Boy Scouts of America, Sam Houston Area Council
Escouter Newsletter                                                    May 2015
In This Issue
Leader's News
Program News
Community Scout Events
Support Scouting
Order of the Arrow
Districts of the Sam Houston Area Council

Aldine Pathfinder





Big Cypress




David Crockett

Eagle Trail

Flaming Arrow

George Strake

Iron Horse


North Star





Soaring Eagle

Tall Timbers


Texas Skies

Thunder Wolf

Twin Bayou

W.L. Davis


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Scout Fair 2015 - "Scouting Around the World"
Thank you to all the Scouts and community groups that participated and attended the 2015 Scout Fair at NRG Arena.  

Our Weekly Drawing Winners won a family annual membership to the Houston Zoo for selling at least 15 Coupon Books.

Week 8 - Austin Davis
Pack 552 in Mustang District

Week 9 - Blaine Whaley
Troop 1316 in Thunder Wolf District

Week 10 - Dominic Manly
Pack 346 in Iron Horse District


Day Camp/Twilight Camp 2015

At camp, Cub Scouts will salute those heroes who help keep us safe and secure each and every day. Can only adults be heroes? Heroes are often ordinary kids who did something out of the ordinary! Sometimes a hero is obvious, the policeman who risks his life to protect us from violence or the fireman who pulls people out of burning buildings. Some people around us seem like regular people, but they are heroes because they used to be soldiers in the military and served our country to keep us free. Heroes are all around us. You never know when or where emergencies will arise. Scouting teaches us how to handle these situations. We don't expect to get hurt, and don't expect to need first aid, but we are prepared just in case. Do Your Best! One person can make a difference. One person who helps can change someone's world. Maybe one day the hero will be you or your Cub Scout. For more information about Day camp /Twilight camp click here

Tellepsen Scout Camp Dedication

On Saturday, April 11 a special ceremony was held to officially dedicate Tellepsen Scout Camp at Bovay Scout Ranch and the Bovay Heritage Room.  Many members of the community, as well as members of the Tellepsen and Bovay families, were on hand for the event.  After the ceremony, tours were made availiable for attendees to visit the different parts of the new camp.

 Leader's News


Friends of Scouting
The 2015 Friends of Scouting Campaign is underway! Annually we ask our current members and their families to help support Scouting through our Friends of Scouting campaign.  We believe every family in the Sam Houston Area Council should get an opportunity to hear the message of Scouting. Now is the time to reach out to those families not in attendance at your unit's Friends of Scouting presentation. Remember, each unit goal is to have 100 percent of the families participate. The Scouting program could not continue to strive without the generous support of these families. Contact your District Friends of Scouting Chair or district executive if you need more materials. Thank you for your continuing hard work in the Friends of Scouting campaign and for your support of Scouting.

Membership Recruitment 

As Spring Recruiting is coming to a close and Day/Resident Camps just around the corner, now is a great time to get new Tigers involved in your Pack's Scouting program! Kindergarteners can join your Pack officially on June 1st, but why wait until June to recruit them after their summer plans are already made? Getting in now to recruit tigers will help ensure that they are ready to go on June 1st when their application is officially processed. And, you can also sign them up for Day Camps! Many Day Camps allow the late fee to be waived for new Tigers who were recruited in May.
Just finished up a spring event? You can get a current roster from or from your District Executive and check to ensure all those participating in your events are registered. This is important for all youth earning advancements to receive their awards. If you would like more information or ideas please contact your District Executive and District Membership Team.
Have a great May! 


2015 Program Guide

At May roundtables, every unit will receive a copy of the council's Program Guide. Every unit should send at least one representative to roundtable. To help support your unit's annual planning process, information will be available on all the fun, exciting events that are planned for the upcoming year. 



Cub Scout Program Updates Training

Experience the new Cub Scout Adventure Program!!!
The Cub Scout program is changing! Come and learn all about the new exciting changes that will go into effect June 1, 2015! All den leaders, Cubmasters, parents, committee members, unit commissionors and anyone else invovled in Cub Scouts are invited to attend.
Saturday, May 30, 2015, 9:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Cockrell Scout Center , 2225 North Loop West, Houston, TX 77008 

For more information and to register click here.




Philmont Training Center
The Sam Houston Area Council would like to invite you to participate in one of the conferences offered at the Philmont Training Center in Cimarron, New Mexico, during the summer of 2015! 
Each conference features the latest tools and techniques, audiovisuals, discussions, idea sharing, and activities led by a faculty of experienced Scouters. All registered Scouters are invited to attend training center courses; Council approval is no longer required. 

While Scouters are involved in a conference, their spouses and family members are able to enjoy a range of activities led by the Philmont Training Center staff. Philmont's unique blend of Scouting, history, family activities, and the magic of the northern New Mexico mountains will make the conferences a memorable family experience.  For more information, click here.


Wood Badge Adult Leadership Course

Wood Badge is a six-day advanced leadership course offered at Bovay Scout Ranch three times in 2015. This training course is for Scout Leaders involved in all program levels- Cub Scouting, Boy Scouting, Varsity Scouting, and Venturing. Participants will learn techniques to become better leaders. Click here for more information.

SHAC 15-2 September 18-20, 2015 and October 16-18, 2015 (Friday to Sunday course)
SHAC 15-3 October 29-31, 2015 and November 19-21, 2015 (Thursday - Saturday course)

Wood Badge Spanish Language Course
Monday, June 22, 2015, 7:00 a.m. to Saturday, June 27, 2015, 5:00 p.m.  
Mays Family Scout Ranch, San Antonio, TX 78264
Wood Badge es el principal curso de formaci�n del Movimiento Scout proporcionar una formaci�n en profundidad en las habilidades de liderazgo y din�micas de grupo. Est� dise�ado para satisfacer las necesidades de todos los Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Varsity Scouts y Venturers, as� como los l�deres del Consejo y del Distrito y los Scouts profesionales. Este ser� uno de los primeros cursos de Wood Badge que se realizar� en la lengua espa�ola y est� abierto a voluntarios biling�es en todo el pa�s.
Este curso Wood Badge est� abierto todos los l�deres adultos en cualquier programa Scouting en todo Estados Unidos. Este es un curso nacional , no un curso Alamo Area Council. El �nico requisito es que un Scouter debe haber completado toda la formaci�n necesaria para la posici�n en la que actualmente registrado antes del inicio del curso Wood Badge.
For more information, contact Benno Dunn, (281) 413-9912 or email
To register, please click here.

National Youth Leader Training
National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) is an exciting, action-packed program designed to provide youth members with leadership skills and experiences they can use in their home troops and in other situations demanding leadership of self and others. Registration for the summer course at Bovay Scout Ranch is now open. The NYLT course centers around the concepts of what a leader must BE, what he/she must KNOW, and what he/she must DO. The key elements are then taught with a clear focus on HOW TO. For more information about NYLT click here.

NYLT Summer 2015 course dates:
15-1 & 15-2: June 7-12, 2015. Limited spots availiable
15-3 & 15-4: June 14-19, 2015.

Trainers EDGE, Saturday, May 16 2015
The Trainer's EDGE course provides and helps develop the platform skills of a trainer. Trainer's EDGE is part of a continuous process of updating trainers with the latest training methods, principles, and technologies available. Only practice can polish these skills, but this course trains-the-trainer on behaviors and resources while offering hands-on experiences in methods and media. Most of the sessions demonstrate good training methods, but also give participants a chance to interact and actually practice what they have learned.
This conference is for any Scouter who will be delivering training to adult leaders as well as to the young people in Scouting. All trainers, including Pack trainers, District and Roundtable instructors, NYLT and Wood Badge staffers should participate in Trainer's EDGE. To register, please click here.

New Eagle Scout Reception, Sunday, May 17, 2015
New Eagles will not want to miss a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be recognized by two accomplished Eagle Scouts: Distinguished Eagle Scout Award Recipient Glenn Adams and Eagle Scout Michael Garfield.  
Glenn Adams, who will be the guest speaker of the event, is the creator and founder of the Glenn A. and Melinda W. Adams National Eagle Scout Service Project of the Year Award. Adams has also been honored with the BSA National Alumnus of the Year Award. 
Eagle Scout Michael Garfield, radio personality and celebrity spokesperson also known as the "High-Tech Texan," will be the emcee for the program. Eagle Scout pictures will also be offered at the New Eagle Scout Reception. The 2014 Eagle Class is named in Honor of Stan C. Stanley. The Outstanding Eagle Scout Award will also be presented to: James Robert Bartlett, Douglas A. Gaither, Charles T. Harbin III, Victor H. Koosh, Martin L. Mayo, Ronald K. Thomas and Harry M. Thomson, Jr. There is the opportunity to purchase keepsake photos.  For more information please click here.  To RSVP please click here.

Eagle Scout Association

The Eagle Scout Association (ESA-SHAC) has several upcoming meet ups, breakfasts, and alumni events. To find information about the next event click hereIf you would like to receive more information on the ESA-SHAC please email and also sign up to receive the free newsletter here.

Eagle Trail/Bayshore District Merge Underway 
The merge between Eagle Trail District and Bayshore District is taking place soon. The merger requires a nominating committee come together to choose new district officers for the new district. A new name for the district is also in discussion. The nominating committee has been selected and the following are members: Bob Roy - Chairman, Paul Covell, Dan Slaven, Paul Dunphey and Robin Riley. A business meeting will be held May 14, 2015. Voting members and others are invited to attend the meeting. If there are any questions, please contact

Add STEM To Your Troop Meetings
There's one surefire way to keep your Boy Scouts coming back week after week: Make your troop meetings as fun as possible. Look for ways to bring new, innovative STEM activities to supplement your Scouting program and bring excitement to your meetings.  Give your Scouts pipe foam and duct tape so they can create an insane miniature roller coaster. Watch as they craft catapults out of sticks and rubber bands to fling marshmallows at other patrols. Let them build robots! The Scouts will have a blast, and you'll love knowing they're learning about STEM - science, technology, engineering and math - in the process. Click here for more information about STEM.  To learn more about what STEM looks like in you Troop meetings click here.

A Scout is Helpful!

It is always important to remind our Scouts to keep up with their service to the community. This is one of the main cornerstones of the Scouting program. Cub Scouts are required to complete service for several rank advancements and Boy Scouts are required to participate in service projects for Second Class, Star, and Life.  Many packs, troops, and crews encourage all Scouts to participate in service projects whether they need the hours or not.

If you are looking for a spring service project, your chartered organization is a great source. A service project is a nice way for the unit to give back to the organization. Have your leadership check with your chartered organization regularly to see if a spring-cleaning project your Scouts. With the heavy rains and flooding our area, find out if any groups need assistance with clean-up.. Local food pantries and thrift stores are also always looking for help. Scouts can sort and stock items usually at any time of the year.

Logging in your service hours is quick and easy. All service projects, conservation projects, Eagle projects, and other service counts! Click here for: Service Hours Website To locate your Unit ID, click here


Take Care of Texas Award

Texans have a special connection to the great outdoors. From the peaceful inlets of Goose Island State Park to the rugged canyons of Big Bend Ranch, the Lone Star State has a vast array of wonders to experience. As Texans and Scouts, it is our job to preserve these abundant gifts for this generation and for all those who follow. We believe in personal responsibility and service to others. We have combined those core values with innovation, dedication, and old-fashioned hard work to ensure that the air we breathe and the water we drink are clean. It is with that spirit that we protect our state's public health and natural resources.
The Take Care of Texas Award recognizes Boy Scouts who are doing their part to conserve water and energy, keep our air and water clean, and reduce waste. The Award shows a commitment to both learning and educating others on how we can keep our state great.Please click here for more information.

Youth Protection Training
Youth Protection Training every two years is a requirement for all leaders to be registered with the BSA. The classroom version (per Texas law) is required within the past 2 years for all adults participating in a long-term camping experience in the State of Texas. (This includes day camp scheduled over consecutive days, Cub Scout/Webelos Scout resident camp, summer camp, and winter camp.) Adults must complete the test with a score of 70% or higher to be considered trained and will receive a training card. A copy of each test will be on file for two years. Classroom Facilitated Youth Protection Training will be available in districts leading up to summer camp and day camp. You may also check websites of neighboring districts and click here for more information.


Tour Plans

Don't forget to turn in your tour plans for your unit's events.  For guidelines and other information regarding Tour Plans please click here.

You do not need a tour plan for Council sponsored activities or camping at Council camps.

Certification Required

If your unit is planning to host an event that requires certification (Shooting, Boating, Swimming, Climbing, etc.) you must provide certification information on your TOUR PLAN and present a copy of the certification to the Ranger / Campmaster before beginning the activity. For more information please click here.

Campmaster Program 

Do you consider the "OUT" in ScOUTing to be an important part of the BSA program? Have you enjoyed weekend camping at any of the Sam Houston Area Council camps? Would you be willing to help others get the same enjoyable experience? Can you commit just two weekends per year to helping others? If so, then the new SHAC Campmaster Corps is the place for you!  

Teams are now being formed for Camp Brosig, McNair Cub Adventure Camp and Tellepsen Scout Camp at Bovay Scout Ranch.  For more information click here.

2015 SHAC Cub Scout Rangemaster Training
Saturday, May 9, 2015 BB Guns/Archery Training 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., at Cockrell Scout Center, Cost $5
If you are planning to supervise a range at Cub Scout Day Camp that features archery, BB guns, wrist rockets, slingshots, catapults, or rockets, the BSA requires all Cub Scout shooting sports to be supervised by a BSA certified Rangemaster. Rangemaster training includes range safety, setting up a range, handling the equipment, how to use a bow stringer, BSA policies on Cub Scout Shooting Sports, how to properly maintain and store equipment and how to properly instruct Scouts on shooting. BB Gun Rangemaster Training is instructed by NRA certified/NCS SHAC Cub Scout Shooting Sports Instructor. Archery Rangemaster Training is instructed by USAA Archery certified/NCS SHAC Cub Scout Shooting Sports Instructors. For more information regarding rangemaster training, please click here.  For more training dates, click  here.
Enterprise Risk Management
Are you a Scout Leader that needs to take a First Aid Class? Do You Want to Become
a First Aid Instructor? Help deliver First Aid Classes to others in your Unit, District and Council. The Sam Houston Area Council Enterprise Risk Management Committee (ERM) will be holding First Aid Classes and Wilderness First Aid Training with ERM Committee.  For more information click here.
For updates regarding Enterprise Risk Management please click on the following links:
BSA prohibiting the use of some 15 passenger vans
Videos for use:

For suggestions and comments please contact and

   Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Venturing, Exploring

McNair Cub Adventure Camp at Bovay Scout Ranch

You are invited to explore and enjoy all the wonder and beauty of the east Texas rolling hills and lakes at McNair Cub Adventure Camp at Bovay Scout Ranch. McNair Cub Adventure Camp has a variety of camping opportunities for everyone from Cub Scouts to Boy Scout Troops and Venture Crews. McNair Cub Adventure Camp has year round camping program opportunities for all levels of Cub Scouts including Weekend Adventure Camps and the new Webelos Coyote Trail Xtreme Adventure Camp. McNair Cub Adventure Camp has a great swimming pool and an air conditioned dining hall (closed on Weekend Camping dates). The Trading Post will be open on some Weekend Camping dates. 

Click here to see the BOVAY Video

Please reserve your attendance now for Spring 2015 dates at McNair Cub Adventure Camp at Bovay Scout Ranch

McNair Cub Adventure Camp at Bovay Scout Ranch is an overnight, full program camp for all family members. Tigers, Wolves, Bears and Webelos and their families will enjoy an exciting variety of activities at several program areas that is subject to change and food service in the camp's air conditioned dining hall (The kitchen offers a Vegetarian and Turkey patty supplement as requested). All the program activities are open every session during Cub Resident Camp. A staff member in each area will provide program supplies and support the parents who will be invited to assist in leading the activities. Pack, Dens, and individual families may register. For more information click here.

Weekend Camping at McNair Cub Adventure Camp at Bovay Scout Ranch

Troops, Teams, Crews, Packs, or Webelos Dens can enjoy the amazing beauty of McNair Cub Adventure Camp's rolling hills, trails and vast open spaces. Clean campsites, restrooms and showers are available; units design their own program activities and provide their own meals during this type of weekend camping. Units that plan to schedule Shooting Sports Activities need to read the new Shooting Sport Manual and complete a Tour Activity Plan. For more information click here.
The Trading Post will be open on some Weekend Camping dates.

McNair Cub Adventure Camp Summer Resident Camp 
McNair Cub Adventure Camp Summer Resident Camp online registration is NOW OPEN!!!  All new chartered Cub Scout Packs in the Sam Houston Area Council receive 25% discount when they sign up to attend the 2015 McNair Cub Adventure Camp Summer Resident Camp. For more information click here or contact Geno Aguilar (713-756-3304) 

Tellepsen Scout Camp
Tellepsen Scout Camp is located at Bovay Scout Ranch. Tellepsen Scout Camp has eight campsites that accommodate 48 individuals per site. Each campsite has a 30'x40' pavilion. One shower and restroom facility is available for every two campsites. It is the home of the council's largest rifle range and a 41-foot climbing tower. The rifle range consists of four 50-yard high-powered rifle stations, four 100-yard high-powered rifle stations, a five stand shotgun range, 8 shooting stations for .22 rifles and pistols and an archery range. The climbing tower has four rappelling stations of 11 feet, 22 feet, 32 feet and 41 feet. For more information and registration, please click here.

Camp Staff at Bovay Scout Ranch 
Bovay Scout Ranch is looking for Seasonal Camp Staff to work Adventure Camps weekends and Cub Resident Camp. Bovay Scout Ranch has a great working environment. Summer Camp Staff jobs consists of working closely with youth and parents at different program areas. Bovay Scout Ranch will furnish food and lodging for all staff members. Camp staff is for youth ages 15 and older. For more information contact Geno Aguilar at 713-756-3304 or

Camp Brosig Weekend Camping
Camp Brosig is a 92 acre property located 6 miles north of Sealy, TX and is available to all registered units for weekend camping year round. With 20 campsites, a large covered pavilion and meeting room available for your use, it is the ideal place to hold your next event. Kitchen facilities are available for an additional fee. The camp was made possible through a bequest from Alva Brosig in 1981 and was dedicated on April 17, 1982. For more information and registration click here


El Rancho Cima Summer Camp

You will not want to miss what we have planned for this year's summer camp.  We are busy updating our program and merit badges list.  We will continue to make improvements to our program and facilities. Merit Badge Sign-up will open at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, April 1st. To register for camp, please click here.  To see the 2015 El Rancho Cima Leader's Guide click here. Click below to see the new El Rancho Cima Video.


OA Camp Promo Video: El Rancho Cima
OA Camp Promo Video: El Rancho Cima

Two specialty weeks planned for the 2015 summer camp at El Rancho Cima
Boots and Saddles: PARDNER are you ready for the "ride" of your life? The horses at El Rancho Cima are ready for you to saddle up!  There are only 15 spaces available per week. This is a perfect opportunity to get some "real" horse sense with qualified cowboys. You will work with the horse, overnight trail rides, rodeo, swim and qualify for Horsemanship, Animal Science and Veterinarian Merit Badge. Cost is only $300.00. Week 5 and 6 at Walter Scout Camp at Horseshoe Bend.  To register click here.

Trail to Eagle: Designed for those Scouts that need to work on Eagle required merit badges.  Trail to Eagle will be offered Week 5 and Week 6 at Walter Scout Camp at Horseshoe Bend.  Cost is $285.00.  Visit here for more information.

Rough Riders at Hamman High Adventure Base

Experience the Sam Houston Area Council High Adventure Program, designed for older Scouts and Venturers.  This will be the week you talk about for the rest of your life!  Experience the longest zip line in Texas, the Council's only COPE course, blacksmithing, backcountry camping, black powder shooting, paintball and a special menu fit for a king.  NO ADULT PARTICIPATION IS NEEDED as our staff covers the two-deep leadership policy of the BSA.  Hamman High Adventure Base was voted the best HIGH ADVENTURE PROGRAM by both youth and adults.  To secure your reservation for 2015 summer, please click here.

El Rancho Cima Weekend Programs

Want to camp at El Rancho Cima in the spring?  Well, now you can. Take advantage of the cooler weather and visit a "different" El Rancho Cima. Experience horseback rides, canoeing, the shooting ranges and on some weekends the ZIP LINES. For more information click here or contact Tami Kinn at 713-756-3309.

SHAC Corps

SHAC (Scouts Helping At Camp) Corps is an opportunity for troops and crews to give back to camp in the form of a day of service. The Order of the Arrow is leading this opportunity, but this service project is open to all Boy Scouts and Venturers. Campers only need to bring their personal camping gear. The camp will be providing food and a special council shoulder patch that will only be available to those who provide service. Service projects will include creating new campsites and clearing new programs areas for activities. Letters will be given to youth who need school service hours. Units or individual Arrowmen (OA members) may register for this free event. SHAC Corps is being held during the weekends of May 15-17 at Camp Brosig and May 29-31 at El Rancho Cima. For more information, click here. 


El Rancho Cima Horse Committee

Do you have a passion for horses? We are looking for you! If you are interested in serving on the Horse Committee, please contact Brett Lee at 713-756-3306 or


Winter Camp

Be a part of the first winter camp at Bovay Scout Ranch. Registration is open. Space is very limited and will fill up extremely fast. Get your reservation in today. For more information, click here

The Summit Bechtel Reserve

The Summit Bechtel Reserve is the newest addition to the High Adventure bases within the BSA. With activities ranging from a broad coverage of C.O.P.E., biking, skateboarding, rock climbing, and zip-lining, to more focused programs such as The River (canoeing and kayaking) or The Marksman (archery and shooting), The Summit has something for everyone.  For more information please click here.

Sea Scout Base - Galveston  

Looking for an on-the-water "High Adventure" experience at one of the nation's premier state-of-the-art facilities? Then look no further, than Sea Scout Base - Galveston (SSBG), located on the nation's third coast in Galveston, Texas!!!
2 great High Adventure experiences are lined up for the summer of 2015 that only require a crew of 6 participants 13 years of age or older, traditionally made up of 4 youth & 2 adults. 
-The Galveston Nautical Adventure offers the perfect mix of small boat sailing, kayaking, big boat sailing and crew-to-crew competition.
-The SCUBA Certification Adventure offers the chance for a crew to pick up their PADI Open Water Certification, which serves as a great first step toward other diving experiences in the future for your unit!
Plus if you know any Cub Scouts/Webelos out there hoping to dive into some fun, The Cub Scout Splash Weekend offers a truly unique adventure for them as well!!!

Meals on Wheel Hurricane Supplies
Scouts are invited to volunteer with Interfaith Ministries during hurricane season to help deliver hurricane supplies to over 4,000 homebound seniors throughout Harris County. Meals on Wheels can create delivery routes in your neighborhood around your unit's meeting place. This project will take approximately 2-3 hours.  Meals on Wheels Hurrican Supply project is available during the month of June and can be done on the unit's time. For more information please contact Interfaith Ministries at (713) 533-4948.

2015 Minute Maid Grand Slam for Youth Baseball Scholarship Application 
The 2015 Minute Maid Grand Slam for Youth Baseball Scholarship is available to any youth that is a high school senior and has been accepted into college, technical school, art institute, junior college, or 4-year university. for more information please visit Deadline for application is Thursday, May 7th.

American Cultures Merit Badge Workshop
Saturday, May 9 from Noon - 2:00 p.m.
Come to the Asia Society Texas Center, 1370 Southmore Boulevard, Houston 77004, where you can earn requirement for the American Cultures Merit Badge! The workshop will focus on how immigrant groups contributed cultural traits to the United States of America. The topics will include arts, languages, religious traditions and social customs from Asia and Europe. The day will end with a guided tour of The Other Side: Chinese and Mexican Immigration to America and a project based on ancestry and heritage.
Cost: $10 per scout, adult chaperones and scout leaders free of charge
For more information, contact: Paul Pass at or 713-496-9915
Scout Days, Scout Nights
Scout Day and Parade at Minute Maid Park with the Houston Astros 
Sunday, June 14 and Sunday, September 6
Join the Houston Astros celebrate Scout Day at Minute Maid Park. Arrive early to participate in a pregame parade and stay late for a post game run around the bases! To order tickets click here, password: Scout. For orders of 20 or more and to save on service charges contact Brent Broussard at (713) 259-8316.  The first 2000 Scouts will receive a Scout Day Patch. To receive a patch orders must be made through link or as part of a Scout group through this offer. For more information contact Brent Broussard at (713) 259-8316 or

STEM opportunities
At All-Earth Ecobot Challenge
Saturday May 16, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. NRG Center, Hall E
Scouts are invited to observe the All-Earth Ecobot Challenge for free. This event will have hundreds of Ecobot teams of 5th- 8th grade students compete using robots and computer technology to simulate a variety of scientific challenges. 
For more information please visit website for more information.  Or email for more information.

Buffalo Soldier Scout Days
Sunday, June 14, Sunday, September 20, Sunday, November 15
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
The Buffalo Soldiers Museum has an exciting opportunity for Scouts on several days.  The Museum has offered to include guided tours and the opportunity to review advancement requirements for the Heritages Belt Loop and American Cultures Merit Badge. The Scout Days also include re-enactments of Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad. The cost is $3 for Scouts and $5 for adults. For more information and to purchase tickets Call (713) 942-8920. This program was conceived by the African American Committee on Scouting. 

Houston Museum of Natural Science
2015 Summer Scout Academy
The Houston Museum of Natural Science Summer Scout Academy will offer 28 different merit badges- including 4 Eagle rank required merit badges, and 5 Webelos Activity Badges during weeklong summer scout classes at HMNS!
Each class meets from 9:30 AM - 2:30 PM, Monday through Friday at the Houston Museum of Natural Science. Cost is $195 members / $225 non-members. (Classes with extended field trips are $215/$245.) Early drop-off and late pick-up is available.  Classes are designed to fulfill 100% of the requirements outlined by Boy Scouts of America for merit badges and Webelos activity badges. Merit Badge classes are taught by counselors registered with BSA.  For more information please click here.

Support Scouting      

19th Annual Sporting Clays Tournament
The 19th Annual Sporting Clays Tournament, sponsored by Schlumberger, was held on Thursday, April 30, 2015. The new location, Westside Sporting Grounds in Katy, served as a wonderful venue for the event. Participation in the tournament supports traditional Scouting, Learning for Life in-school programs, Exploring and outreach programs for at-risk youth.
Early bird prize drawing were sponsored by Leyh, Payne & Mallia, PLLC. 

5th Annual Corporate Dodgeball Tournament
Sponsored by Anadarko Petroleum & Noble Energy
On Saturday, June 6, 2015 up to 60 teams will vie for the 5th Annual Dodgeball Championship at Competitive Edge Sports, in Spring, TX. Teams will square off against each other, throwing, blocking, catching, running and dodging their way through the games as they vie for the roar of the crowd, a chance at glory and the Patches O'Houllihan Championship Cup. Teams consist of 10 players (6 on court with up to 4 alternates; age 18 or over; no special co-ed requirements).

Special thanks to the following major sponsors -
Title Sponsor - Anadarko Petroleum
Lunch Sponsor - Noble Energy
Ball Sponsors - Grant Thornton, Savage, Schlumberger

The tournament is open to all businesses, clubs and civic groups. Teams are encouraged to wear uniforms! The tournament promises to be an exciting day of fun, fast-paced action and team-building. Rise to the challenge and live on in the annals of Dodgeball lore!
Register a team by clicking here. Registrations will be accepted until May 30.

Family Limited Partnerships
A family limited partnership (FLP) is usually created by a husband and wife. It has several purposes. An FLP can save estate taxes and permit transfers to family members. Read More

Fixed Income for Retirement
After working for decades as a pediatrician in a small rural town, Patricia was ready to retire. Read More

Wills and Trust Seminar May or May 12
Join the Sam Houston Area Council for one of our free seminars on the importance of a will or trust and what it can mean to you. Whether you are married, single, widowed, or divorced, you need a will. Without a will, your estate will not be distributed to those family members and organizations that you care about. The state follows unalterable laws that will not consider your wishes and desires unless you have this important document. For the past three decades, 70% - 80% of Americans pass without having a will.

The speakers will be Michael C. Riddle or Karen Akiens, well known and board certified estate planning attorney and Scouting volunteers. Sandwiches will be provided.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015 from 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Tulane University near the Galleria
1700 West Loop South Freeway, 9th Floor
Houston, TX

Tuesday, May 12, 2015 from 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Salem Lutheran Church
22601 Lutheran Church Rd
Tomball, TX

For more information and to register please click here.

It's a Match Gift!
Many corporations match employee contributions made to the Boy Scouts - these gifts are known as "Matching Gifts." Additionally, some companies will make contributions on behalf of volunteer time given to Scouting. Click here for more information.  Please contact Devin Koehler at or 713-756-3321 for additional support.


Do You Work With ExxonMobil?

ExxonMobil Foundation allows districts and sub-districts in the Council to establish accounts.  If you are employed by Exxon Mobil and would like to apply for VIP grants please contact Devin Koehler at or 713-756-3321 on how to proceed.  Volunteer grants help districts achieve their Friends of Scouting goal. 


Send a Memorial or Tribute

Are you looking for a unique way to recognize those close to you? Give a Memorial ("in memory of") or Tribute ("in honor of") so that those extraordinary individuals in your life will be acknowledged. Click here for more information. 


Order of the Arrow
The Order of the Arrow is the Scouting National Honor Society.  For 99 years, the Order of the Arrow (OA) has recognized Scouts and Scouters who best exemplify the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives. This recognition provides encouragement for others to live these ideals as well. Arrowmen are known for maintaining camping traditions and spirit, promoting year-round and long-term resident camping, developing leaders, and providing cheerful service to others. OA service, activities, adventures, and training for youth and adults are models of quality leadership development and programming that enrich, support, and help to extend Scouting to America's youth. For more information, contact your OA chapter.

Arrowman Service Award
Registered Order of the Arrow members in good standing with the BSA, SHAC and Colonneh Lodge will be able to commemorate our organization's centennial by working to complete the Arrowman Service Award. This award, which some are referring to as "the sash patch," will be recognized as one of the few patches that have ever been approved by the national Order of the Arrow committee to be worn on an OA sash. The purpose of the Arrowman Service Award (ASA) is to encourage Arrowmen to recommit themselves to the ideals of the Order, increase their level of service to their local unit and council, and participate in the 100th anniversary celebration of the OA. The award will have three categories of criteria with various requirements that Arrowmen can complete. These include components on personal growth, service to Scouting, and participation in the centennial celebration.  For an application, click  here.

Service Opportunities
New Eagle Scout Reception: Arrowmen are needed to help assist this event with set-up, parking and manning the lodge booth. Volunteers are needed on Sunday, May 17, 2015 at the Crowne Plaza from noon until 4:00 pm. Sign up here.

Boy Scouts who were elected into the Order of the Arrow (OA) by their troop must complete an Ordeal within one year, in order to become a member of Colonneh Lodge. If a candidate does not attend an Ordeal within one-year, then the candidate has to be re-elected by their unit. There are seven Ordeal opportunities in 2015. A candidate can only complete his Ordeal in Colonneh Lodge. For more information, click here.

Golden Ticket
The Golden Ticket is as a pass for Arrowmen to lodge events and unlimited ordeal staffing. For one low price of $137 receive $200 of event registration value plus a limited quantity Golden Ticket patch. Lodge events include with your Golden Ticket: 2015 Arrowman Bash, 2015 Fall Pow Wow, Staff all 2015 Ordeals, 2016 Lodge Leadership Development Conference, 2016 Lodge Banquet. The Golden Ticket Patch will be available for pick up at 2015 Arrowman Bash trading post. Purchase your Golden Ticket today! For more information, click here.

ArrowTour is coming to Section Conclave on the weekend of July 17-19, 2015 at Texas State University. ArrowTour is one of three programs that comprise a year-long celebration of the Order of the Arrow's centennial anniversary. In the summer of 2015, four delegations of youth Arrowmen will travel to council camps and Scouting events to bring our national centennial experience to Scouts, Arrowmen, and communities throughout the country. ArrowTour will provide opportunities to reflect, connect, and discover the Order's Centuries of Service, both past and future. Youth leaders from around the country are already hard at work building the ArrowTour program. The program has been designed for all Scouts, OA members and non-members alike. Whether a first year camper or a seasoned volunteer, the ArrowTour program will offer something for everyone. For more information click here.


Pay Your Dues Online

Colonneh Lodge dues are renewed annually.  An active member in Colonneh Lodge is someone who is a currently registered Scout or Scouter in the Sam Houston Area Council with current dues paid. With active membership, you are entitled to attend all functions of the lodge appropriate for your honor level. It also entitles you to wear your OA flap. Technically, if you don't pay your dues, you are not a member, and the flap should be removed from your uniform.  For more information please click here