Sign Up for the FIRST "TCII"-The Community Interpreter® INTERNATIONALIt's coming: the first session of The Community Interpreter® to feature its new international textbook. From July 6-10, 2015, in Columbia, Maryland, join us for the most exciting event of the year for community interpreting!
The focus is on medical, educational and social services interpreting. It remains the only national program for community interpreting--but is plunging into the international field as well. Taught by four experienced trainers, veterans of the field, it will introduce you to professional community interpreting for contract interpreters, bilingual staff and staff interpreters.
Check the training calendar or our flier for details. And join us--join the adventure!
Great Video Training on Ethics for Medical Interpreters
It's here! The first-ever 80-minute video training on how to apply medical interpreter ethics in the real world.
Available in DVD or for download, Medical Interpreting: A Guide to Ethics is practical and down to earth yet supports the highest standards. You'll see film vignettes of interpreters who speak Spanish, French, Igbo, Nepali and Russian. Watch them grapple with some of the biggest--and most common--challenges in the field.
The framework comes from the nine ethical principles of the U.S. National Code of Ethics for Interpreters in Health Care published by NCIHC: the National Council on Interpreting in Health Care.
Come to the Premier Training of Trainers--The Debut of "TCII"
July 27-August 1st marks the first Training of Trainers (TOT) for "The Community Interpreter® International"!
TCII is here: "The Community Interpreter® International" is a global adventure!
Because CCC's 122 licensed trainers are located not only here (in 28 U.S. States and Washington, DC) but also six other countries, this new edition of the program is brand-new, top to bottom.
In fact, the sparkling new textbook, workbook and curriculum is the first-ever global edition in the field. The Community Interpreter®: An International Textbook comes out July 6. And with it, the best foundation program in the world for training medical, educational and social services interpreters goes international in a big way. Join us in July!