Spending CSR Budget to Target Customers Is a Mistake

French management researchers Anne-Sophie Binninger and Isabelle Robert find that, to boost your CSR reputation, you should probably spend more time promoting your company's safety record and job creation ---- and less time promoting your green products.

How Casual Conversation Sparked CSR in the Plastics Industry
Case Study

Germain Archambault, general manager of Interplast Packaging, discusses how he helped introduce a sustainability certification program into the plastics industry ---- and how his company benefited.

How to Drive Social Change:
Webinar March 5

Whether your interest is cause marketing, product labeling, community relations or economic development, this webinar explains how companies can help people make behaviour changes that benefit society ---- and the bottom line.

The Future of Business Is Waste

Writing from Paris, Guy Morgan of Business for Social Responsibility (BSR) explores the hidden value of food waste. From powering households with food scraps to fueling vehicles with cooking oil, he reveals important lessons for capturing value from waste.

Collaboration Expert to Lead NBS Study
NBS News 

Renowned management professor Barbara Gray of Pennsylvania State University has been chosen to lead NBS's next research study on the topic of Collaborating for Sustainability.  

Alternative Fuels Leader Joins NBS
NBS News 

NBS is pleased to welcome technology company Westport Innovations to its 2013 Leadership Council. Westport is a global leader in alternative fuel technologies that allow engines to operate on clean-burning fuels.

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