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"CIA" Interpreter Triggers Furor at Trial in Guantanamo Bay

What a mess.


Every court interpreter learns that you must declare conflicts of interest. But one interpreter in the trial of five "September 11" defendants in a war court in Guantanamo Bay apparently didn't do so...


The conflict came out in court. The defendant pointed at the interpreter and said he'd seen the interpreter in a CIA secret prison. Hullaballoo.


Defense lawyers, in fury, want to suspend the trial. A National Public Radio report tells more.

What Does "Official Language" Mean in Europe?

The European Union has 24 official languages. But Article 22 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights states the EU must respect "cultural, religious and linguistic diversity."


Should languages like Irish, Basque or Frisian should also have official status? Where would you draw the line? What is a "minority language" if millions of people speak it?


These are tough questions. Some in the EU are tackling them right now, as linguistic minorities launch a "European roadmap for diversity." We can all watch and learn from the results. Stay tuned!


February 12, 2015
Cross-Cultural Communications
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Columbia, MD 21046

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What Language Does Your Patient Hurt In?, 3rd ed.
Suzanne Salimbene

EMC Paradigm Publishing, 2015


Hot off the press! This guide to culturally competent patient care can serve as both a college text or a training tool for health professionals.


Because of growing concerns that studying culture-specific information can lead  to stereotyping patients, this edition includes a new chapter about developing cultural self-awareness as well as learning about patients' health beliefs and practices. It also adds information about U.S. "language access laws" and national standards and how to use cultural information while avoiding stereotypes.


The focus, however, is still the controversial: one of earlier editions chapters summarizing some of the traditional healthcare beliefs and practices of African, Caribbean and Africa American patients, American Indians and Alaska Natives, Hispanics/Latinos, Middle Easterners and Eastern Europeans. Such information is a two-edged sword: will this information broaden perspectives--or lead health professionals not to treat each patient as culturally unique?

You'll have to read the book to decide. 

SEMIA Wants Your Abstracts


The South Eastern Medical Interpreters Association (SEMIA) will hold a conference for medical interpreters:  Interpreter Integration into the Medical Team (this is a terrific topic, by the way).


The conference will be held June 6, 2015 at University of Louisville, Shelby Campus-Louisville, KY.


Details of the submission requirements are available.

U of Arizona Opens Registration


The 2015 Agnese Haury Court Interpreter Training Institute (the CITI) and Medical Interpreter Training Institute (the MITI) are open for signup.


The dates of CITI are July 6--24. MITI will be held July 6--17. Details are available.

It's Just Too Cool: The First Acoustic Dictionary for Blind "Readers"

Direct from Cuba! This Spanish dictionary is almost ready for "publication." Local radio broadcasters have participated to create 12,000 entries with loving care and attention.


This appears to be the first dictionary of its kind, though I wonder why. It seems a hugely needed resource for many languages. It may also be of use to the elderly and Spanish learners.


We wish the creators of this dictionary good luck!


A New InterpreTIPs video!

What should an interpreter do if she notices that medical staff are not wearing gloves during a medical examination? Tune in to this week's InterpreTIPs to find out!

InterpreTIP #17
InterpreTIP #17

Looking for more advice? Watch all of our InterpreTIPs here.
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Marjory A. Bancroft

Marjory A. Bancroft, Director
Cross-Cultural Communications, LLC
10015 Old Columbia Road, Suite B-215
Columbia, MD 21046
Phone: 410.312.5599, Fax: 410.750.0332

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