Number 41, November 2012
Pacific Naturopathic Newsletter
2570 W. El Camino Real � Suite 111 � Mountain View, CA 94040 � (650) 917-1121   


Did you know.....?


Facts, trivia and speculation from our world




Time for some fun in our newsletter, with a bit of inspiration.  No, not all about humor, just a bit lighter in places than our 40 previous more medically oriented issues. 


In this issue, Dr. Connie offers a thoughtful musing on the difference between belief and knowledge and how the way we look at the world affects ability to heal ourselves.  She then has fun with food facts.  Dr. Marcel offers some "gee, I didn't know that" info on health and discusses how cardiovascular function may be gleaned from the condition of the nails.  Dr. Corrine takes us into the true heart of Thanksgiving and offers thoughts on how "an attitude of gratitude" translates into mental/emotional, spiritual and physical health.  


Looking for an extra special gift for a loved one?  Forget the super duper toaster oven or 120th pair of earrings and give the gift of health.  Gift certificates for visits with Pacific Naturopathic healers and thermography services are available by phoning our office (650-917-1121).  You don't have to make a trip to pick one up -- we'll mail them to you. 


Be Well!  


--Dr. Connie and Dr. Marcel


Searching for a Meaningful Gift For a Friend or Loved One?  
Give the Gift of Health! 

Gift Certificates For All Practitioners and Services Available at Pacific Naturopathic

passion flower

Looking for a conscious, meaningful, caring gift for a birthday or special occasion? 

A gift certificate to a Pacific Naturopathic practitioner lets a special person know you really care about their well-being. 



Gift certificates for all practitioners and modalities offered at Pacific Naturopathic are available by phoning our front desk at 650-917-1121, or just stopping by.


Pacific Naturopathic Gift Certificate
Dr. Connie Muses On Beliefs and Knowledge
Dr Connie: Fun Food Facts
Dr. Marcel on Fingernail and Heart Connections
Dr. Marcel Offers Little Known Facts About Health
Dr. Corrine: Gratitude
Fish Oil: Powerful and Safe
Kabocha Pie: Yum Yum
Rapid Pain Relief With Elijah Free
Breast Thermography: No Radiation Here!
Amazing Plants Grown At Our Hawaii Retreat
Two Types of Thermograpy Offered at Pacific Naturopathic
Transformational Stress Reduction Services Offered at Pacific Naturopathic
Quick Links
Join Our Mailing List
Classes and Events


Schedule an Appointment:
Pacific Naturopathic
2570 W. El Camino Real
Suite 111
Mountain View, CA 94040

The clinic is open M-F 9am-5pm.  The clinic is closed for lunch daily from 12:00 to 1:30 PM

Dr. Connie's Musings...
Connie Hammock
One of Dr. Connie's Favorite Places to Muse is at the
Pacific Naturopathic Retreat Center in Hawaii


Knowledge and Belief


"The opinion prevailed among advanced minds that it was time that belief should be replaced increasingly by knowledge; belief that did not itself rest on knowledge was superstition, and as such had to be opposed."  -- Albert Einstein


How do you know that what you think you know is truth is actually truth?  Much of our "knowledge" amounts to nothing more than individual and shared beliefs and misconceptions....whether we derive this knowledge from references such as textbooks or encyclopedias, from newspapers and news commentators, or from internet sources such as Wikipedia.


knowledge There is a line in a documentary of Carl Jung's life in which the interviewer asks Jung "Do you believe in God"?  His immediate answer was "I don't believe, I know." Jung's knowing came from the direct experience of that nonphysical, energetic reality that is the presence of God.


Belief can be proven or disproven. The truth is an absolute, unshakeable reality which can not be disproven. Because individual and medical understandings shift and evolve over time, we frequently realize that what we thought was truth was merely belief.  


It is not that belief is not powerful in both positive and negative ways.  Women who are not pregnant, but believe that they are pregnant may stop menstruating, grow a belly and start lactating in the mistaken belief that they are pregnant. In the 1950's, there was a procedure for heart patients called internal mammary ligation. The procedure worked just as well if a person had it done or if they simply believed that they had had it done.


Studies estimate that 80% of the effect of antidepressants derives from people's belief that they will work.  A similar thing could be said about antibiotics. Antibiotics are known to be ineffective against viruses and fungal infections. Many people, however, are so committed to the belief that they need them to get well, that they can cure their viral infections by taking the antibiotics.


The placebo effect is the biological impact of believing in a medical treatment.  Scientists have documented the many changes in the brain that occur when we believe we will be helped, as opposed to when we don't believe we will be helped. This has nothing to do with whether a medical treatment is rational, indicated, or proven efficacious in a given circumstance.


In the absence of divine revelation of absolute truths, our job as belief ttruth informed patients, and even more so as practitioners, is to sort through opposing opinions, contradictory studies, skewed advertising, and the general assault of information to get as close to the truth as we can. We then draw from what we consider to be reliable sources to construct the safest and most probably effective medical treatment plans.


We must realize that what we think of as medical fact, whether conventional or complementary, is both scientific knowledge and belief system at once. It is unwise to cling too tightly to what is simply thought to be true. It is wise to question cherished beliefs, and to maintain an open and inquiring mind. Your health and your life may depend on it.




Did You Know That....?


Fun Food Facts gathered from 

the Thanksgiving Issue of "VegNews" 


Connie Hernandez, N.D.

Shanti Rubenstone, MD


Low Fat Milk or Almond Milk?  One cup of Dean's Reduced Fat 2% Milk has 130 calories, 5 grams of fat, 20 mg of cholesterol and 12 grams of sugar. One cup of Almond Breeze Original Unsweetened Almond Milk has 40 calories, 3 grams of fat, 0 mg of cholesterol and 0 grams of sugars.  The cow's milk provides 30% of the RDA of calcium, whereas the almond milk provides 45%.


Efficient Use of Farm Land?  Sixty percent of the agricultural land on earth is used to raise lifestock. Lifestock supplies only two percent of the total calories consumed worldwide.


 Sacha Inchi
sacha inchi seed
Magical Seeds?  Sacha Vida is a newly developed source of Omegas 3, 6, and 9, an alternative to flax and hemp oils. The Sacha Inchi Oil is derived from edible seeds from a star shaped green Amazonian plant. The seeds are a source of digestible protein, and contain natural antioxidants and tryptophan as well.  See



no wonder it is called toothfish

Eating our Elders? Renamed for greater consumer appeal as Chilean seabass, the prized Patagonia Toothfish fillet cuts often are taken from mature fish up to 200 years old.


Is It the Fish Oil? There are fish that, in order to eat them, smash clams with rocks to remove their shells. In other words, the fish use tools.  


Most Wines are not Vegan!  Wines are not necessarily vegan, but rather may be processed with fish guts, shrimp, shells, eggs, dairy, or bovine tissue. Check for vegan sources of wine.


Find out more about Dr. Connie's consulting services at:  


 What Your Fingernails Reveal About Your Heart      


As most of our readers know by now, Dr. Connie and I have been studying the tongues and fingernails of many of our patients.  Our focus has been to develop tools that may predict future problems in body systems and express our findings in Western Medical terminology.  We have taken much of the material from 5000 years of Traditional Chinese Medicine and done countless hours of on-line research to this end.


One of the things we've discovered is how much your fingernails reveal about your cardiovascular system function.  As it turns out, there are a number of nail changes that can indicate cardiovascular diseases.


splinter hem Splinter hemorrhages, which are thin red or reddish brown lines under the nails, can be a sign of heart valve infection or vasculitis (source: Medline). Other conditions that may reflect in splinter hemorrhages include subacute bacterial endocarditis, SLE, rheumatoid arthritis, antiphospholipid syndrome, peptic ulcer disease, malignancies, oral contraceptive use, pregnancy and psoriasis. While they may look like splinters, they're actually lines of blood.


Congenital heart abnormalities can lead nail clubbing to clubbing of the nails (source: Medline). In clubbing, nails soften and appear to float above the nail bed, which has usually become wider and rounder than normal. Club nails are also seen when hemoglobin is deficient, as in iron deficiency anemia and hemochromatosis.


spoon nails Additional nail signs that can indicate cardiovascular problems are spoon nails (nails that look scooped away from the finger) and pale or blue-tinged nails [source: Mayo Clinic). Extreme curving or clubbing of the nails may also accompany lung disease in which oxygen exchange is compromised.


If you have any of these conditions, or other suspicious fingernail signs, it may indicate a present or future cardiovascular system condition. Your best bet is to make an appointment to come in for an evaluation and suggestions on how to reverse the condition.


To make an appointment for tongue and fingernail analysis, please phone Pacific Naturopathic at 650-917-1121.  The appointment is only 20 minutes long.


Probably More 

Than You Want To Know


 Food Quiz:  

1) What is the most common fruit eaten by Americans? 

2) Which food did Thomas Jefferson introduce to America?  

3) The juice of which fruit has been used for centuries as a fabric dye (hint: it's red)?  

4) Which veggie has the most beta carotene? 

5) Which fresh fruit was the first to bear a trademark? 

6) This vegetable is one of the oldest known to humans (hint: Lots grown in Castroville, CA)? 

(Answers at the very end of this newsletter.)


Toothbrush health: Seventy-five percent of us have some form of periodontal disease.  Many of us keep our toothbrushes on an open rack in the bathroom.  Not good.  A toothbrush is a bacteria sponge. Dentists recommend that a toothbrush be kept at least 6 feet away from a toilet to avoid airborne particles resulting from the flush. Better yet, purchase a covered steam storage cabinet that kills 99% of bacteria on toothbrushes.  Here's a site that gives useful information about this topic: Toothbrush sanitizer


What is dust?  For years I believed that dust came from outside the home.  I mean, just walk outside on a windy day and see all the particles in the air.  Or observe how the light coming through a window catches the dust particles in the air drifting down from above.  Wrong.  Most dust particles in your house are made from flaked off skin.  The average human body has 14 to 18 square feet of skin.  You are molting even as you read this.  The dry skin is the number one staple of the common, household dust mite that

dust mite
Common household dust mite

flourishes in the stable environment of your home.  Magnified, the dust mite looks like a terrifying sci-fi monster.  You DO have dust mites in your home, especially in your bed.  Do you have allergies to the dust mites?  Any combination of these symptoms merits investigation: hay fever, watering eyes, runny nose, sneezing, asthma, difficulty in breathing, infantile eczema, itchy, red or watery eyes, nasal congestion, itchy nose, roof of mouth or throat, postnasal drip, cough, facial pressure and pain, frequent awakening, swollen, blue-colored skin under your eyes, in a child, frequent upward rubbing of the nose (allergic salute).  This site gives great info on how to control dust mites: reduce my dust mites


Speaking of skin, let's chat about bacteria. The skin of your armpits is a veritable petri dish, hosting up to 516,000 bacteria per square inch! Drier areas like the forearm have only about 13,000 bacteria per square inch.  Not much we can do about this, that's just the way it is.  Don't worry. Most of these bacteria are not dangerous as long as they stay outside the body.  That's why puncture wounds always need to be treated with care to prevent infection.


And even more on skin:  Skin is the largest organ in the body.  On average, a woman's skin weighs 6.5 pounds, while a man's skin weighs in at nearly 12 pounds.  One square inch of skin contains 645 sweat glands, 645 feet of nerves, over a thousand nerve endings, 65 hair follicles 97 sebaceous oil glands and 19 feet of blood vessels.  On average, skin regenerates itself every 27 days. Regeneration is most intensive during night time hours (when the mites are feasting).  Dry skin is most pronounced during cold weather, when low humidity causes dry air to suck the moisture out of skin. 


Tongue trivia:  My recent forays into the field of tongue (and fingernail) analysis have turned up a few surprising facts.  Most people lose half of their taste buds by sixty years of age. Why?  One reason is as we age our body's absorptive capability decreases and there is a dearth of raw materials to manufacture new taste buds.  If you would like to find out about the ability of your own body to absorb nutrients, make an appointment to chat about our Micronutrient Testing Lab Services.  Other reasons why older people tend to lose taste buds is that chemical toxin accumulation in the tissues disrupts cellular regeneration and aging of all tissues occurs.  To this end, I strongly recommend contacting Dr. Corrine to discuss how a metabolic cleanse can help you look and feel more vibrant.  Contact the office at 650-917-1121 for an appointment.


Find out more about Dr. Marcel's work with men at:

For a Limited Time 
Initial Visit: 


Receive a written analysis, photos and recommendations


Establish a baseline for future evaluation
Offer Expires: December 31, 2012


With Thanksgiving and the holidays rapidly approaching, gratitude and counting my blessings has been in the forefront of my thoughts.


The word gratitude is derived from the Latin word gratia, which means grace, graciousness, or gratefulness (depending on the context). Gratitude is a thankful appreciation for what an individual receives and allows people to consciously focus on and acknowledge the goodness in their lives. 


Studies have shown that in cultivating an "attitude of gratitude," people have higher long-term satisfaction with life, kinder behavior toward others including romantic partners, sounder sleep, less anxiety and depression, and less health problems. 


Researchers at the University of Connecticut found that gratitude can have a protective effect against heart attacks. Patients who had already experienced one heart attack and saw benefits/gains from their heart attack (such as becoming more appreciative of life) experienced a lower risk of having another heart attack. In a study conducted by Robert A. Emmons of the University of California, Davis, and Michael E. McCullough of the University of Miami on gratitude journals, further benefits were seen from people recognizing and expressing their gratitude on paper.  In their study, people were instructed to keep a journal listing five things for which they felt grateful, like a friend's generosity, something they'd learned, or a sunset they'd enjoyed. This was done only once a week, but after two months, significant effects were reported. 


Compared with a control group that listed five things that affected them (no emphasis on positive or negative), the people keeping the gratitude journal were more optimistic, felt happier, and spent more time working out. Further benefits were seen in a study of polio survivors and other people with neuromuscular problems. The ones who kept a gratitude journal also reported feeling happier and more optimistic than those in a control group, and their spouses noted a difference as well. These grateful people also fell asleep more quickly at night, slept longer and woke up feeling more refreshed.


gratitude In the process of practicing gratitude, people also usually recognize that the source of the goodness lies at least partially outside themselves. As a result, gratitude helps people connect to something larger than themselves as individuals - whether to other people, nature, or a higher power - and can expand people's thoughts to a larger sphere as a whole. This can help people move past their limiting or narrowed ways of thinking by shifting their focus on self to a focus on others or community.  It can help to broaden their awareness as well as their feeling of interconnectedness and meaning in life.


Thus, Emmons says that those who practice grateful thinking "reap emotional, physical and interpersonal benefits," and that gratitude is a choice.  Regardless of our inherent or current level of gratitude, it is a quality we can continue to cultivate further that can help us feel better about our lives overall and keep us more optimistic about the future.


How do we keep a gratitude journal?


This is probably the most effective strategy for increasing your level of gratitude. Set aside time daily in the morning or at the end of the day to record several things that you are grateful for. (Typically, people list three to five.) Pick a time that you can stay consistent with. The important thing is to establish the daily practice of paying attention to gratitude-inspiring events and to write them down. In Emmons' words, the act of writing "allows you to see the meaning of events going on around you and create meaning in your own life." 


Start a gratitude journal today! 




Find out more about Dr. Corrine's 

detox and craniosacral packages 


This month's featured supplement... 


Did You Know About Fish Oil?
It is definitely not all the same...

You may have read that the AMA recently promoted a meta analysis concluding that Omega 3 supplementation offers no benefits in cardiovascular disease.  This came as quite a surprise to those who have reviewed the scores of studies from all sectors of research that have reached the opposite conclusion, and to those who have been helped with their cardiovascular health.


One rebuttal comes from The Council for Responsible Nutrition.  In addition to noting the research flaws in the study, The Council notes that there is extensive scientific evidence for the use of Omega 3 fatty acids, and reminds us that the World Health Organization, the American Heart Association, and the U.S. National Academies of Science all agree on the beneficial impact of taking Omega 3 supplements.


At Pacific Naturoapthic, we recommend fish oil for a multitude of concerns, from joint pain to dry eyes and dry skin to inflammatory bowel disease to depression.  A recent open trial provides evidence that 2 grams daily of omega 3 fatty acids, containing at least 400 to 500 mg of both EPA and DHA, can be effective in perimenopausal and postmenopausal women for treatment of major depression and for the reduction of hot flashes.


meta 500

One of our favorite fish oils is OmegaGenics EPA-DHA 500, made by Metagenics.  Metagenics is one of the finest supplement companies in the world.  OmegaGenics exceeds the quality criteria for the Council for Responsible Nutrition's Omega-3 Monograph, the industry's current voluntary standard for purity, and does extensive in-house and third-party testing. OmegaGenics is available in our office for established patients only.

Healthy Holiday Eats and Treats 
from the Pacific Naturopathic Team 
Vegan kabocha (Japanese pumpkin) pie recipe 
(for two pies) from chef Dr. Marcel 
pumpkin pie


1 large Japanese pumpkin (kabocha)

2 eggs

2/3 can coconut milk

1/2 cup melted coconut oil

2 tablespoons coconut cream

1 teaspoon cinnamon

2 tablespoons brown sugar

2 teaspoons vanilla




Cut kabocha pumpkin into chunks. Boil until soft. Let cool and remove skin.  Combine all ingredients. Mix and mash until smooth and lump free.  Divide mixture into two par-baked pie shells.

Bake at 375 degrees for one hour.  Easy as pie!



Rapid Pain Relief 

With Elijah Free


Elijah Free, MH, CMI, CMT  

Elijah Free

Elijah Free's approach to helping his patients deal with physical pain has been described as bordering on miraculous.  Elijah is also a Master Herbalist who designs and produces all of his own herbal products for his healing practice. He is an herbal product designer for Ridgecrest Herb Co. Elijah also holds a patent for his herbal fibromyalgia formula.  

To contact Elijah, please either call the clinic at 650-917-1121 or e-mail at


To learn more about the healing work of Elijah Free, please go to his web sites:
Breast Thermography 
at Pacific Naturopathic 
Non-Invasive,Radiation Free, Informative


Normal thermog photo
Thermography is noninvasive and offers therapeutically useful information



Within the conventional medical community, breast thermography is not considered to be a legitimate assessment tool. This is partially due to a mistaken medical belief system. Breast thermography is dismissed because the thermographic readings are said to not be a reliable diagnostic for breast cancer. The problem is that, whereas it is true that breast thermography is not a reliable diagnostic for breast cancer, it is not true that breast thermography is used to diagnose breast cancer. Neither breast mammograms nor breast thermograms can diagnosis breast cancer. The only current diagnostic for breast cancer is breast biopsy.


Breast thermography is used to track physiologic changes in the breasts. Thermography compares evolving differences in temperature and vascular distribution in a person's breasts over time. Physiologic change accompanies anatomic change, whether the change accompanies inflammation or tumor development. If you see new blood vessels developing, you know something is happening, though you may not be able to differentially diagnosis what it is that is happening. The same holds true when tissue becomes hotter over time. Something is happening.


Knowing that something is happening, we can opt for further diagnostics. We can also follow treatment protocols to reverse whatever it is that is happening and  we can assess whether the protocols are working. This makes breast thermography a legitimate and useful tool in the assessment of breast health.




The cost to you of breast thermography is $225.


Find out more about thermography at Pacific Naturopathic at:

Thermography at Pacific Naturopathic 



Did You Know About These Amazing Plants Grown at Pacific Naturopathic in Hawaii? 


Only a Few Open Periods Between December and March    


Click here for info on making a reservation  



retreat scenery
The view at Pacific Naturopathic's Hawaii Retreat Center


At Pacific Naturopathic Retreat Center, our guests are entertained by the myriad of tropical trees, fruits and vegetables, and herbs grown on the property. At least 40 species of fruit trees grow on the grounds of the retreat center, as well as an ever evolving supply of flowers, vegetables, and herbs.


olena flower
Olena flower

 Turmeric (Olena)

Curcumin, the active constituent of the turmeric root, is widely known for its anti-inflammatory and anti-carcinogenic properties. Used in India for centuries as a spice and a dye, its bright orange color is unmistakable when used in cooking.  It has also been proven effective in osteoarthritis, Alzheimer's, blood thinning, and various other serious medical conditions.  At Pacific Naturopathic Retreat Center, we harvest, clean, dry, and powder roots from our own gorgeous plants. We brew the powder, flavor the tea with coconut milk and raw organic honey, and sip on many an afternoon.


Neem Tree

Graceful neem trees


All parts of the Neem Tree have been used medicinally, particularly in Indian medicinal traditions. Known for its antiseptic qualities, Neem oil is a natural insecticide on plants and a decoction of the leaves taken internally is immune system enhancer, now being studied for its anti-cancer actions. We particularly enjoy Neem toothpastes, and use Neem twigs as tooth picks. Local garden stores sell Neem cake as fertilizer and the oil as a natural insecticide.


miracle fruit
Miracle fruit berries

Miracle Fruit

Miracle Fruit is a very unusual plant with most unusual properties. Although they have no strong flavor by themselves, the berries turn everything you eat after them sweeter and more delicious. Miracle Fruit contains a glycoprotein that suppresses the "sour" center in tastebuds, so immediately after eating one of these berries, a lemon will taste sweet and a grapefruit will need no sugar to taste sugary and delicious! 



Moringa leaves

Chock full of Vitamins A and  C, calcium, potassium, iron and rich in protein, Moringa is known as the Tree of Life or Mother's Best Friend.  In some developing countries, moringa has had amazing success in reversing failure to thrive in infants.  At PNRC, we dry and powder the leaves, and sprinkle over our food as a condiment. It has a mild, slightly peppery taste. At ECHO in Florida ( , we learned that the Moringa seeds can be ground and used to purify water supplies.



With Alaskan Airlines offering nonstop tickets from San Jose to Kona for as low as $149 each way, why not plan a trip? Rest, rejuvenate, and feed yourself at Pacific Naturopathic Retreat Center.  But make reservations soon as Pacific Naturopathic Retreat Center has been discovered and very few openings between now and March, 2013, remain.


Pacific Naturopathic in Hawaii is also always available for meditation retreats, honeymoons, getaways or as a base for exploring the island.


Pacific Naturopathic's Hawaii Vacation Rental 




Two Types of Thermography Offered at Pacific Naturopathic 



At Pacific Naturopathic, we offer two types of thermography, both of which address physiologic change in the body. Readers may be more familiar with Breast Thermography (see below), which helps us determine differences in vasculature and temperature between the breasts.


The other type of thermography offered at Pacific Naturopathic is called Contact Regulation Thermography (CRT). 


CRT: Safe and highly informative

Contact Regulation Thermography screens the body from head to pelvic floor, measuring the temperature at 119 points. The first measurements are taken with the body at rest. After a 10 minute cold challenge, temperatures are taken again to assess the body's response to stress.


Evaluation of temperatures can help determine points of inflammation in the meridian and musculoskeletal system, can pinpoint areas of lymphatic congestion, can detect hidden imbalance, and can track referred pain.


Your temperature measurements are evaluated in the context of a data bank of thousands of scans. You are provided with a comprehensive written report of findings, and given the opportunity to discuss the implication of those findings with Ardell, who has extensive training in CRT. Should the scan indicate a need to address an underlying imbalance, Ardell will recommend that you see your health care practitioner, or make an appointment with one of the doctors at Pacific Naturopathic.




The cost of a CRT is $275.  To schedule an appointment, please phone 650-917-1121.


Transformational, Stress Reducing, Feel Good Services Offered at
Pacific Naturopathic   

Reduce Inflammation and Stress:

La Stone Body Therapy with Ardell Hill


      la stone 

Reducing inflammation is a key to treating almost every condition, from Alzheimers to arthritis to cancer to cardiovascular disease. LaStone Therapy reduces inflammation through therapeutic placement of cool stones over areas of the body that are inflamed. The entire body is supported as the temperature differential enhances the flow of blood and lymph.


A LaStone therapy session begins with warming the entire body to soften chronically tight muscles.  Warming the muscle relaxes both the muscle and adjoining tissues and calms the nervous system.  Using the cool stones, where needed, stops the pain-spasm-pain cycle and brings in fresh oxygenated blood.


The use of warm and cool stones together helps the body remember how to regulate itself and stop patterns of inflammation.


LaStone therapist Ardell Hill approaches  LaStone Therapy sessions with a wide range of experience which she tailors to meet your individual needs. She draws from modalities including Swedish massage, Cranio-Sacral, Deep Tissue, Reflexology, Jin Shin Jyutsu and Reiki, all of which are enhanced with the use of warm and cool stones. 


To book a LaStone session with Ardell, please phone Pacific Naturopathic at 650-917-1121. 

Find out more about Ardell Hill 

Answers to Quiz 

1) Banana 2) Eggplant 3) Pomegranate 4) Carrots 5) Sunkist Orange 

6) Artichoke


Bonus question: One of the foods we've named, which most people serve as a vegetable, actually is botanically classified as a fruit. Which one is it?  (The eggplant belongs to the berry family.)
A Little About us...

 At Pacific Naturopathic, we offer evidence-based, integrated approaches to most acute and chronic health concerns. Bone health, breast health, men's health and prostate care, hormonal balance for both women and men, elimination of all types of bodily pain -- both mechanical and metabolic -- acute and chronic, autoimmunity, cancer, cardiovascular health, inflammation, digestion, pediatrics, and metabolic cleansing are particular areas of interest to our practitioners. To encourage patient participation, we offer both guided self-help protocols and comprehensive doctor assisted protocols.  Our patients tell us they particularly appreciate our doctors, practitioners, and staff for our caring attitudes and commitment to service. Please phone 650-917-1121 for more information or to schedule an appointment.

Shanti Rubenstone, MD