Boy Scouts of America, Sam Houston Area Council
Escouter Newsletter                                             Jan 2014      
In This Issue
Leader's News
Program News
Community Scout Events

Quick Links


Help with Souper Bowl media event, sort food / TV coverage.  Two  a.m. shifts (5:30 - 7; 7-8:3am) on Jan. 15.  Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts needed.  

Request more info 

 Safety Merit Badge sessions offered at Children's Memorial Hermann Hospital on January 18, March 22, May 24, July 19, September 20, and November 15.  from 9 AM - 12 PM. The cost is FREE.  contact
 Donate your car or boat to Scouting

Houston Arboretum offers Cub Scout courses on forestry, nature, conservation
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Nominate Outstanding Eagle, Jan. 18 deadline

The NESA Outstanding Eagle Scout Award (NOESA) is a prestigious recognition granted by a local council NESA committee to Eagle Scouts who have demonstrated outstanding achievement at the local, state, or regional level. Distinct from the Nat'l Distinguished Eagle Scout Award, this award recognizes Eagle Scouts whose efforts have made a positive impact in their community. Please nominate men who have devoted a lifetime to their profession, avocation, or to the community. 


nomination form / past recipients






Celebrating a Century of Service

Four major events will highlight the celebration of the 100th birthday of the Sam Houston Area Council. Participate in each event and earn the segment to complete this 2014 limited edition Segment Patch. Participants will purchase the initial star patch, and then receive additional segments at no charge upon participation in each event:

* Scouting for Food, January  25 and February 1, 2014
* Scout Fair, April 12, 2014
* SHAC Camp participation: Day Camps, Summer Camp, Winter Camp
* Community Service/Land Stewardship, November 15, 2014


Council Patches
The [base star patch] will be on sale for $1.00 and the [Council Shoulder Strip patches] will be available $7.50 each through our council website.  Both will be sold at the registration counter at Cockrell Scout Center beginning January 2. 
 Leader's News      

Scouting for Food, Jan. 26 & Feb. 1

Now is the time to show our community the Scouting values of being loyal, helpful, kind and cheerful. Scouting for Food is scheduled for January 25 and February 1, 2014, when Scouts throughout the Sam Houston Area Council help make a difference to fight hunger. Scouting for Food is the leading service program for Boy Scouts of America and is a part of the national BSA program - Good Turn for America. More  Register


 Friends of Scouting
The money raised through Friends of Scouting helps offset the cost of recruiting, training and providing programming to youth and adults in the Council.  Sign up for your 2014  Friends of Scouting presentation at your unit's biggest gathering (typically the Blue and Gold Banquet or a Troop Court of Honor).  The presentation informs parents and leaders of all Council services, and gives an opportunity to help support the Council in expanding the Scouting program to more youth. To sign up for your unit's FOS presentation, please contact your District Executive at


Celebrating a Century of Service

On Saturday, April 12th, 2014 from 10 am - 3 pm, Scouts from 16 counties will unite at SCOUT FAIR at Reliant Arena to showcase their Scouting skills and participate in fun-filled activities. Participate in a unit booth to display your unit's skills, activities and show others what makes your unit special during the "Century of Service" celebration.  Register for your booth and be a part this amazing event. Also, sample great tasting food and learn some new things from our partners on the merit badge midway. Scout Fair is FREE and a fun event for the entire family. View Flyer for leaders and Register your unit booth  now! 


Important Dates: Jan. 23- District Kick off (Locations found on Scout Fair Page on Jan. 6); Feb. 1 - Coupon Pack sales begin.



Eagle Scout Applications, Jan. 18
Many Life Scouts are completing their Eagle applications. We want to remind you to be sure the Eagle Scout Applications are turned into the Cockrell Service Center  by Jan. 18, 2014 so Scouts can receive invitations to the New Eagle Scout Reception - 2014 on May 18th, 2014 at the Crown Plaza Hotel near Reliant Stadium.  You and your Troop is welcome to attend as well to honor all 2013 Eagle Scouts in the Sam Houston Area Council.  The event is free to all Scouting Families.  RSVP/More



Blue & Gold Banquets

These place mats are perfect for Packs to use during your Blue & Gold banquets to promote Day Camp and Resident Camp.  Customize them with your District's Day Camp information.  Click for Printable PDF 

Tour Plans 

The new online tour and activity plan has been developed and is active. Please go to You do not need a tour plan for Council sponsored activities or camping at Council camps. For the Council's Guidelines on when to file a tour plan, Click Here.


Enterprise Risk Mgmt Guide for Units 

a. Energy Drinks


STEM- Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics

STEM is part of an initiative the Boy Scouts of America has developed to encourage the natural curiosity of youth members and their sense of wonder about these fields through existing programs. From archery to welding, Scouts enjoy the wide range of STEM-related activities. Nova Awards program provides youth recognition for their efforts.  We are seeking experts in these fields to support our Scouting programs and help create STEM programs for 2014. If you would like to share your expertise and join the new SHAC STEM committee, please contact  Michelle     more


Youth Protection Training
 Youth Protection Training is required for all leaders to be registered with the BSA every two years. The classroom version (per Texas law) is required within the past 2 years for all adults participating in along-term camping experience in the state of Texas. This includes day camp scheduled over consecutive days, Cub Scout/Webelos Scout resident camp, summer camp, and winter camp. Adults must complete the test with a score of 70% or higher to be considered trained and will receive a training card. A copy of each test will be on file for two years. Classroom Facilitated Youth Protection Training will be available in Districts leading up to summer camp and Day Camp. You may also check web sites of neighboring districts. more here

 University of Scouting, Feb. 8 

University of Scouting is designed for ALL adult leaders in the Boy Scouts of America regardless of function or program area. Learn from these sessions and add quality to your program - GUARANTEED! Discover the opportunities available for meetings and outings. Learn about Council activities to support your program. Visit the Scout Shop for your supplies. Learn more about Scouting's origins and the legacy of learning. Follow the train(ing) tracks of fun, fellowship, and learning as we celebrate a century of training in Sam Houston Area Council, Boy Scouts of America. Saturday, February 8, 2014 at Davis High School in Aldine ISD, 12525 Ella Blvd, Houston, TX 77067. Registration opens on January 2, 2014.


Ten Commandment Hike, Feb. 22 

The Sam Houston Area Council is hosting the 19th Annual Ten Commandments Hike in conjunction with Scout Sunday and Scout Sabbath which occur earlier in February.  We will host four different routes: The Museum District Hike will feature some of the older churches in the Museum District southeast of Downtown.  A Kingwood area hike will meander through the wooded areas and view newer sanctuaries with somewhat more modern motifs.  The Southwest Hike is in the beautiful Sugar Land area.  The Downtown Houston Hike, will take place along towering skyscrapers that make Houston so unique.  Participants will enjoy viewing these historic and modern places of worship and hearing a brief explanation of one of the Ten Commandments.  The hike includes an embroidered patch for each participant.  This is a walking event covering the hours of 9:00AM to 4:00PM. $5.00 per participant.  For additional information, contact: George Etier, 713-677-4159 email George Etier;

  Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Venturing, Exploring
You are invited to explore and enjoy all the wonder and beauty of the east Texas rolling hills and lakes at Bovay Scout Ranch. There is a variety of camping opportunities for everyone from Cub Scouts to Boy Scout Troops and Venture Crews. Bovay Scout Ranch has year-round camping program opportunities for all levels of Cub Scouts.  Bovay Scout Ranch has a great swimming pool and an air-conditioned dining hall (closed on Weekend Camping dates).
Bovay Scout Ranch
Bovay Scout Ranch

Adventure Camp at Bovay

Join a weekend camp out for Cub Scouts and their families. Admission covers three meals in the air conditioned dining hall, the Scout's activity supplies and a camp patch for the Scouts. register
Weekend Unit Camping at Bovay

Troops, Teams, Crews, Packs or Webelos Dens can enjoy the amazing beauty of Bovay Scout Ranch rolling hills, trails and vast open spaces. Clean campsites, restrooms and showers are available; units may design their own program activities

and provide their own meals during these weekends. register   



Bovay Scout Ranch Summer Resident Camp

Celebrate 100 years of Service in 2014. When you attend Bovay Scout Ranch Summer Resident Camp, you'll receive a centennial patch segment for camp (one of five to complete the star). If you are a newly chartered Cub Scout Pack in the Sam Houston Area Council, sign up to attend the 2014 Bovay Scout Ranch Summer Resident Camp and receive 25% discount if you register by Friday June 3rd. Please contact Geno Aguilar (713-756-3304) for more information. ATTENTION UNIT LEADERS...If 50% of the youth that your unit Re-charters attends the 2014 Resident Camp, receive one Bovay Scout Ranch Back Pack with the 100th Anniversary logo.  



 Weekend Camp El Rancho Cima

 Experience El Rancho Cima year around.  Your Unit Can:
 * Ride the longest zip line in Texas
 * Enjoy a Horseback Ride, Canoe in the Blanco River, Shoot...Kayak...and Hike  More information   Register Cockrell River Camp   Walter Scout Camp at Horseshoe Bend  or contact Tami Kinn at 713-756-3309





Summer Camp at El Rancho Cima

In 2014, we have two camp anniversaries to celebrate...60 years of camping at Cockrell River Camp and 40 years at Walter Scout Camp at Horseshoe Bend.  Join the celebration during your week of camp. Don't wait, secure your week at El Rancho Cima NOW!!!  If you sign up and follow the payment plan, each Scout and adult will receive an El Rancho Cima T-shirt.   If 50% of the youth that your unit recharters  come to camp,  the unit leader will receive a Fishing Shirt with the 100th anniversary logo.  OR If 75% of the youth that your unit recharters come to camp, the unit leader will receive a satchel with the 100th anniversary logo  (must follow the payment plan for these offers)   More



Nat'l Award for your Eagle Scout project, apply by Jan. 18

After all of the planning, sweat, and effort involved in your Eagle Scout's service project, what do you do next?  How would you like to have your Eagle Scout's project recognized nationally?  Is his service project the "best of the best of the best"? The Sam Houston Area Council Eagle Scout Association is looking for Eagle Scouts to submit their service project documentation for the Glenn A. and Melinda W. Adams National Eagle Scout Service Project of the Year Award.  The first step in this process is to complete the online submission form at   Deadline is Jan. 18, 2014. Parents, mentors, or leaders of the Eagle Scout can complete the form on behalf of the Eagle Scout. 


Cooking Merit Badge
Effective Jan. 1, 2014, the Cooking merit badge is required to obtain Eagle Scout rank. Scouts beginning the merit badge prior to Jan. 1 may use the current requirements. A Scout who has already earned the merit badge will not have to re-earn it with the revised requirements   Read more here
First Aid Meet, Feb. 15
The 36th Council First Aid Meet is Saturday, February 15, 2014 at St. Luke's United Methodist Church, 3471 Westheimer at Edloe St. Each district is allowed TWO (There can be no ties) representative teams from Boy Scout Troops. (This is a Boy Scout program only). Winning teams representing the district must be from regular existing (natural) patrols. . Each team should be composed of five members.  For each problem, there will be four performers and one victim and any other patrol members must "sit out". The Patrols will compete for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. The cost for the 2014 Council First Aid Meet is $25.00 per patrol. more




23rd World Scout Jamboree - Kirara-hama, Yamaguchi, Japan (July 28-Aug 8, 2015)

Eligible participants must be registered with the Boy Scouts of America as a Boy Scout or Venturer and have been born between July 27, 1997 and July 28, 2001. These age ranges are set by the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) and are not negotiable. For more information including Staff, Registration and Payment, click here



New Eagle Scout Reception, May 18

You and your Eagles will not want to miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be recognized by two accomplished Eagle Scouts:  Outstanding Eagle Scout Scott Parazynski, MD and Eagle Scout Sam Malone.  Our Guest Speaker will be Outstanding Eagle Scout Scott Parazynski, MD and former Astronaut - Physician - Inventor.  Dr. Parazynski currently serves as Director and Chief Medical Officer of UTMB's Center for Polar Medical Operations in Galveston.  Eagle Scout Sam Malone, Radio and Talk Show Host for 700 AM KSEV radio and KHOU Channel 11 will be our emcee for the program.   RSVP to attendEvent details

Eagle Scout pictures will be offered at the New Eagle Scout Reception 2014.  An area will be setup where you can snap your own picture or you can have one taken by the Professional Photography group and have it printed on Canvas with optional backgrounds.   A digital copy along with 8x10, 10x12, and 16x20 canvas prints will be offered at competitive prices with proceeds above material cost going to support the event.   Multiple backgrounds, group pictures, and presentation pictures will be offered.  We can also do Mother's, Father's pinning, or Eagle Scout Awards pictures.    More details will be shared soon.  
Scout Days, Scout Nights

Buffalo Scout Museum, Jan. 19

Join us at the Buffalo Soldiers Museum opening up just for Scouts on Sunday, Jan. 19 to include guided tours and advancement workshops for the Heritages Belt Loop and American Cultures Merit Badge. Includes re-enactment of Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad. 1pm - 4pm. $3 Scouts / $5 adults. Call 713 942 8920 for tickets. Program conceived by the African American Committee on Scouting. 

The Harlem Globetrotters, Jan. 26
Sunday, January 26 at 2:00pm at Reliant Arena. Special Scout Offer $16-$25 tickets.  All Scout ticket holders receive an Official Harlem Globetrotters Scout Patch!  More

Advance Autoparts Monster Jam, Feb. 1
Show starts at 7:00pm at Reliant Stadium. Exclusive Scout Offer: $11 tickets plus FREE Monster Jam Scout Patch and Pit Party! Online tickets, use code BSCOUT    For information or to order groups of ten or more, contact Christina at 281-367-9717 or email More
Support Scouting      

Sporting Clays, April 24th

Join the 18th Annual Sporting Clays Tournament at the Rio Brazos Hunting Preserve in Simonton, TX scheduled for Thursday, April 24th to support the Sam Houston Area Council's Scouting programs for at-risk youth. Each 4-person team registered before March 1, 2014 will be entered into a drawing to win FOUR (4) Browning Maxus 12 gauge shotguns - one for each member of your team!  Remember that payment is not due at the time you register, so don't delay!  The drawing will be held at the event.  Need not be present to win.  To register, contact Charlie Tinsley at 713-756-3370 or



It's a Match Gift!
Many corporations match employee contributions made to the Boy Scouts - these gifts are known as "Matching Gifts".  Additionally, some companies will make contributions on behalf of volunteer time given to Scouting. MORE


Do you work with Exxon Mobil?
ExxonMobil foundation allows districts and sub-districts in the council to establish accounts.  If you are employed by Exon Mobil and would like to apply for VIP grants please call 713-756-3318 on how to proceed.  Volunteer grants help districts achieve their Friends of Scouting goal