Clubs & Meetings | Alpha Book Club: Hidden Order, by Brad Thor. Discussing at 3:00 pm, on Monday, Oct. 6, Main Library.
You're welcome to attend as long as you have read the book. Meets 2nd Monday of month. Next month's book is The Aviator's Wife, by Melanie Benjamin.
Knit for Peace 6:00 pm, Oct. 14 Open meeting for knitters & crocheters. 2nd Tuesday of month. At Main Library.
Whoops - wrong date listed for Last Call in last newsletter.Amended date:
Last Call Book Club: Life After Death, by Damien Echols. 7:00 pm, Tues., Oct. 21, Icons Martini Bar, Rock Island. Must be 21. Meets 3rd Tuesday of month.
Begin Here for free technology training | Free classes at Rock Island Library locations on tablets, downloading books, and more!
Wed., Oct. 8, 6:30 pm - Get to Know Your Tablet or iPad. Learn some basics and some tips for your tablet PC. Bring your device. All ages.
Wed., Oct. 23, 3:00 pm - How to Download eBooks. Learn how to get free eBooks to read on a portable device. Bring your device. All ages. |
Lights, Camera, Literacy! | Rock Island Library Foundation presents a star-studded "Food for Thought" fundraiser on Thurs, Nov. 13, from 5:00 to 7:30 pm at the Rock Island Main Library.
Walk the red carpet to a night of "shush free" conversation, fabulous food from local chefs, complimentary beverages, musical entertainment and a silent auction.
All included. Entrance by donation. $35 with RSVP, $40 with no RSVP. Call 309-732-7326. |
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Do you teach? | Free teacher guides and lesson plans with activities centered around the themes in the Hometown Teams exhibit are available from the Museum on Main Street website. Group exhibit tours are also available. To set up a tour, call Lisa Lockheart at 309-732-7303.
Watch for more news about what's happening at your library! Or, click the News or Calendar menus on our website anytime.
You can also print a monthly events calendar from our website. See the links below to find more programs:
Website calendar of events
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Map to Main
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Signup or Forward to a Friend Sign up for our Library Lines eNews at the City of Rock Island eNews site. |
Batter Up! Pro Baseball in the Quad Cities | The Moline Plowboys, the Rock Island Islanders, Davenport Blue Sox and other local minor league baseball teams are on deck for Bill Kemp's talk on the Three-I League, one of our Hometown Teams programs on local sports history. Join us:
6:00 pm, Tues., October 7 Rock Island Main Library
The program is free and open to the public. Make sure you see the Hometown Teams exhibit, too!
Hometown Teams On View Through Oct. 25
Hometown Teams exhibits and program information
In addition to the Smithsonian exhibit on our 1st and 2nd floors of the Main Library, make sure to visit our Ground, First and Second Floors for a local look at our great sports history. Exhibits include memorabilia from a local man's time as a NFL replacement referee, school trophies and photos, memories of the Rock Island Independents, professional Tri-Cities Blackhawks and QC Thunder basketball, and the places where we play.
Supporting exhibits/programs also available at Moline Library, Rock Island Historical Society,
Karpeles Manuscript Museum, and Butterworth Center. The list is too long to mention here, so check our website or pick up a free program guide.
You can view the Smithsonian exhibit, and all local companion exhibits until Oct. 25. All programs and exhibits are free and open to the public.
Basketball, Softball & New Roles of Women in Sports | Local history takes the court, the ball diamond and everywhere else with our three remaining Hometown Teams programs!
Classic Arena, Big Time Basketball looks at the history of the Tri-Cities Blackhawks - one of the first teams of the NBA! Dr. Curtis C. Roseman considers the team's impact, the games, and the players that captivated fans at Wharton Field House from 1946-51. 6:30 pm, Tuesday, Oct. 14, Main Library.
Rock Island: Center of the Softball Sixties looks at the impact of International Softball Congress World Tournaments at Douglas Park in the 1960s. Historian Tom McKay considers the cultural factors and organizations that made Rock Island at the center of men's fast-pitch softball. 6:00 pm, Thurs., Oct. 16, Main Library.
Girls Got Game: Title IX and New Opportunities for Women in Sports looks at how the historic act changed women's lives. Dr. Jane Simonsen, of Augustana College, will present some of the background, and then lead a panel discussion with local residents who benefited first hand! 6:00 pm, Mon. Oct. 20, Main Library.
All programs are free and open to the public. |
Stimulating Discussions | Fall Frieze Lecture Series with Augustana College: After a fall of sports, the Frieze Lecture Series will consider other aspects of our hometown. What does hometown mean? What are our other local claims to fame? Speakers include Dr. Thomas Tredway, Meg Gillette and Dave Wrath. Lectures are at 2:00 pm, Tuesdays, Oct. 21, 28, Nov. 4, and 11, in the Rock Island Main Library Community Room. Presented by Augustana College and Rock Island Library. Cookies and coffee served afterwards. Come enjoy stimulating college talks, without tests or grades!
 Arab-Israeli Conflict: Rock Island and Moline Public Libraries, in conjunction with the Jewish Federation of the Quad Cities, will again present a discussion series with Dr. Art Pitz on the Arab-Israeli conflict. Four topics in The Middle East: Is there light at the end of the tunnel? will be presented at 6:00 pm on these four Tuesdays: Oct. 21 & 28 - Moline Public Library Nov. 4 & 11 - Rock Island Public Library
All discussions are free and open to the public. |
Wait, there's more! | Stay tuned for more news on free events for children and teens. Or follow us on Facebook or online! |