Boy Scouts of America, Sam Houston Area Council
Escouter Newsletter                                            Sept. 2013      
In This Issue
Leader's News
Program News
Community Scout Events
Support Scouting
Order of the Arrow
Quick Links
September Merit Badge Classes at 
 Bass Pro Shops   Scouts can work toward the
Fishing and Rifle Shooting merit badges.
Donate your car or boat to Scouting

New edition:
Guide to Advancemnt

Houston Arboretum offers Cub Scout courses on forestry, nature, conservation


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A Century of Service

On April 11, 1914, the Sam Houston Area Council received its first charter to give boys the benefits of the Scouting Movement  

Check out the featured activities to celebrate our Century of Service. We invite you to design the Council Strip and special commemorative patches in tribute to the 100th Anniversary.  Reserve your place now at camp to ensure your 2014 CAMP segment!



For Our Leaders, Parents, Volunteers...


Membership Policy Update

This fall, the BSA will release training materials designed to assist councils in communicating policies and guidelines related to the new membership standards.ned to assist councils in communicating policies and guidelines related to the new membership standards. Provided here are key points about the implementation of the new membership standards policy as well as answers to a broad range of frequently asked questions.

Please click HERE for the full resolution on the new membership policy effective Jan. 1, 2014.
  Leader's News      

Design the patch.. deadline Sept. 30

To celebrate our Century of Service, we invite you to design the Council Strip Patch and special 5-piece commemorative patch that will serve as a featured recognition for participating in the 100th Anniversary activities. Make your mark on our shared history. More 


Sell Popcorn...starts Oct. 1

Sell POPCORN!!! It's simple... its fun... it's profitable! Units earn 30% base commission and Scouts earn Reward Bonuses as they reach different levels as well as have the opportunity to earn many other prize incentives.Pay for your entire Scouting program and encourage your Scouts to learn life lessons by "earning their own way." The Scout Award Program motivates Scouts with incentives such as: The $600 Club, $1500 Club & the Trails-End College Scholarship Program. Sell Online or sell to family, neighbors and friends during the take order sale starting October 1st. All sales are combined and count toward the Scout Reward/Prize program. Sales materials & training is provided at one of 5 different Council Popcorn Kick-off locations. Choose which session best suits your schedule! Limited seating/Two people per unit please! Dinner, Training & FREE Leader's Tools. All sessions start promptly at 7PM. Reserve your seat for training kick-off here  


All units MUST sign up to sell in order to sell popcorn. Please direct popcorn inquiries to See important dates on the popcorn page



Council Recognition Reception, Oct. 15
Join us for the Awards Reception on Oct.15 at Chapelwood UMC.  The Silver Beaver Award is the highest form of recognition that a local council can bestow on a volunteer for distinguished service in the area. More than 1500 adult leaders in our Council have been recognized in this manner.   2013 Recipients List In addition to family, friends and Scouters, all past Silver Beaver recipients are invited to attend and congratulate this wonderful group. Light snacks and refreshments will be served, following the ceremony.
Fall Recruitment time is here
It's Fall Rally Season our annual membership drive is here again.  Each pack should be prepared with their 2013 Fall Recruiting Kit ready to hand out to each new recruit. Here is the TV spot that will appear on Comcast.  Look for the 5,000 yard signs and the six billboards promoting Scouting that are starting to appear around the Houston area.  Don't forget to update your unit contact page to receive emails from the parents looking to join your Scouting unit. 
For further information on the District kickoffs or membership related questions, please contact your District Executive.  More info on membership rallies
10% off Scouting Uniforms
Stop by your Scout Shop and get that new uniform you have been waiting on. Purchase a complete uniform and take 10% off the total price. Offer valid thru October 27th and on Cub Scout, Boy Scout, Venture, and Adult Uniforms. Email to sign up for our newsletter that gives you great deals and new item notices monthly.
Leader Training Requirement
Through the implementation of required training for leaders, Councils all over the nation experienced an increase in youth retention, camp attendance, advancement, and overall membership.  These results show how much training affects the health of your Pack, Troop, Crew, Ship, Team or Post. Our goal is training for all of our unit leaders. For the upcoming re-charter in December, 2013, make sure all top unit leaders are trained.  Top leaders are Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Advisors, Skippers, and Coaches. For information on what is required to be a trained leader, click here  SHAC training schedule  submit training records
Cub Scout Shooting Sports Training
Anyone planning to supervise a shooting range at a District or Council event, including: Cub Scout archery, BB Guns, Wrist Rockets (Slingshots), Catapults or Rockets....must take Range Master training. BSA requires all Cub Scout shooting sports to be supervised by a BSA certified Range Master. Range Master training covers setting up a range, safety, handling equipment, using a bow stringer, maintaining and storing equipment and instructing Scouts.Pre-registration is strongly encouraged so enough trainers and handouts are available.

Sept. 15:  Fun with Son Shooting Sport Staff Meeting - Council Service Center - 2 pm - 3 pm
Oct. 12:  Fun with Son volunteers...BB Gun & Archery Range Master Training (TBD)
Nov. 9:   BB Gun & Archery Range Master Training at Pow Wow
Register with Geno at 713-756-3304; Email:  Questions, Cub Scouts Shooting Sports Chair can be reached via email at or via telephone at (832) 692-9271.
Cub Scout Leader BALOO
For a Pack to go camping however there MUST be at least one registered leader on the outing that is BALOO trained. BALOO (Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation) is an 8 hour outdoor training which helps with understanding the BSA progressive camping program for Cub Scouts. Please help spread the word that BALOO training which is usually offered at Cub Scout Leader Pow Wow has been MOVED to its own day and location! BALOO will be offered at Cub World - Camp Strake on Saturday, October 26, 2013 from 9:00 am - 5:00 pm. Cost is $15.00 and includes materials, hand-outs, and lunch. Register here   Questions, contact Michelle Phillips at Michelle.Phillips@SHAC.ORG or Michael Scherer at


Service Opportunity to Volunteer: Fun with Son
We are actively recruiting volunteers from each district to help us deliver this Cub Scout camping experience. This event is not only fun and exciting, but is also very rewarding for all who help serve our newly recruited Cub Scouts and their families. Scouts and Scout Leaders alike from Troops, Crew, Teams and Ships throughout the Council are encouraged to help with this annual event.... Fun with Son is an overnight campout for newly registered Tiger, Wolf, Bear, and Webelos Scouts and their adult partner at Camp Strake in Conroe or Camp Bovay near Navasota from October 18-20, 2012. Scouts will enjoy BB guns, archery, sling shots, crafts, sports, games, campfire, and more. Contact your District Professional to volunteer---no charge to attend, meals will be provided, and campsites are available. More info, email


Tour Plans 

The new online tour and activity plan has been developed and is active. Please go to You do not need a tour plan for Council sponsored activities or camping at Council camps. For the Council's Guidelines on when to file a tour plan, Click Here.


Unit Fundraising

All units engaged in raising funds need to complete a unit money earning application form.  An online form has been developed for your convenience.Guidelines appear on the second page of the paper application form. Sometimes units need to open a new checking account...instructionsPlease direct questions to 713-756-3318


Many units maintain individual Scout accounts - a practice whereby funds are credited for Scout use as set forth by unit committees for payment of camp fees, training, equipment, etc.  These accounts are not recommended and not approved by IRS




Your Emergency Preparedness Plan

The United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is pleased to partner with the Boy Scouts of America to increase the level of citizen preparedness across the country. DHS has asked the Boy Scouts of America to build upon the foundation of the Ready campaign and to help citizens across the country prepare for emergencies of all kinds. September update... more

Enterprise Risk Mgmt Guide for Units 
The purpose of this guide is to prepare adult leaders to conduct Scouting activities in a safe and prudent manner. Policies and guidelines have been established because of the need to protect members from risk and hazards that have been identified through one hundred-plus years of Scouting experience. Communicate the importance of incident and near-miss reporting and hold staff members accountable for implementing reporting procedures at unit, district, and council levels.  For Guide     more

Save Nov. 9 for Cub Scout Leader Pow Wow 
Experience a day of fun learning the tools and resources to help your Cub Scouts have the BEST Scout Program possible! Pow Wow is a training convention that takes place in a festive atmosphere designed for pack leaders - the Cubmaster should take all Cub Scout leaders to this learning extravaganza. Come out to learn new things, share ideas and see what the other packs are doing. We will be offering over 50 courses to choose from! There will be something for Leaders, Assistants & Parents. Event is from 8-4, location TBD


Wood Badge Adult Leadership Course

Wood Badge is a six-day advanced leadership course for Scout Leaders involved in all program levels- Cub Scouting, Boy Scouting, Varsity Scouting, and Venturing. Participants will learn techniques to become better leaders. registration for our 2013 Fall courses The dates for our fall Wood Badge courses are SHAC 13-3: September 12-14 and October 10-12 (Thursday to Saturday course) and SHAC 13-4: October 25-27 and November 22-24 (Friday to Sunday course). Registration is now open for SHAC 13-3 and 13-4.


NYLT Registration is open, Dec. 26-31 
National Youth Leadership Training is an exciting, action-packed program designed for Councils to provide youth members with leadership skills and experience they can use in their home troops and in other situations demanding leadership of self and others. Join us this year at Bovay Scout Ranch in Navasota, TX. Content is delivered in a troop and patrol outdoor setting with an emphasis on immediate application of learning in a fun environment. This course fills up very quickly, more info 


Powder Horn this fall!

2 weekends: September 20 - 22 and October 18 - 20, 2013

Powder Horn is an action-packed, hands-on, six day course to expose adult and older youth leaders to resources available in southeast Texas. Powder Horn Training brings in many experts, or "consultants," to teach sessions. Participants will be exposed to high adventure ACTIVITIES, RESOURCES, NEW IDEAS AND EXCITEMENT to support youth in Troops, Crews, Ships and Teams! Ultimately this will support them to operate a successful high adventure program in their home units. Click here


STEM- Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics

STEM is part of an initiative the Boy Scouts of America has developed to encourage the natural curiosity of youth members and their sense of wonder about these fields through existing programs. From archery to welding, Scouts enjoy the wide range of STEM-related activities. Nova Awards program provides youth recognition for their efforts.  We are currently seeking experts in these fields to support our Scouting programs and help create STEM programs for 2013-2014. If you would like to share your expertise and join the new SHAC STEM committee, please contact  Michelle     more


Youth Protection Training
Youth Protection Training is required for all leaders to be registered with the BSA every two years. The classroom version (per Texas law) is required within the past 2 years for all adults participating in along-term camping experience in the state of Texas. This includes day camp scheduled over consecutive days, Cub Scout/Webelos Scout resident camp, summer camp, and winter camp. Adults must complete the test with a score of 70% or higher to be considered trained and will receive a training card. A copy of each test will be on file for two years. Classroom Facilitated Youth Protection Training will be available in Districts leading up to summer camp and Day Camp. You may also check web sites of neighboring districts. Check here for more info.

Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Venturing, Exploring
Destination...Bovay Scout Ranch

Adventure Camp at Bovay

Join a weekend camp out for Cub Scouts and their families. Admission covers three meals in the air conditioned dining hall, the Scout's activity supplies and a camp patch for the Scouts. Packs, Dens and individual families may register.
Bovay Scout Ranch Video
Bovay Scout Ranch Video

Webelos Coyote Trail Xtreme, Nov. 15-17
You are invited to attend the 2013 Webelos Coyote Trail XTREME!!
We are putting on a one of a kind event just for Webelos Scouts!
Why? To have the MOST FUN you will ever have! Space is Limited! Sign up NOW!
For questions please contact: Geno Aguilar at 713-756-3304 or  For more information or to register online  Registration
Weekend Unit Camping at Bovay

Troops, Teams, Crews, Packs, or Webelos Dens can enjoy the amazing beauty of Bovay Scout Ranch rolling hills, trails and vast open spaces. Clean campsites, restrooms and showers are available; units may design their own program activities and provide their own meals during these weekends. register  


Fun with Son, Oct 18-20
Fun with Son is an overnight campout for newly registered Tiger, Wolf, Bear, and Webelos Scouts and their parent or guardian at Camp Strake in Conroe or Bovay Scout Ranch near Navasota from October 18-20, 2013. Scouts will enjoy BB guns, archery, sling shots, crafts, sports, games, campfire, and more. Admission includes two meals (dinner, breakfast). Registration is now open / more info



Weekend Camping at El Rancho Cima

Experience El Rancho Cima year around.  Your Unit Can:
 Ride the longest zip line in Texas
 Enjoy a Horseback Ride
 Canoe in the Blanco River
 Shoot...
 Kayak...and Hike 
More information   contact Tami Kinn at 713-756-3309


Winter Camp, Registration Starts Today

It is time to start thinking about Winter Camp.  We have a limited number of spaces available.  Reservations will fill up fast.  visit webpage 



Make it El Rancho Cima this Summer

We had a great year at El Rancho Cima Summer Camp.  You will not want to miss what we have planned for next year.  We have two big anniversaries to celebrate...60 years of camping at Cockrell River Camp and 40 years at Walter Scout Camp at Horseshoe Bend.  We will have a celebration each week of camp. 

Don't wait, secure your week at El Rancho Cima NOW!!!  If you sign up and follow the payment plan, each scout and adult will receive an El Rancho Cima T-shirt.   If 50% of the youth that your unit recharters  come to camp,  the unit leader will receive a Fishing Shirt with the 100th anniversary logo.  OR If 75% of the youth that your unit recharters come to camp, the unit leader will receive a satchel with the 100th anniversary logo  (must follow the payment plan for these offers)   More


Land Stewardship Day, Nov. 9

Help restore the beauty and function of the land in our area by participating with a land stewardship organization in a conservation service project.  OR identify a need yourself and partner

with a local organization.  Serve this year and prepare

for participation in our 100 year anniversary celebration in 2014.  More

Raising Funds for your Eagle Project 
Every Life Scout working on the rank of Eagle has to perform a project.  Ideally a project does not require fundraising.  However, if faced with the need to raise funds an Eagle candidate must develop a plan and have the plan approved using the application.  Applicants will want to include a prospect list if wanting to approach area businesses or individuals outside of family contacts.  Be sure to instruct Scouts to SAVE THEIR APPLICATION FORM; Attach the saved application and email to

Applications usually are approved within 48 hours.


Exploring ...Achievement

A team of youths involved in the Harris County Sheriff's Office Explorers (HCSO) program won first place overall in a statewide competition in Arlington.Triumphant "Team A" comes from Explorers Post 42, which meets Wednesday nights from 6 to 9 p.m. at 5200 Aldine Mail Route.

With Explorers from 82 Texas law enforcement agencies competing, contestants from HCSO posts took home 25 trophies as they demonstrated hat they have learned about stopping intoxicated drivers, dealing with bomb threats and defusing domestic violence, among other skills. The competition also included a triathalon. The HCSO has the largest Explorers program in the state and the second largest in the nation, with more than 200 people ages 14 to 20 who want to learn about policing.  More information is at


"I'm so proud, but not surprised, that our Explorers showed the state that they are at the top," Sheriff Adrian Garcia said. "Our program is a way for us to train future recruits to the Sheriff's Office and a way for young people to hone their skills, knowledge, discipline and sense of public service."

Scout Days, Scout Nights
Astros vs Mariners, Sept. 15

Games start at 1:05 p.m. Receive a commemorative patch for the first 2000 ticket purchasers. Also save on service charges and handling fees when you order for a group of 20 or more, contact Brent Broussard
at 713.259.8316  purchases of less than 20 tickets...Log on  and use code Scout...MORE


Grand Prix of Houston, Oct. 6


Experience the thrill of world-class racing as the Grand Prix returns to Houston featuring the fastest cars in North America. Cheer for BSA driver, Justin Wilson during this festival of speed. Join us for Scout Day and save 15%.  Scout groups 20 or more, contact Tony Sullivan to reserve (  For individual tickets, use the promotion code BSA2013.


Schlitterbahn Scout Day, Oct. 26

Join us for the first annual Cub Scout Day where you can work on your Swimming advancement! It's all at Schlitterbahn Galveston Island Waterpark... All Cub Scouts receive an opportunity to participate in requirements for the Swimming Loop and Pin, with all-day park admission and a FREE Schlitterbahn Scout Day Patch.The circuit begins at 9:00 a.m. exclusively for Cub Scouts. The park is open to the public 10:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Admission $17 + tax per person, all ages (Save $11)  Registration and more info  


 Support Scouting      
Wills & Trust Seminar on Sept. 17, Clear Lake

Save the Date: BE PREPARED, the motto of the Boy Scouts of America.  In an effort to help Scouting families and supporters prepare for the future, the Endowment Committee of the Sam Houston Area Council is offering a free Wills & Trusts Seminar.  This free seminar will be held Tuesday, September 17, 2013 from 6:00 to 8:00 PM at the Clear Lake City Library. For information 


CPE, CLE Professional Education, Sept. 25 

All CPA's, Attorneys, Financial Advisors, & CFRE's are invited to attend this complimentary course.  You will receive credit hours:  CPE 5.50 or CLE 5.50 and a certificate of completion will be issued.  No pre-requisites required to complete the course and lunch will be provided.  We welcome speakers: Karen Akiens, Michael C. Riddle, and Frank Mullins. FlyerRegister



Whitney M. Young Jr. Service Award Luncheon, Sept. 26

The Whitney M. Young, Jr. Service Award Luncheon honors distinguished Scouts and organizations that have placed special emphasis on Scouting in support of African American Scouting initiatives in Harris and surrounding counties. The awards luncheon will be held on Thursday, September 26, 2013 from 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. at the Cockrell Scout Center, 2225 North Loop West, Houston, TX, honoring the Buffalo Soldiers Organization, Raquel Collins, Nolan & Glennie Gordon, Harry Johnson, Sr. and Willie Iles. Proceeds will support: Summer Camp Scholarships, the Council Uniform Bank, expansion of Scouting into our more challenging neighborhoods, and the Council's 12-Person Vans for Scout transportation.


Sponsorship Opportunities start at $1,500 for organizations and $75 for individuals. Contact: Charic Daniels, Solicitations Chair, 832-618-9946 or Dwayne Jones, West Division Field Director, Sam Houston Area Council, 713-756-3357


It's a Match Gift!

Many corporations match employee contributions made to the Boy Scouts - these gifts are known as "Matching Gifts".  Additionally, some companies will make contributions on behalf of volunteer time given to Scouting. MORE 



Do you work with Exxon Mobil?

ExxonMobil foundation allows districts and sub-districts in the council to establish accounts.  If you are employed by Exon Mobil and would like to apply for VIP grants please call 713-756-3318 on how to proceed.  Volunteer grants help districts achieve their Friends of Scouting goal

Order of the Arrow
It is time for all OA candidates to choose their Ordeal date if they were elected in 2012.  Please register here 

2013 is the 75th Anniversary of Colonneh Lodge! For the first time ever, any Boy Scout or Adult Leader registered in Sam Houston Area Council can attend Pow Wow for the day!  For more detail and event registration see