Number 57, March 2014 |
Pacific Naturopathic Newsletter2570 W. El Camino Real � Suite 111 � Mountain View, CA 94040 � (650) 917-1121 www.PacificNaturopathic.com
Cleanse and Feel Better Fast! * * *
"Is the spring coming?" he said. "What is it like?"
"It is the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine..."
-- Frances Hodgson Burnett, The Secret Garden
Indeed. Here in California, our hearts seem lighter and our smiles broader as the trees are starting to bud and flower. We happily shed layers of winter clothing. Though the air is still a bit cool, the sun is toasty warm. Drs. Connie and Marcel worked up a sweat last Sunday, cleaning and preparing their little patio garden for veggies. Ah, springtime!
Spring cleaning has been ritualized in the West. Makers of cleaning products ramp up advertising late in the winter. Internet sites and magazines are awash with spring cleaning tips. The sense of cleanliness and accomplishment that comes from scouring the house also generates a sort of neurological reward in the brain. It feels so satisfying to move the couch and vacuum up the dust bunnies! How transformational to open all the windows and air out the house!
For many of us, spring cleaning also means divesting our bodies of the accumulated debris from exposure to pollutants, indoor winter living, holiday dining, and what not. We do this by participating in a metabolic cleanse. And that is what this newsletter is about.
There are as many approaches to cleanses as there are people who do them. The right cleanse depends on two variables: the intensity of the need and your desire and ability to comply. Sorting it all out is where we come in. At Pacific Naturopathic, we do not offer "detox in a box" cleanses. You can pick those cleanses up at any health food store, or order on line. At Pacific Naturopathic, we work with you to design a cleanse that fits your needs and lifestyle.
In this issue of the Pacific Naturopathic Newsletter Dr. Connie fills us in on the comprehensive nature of effective cleansing and offers tips for implementation; Dr. Marcel presents a historical perspective on saunas for relaxation and cleansing; Dr. Corrine writes of the roles different organs play in detoxification; Jane Hernandez offers her thoughts on cleansing the mind; and Nicole Noceto explains the part yoga can play in the cleansing process.
Finally, in May we will be launching a major new direction at Pacific Naturopathic. What is it? Well, we won't spill the beans yet. Suffice it to say that we feel like we have been guided in this direction for many years and finally all the details have fallen into place. Stay tuned.
Be Well!
Dr. Connie and Dr. Marcel
Classes and Events

Stay tuned for announcements about a new lecture series beginning in May! Topics will be introduced in the March newsletter
Schedule an Appointment:
| Pacific Naturopathic 2570 W. El Camino Real Suite 111 Mountain View, CA 94040 650-917-1121
The clinic is open M-F 9am-5pm. The clinic is closed for lunch daily from 12:00 to 1:30 PM

at Pacific Naturopathic |
Dr. Connie's Musings...
 | Dr. Connie muses in the sauna at Pacific Naturopathic |
Thinking About a Cleanse? Consider This! * * * With springtime, thoughts of spring cleaning make their way into consciousness... cleaning of our houses, of our bodies, of our lives. The Pacific Naturopathic phone rings with clients asking whether we could just set aside a cleanse for them to pick up and follow. We like to be helpful, but in order to be truly helpful, we need to explore individual preferences, goals, circumstances and timetables, as well as possible courses of action. A first consideration is of mental and emotional preparedness. If the thought of a cleanse evokes feelings of deprivation and fears of days of hunger and cravings, it may not be the time for a cleanse. It could be the time for a gentle or modified cleanse, or the time to work with changing maladaptive thought patterns and habits to ready oneself for a cleanse at a later date. Emotional Freedom Technique, hypnotherapy, or flower essences and affirmations can be centered around eating behaviors, nourishment, or motivation. Working with any of these can pave the way for you. Timing is another consideration. Planning a cleanse during food based holiday seasons or major social gatherings is generally not a great idea, nor is planning a cleanse during cold weather. I often discourage patients who come in to the clinic in mid November wanting to tune up for the New Year, both because the November/December celebrations are so much about food, and because, especially when cleansing involves fasting, people tend to become uncomfortable and cranky in cold wintry weather. Know that there are as many options in cleansing as there are people. A cleanse may involve many levels of dietary manipulation: anything from simply eliminating the most common potentially problematic foods (wheat, dairy, soy, alcohol and sugar, for example) to dedicating yourself to eating only unprocessed, organic foods to committing to juice or water fasting. Cleansing is enhanced by targeted supplementation intended to ensure elimination of toxins from the body during a cleanse. Detoxification and elimination depend on lymphatic flow (see Nicole Noceto's article below) and liver, kidney and digestive functions. Supplemental options include medical foods, teas, tinctures, capsules and energetic medicines. Cleanses may include anything from extensive dietary change along with powdered medical foods as meal replacements or snacks, and herbs and specific nutrients further promoting liver function. Or a cleanse might involve minor dietary manipulation, with energy medicines promoting lymphatic drainage and elimination. Body care is an oft ignored, but essential aspect of cleansing. Rebounding and dry skin brushing encourage lymphatic flow. Infrared sauna (se Dr. Marcel's article, below) and baths (Epsom salts, baking soda, and herbal bath detox formulas) utilize the skin as the body's largest organ of elimination. Breathing practices bring the lungs into the picture. Earthing or grounding practices help stabilize electromagnetic cellular communication and balance the elements (earth, air, fire, water, ether) within the body. Considering all these parameters and possibilities, a person wishing to cleanse could start anywhere. Whether your orientation is towards a simple or a more comprehensive cleanse, you can realize great benefit. The more specific you are about what you can and and cannot do during a cleanse, and about what you hope to achieve, the more likely you are to realize your goals in cleansing. See tips below for successful cleansing. * * *
Far Infrared Sauna for Detox
Relaxation and Stress Relief
"If spirits tar and the sauna can avail nothing,
then there is no cure." -- Old Finnish Saying
Marcel Hernandez, N.D.
A writer named Constance Malleson, after a prolonged tour of Finland in the late 1930's, wrote, "The sauna...is an apotheosis of all experience; purgatory and paradise; earth and fire; fire and water; sin and forgiveness. It is lyrical ecstasy. It is resurrection from the dead. It is eternal new birth. You are healed, you are made new."
Sauna, a Finnish word which simply means "bath house," is a 2000 year-old practice that has rapidly warmed its way into the American experience since the 1950's. In Finland, a country with only five million people, there are an estimated 700,000 saunas, or one for every seven people! In addition to the Finns, various forms of the sweat bath has been used by the Greeks, Romans, Russians, Slavs, Turks, Africans, Germans, Eskimos, Irish, Mexicans, Mayans and North American Native Americans.
A few years ago, we purchased an infrared sauna and set it up on our deck at our Hawaii retreat. Since then, we can hardly keep the anticipatory smiles off our faces as the sun goes down and the evening brings cooler air. In fact, we liked our Hawaii sauna so much we purchased another for our small apartment in California. And then we purchased one for our office for patients to experience (Come in anytime during working hours to try it out!).
Taking a sauna was always a physically refreshing and mentally relaxing experience, but what we never looked forward to was the feeling of suffocation in the hot air of the sauna room. The technology of the infrared sauna has taken care of that concern. More about this later.
For many of the past 50 years, the only place most of us could find a sauna was in a health club or commercial spa. Although I had experienced steam rooms, the first sauna I experienced was in the early 1980's in the Volcano (Hawaii) rain forest. The butt end of a small wood-burning stove stuck through the wall into the sauna room. We would stoke the fire from the outside and it got almost uncomfortably hot in the room.
The modern infrared sauna provides a thermostatically controlled dry heat between 160 and 200 degrees enjoyed in an insulated environment with less than 30 percent humidity. Taking a sauna begins with sitting in the sauna until the sweat begins to flow in steady drops. The next step is a cold shower, followed by a plunge into a cold water tub (or river) or a roll in the snow. This temperature contrast seals the pores so excreted toxins cannot be reabsorbed and enhances circulation. The hot/cold sequence may be repeated two or three times, or until you are so relaxed and "ʺwet noodley"ʺ that you can hardly move.
Although most newcomers to saunas are reluctant to take a cold plunge after getting so nice and toasty, after a few times, the hot/cold experience feels so exhilarating it almost becomes addictive.
Many health benefits are attributed to regular sauna baths. Perhaps the main benefit is skin and liver cleansing of toxic wastes through induced perspiration. A daily sweat can help reduce levels of toxic metals absorbed through environmental exposure like lead, mercury, cadmium, nickel, as well as sodium and sulfuric acid. One study noted that regular saunas may help lower cholesterol.
* * *
Interested in having a sauna at home? Feel free to stop by our office and try out our demo model. Pacific Naturopathic has a unique relationship with an excellent, portable far infrared sauna manufacturer. Click HERE for more information.
Find out more about Dr. Marcel's work with men at:
Intravenous Nutritional Protocols
at Pacific Naturopathic
* * *
Many disease states compromise the human gut's ability to adequately absorb nutrients like amino acids, minerals, and vitamins.
* Neurological conditions such as Parkinson's disease, ALS, and Multiple Sclerosis have been shown to greatly benefit from IV antioxidant protocols that help heal the inflammation in the brain often found with these diseases.
* Chronic fatigue states such as Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Brain Fog have mitochondrial energy deficits shown to be helped when specific natural supplements are given intravenously.
* Many immune system and detoxification functions can be improved with IV protocols.
* A number of cancers are very responsive to IV nutritional therapies which can be used to help treat cancer as well as to improve tolerance of conventional cancer treatments.
* Some treatments involve 1-3 hour drips and others are 30 minute treatments, depending on the nutrient mix and concentration being infused.
To name a few:
IV Glutathione
IV Alpha Lipoic Acid
IV Vit C
Amino Acid infusions
Vitamin and Mineral drips
Myers' Cocktail
Other Protocols for Energy and Immune System Function
We have a dedicated Infusion room that is relaxing and peaceful for all these therapies.
Dr. Marcel Hernandez has been trained in IV therapeutic protocols and will be offering treatments for those patients for whom treatments are appropriate and safe.
Phone now to get on the list for treatment consideration. 650-917-1121. An initial 30-minute consultation and current blood test is required for existing patients. A 90-minute first office call and blood test is required for new patients. Space is limited to four people receiving treatments a day.
Ten Tips for Successful Cleansing * * * Connie Hernandez, N.D. 
1. Consider your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual state. Fasting or cleansing when physically depleted is generally not the best plan. Nor is cleansing appropriate when you are already feeling deprived or under nourished.
2. Be clear about what you hope to achieve in cleansing, and tailor your cleanse towards that goal. Are you looking for weight loss, for greater energy, for enhanced well being? Are you hoping to resolve a chronic illness, to reduce inflammation, to prevent further disease?
3. Prepare for your cleanse. Purchase supplies in advance, and have a definite plan in mind. Gather support from friends and family. Ask for help from your naturopathic doctor, from your massage therapist, or from other health practitioners.
4. If there are foods which are generally addictive for you when available, see that they are not available. Purge your shelves of whatever those foods might be, whether potato chips, chocolate chip cookies, or sour dough bread.
5. Consider the degree to which you are influenced by others in your household and by the food that they choose. If your partner is a fantastic chef who will continue to prepare mouth watering meals with enticing aromas while you are fasting, will you be able to maintain the discipline of your cleanse and your peace of mind as well?
6. Choose a time that truly works for you. If days of juice fasting or deep cleansing are involved, schedule those days on days when you will be at home or at least not in a busy work mode.
7. Realize that the first few days can be the most difficult days, particularly when a cleanse involves fasting or withdrawal from addictive foods. People who are addicted to caffeine, for example, often experience two or three days of sometimes intense headaches at the beginning of a cleanse. Allow for this possibility, and allow yourself the time to reap the benefit of the enhanced well being and clarity which comes later in the cleanse.
8. Allow for gentle exercise. Breath movement exercises such as yoga, chi kung, tai chi or energization exercises can prevent energy stagnation.
9. Attend to your mental and emotional state. Make time for journaling, or other tools of self reflection. Rituals such as the fire ceremony can help you detox from limiting mental and emotional patterns.
10. Withdraw, if possible, from some of the pull of the outer world. Through breathwork and meditation, you can draw sustenance from the unlimited fount of energy that is within each one of us, that surrounds us, animates us, and is the source of all true healing.
* * *
Find out more about Dr. Connie's consulting services at: |
Detox Basics: Body, Mind and Spirit
* * *

Spring is just around the corner, and it can be a revitalizing time of new beginnings. It can represent so many things including rebirth, new life, growth, and purity. With growth and new beginnings, we often need to clear out the old to make space for the new. Hence, the spring cleaning that often happens during this time.
We often think of spring cleaning as clearing out unneeded physical things in our life, reorganizing, etc., but cleansing can be on many levels. Along with the normal spring cleaning of your physical environment and physical things, spring is also a great time for cleansing the body and mind. Our body has its own natural ways of cleansing and detoxification, and we can do basic things to support the body and the organs that are involved in this process.
The main organs for detoxification include the liver, kidneys, intestines, skin, and lungs, and here are some simple ways we can make their job easier:
1) Liver - The liver is the main organ that detoxifies the chemicals and pollutants we encounter. To support this organ, we can eat liver-supportive foods, such as cruciferous vegetables. These include broccoli, kale, collard greens, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, bok choy, napa cabbage, water cress, and arugula. They protect the liver, induce glutathione which allows the liver to detoxify, as well as protect against carcinogens that can cause cancer.
2) Kidneys - Part of the cleansing process is also through elimination. Making sure we are drinking at least half our body weight in ounces helps to dilute the toxins in our body as well as ensuring that we eliminate them adequately through urination.
3) Intestines - The other major part of elimination is through our gut. To get rid of waste products easily and to not reabsorb any toxins that are being dumped into our stool, it is important to make sure we are getting an adequate amount of fiber each day. Fiber will help to bind the toxins as well as make elimination easier overall. Ideally, we should be having a bowel movement after each meal, but we should be using the restroom at least once a day. Make sure you are getting at least 5-7 servings of vegetables and 2-3 servings of fruit a day for a good amount of fiber and nutrients. Remember, drinking enough water is definitely necessary in this elimination process as well!
4) Skin - The skin is another organ of elimination that we often forget about. Sweating (along with urination) can be another great way of getting rid of water-soluble toxins. Exercise can help to mobilize toxins from fat storages, and sweating can be another way for the body to remove them. Make sure you shower directly after exercising if possible to decrease the chances of reabsorbing the toxins on your skin back into the bloodstream as your sweat evaporates.
5) Lungs - Often unknown or also forgotten, the lungs are another organ that can help in detoxification. Deep, belly breaths can remove stale air and carbon dioxide, bring in oxygen, and aid in circulation to allow the detoxification processes to work better. They can also increase mental well-being and decrease stress and anxiety. Take 4-8 deep breaths a couple times throughout the day to help with detoxification and enhancing overall well-being.
Along with these simple tips, reducing exposure to environmental toxins and adding in a supplemental detox protocol will augment the natural detoxification process. More information about a general detox program can be found HERE.
For further questions or to try a detox program for enhanced detoxification, please contact us at (650) 917-1121.
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Dr. Corrine Wang volunteers at the Stanford Cancer Care Center on the Reiki Team for staff and for patients.
Dr. Corrine has packages for her craniosacral therapy/reiki sessions at a discounted price for 50 minute and 80 minute sessions. Check out her packages here.
For more information about Dr. Corrine, please visit her website: http://drcorrinewang.com/

To make an appointment with Dr. Corrine Wang or for a free 15 minute consultation, please call (650) 917-1121.
Spring Cleaning the Mind
* * *
Jane Hernandez, CCHT

Ah Spring, when our thoughts shift to renewal both of our homes and our bodies. What a wonderful time to clean out a closet, put in a new deck and get our bodies into good shape. But what about our minds? How about some renovation there? This is hard to do if we allow negative thinking to prevail. It is now well documented that our thoughts and emotions affect us at the cellular level, so how we think actually affects our health.
As we go through life we are programmed by what we are told and what we encounter. That information is recorded in the subconscious and becomes a part of the life script we follow. But what if we don't like those scripts? Can we use willpower and positive thinking to influence change? Many of us start out determined to apply positive thinking and willpower to losing weight, being more relaxed, self confident, looking for a new job, you name it. But it's rarely easy, no matter how hard we try. If we fail we may lose faith and give up.
But why do we fail? Well, the answer is not a mystery. Positive thinking is important for well-being, but we need more than that to gain control of our minds, overcoming programming that was put in there years before, probably in childhood. In the war of wills between the conscious and subconscious mind it is the latter which usually triumphs. So, how can we win?
Don't worry, there is good news.
The answer is to use hypnotherapy to work with the subconscious, talking to it and changing its mindset. We need to assert control over our subconscious. Do we want to change some bad habits? Hypnotherapy can reach the place where these ingrained habits reside and change the programming. In effect, we're overwriting the mind's hard drive.
Using hypnotherapy, we can go from thinking of ourselves as couch potatoes to people who genuinely enjoy physical activity and being in our bodies. Need help in the moment to resist a sugar craving attack? Well, EFT (Tapping) can help. It is always with us once we learn it, helping bolster our resistance and keeping us on track. These therapies communicate with our minds and bodies, continuing to send positive, healing information to the cells. Our perceptions can literally change our biology. We can free our health by freeing our minds.
If hypnotherapy and EFT is something you want to know more about, please call me for a free, 20 minute consultation. I'm very happy to talk about how these amazing techniques can help you.
* * *
Jane sees clients at both Pacific Naturopathic in Mountain View and at her private practice in Oakland. Sessions may also be conducted in English or Spanish, Skype, FaceTime and phone.
Schedule an appointment with Jane Hernandez, CCHT
Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist,
EFT (Tapping) and Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner
by phoning 510-676-1460,
or by email at jhernandezccht@gmail.com
Detoxifying Yoga
* * *
Nicole Noceto
As I finish up my third and final quarter of the Human Anatomy & Physiology series at Foothill College, the timing is perfect for me to write on this month's newsletter theme of detoxification. My class is currently focused on the immune and lymphatic systems of the body, both of which contribute to physiological detoxification.
Our body's innate ability to cleanse, purify, and eliminate wastes is truly amazing, particularly learning about these processes at the cellular level. The human body is so brilliantly designed to maintain homeostasis, each body system with its own significant role. It is our responsibility to take care of our own bodies, supporting our natural physiological abilities to continually seek balance and internal harmony!
Movement is a most effective way to stimulate our internal detoxification processes. Having just participated in a Yoga teacher training for Healing Chronic Pain and Illness, I was reminded of this invaluable realization. While people have been practicing yoga for thousands of years, modern technologies are just now starting to catch up in being able to 'prove' its undeniable benefits. There is a wealth of scientific evidence surrounding yoga and healing. In the following, I will be drawing upon research from Dr. Timothy McCall's book, Yoga as Medicine. Here is a gentle pose to stimulate your body's detoxifying systems:
LEGS-UP-THE-WALL -- To enter the pose, lie on your back and let a nearby wall support your legs, swinging them up (heels against the wall, legs straight). Once in position, make sure that your tailbone is anchored to the floor and your lower back is not rounded; you may have to move slightly away from the wall so that your lower back is comfortably supported by the floor. Keep your legs straight, but relaxed. Place your arms out to your sides, with palms turned up. Take long, slow breaths. Hold for 3-5 minutes. Slowly come out of the pose by sliding your feet down the wall, rolling on your side, and staying here for a few breaths before getting up.
Considered an inversion, this pose improves the return of venous blood to the heart. Unlike arteries, veins can't propel blood along; they depend on the movement of body regions to move blood back from the periphery to the center. Inverted poses stimulate venous blood from the legs and pelvis to flow back to the belly and heart (which doesn't have to work as hard). When the pose is released, blood flow to the legs and feet is re-generated with fresh oxygen and nutrients.
Legs-Up-the-Wall also increases lymphatic circulation.
This system of vessels circulates fluid throughout the body, essentially as a cleansing mechanism. The fluid that flows through lymphatic vessels is called lymph, rich in white blood cells called lymphocytes and other immune-system cells. The lymphatic system is a major player in fighting infection, killing harmful cells, and disposing toxic waste products before lymph gets returned to the bloodstream. Like veins, lymphatic vessels lack the muscles in their walls to propel fluid. When you come in and out of yoga postures, lymph flow improves, and with it lymphatic system function.
Green Detox Drink
A Tastebud Delight!
* * *
This vegetable detox drink is made up primarily of green vegetables, providing an effective natural body cleanse of the digestive system.
In her book "The Raw Food Detox Diet: The Five-Step Plan for Vibrant Health and Maximum Weight Loss," certified clinical nutritionist Natalia Rose discusses the importance of vegetables at length. For this detox drink, you will need:
Mix all ingredients with water and puree in a blender. Yum.
at Pacific Naturopathic
Measuring the temperature of the breasts
Thermography is noninvasive and offers therapeutically useful information
Breast thermography reports give a thermal risk rating number (a "TH" number) for each of the breasts. The TH number ranges from 1 to 5. A TH rating of 1 would be an extremely low risk rating and a 5 would be the highest risk rating. When the risk rating is extremely low or low, we generally advise a return for comparative thermal imaging in about a year.
When the rating is high or very high, or when there is a palpable area of concern on one of the breasts, we may refer a patient for anatomic imaging via mammogram, ultrasound, or MRI.
With an average risk rating, a TH 3, we understand that there is a process happening in one breast not mirrored in the other breast. The average risk rating may reflect inflammation, lymphatic congestion, or more serious concerns. With this rating, we generally advise a breast health protocol. Depending on the circumstance, we may decide to do a comparative thermography in six months. Or we may initiate a breast health protocol, with a comparative thermography in three months to determine whether the protocol is working or not.
Cleansing is one of the many breast health protocols which we might consider. Our cleansing protocol often includes an energy medicine called Itires (which is a spagyric lymphatic drainage remedy) in the context of a more comprehensive cleansing protocol involving lymphatic breast massage and dietary detoxification. We frequently see a TH3 rating revert to a low risk TH2 or even TH1 on retesting after a 3 month protocol.

The cost to you of breast thermography is $225.
Find out more about thermography at Pacific Naturopathic at:
Thermography at Pacific Naturopathic
Rapid Pain Relief With Elijah Free Elijah Free, MH, CMI, CMT 
Elijah Free's approach to helping his patients deal with physical pain has been described as bordering on miraculous. Elijah is also a Master Herbalist who designs and produces all of his own herbal products for his healing practice. He is an herbal product designer for Ridgecrest Herb Co. Elijah also holds a patent for his herbal fibromyalgia formula.
To contact Elijah, please either call the clinic at 650-917-1121 or e-mail at elijah@rapidpainelimination.com. To learn more about the healing work of Elijah Free, please go to his web sites: |
Pacific Naturopathic Hawaii
A Soft, Gentle Place to Cleanse
* * *
Openings Beginning in April
 | Far Infrared Sauna at Pacific Naturopathic Hawaii |
Is there a better place to do a detox than in Hawaii? Clean air, clean water and an abundance of fresh, organic vegetable and fruits provide a basis for a profoundly healing cleanse. Add to this the lovely natural environment with stress-busting shades of blue and green and magic occurs. If you time it right, Drs. Connie and Marcel may be on the property to help guide your cleanse. No reason to wait -- inqiure now about availability.
Buddha sits quietly in the beauty
and serenity of
Pacific Naturopathic Hawaii
* * *
Pacific Naturopathic in Hawaii is also always available for meditation retreats, health retreats, honeymoons, getaways or as a base for exploring the island.
Pacific Naturopathic's Hawaii Vacation Rental
Services Provided at
Pacific Naturopathic
It has occurred to us that we offer so many therapies and approaches to health that it would be good to list them in concise form.
For information, please contact us at 650-917-1121.
* Naturopathic Consultations For All Health Conditions
* Intravenous (I.V.) Nutrition Therapy
* Breast Thermography
* Rapid Pain Relief
* Tongue and Fingernail Analysis
* Craniosacral Therapy
* Adjunctive Cancer Therapy
* Bioidentical Hormone Therapy
* Men's Health
* Women's Health
* Vitamin B12 Shots
* Flower Essence Therapy
* LaStone Massage
* Earth Friend Herb Company Products
For the following services, please contact each individual provider:
* Transformational Medicine (Shanti Rubenstone, MD, 650-209-5813)
* Clinical Hypnotherapy, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Matrix Reimprinting (Jane Hernandez, CCHT, 510-676-1460)
Only $25
Pacific Naturopathic now offers Vitamin B12/folic acid injections
* Helps with fatigue, depression, brain fog, memory problems, numbness and tingling in hands and feet and many other conditions.
* 5 minute appointment necessary. Please phone 650-917-1121.
* Available to established patients only.
* Only natural methylcobalamin used.
Initial Visit:
follow-up visits $25
Receive a written analysis, photos and recommendations
Establish a baseline for future evaluation
New Offerings at
Pacific Naturopathic
In our ongoing efforts to serve our patients with the latest, most effective natural health approaches, we are delighted to share our excitement about or latest offerings with our readers...
Intravenous Nutritional Therapy
This is a major addition not only to our services, but to our ability to secure dramatic, positive results with safe, effective therapies.
Here's how it works. We will need to see a comprehensive blood test not older than three months. If you have a recent blood test, you will need to have one more lab test, a G6PD, to rule out a genetic condition that is a contraindication for IV therapy. If you do not have a recent comprehensive blood test, we can order it for you.
Next, you will need a short office visit before onset of treatments to determine if I.V. therapy is safe and appropriate for your needs. Your unique personal protocol will be discussed with Pacific Naturopathic doctors and you can start IV therapy the same day as the office visit.
We offer a comfortable, quiet, peaceful atmosphere where you may read, work on your computer, listen to music or watch movies (with earphones), or just sit back and relax or nap. There is minimal discomfort. You will be able to drive yourself to and from the appointment without any difficulty.
At first, we will only be able to accommodate a maximum of four people a day for treatments. If you feel you may be helped with I.V. therapy, or would like to just explore the possibilities please phone to reserve your space soon.
Click here for detailed information about IV nutritional therapy offered at Pacific Naturopathic.
We are delighted to have found a far infrared sauna at a price most of us can afford.
Dr. Connie enjoys the sauna between patients
We have long owned two far infrared saunas -- one at our home here in the Bay Area and one at our Hawaii retreat. They are both big, bulky wooden structures that dominate the space they are in.
We have reached an arrangement with the manufacturer to distribute a high tech, state of the art portable far infrared sauna for a very reasonable price -- just $995 plus tax. Shipping is free!
Like to try one before you invest? Easy...we have one in our office specifically for you to try out at no cost. Just give a call, 917-1121, to make sure the room is free.
There are many reasons why a sauna is one of the best investments you can make for your health. Click here to read about why we think this is a deal just too good to pass up.
Searching for a Meaningful Gift For a Friend or Loved One? Give the Gift of Health! Gift Certificates For All Practitioners and Services Available at Pacific Naturopathic

Looking for a conscious, meaningful, caring gift for a birthday or special occasion? A gift certificate to a Pacific Naturopathic practitioner lets a special person know you really care about their well-being. Gift certificates for all practitioners and modalities offered at Pacific Naturopathic are available by phoning our front desk at 650-917-1121, or just stopping by. |
A Little About us...
At Pacific Naturopathic, we offer evidence-based, integrated approaches to most acute and chronic health concerns. Bone health, breast health, men's health and prostate care, hormonal balance for both women and men, elimination of all types of bodily pain -- both mechanical and metabolic -- acute and chronic, autoimmunity, cancer, cardiovascular health, inflammation, digestion, pediatrics, and metabolic cleansing are particular areas of interest to our practitioners. To encourage patient participation, we offer both guided self-help protocols and comprehensive doctor assisted protocols. Our patients tell us they particularly appreciate our doctors, practitioners, and staff for our caring attitudes and commitment to service. Please phone 650-917-1121 for more information or to schedule an appointment.