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Courtroom Language Drama Leads to a Mistrial

A big trial had a big charge: businessman Moses Stern recently pleaded guilty in a $128 million fraud investigation. He speaks Yiddish. So far, so good: more than 75% of U.S. Yiddish speakers live around New York City. And its court system has Yiddish interpreters.


Due to the rush job, however, other interpreters came in. Last week that situation led to gibberish--and a mistrial.


Part of the problem is that the Yiddish spoken in nearly 20 hours of recordings transcribed for the defense was "Hasidic Yiddish." Not all Yiddish interpreters understand it.


To read the story, click here.


Do Translators Hate Technology?

Nataly Kelly has published a piece in the Huffington Post called, "Why So Many Translators Hate Translation Technology." She makes a number of points. For example:


  • Too many people confuse "real" translation technology with Google Translate.
  • Translation tool development has largely stagnated for a long time.
  • It can be frustrating for translators, who value quality, when the customer does not.
  • Many translators do not believe that technology developers are listening to them.

In addition, translators are increasingly asked to do post-editing of machine translation. As she writes, "Here's the problem. If you're a professional translator, why would you want to clean up a big mess that you didn't create? It's like asking a professional musician to take a recording that was done by a synthesizer, or by a less-skilled musician, and go back and fill in all the sour-sounding notes. It's a hacky way to produce a translation ... and it takes all the joy out of translation."


Would most translators agree? To read the article, click here.


Lecturer Position Opens in Maryland for T&I

The Graduate Studies in Interpreting and Translation (GSIT) program in the Department of Communication at the University of Maryland invites applications for Lecturers to teach one to four classes per semester for the 2014-2015 academic year and beyond.


For more information, click here.


SLTI Puts Out a Call for Translation Test Developers

Second Language Testing, Inc. (SLTI) is currently working on a short-term contract to develop translation tests in a range of spoken languages. They are currently accepting resumes for native speakers of various languages. Candidates must have good computer skills and access to high-speed internet because they will be working from home. Ideally, they are familiar with the ILR (Interagency Language Roundtable) scale, have experience as a teacher, test developer, or translator, and knowledge of sound editing software.


For a complete list of languages, and to apply, please click here.


June 26, 2014

The Voice of Love

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Cross-Cultural Communications
10015 Old Columbia Road
Suite B-215
Columbia, MD 21046

Phone: 410.312.5599

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From Paris to Nuremberg: The Birth of Conference Interpreting
Jes�s Baigorri-Jal�n (translated by Holly Mikkelson and Barry Olsen)
John Benjamins, 2014

In this seminal work, Jes�s Baigorri-Jal�n provides both first-hand accounts and research that trace the roots of conference interpreting back to the Paris Peace Conference of 1919. The story then winds its way through the League of Nations and the International Labor Organization, the role of conference interpreters for both the Allied and Axis powers as they decided the fate of nations before and during World War II, and finally its debut on the world stage in 1945, at the Nuremberg Trials.


Available for the first time in English, this account will fascinate any reader interested in interpreting.


For more information, click here.


NCI FCICE Written Test Prep Workshop 


NCI (National Center for Interpretation) will offer an FCICE (Federal Court Interpreter Certificate Exam) written test prep workshop in Baltimore, MD on July 26-27. The workshop includes

study and test-taking techniques for each subsection of the exam, as well as a review of what types of questions and difficulty level to expect during the exam.  


For more information, click here.

To register, click here

Millennials Create a New Language Market

The world is changing fast. And marketers will have to change their language to adapt.


"Millennials" are often defined as those born between 1981 and 1996. They are a market force to reckon with. Now the word is out that one in four millennials in the U.S. speak another language at home. In addition, nearly half (46%) say they are "more likely " to buy brands that use their preferred language.


That's a powerful message about the need for translation and localization in marketing, where language is often an afterthought.


To read more, click here.


TCI TOT Summer 2013

Join Us This Summer for: The Community Interpreter�: Training of Trainers 

Come to the only national training of trainers for community interpreting. You'll plunge into six intensive days of the most exciting professional development in the field. Meet other interpreter trainers and join our group of 100 licensed trainers in 26 U.S. states and five other countries! 


After completing this session, at no additional cost you will be licensed to present the nation's premier 40-hour program in medical, educational or social services interpreting--or all three. You'll work with the most comprehensive training manual in the field and a valuable workbook of role plays and exercises. You will also be able to train a tried and tested program established in 2004, now in its 5th edition (2011) with a new edition coming out this fall.
TCI TOT Fall 2013

Dates: July 28-August 2 (Mon-Sat)
Time: 8:30am-4:30pm
Location: Executive Suites at Overlook
                5457 Twin Knolls Rd, Ste 101
                Columbia, MD 21045
Price: $2,100 

For more information and to register, click here.
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Marjory A. Bancroft

Marjory A. Bancroft, Director
Cross-Cultural Communications, LLC
10015 Old Columbia Road, Suite B-215
Columbia, MD 21046
Phone: 410.312.5599, Fax: 410.750.0332

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