Boy Scouts of America, Sam Houston Area Council
Escouter Newsletter                                       September 2014      
In This Issue
Leaders News
Program News
Community Scout Events
Support Scouting
Order of the Arrow

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Summer Scout Academy for Boy Scouts at HMNS...week long classes. see flyer
all Scout classes

CPAs, ATTORNEYS, CFPs, & CFREs.  The Sam Houston Area Council is conducting a CPE and CLE Course for credit hours titled, "Get More Bang From Your Buck."  The complimentary course will be held on September 18, 2014 from 9:00 a.m. until 3:30 p.m.  more  

Earn Your Segment Patches for

Celebrating A Century of Service

Four major events will highlight the celebration of the 100th birthday of the Sam Houston Area Council.



Celebrate this milestone by purchasing your limited edition 100th Anniversary CSPs ($7.50) and Activity Patches ($1.00) as we continue to fulfill our Scout promise. (The additional four segments of the Activity Patch will be provided following each event.) Don't miss your chance to own these keepsakes that will be cherished for a lifetime.

to purchase yours today! You can also stop by the following locations to purchase: Cockrell Scout Center and Stafford, Clear Lake and 1960/Champions Scout Shops.

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New Tellepsen Scout Camp to Open in 2015
As a part of the Council's commitment to achieve its new Camping Vision Statement: "Exemplary, Sustainable Outdoor Experiences and Creative Learning for 21st Century Youth and Their Leaders," a new camp for Scout troops and Venturing crews designed for weekend camping will open in the first quarter 2015. This new camp is located at the Bovay Scout Ranch and is named Tellepsen Scout Camp.

The Tellepsen family has provided leadership to the Sam Houston Area Council for decades and has had three generations of Tellepsen family members involved in Scouting. Howard T. Tellepsen, Jr. and his son, Trent Tellepsen, both serve on the Council's Board of Directors and are the Co-Vice Chairs of the Tellepsen Scout Camp Design and Development Committee. Howard Tellepsen, Jr., a Distinguished Eagle Scout, served as the Council Chairman of the Board in 1999 and his father, Howard Tellepsen, Sr., served as the Council Chairman of the Board in 1952-1953.

Tellepsen Scout Camp will have eight campsites that accommodate at least 48 individuals per site. Each campsite will have a 30'x40' pavilion. One shower and restroom facility will be available for every two campsites. It will have the Council's largest rifle range and a 43 foot climbing tower. The rifle range will consist of three 50 yard high-powered rifle stations, three 100 yard high-powered rifle stations, a five stand shotgun range, 16 shooting stations for .22 rifles and pistols and an archery range. The climbing tower will have four rappelling stations of 11 feet, 22 feet, 33 feet and 43 feet.
The Tellepsen Scout Camp will cost approximately $5,500,000 to complete and is being funded by donors contributing to the Council's new Leaders of Tomorrow Major Gifts Campaign, which has the purpose of providing funds for endowment, for camp improvements to achieve the new Council Camping Vision Statement, and to assist the Council in achieving its goal of growing membership and having that membership reflect the diversity of our community.

Reservations for the Tellepsen Scout Camp to be taken beginning in October 2014. The camp officially opens for camping in March 2015.

Celebrate 100 years of Service...

Community Service / Land Stewardship Day: November 15, 2014

Do A Good Turn Daily. A Scout is Helpful.

For over 100 years Scouts from the Sam Houston Area Council have built upon these principles and followed the tradition of serving others. Let's continue this tradition as we celebrate our Council's Century of Service!

Community Service Day is an opportunity for Scouts from throughout our Council to participate in a service project to benefit their local community. All Scout units are encouraged to serve in this effort which will make a lasting impact in our communities. To commemorate this milestone, we will log-in more than 100,000 hours of service across the 16 1/2 counties we serve!

Service projects may include food drives, conservation projects, clothing, book & school supply drives, projects at schools or churches, Eagle Scout projects, and projects at parks, just to name a few. Select your project and make plans to participate. Make sure your unit has identified a Unit Service Coordinator, and then identify your unit's service project. Please click here for your Day of Service leader packet with important details of the necessary timeline and key responsibilities.  To register your unit for the Community Service day, please click here.


Sam Houston Area Council Centennial Gala

The Sam Houston Area Council will celebrate 100 years of service to the Greater Houston communities at the Council's Centennial Gala scheduled for Thursday, October 16, 2014 at the Hilton Americas-Houston. Dr. Robert M. Gates, Eagle Scout and National President of the Boy Scouts of America, is the keynote speaker.
For more information and to purchase tickets please click here or call 713-756-3314.

Be On The Radio in Support of SHAC

As part of the 100th anniversary of SHAC, we are highlighting Council Scouts and leaders by featuring them in a series of radio commercials airing on News 92 radio, from now through November.   If you would like to participate in the program and hear yourself, along with other Scouts and Scouters who make Scouting great in Houston, click here for more information.

SHAC Seeks Your Photographic Memories of Scouting

The Council is producing a coffee table book in celebration of the 100th anniversary of SHAC, and we need your help.   We are searching for photographs for this keepsake book within these categories:
  • Historical scenes of Scouting from the past 100 years
  • Multi-generations of Scouting families
  • Interesting community service programs
  • High Adventure Scouting experiences
To include your historical memories in the book, please email with a digital copy (high resolution scan is best) of the photograph, along with descriptions of the people, the activity, the year and place. 

Longest Tenured Scout Family
The Sam Houston Area Council is looking for the family with the longest link to Scouting.  Please send family photos of Scouting activities, that date back as far as possible to  Please include date and names of family members.
 Leader's News

Popcorn Sale Starts Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Sell POPCORN!!! It's simple... it's fun... it's profitable! Scouts earn Reward Bonuses as they reach different levels and have the opportunity to earn many other prize incentives. Packs and Troops earn 30% base commission.  Pay for your entire Scouting program and encourage your Scouts to learn life lessons by "earning their own way." The Scout Award Program motivates Scouts with incentives such as: The $600 Club, $1,800 Club & the Trails-End College Scholarship Program. Sell online or sell to family, neighbors and friends during the take order sale starting Wednesday, October 1, 2014. All sales are combined and count toward the Scout Reward/Prize program. Sales materials & training are provided at one of 5 different Council Popcorn Kick-off locations. Choose which session best suits your schedule! Limited seating/Two people per unit please! Dinner, Training & FREE Leader's Tools. All seesions start promptly at 7:00 p.m. Reserve your seat for training kick-off when signing up to sell. All units MUST register in order to sell popcorn. Please direct popcorn inquiries to See important dates on the popcorn page!

Membership Recruitment

The fall recruitment season is in fullswing! In this exciting time of year, packs across the Council, State and Nation welcome new families into the Scouting program for the adventure of a lifetime.

With all the new tools and materials distributed at your district's Fall Recruitment Training, your unit should be set to reach new Scouts and their families and get them on board with Scouting! Check out all the new 2014 materials here, where you can download the 2014 recruiting materials and find even more resources for your pack, troop, team, crew or ship. Also, don't forget to get your unit's rally information and flyer order to your District Executive as quickly as possible. If you need help please don't hesitate to contact your district's membership team or District Executive. Good luck & happy recruiting!!! 


Cub Scout, Boy Scout and Venturing Program Updates
The next three years promise to be exciting for Scouting as all three of our traditional programs will be updated, based on several years of volunteer-led research and development.
Venturing will shift in 2014 with a totally new program and recognition approach focusing on progressive development in adventure, leadership, service to others and personal growth. Check here for the Program Change Overview planned through 2016.

2014 Recipients for Silver Beaver Award 

Join us for the Silver Beaver Awards Reception on Tuesday, October 28 at 7:00 p.m. The reception will be held at Chapelwood United Methodist Church, 11140 Greenbay, Houston, TX 77024.  The Silver Beaver Award is the highest form of recognition that a local Council can bestow on a volunteer for distinguished service.. More than 1,500 adult leaders in our Council have been recognized in this manner.  In addition to family, friends and Scouters, all past Silver Beaver recipients are invited to attend and congratulate this wonderful group. Refreshments will be served, following the ceremony.  To see the list of 2014 Silver Beaver Award recipients click here.

Basic Leader Training Requirement

Through the implementation of required training for leaders, Councils all over the nation have experienced an increase in youth retention, camp attendance, advancement, and overall membership.  

These results show how much training affects the health of your Pack, Troop, Crew, Ship,Team or Post. The goal of the Sam Houston Area Council is training for all unit leaders. For the upcoming re-charter in December, 2014, make sure all top unit leaders are trained.  Top leaders are Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Advisors, Skippers, and Coaches. For information on what is required to be a trained leader, click here.  To visit the SHAC training schedule click here.


Wood Badge Leader's Course

Wood Badge is the ultimate leadership training program for the adult leaders of the Boy Scouts of America! It is a six-day advanced leadership course for Scout Leaders involved in all program levels: Cub Scouting, Boy Scouting, Varsity Scouting, and Venturing.
Don't miss this opportunity to attend one of the final two courses to be held at Camp Strake in Conroe! Be a part of history and make lifelong memories and friends while attending this training session held at the historic Camp Strake Conference Center and Kuester Lodge at Camp Strake.
The training sessions are held over two separate weekends participants will learn techniques to become better leaders.

The dates for our fall Wood Badge courses are: 


SHAC 14-3 - September 26-28 & October 24-26, 2014 (Fri.-Sun. Course)
SHAC 14-4 - October 16-18 & November 13-15, 2014 (Thurs.-Sat. Course)

Registration is now open for both courses. For more information and to register, click here.


Wood Badge SHAC 14-2  

SHAC 14-2 was a recent Wood Badge course that was conducted by the Sam Houston Area Council. The six day course for adult leaders which enables them to hone their leadership skills for the youth of our Council was held July 28 to August 2 at Camp Strake. The course had a great staff of 20 and 45 awesome participants. 

As part of the course the staff and participants adopted HISD's Frank Black Middle School. The project was to create school supply bags for some of the students. The group put together 40 sets of supplies for students, gave cases of supplies to the teachers to hand out, created a care package of almost $500 of supplies for the science department, funded a writing project and gave $1,000 to the PTO for additional supplies and assistance to students in purchasing uniforms. The group of staff and participants went to Black Elementary School to make the presentation to their staff and teachers. 

The theme of the course was Growing a Legacy of Leadership Together. It was a course of Heart Connections and realizing that together we make a difference and can do more. 


Campmaster Corps Training - Tuesday, September 9

Do you consider the "OUT" in ScOUTing to be an important part of the BSA program? Have you enjoyed weekend camping at any of our SHAC camps? Would you be willing to help others get the same enjoyable experience? Can you commit just 2 weekends per year to helping others? Then the new SHAC Campmaster Corps is the place for you! The Campmaster Corps is a group of selected, trained, and registered Scouters who serve at council weekend camps whenever units are using any part of the camp property. Campmasters are selected on the basis of their ability in several areas: outdoor skills, specialized knowledge of nature and conservation, and leadership skills. All Campmasters must have a record of demonstrated ability to get along with people, to lead, and to act in an emergency. Join our Campmaster Corps training on Tuesday, September 9 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Cockrell Scout Center.

Visit here for more information & to register for training. 


Advancement Academy, Saturday, September 27

The Sam Houston Area Council will be holding the second annual Advancement Academy on Saturday, September 27 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Cockrell Scout Center. Every unit's advancement chair is highly encouraged to attend the Advancement Academy to learn all about the recent updates and changes regarding Scout Advancement. Cost is $5.00 and Lunch will be available for a small fee. Your personal copy of the 2014 Guide to Advancement will be available for purchase at a special price. Click here to register. 


BSA Leave No Trace Trainer Course

Are you and your Scouts following proper Leave No Trace principles? Be sure to join us on October 10-12, 2014 at Camp Strake in Conroe, TX for the next Leave No Trace Trainer Course. This training prepares individuals age 14 and older to serve as LNT trainers. Individuals planning trips to National High Adventure Bases, Camp Staff members, Unit Leaders and those in District or Council training positions are urged to attend. Click here for more information and to register. 


Service Opportunity to Volunteer: Fun with Son


The Sam Houston Area Council is actively recruiting volunteers from each district to help us deliver this Cub Scout camping experience on October 17-18 or October 18-19. 
This event is not only fun and exciting, but is also very rewarding for all who help serve our newly-recruited Cub Scouts and their families. 

Scouts and Scout Leaders from Troops, Crews, Teams and Ships throughout the Council are encouraged to help with this annual event. Click here for more information or email


Save the Date...Cub Scout Leader Pow Wow - Saturday, November 8, 2014 
Experience a day of fun, learning the tools and resources to help your Cub Scouts have the BEST Scout Program possible! Pow Wow is a training convention that takes place in a festive atmosphere designed for pack leaders.  Cubmasters are encouraged to take all Cub Scout leaders to this learning extravaganza. Come out to learn new things, share ideas and see what the other packs are doing. We will be offering over 100 sessions to choose from! Cub Scout Leader Pow Wow will be held at Davis High School, 12525 Ella Blvd., Houston, TX 77067 on Saturday, November 8 from 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.  For more information click here.


National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) 

National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) is an exciting, action-packed program designed for Councils to provide to youth members.  Leadership skills and experiences can be used in home troops and other situations that demand leadership of self and others. NYLT is being held from December 26 - December 31 at Bovay Scout Ranch in Navasota, TX. Through activities, presentations, challenges, discussions, and audio-visual support, NYLT participants will be engaged in a unified approach to leadership that will increase their skills and confidence. Registration is now open. This course fills up very quickly.  Click here for more information. 


Recording Service Hours

Has your unit served in a project to benefit others this year? 
Did you participate in Scouting for Food, or in another project already in 2014? Chances are, the answer to this question is yes. Every unit does service whether they realize it or not. Many of the awards and advancements boys can earn have service built into them from the Wolf and Bear ranks all the way up to Life and Eagle. If your unit has performed a service project, please enter that service into the Journey to Excellence tracker. It is important for all units to track their service, so as a Scouting movement, we can report our positive impact. Check these instructions how to enter your hours.
STEM -Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics 
STEM is part of an initiative the Boy Scouts of America has developed to encourage the natural curiosity of youth members and their sense of wonder about these fields through existing programs. From archery to welding, Scouts can't help but enjoy the wide range of STEM-related activities. Nova Awards Program provides youth recognition for their efforts.
Counselors and mentors help bring this engaging, contemporary and fun program to life for Scouts. We are currently seeking those that are experts, enthusiasts and hobbyists in these fields to supplement our Scouting programs and help create and support STEM programs for the upcoming 2015 Scouting year. If you would like to share your expertise and join the SHAC STEM committee, please email Michelle Phillips at or click here for more information.

CubCast and ScoutCast  
Have you listened to the award-winning CubCast lately? How about ScoutCast? These are monthly audio podcasts featuring a variety of how-to and information topics for leaders and parents. They are designed to supplement your training and roundtable programs. You can listen to them on-line, download it to share, and/or subscribe to it via RSS feed. Archives of past editions are available too!
Check here and choose CubCast or ScoutCast, and give them a listen!

Sam Houston Area Council Conservation Award
The Sam Houston Area Council Conservation Award is intended to encourage adult Scouters to become actively involved in teaching Scouts and other adult Scouters the value of natural systems and wise resource management techniques and practices through fun activities and service projects. The emphasis should be on education and demonstrated by setting an example. The award is earned by self monitoring, similar to the training awards, and involves completing requirements in three areas: tenure, training and service. Progress cards with the requirements are available through the Council Conservation Committee

Religious Emblems Coordinator
With the recent release of the unit religious emblems coordinator patch, the Religious Emblems Coordinator program is now in place. When properly implemented, the program not only leads to an increase in the number of religious emblems earned and provides another opportunity to affirm "duty to God" in Scouting but also serves as a tool for unit retention and growth. BSA research indicates that Scouts working on their religious emblems remain in Scouting longer. Additionally, relationships are strengthened with the chartering organizations, more than 70 percent of which are faith-based, and doors areopened to the starting of new units.
For more information contact Zeke Zetelski or click here.

Youth Protection Training
Youth Protection Training every two years is a requirement for all leaders to be registered with the BSA. The classroom version (per Texas law) is required within the past 2 years for all adults participating in a long-term camping experience in the State of Texas. (This includes day camp scheduled over consecutive days, Cub Scout/Webelos Scout resident camp, summer camp, and winter camp.) Adults must complete the test with a score of 70% or higher to be considered trained and will receive a training card. A copy of each test will be on file for two years. Classroom Facilitated Youth Protection Training will be available in districts leading up to summer camp and day camp. You may also check websites of neighboring districts and click here for more information.



Tour Plans

Don't forget to turn in your tour plans for your unit's events.  For guidelines and other information regarding Tour Plans please click here.

You do not need a tour plan for Council sponsored activities or camping at Council camps.



Certification Required

If your unit is planning to host an event that requires certification (Shooting, Boating, Swimming, Climbing, etc.) you must provide certification information on your TOUR PLAN and present a copy of the certification to the Ranger / Campmaster before beginning the activity. For more information please click here.


Enterprise Risk Management

As an aid in the continuing effort to protect participants in Scouting 
activities, the Health and Safety Team of the BSA National Council has developed the "Sweet Sixteen" of BSA safety procedures for physical activity. These 16 points, which embody good judgment and common sense, are applicable to all activities and can be found here.
Also, click here for the Emergency Preparedness tips of the month.

37th Annual Sam Houston Area Council First Aid Meet
Please make plans to attend the Sam Houston Area Council First Aid Meet on Saturday, February 14, 2015. The First Aid Meet is an event that challenges Scouts' abilities to perform first aid in simulated real- life situations.  Boy Scout patrols compete in practical first aid problems, displaying hands-on skills from the Boy Scout Handbook, First Aid merit badge pamphlet and current American Red Cross guidelines. The Brazos District Health and Safety Committee will also be conducting American Red Cross classes for First Aid and CPR Training.  Location TBD.
   Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Venturing, Exploring
Fun with Son "Super Scouts Academy" October 17-19, 2014 

Fun with Son is an overnight campout for newly registered Tiger, Wolf, Bear, and Webelos Scouts and their parent/guardian at either Camp Strake in Conroe or Bovay Scout Ranch near Navasota from October 17-19, 2014. Scouts will enjoy BB guns, archery, slingshots, crafts, sports, games, campfire, and more. Admission includes two meals (dinner & breakfast) For more information and to register click here


Bovay Scout Ranch

You are invited to explore and enjoy all the wonder and beauty of the East Texas rolling hills and lakes at Bovay Scout Ranch. Bovay Scout Ranch has a variety of camping opportunities for everyone from Cub Scouts to Boy Scout Troops and Venture Crews. Bovay Scout Ranch has year-round camping program opportunities for all levels of Cub Scouts including Weekend Adventure Camps and the New Webelos Coyote Trail Xtreme Adventure Program.  Bovay Scout Ranch also has a great swimming pool and an air-conditioned dining hall.   BOVAY Video

Adventure Camp at Bovay Scout Ranch 

Scouts and their family members will enjoy an exciting variety of activities in one area of camp plus the water park (September only and weather permitting).  Staff will provide program supplies and will lead the activities. Packs, Dens and individual families may register. For more information click here.


Weekend Camping at Bovay Scout Ranch

Troops, Teams, Crews, Packs or Webelos Dens design their own weekend campout program and meals.   Campsites, restrooms and showers will be available; Bovay program activities and dining hall will not be open. The trading post will be open for most weekend camping. For available dates and registration click here.

Webelos Coyote Trail Extreme Camp (CTX) 

CTX is a specialty adventure weekend camp program for Webelos who wish to work on Arrow of Light requirements while trekking across the Scout Ranch to exciting Outpost program areas. During CTX, Webelos will work on more advanced Webelos requirements and be introduced to the patrol method giving them unique experience in the importance of team work and other skills they will need on their first Boy Scout camp out such as cooking, fire building, knots basic lashings, and more.  


Last Winter Camp in Conroe, Register Now

This will be the last event at Camp Strake in Conroe. Registation is open today.  Space is very limited and will fill up extremely fast.  This is also your last chance to receive the camping segment of the 100th Anniversary patch.  Get your reservation in today.  For more information click here.   


El Rancho Cima Weekend Programs

Want to camp at El Rancho Cima in the fall?  Well, now you can. Take advantage of the cooler weather and visit a "different" El Rancho Cima. Experience horseback rides, canoeing, the shooting ranges and on some weekends the ZIP LINES. For more information click here or contact Tami Kinn at 713-756-3309.  


Rough Riders at Hamman High Adventure Base

Experience the Sam Houston Area Council High Adventure Program, designed for older Scouts and Venturers.  This will be the week you talk about for the rest of your life!  Experience the longest zip line in Texas, the Council's only COPE course, blacksmithing, backcountry camping, black powder shooting, paintball and a special menu fit for a king.  NO ADULT PARTICIPATION IS NEEDED as our staff covers the two-deep leadership policy of the BSA.  Hamman High Adventure Base was voted the best HIGH ADVENTURE PROGRAM by both youth and adults.  To secure your reservation for 2015 summer, please click here.


Sam Houston Area Council Conservation Award
The Conservation Award intended to encourage youth to learn about resource stewardship issues and in a small way contribute to a solution. The award is also intended to encourage Scouts to consider working toward a Hornaday Badge and/or Medal because the award involves completing a Hornaday qualifying conservation project. For more information regarding Hornaday awards please click here.

The Sam Houston Area Council Conservation Award is similar to an Eagle project except there is more emphasis on research and understanding the resource stewardship issue and accepted practices. Properly designing, executing and documenting an Eagle project can satisfy the requirement for the award as well as one of the Hornaday project requirements.

The award consists of a patch and a segment related to the type of project completed. The youth will receive a segment for each additional project completed that is related to the project type.

Merit Badge Opportunities

September is Boy Scout Month at Bass Pro Shop, Fishing and Rifle

The Bass Pro Shops in nearby Katy and Pearland locations will be hosting Fishing and Rifle Merit Badge opportunities throughout the month of September. To make your reservation for the Katy location, call 281-644-2200; for Pearland, call 713-770-5100. 

Geology at Houston Gem, Jewelry, Mineral, & Fossil Show

On November 8 and 9 at the Houston Gem, Jewelry, Mineral & Fossil Show at Humble Civic Center, 8233 Will Clayton Parkway, Humble, TX will host sessions to meet requirements for:

  •         Webelos Geologist pin
  •         Partial requirements for Boy Scouts Geology Merit Badge
Classes last about 2-3 hours; allow extra time for visiting the show. Program consists of 8 stations, many with different options for various badge types. Instruction includes presentations, activities, and access to materials and experts at show. Saturday sessions will be every hour, from 10am-4pm, Sunday sessions will be every hour from 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Admission tickets available at the door: $7 adults, $6 students with ID, children under 12 free. Scout badge program free with show admission. RSVP required- first come, first served (limited to 50 Scouts per session). RESERVATIONS TAKEN ONLY BY E-MAIL at Please include: Date/time, Pack/Troop number, the number and level of Scouts attending, contact person's name, e-mail and phone number. All reservations will be confirmed by reply email.

Athletics Merit Badge and the Battle of the Piney Woods
Special offer of discounted price of $20 for Boy Scouts to attend the Battle of the Piney Wood classic game with Stephen F. Austin vs. Sam Houston State on November 1. Scouts will be able to participate in the pre-game Athletics Merit Badge out on the Houston Texans field, will also meet former Houston Texan JJ Moses and receive authentic patch per Scout. Contact Cameron Walker at 832-667-2103 or to secure your seats today!

23rd World Scout Jamboree - Kirara-hama, Yamaguchi, Japan (July 28-August 8, 2015)

Eligible participants must be registered with the Boy Scouts of America as a Boy Scout or Venturer and have been born between July 27, 1997 and July 28, 2001. These age ranges are set by the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) and are not negotiable. For more information including Staff, Registration and Payment, click here

Scout Days, Scout Nights
Astros Scout Day
Sunday, September 21, 2014

Houston Astros vs. Seattle Mariners
Minute Maid Park, Houston, TX
1:10 p.m.


Tickets $10 and up. The first 2,000 Scouts will be mailed a Scout Day Patch with this offer. For groups of 20 or more or questions contact: 
Brent Broussard 713-259-8316 or email
For less than 20 tickets go to:    Password: scout 
See flyer for more information

Scout Day with the Houston Dynamo

Sunday, October 12, 2014
Houston Dynamo vs. DC United 

BBVA Compass Stadium
2:00 p.m. 

Discounted tickets of $22 are available to all Scouts groups of 10 or more and see your unit number on the Video Board.  For information about purchasing group tickets for your Unit, contact: 

Andrew Jimenez at (713) 276-7521 or email


Schlitterbahn, Saturday, 
October 25, 2014
Event Admission is $17.00 + tax per person, all ages. SAVE $11
All Cub Scouts receive an opportunity to participate in requirements for the Swimming Loop and Pin, with all-day park admission and a FREE Schlitterbahn Scout Day Patch. The advancment circuit runs from 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. for Cub Scouts. The park is open to the public 10:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.  Click here for more information. 
Support Scouting      
Sam Houston Golf Classic, Thursday, October 9
The 38th Annual Golf Classic will be held on three courses at Kingwood Country Club on Thursday, October 9th.  A new all-day VIP PGA Golf Clinic & Pro-Am will be conducted at the Forest Course. The Island and March courses will host our traditional afternoon golf tournament. Prizes will be awarded for the top 3 foursomes on each course, as well as for the closest to the pin and longest drive.Click here for more information on the tournament. Help support our Scouting Programs and treat your employees or clients to a special day of golf!


Endowment Stewardship Report  

For the Sam Houston Area Council, the momentum of endowment growth has made a lasting impact on Scouting programs. With our investment and spending policies in place, your investments in Scouting are supporting essential programs with over $1,368,132 annually. The positive change created is unending. The Endowment Stewardship Report summarizes the Council's overall investment balance and performance through June 30, 2014.
In 2014, our goal is to raise an additional $1,000,000 in endowment gifts leveraging the Cockrell Foundation Matching Gift Program. Thanks to the generosity of The Cockrell Foundation, individual gifts from $500 to a lifetime cumulative maximum of $25,000 will be matched dollar for dollar. To take advantage of this program now until December 15th, 2014, here.

Cockrell Foundation Matching Gift Program - YOU ARE IMPACTING LIVES
For the fourth year in a row, 481 donors like you have leveraged The Cockrell Foundation Matching Gift Program to reach new heights resulting in cumulative gifts of $2,699,614 in 2013 for the Endowment benefiting the Sam Houston Area Council. Since 2010 the Endowment has received $6,502,571 in new gifts. Through their generosity, these Scouters have shown an unwavering belief in the power of philanthropy in transforming lives of Scouts.
Through our governance, investment oversight, and program impact, we strive to give you many reasons to be proud of the accomplishments your generosity have made possible. Your legacy will continue for decades to come. Join the IMPACT my learning more or making your gift to Endowment online here


Who Was James E. West?
Dr. James E. West was appointed to the position of Chief Scout Executive in 1910 by the founding leadership of Scouting in America. West worked with Sir Robert Baden-Powell, Daniel Carter Beard, Ernest T. Seton, and many interested community leaders to give direction to the infant program of Boy Scouts of America. On January 2, 1911, West and others formed theNational Council, B.S.A. During that year the Scout Oath, Law, badges and fundamental policies were established. Under his leadership over the next 33 years, Scouting grew and matured into the program we recognize and enjoy today. "Scouting today is the lengthened shadow of more than three decades of the farseeing and dedicated leadership of Dr. James E. West."  Jimmy's Story  


Estate Planning - Gift Annuity for Real Estate

Jonathan purchased a home many years ago for $80,000. The home has appreciated substantially over the years and is now worth $420,000. Read More.

19th Annual Sporting Clays Tournament

The 19th Annual Sporting Clays Tournament will be held at Westside Sporting Grounds, in Katy, on Thursday, April 30, 2015. Proceeds from this event go to support Scouting programs for at-risk youth. 
This very popular event will host up to 100 4-man teams. Each shooter will shoot 100 targets. Lunch, dinner, and an auction will be provided. 
Sign up before March 1st to be entered into the Early Bird Drawing. Each member of the team who wins the Early Bird Drawing will receive a new shotgun! The Early Bird Prize is sponsored by Leyh, Payne & Mallia, PLLC.

For more information, click here


It's a Match Gift!
Many corporations match employee contributions made to the Boy Scouts - these gifts are known as "Matching Gifts."  Additionally, some companies will make contributions on behalf of volunteer time given to Scouting. Click here for more information.




Do You Work With Exxon Mobil?

ExxonMobil Foundation allows districts and sub-districts in the Council to establish accounts.  If you are employed by Exxon Mobil and would like to apply for VIP grants please call Britt Vincent at 713-756-3318 on how to proceed.  Volunteer grants help districts achieve their Friends of Scouting goal. 


Send a Memorial or Tribute

Are you looking for a unique way to recognize those close to you? Give a Memorial ("in memory of") or Tribute ("in honor of") so that those extraordinary individuals in your life will be acknowledged. Click here for more information. 

Order of the Arrow
The Order of the Arrow is the Scouting National Honor Society.  We have several exciting activities and opportunities comingup in the coming months.

Fall Pow Wow
Fall Pow Wow, held on the weekend of October 31 - November 2 is Colonneh Lodge's premier event. It is a weekend of sports, games, expos, contests, Native American crafts, and much more. This is the last lodge event at Camp Strake in Conroe.  Come out for three days of non-stop fun, food, fellowship and celebration! Learn more and sign up today at!

OA Unit Election Season - September 1 through November 17
It's that time of year to start conducting OA elections in your units.  As a reminder, only BSA Boy Scout Troops and Varsity Teams can conduct OA unit elections.  Please contact your OA Chapter Adviser to schedule your Election between September 1 and November 17.  All Scouts and Scouters elected this season will be eligible to go through their Ordeal at any Ordeal event in 2015.  The Lodge will only accept elections approved by the OA Chapter Election team and forms from the OA Chapter Adviser.  Please contact your OA Chapter Adviser to schedule your OA election.  Chapter Adviser contact information can be found here.

National Order of the Arrow Conference 
The National Order of the Arrow Conference (NOAC) is the premier event of the Order of the Arrow, and is Scouting's second-largest national event. Over 10,000 arrowmen from across our nation gather for an inspirational and unforgettable experience full of fellowship, training, adventure, and fun! The 2015 NOAC will be held from August 3-8, 2015 at Michigan State University in East Lansing, Michigan.  The event will celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Order of the Arrow. 
During NOAC, arrowmen will participate in a six-day conference which includes top notch training sessions, cool recreational opportunities, evening shows full of theatrics and special effects, and exciting programs. 
Arrowmen can travel to NOAC with a contingent from their lodge, or as a staff member supporting the thousands of arrowmen attending in the conference.
Arrowmen attending the 2015 National Order of the Arrow Conference will get a once in a lifetime souvenir: a special edition red sash. These sashes will differ from those currently worn, in that the colors will be reversed, with a white arrow emblazoned on a red sash. The rarity of the sash is noteworthy, as only those present at NOAC 2015 will receive them. Any extras produced will not be sold. A limited number of scholarships are available.
Don't miss out on NOAC in 2015, because the next one won't be until 2018! Space is limited.  Register here

Pay Your Dues Online

Don't forget to pay your dues! It's quick and easy online. Visit the Colonneh Lodge website ( to pay your dues for this year. Check out the new patches too!