Greetings from the Arts & Democracy Project!
On February 13, the Arts & Democracy Project, National Alliance for Media Arts & Culture (NAMAC), and Network of Ensemble Theaters (NET) hosted Placemaking & Belonging, a national conference call. In his essay "Creative Placemaking and the Politics of Belonging and Disbelonging," Roberto Bedoya argues that you cannot have a complete conversation about creative placemaking without addressing questions of who belongs now and who will continue to belong as a result of the work. Using this essay as its jumping off point, the call focused on a vision for place-based arts and culture that is built on values of equity, mutual respect, and democracy. Presenters included Gretjen Clausing, PhillyCAM; Roberto Bedoya, Tucson PIMA Arts Council; Robert Gipe, Higher Ground; Anusha Venkataraman, El Puente Greenlight District; and Caron Atlas, Arts & Democracy Project and Naturally Occurring Cultural District Working Group (NOCD-NY).
In this e-newsletter, you will find the Placemaking & Belonging conference call recording and other resources related to the call. |
The Rural Cultural Roundtable Report  The Rural Cultural Roundtable demonstrated the role of place-based culture and creative industries in rural communities. Co-sponsored by Arts & Democracy Project, Center for Rural Strategies, and InCommon, the roundtable took place just prior to the 2011 National Rural Assembly.
Arts & Equitable Development Briefing Call Moving from economic crisis to just and sustainable communities requires imaginative thinking and change on virtually every level.  This 2010 call offered examples of such creative and transformational work including: Higher Ground, Los Angeles Poverty Department, Housing is a Human Right, Laundromat Project, and Leveraging Investments in Creativity (LINC). Listen to a recording of this conversation here. |
Building Community: Making Space for Art (2011)
How might art spaces be incorporated into comprehensive community planning and revitalization strategies? Maria Rosario Jackson draws on 16 years of urban planning research to answer this question, focusing on the full range of artistic activity that people value, the importance of arts and creative outlets for all people, the roles that artists play in society, and the kinds of art spaces needed for robust cultural vitality.
Developing Artist-Driven Spaces in Marginalized Communities: Reflections and Implications for the Field (2012)
This essay by Maria Rosario Jackson, Urban Institute, distills important issues to consider in the creation of artist-driven spaces, primarily those in marginalized communities.
A pivotal white paper written by Ann Markusen and Anne Gadwa for The Mayors' Institute on City Design, a leadership initiative of the National Endowment for the Arts in partnership with the United States Conference of Mayors and the American Architectural Foundation.
Dr. Mindy Fullilove describes the "root shock" suffered when neighborhoods are physically uprooted. Additional articles about root shock can be found here.
Social Impact of the Arts Project (SIAP)
Based at the University of Pennsylvania, SIAP conducts research on the role of arts and culture in American cities with a particular interest in strategies for arts-based revitalization. Publications include: From Creative Economy to Creative Society (2008) and Cultural Clusters: The Implications of Cultural Assets Agglomeration for Neighborhood Revitalization (2010) by Mark Stern and Susan Seifert.
 Center for Urban Pedagogy: Envisioning Development Toolkit Teaching tools about land use and urban development in New York City, including an interactive income map and affordable housing resources. PolicyLink: Equitable Development Toolkit 27 tools to reverse patterns of segregation and disinvestment, prevent displacement, and promote equitable revitalization.
 The Creative Community Builder's Handbook: How to Transform Communities Using Local Assets, Art, and Culture Tom Borrup provides a step-by-step guide to building economic, social, civic and physical community infrastructure through the arts. |
As always, we're proud to highlight the great work in this field to support and cross-pollinate an extraordinary network of artists, cultural workers, policymakers, educators, and activists. Please be in touch, and let us know what you think!
All our best,
Amalia, Caron, Kathie, Javiera, and Michelle Arts & Democracy Project |
Listen to the Placemaking & Belonging conference call here or download it at the NAMAC site.
Listen to our latest conference call Stories & Places on rural arts and culture here.
May 30, 11am - 7pmMuseo del Barrio New York, NY Neighborhood-based arts and culture as an integral part of an equitable, resilient, sustainable, and creative city.
June 6-8
New York, NY
This conference brings together activists, academics, and professionals striving toward just and sustainable communities.
MicroFest USA: Honolulu
June 13-18
The culmination of the Network of Ensemble Theater's (NET) series of MicroFests that address the impact of art and artists in revitalizing communities.
June 14-16
Pittsburgh, PA
The Placemaking & Belonging session explores place-based arts and culture that promote equity and democracy, drawing on case studies from Los Angeles, Tucson, and New York City.
Open Dialogue 13:
People, Places, and Policy
August 2-4
Providence, RI
Organized by The Association of American Cultures, this convening focuses on pivotal people, places and policies impacting cultural democracy in America.
The Arts & Democracy Project builds the momentum of a cultural movement that draws on a rich history of arts activism, social justice organizing, and grassroots engagement. Arts & Democracy Project is a sponsored project of State Voices. Thank you to the Nathan Cummings Foundation.