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Virginia Jails Deaf Man for Six Weeks--With No Interpreter
Imagine you're in jail.


For six weeks.


And you have no idea why. That's what happened to Abreham Zemedagegehu, a homeless Ethiopian Deaf man in Virginia accused of stealing an iPad--whose owner later found it.


The prisoner couldn't communicate with any of his jailers, even when medical procedures were performed. He was frightened, isolated and lost. It wasn't until he was taken to court after six weeks that he learned what he was charged with. He pleaded guilty even though he claims he's innocent.


So then he sued the county sheriff. Stay tuned!

Is This For Real? Meet ALICE
mature_couple_hotel.jpg It's here. ALICE is a mobile, on-demand "language translation" app for hotels.


If you're the guest in a place where you don't speak the language (as I will be tonight) you can send requests to hotel staff with ALICE, the hotel industry's first interpreting app for "real-time" translation between staff and guests.


So far ALICE offers 30 languages and claims to be working like AI (Artificial Intelligence), which means that the app should learn from its mistakes and get more accurate over time. (We'll see!)

June 19, 2015
Cross-Cultural Communications
10015 Old Columbia Road
Suite B-215
Columbia, MD 21046

Phone: 410.312.5599

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Manual for interpreters: Manual para intérpretes "Interpretación en contextos de violencia de género"
Toledano Buendía, C., Del Pozo Triviño, M.

Handbook for professionals who work with interpreters
: Guía para profesionales de la atención en VG: "La comunicación mediada por intérpretes en contextos de violencia de género. Guía de buenas prácticas para trabajar con intérpretes"
  Borja Albi, A. y Del Pozo Triviño M. (eds.)

Both these books (available for now only in Spanish) are free and available online. They are the culmination of an in-depth two-year-plus project based in Spain on interpreting and translation for gender-based violence (with a primary focus on domestic violence and sexual assault).
This project, called SOS-VICS (Speak Out for Support), has also produced other valuable information including multilingual films, online training for interpreters, collections of resources and more.


But the recent publication of these two books in many ways crowns an incredible project. For more information and to download the books see the web.  

International Terminology


July 13-17, the International Network for Terminology (the famous TermNet) Summer School 2015 comes to Cologne, Germany.


This event is a great excuse to visit Germany and Cologne--and claims to be the largest terminologist summer school of its kind, with over 80 participants speaking 40 languages!

North Meets South Korean? There's an App for That
It's a cute story: North Korean defectors entering South Korea can encounter language barriers that increase their culture shock. Enter an app to help them.


North Koreans can type in a Korean word, take a picture of an item or ask for help ordering pizza and the modern South Korean term or phrase will pop up. The app includes many English terms popular in South Korea like win-win, risk and service.


The app, called Univoca, was created with help from teenage defectors and older refugees from North Korea.


Shhh, Don't Tell!


It's a secret. No, it's a book. Wait, it's a video. A video faster than a speeding bullet!


Well, whatever it is it's ONE MINUTE long--it's fast and fun--and it spills quite a few CCC secrets.


Take a look. We're soooooooo excited at CCC!






The Deadline Is Coming, the Deadline Is Coming


Don't miss your chance to sign up for the first-ever session of "TCII"--The Community Interpreter® International! Coming this summer, July 6-10 in Columbia, Maryland, this summer session features our very first program with the new best textbook in the world (yes, really) for medical, educational and social services interpreting.


Two of our lovely participants at TCI 2015 spring session!

Do we sound excited? You bet. We just got the proof of the textbook, and we can't tell you how thrilling and gorgeous it is. And packed with easy-to-read substantive content.


Come and join this historic session. You can say you attended the birth of TCII and were part

of the first group ever to receive a copy of The Community Interpreter®: An International Textbook.


Take a look at the flier and training calendar. Then sign up and make history!




And Of Course, The TOT is Coming Too


It's not a Training of Trainers for "TCI" (The Community Interpreter®). It's the first-ever TOT for TCII-- The Community Interpreter® International. And it's coming soon: July 27-August 1 in Columbia, Maryland.


Join the most elite group of trainers in the country and abroad for medical, educational and social services interpreting. Give your own 40-hour certificate program using our hot-off-the-press new textbook, which will be released for sale July 15, 2015. Besides, just to hang out with such amazing trainers from across the country for a week is the best professional development around.


Why reinvent the wheel? Work with quality you can trust from CCC. Check out the flier, the training calendar--or sign up now. See you in Maryland.




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For more information about The Community Interpreter®, please go to our website at:


Marjory A. Bancroft

Marjory A. Bancroft, Director
Cross-Cultural Communications, LLC
10015 Old Columbia Road, Suite B-215
Columbia, MD 21046
Phone: 410.312.5599, Fax: 410.750.0332

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