textbook in the world for community interpreter training and education. Designed both for hard-core academic programs and entry-level training programs, it's a work of beauty: gorgeously designed, easy to read, and authored by five  top-notch specialists.


Some of the most complex, bedeviling challenges in the field are tackled with such grace they almost make the work look easy. It's not. But the book aims to help community interpreters everywhere master their skills, protocols, ethics and requirements.


Check it out.


The CCC Fall Calendar Is Here 


If you're looking for quality programs to attend for community and medical interpreters, legal interpreters and trainers, check out our fall training calendar! 

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For more information about The Community Interpreter®, please go to our website at:


Marjory A. Bancroft

Marjory A. Bancroft, Director
Cross-Cultural Communications, LLC
10015 Old Columbia Road, Suite B-215
Columbia, MD 21046
Phone: 410.312.5599, Fax: 410.750.0332

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